6 weeks after miscarriage no period could i be pregnant

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A 20-year-old female asked:

6 weeks after my miscarriage and still haven't had a period why?

6 weeks after miscarriage no period could i be pregnant

Obstetrics and Gynecology 19 years experience

Hormones: I tell women it can take 6 to 8 weeks to have a cycle that's normal following a miscarriage. Sometimes the lining has to build all the way back up ag... Read More

Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

4.3k viewsReviewed >2 years ago

A 45-year-old female asked:

12 weeks after miscarriage and still no period ! is this normal ?

6 weeks after miscarriage no period could i be pregnant

Obstetrics and Gynecology 31 years experience

6 months: It can take up to 6 months. You might check with your gyn if you are having other symptoms.

Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

4.9k viewsReviewed >2 years ago

A 42-year-old female asked:

Miscarriage over 6 weeks ago. still no period...is that normal?

6 weeks after miscarriage no period could i be pregnant

Family Medicine 31 years experience

Can be: This can be normal after a miscarriage. It can take some time for your period to return to normal, but be careful as sometimes you may ovulate, not k... Read More

Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

4.4k viewsAnswered >2 years ago

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gnh98 over a year ago

I had a miscarriage 6 wks ago tomorrow. I still have not had AF but in the past few days I have felt like it might be coming on. I am having sore breasts, light cramps, and feel bloated. However, these are the same things that happened when I was pregnant the first time. My husband and I did wait a few weeks after the miscarriage to have intercourse but then after that we did not actively try not to conceive. I would like to hear from others who got pg before AF after a miscarriage. Also, when should I test to see if I am?

Korina36 over a year ago

Hi GNH - Well it was strange for me to read your message, because Oct 3, 2002 I had a miscarriage. I was 8 weeks and 4 days along. I had to go in for a DnC to remove the pregnancy, and our doctor told us not to have sex for 4 weeks, and at that time it would be safe to begin planning our family again. Well, as many young couples do not listen to their practicioner, we only waited one week. On Nov 9th 2002 I went to my doctor and my husband and I decided to wait to try for another baby so I went on the birthcontrol pill. I had a regular period at that time, and then again in December. On New Years Eve that night, I wasn't feeling like myself, I was dizzy and felt faint. My husband bought a HPT and I tested Positive. I was in SHOCK!! Here I was on the pill and just experienced a misscarriage. We were happy non the less. I immediatley called the Dr. to tell him that I tested Pos, and he told me to end my Birth control. I went in to see him on Jan 3 2003 and the blood test too was positive. He scheduled me for an ultra sound for that day because he was conserned about the birthcontrol and pregnancy. We believed I was only about 5 weeks along. Boy were we wrong. According to the Ultra sound I was 11 weeks 5 days pregnant!!!! So when we traced that back, I literally got pregnant one week after we'd miscarried. It is completely possible to become pregnant that soon after misscarriage and AF. June 26 2003 we had a beautiful baby girl. All the best and good luck.

gnh98 over a year ago

It was great to read your reply. We have been trying for several years without luck and then finally got pg in August, then miscarried in Oct. It was devastating but at the same time we were so happy to know that we actually can get pg:) We hope it happens again asap. Thanks again!

Guest over a year ago

hi, i want to know my chances of getting pregnant again after 6weeks of miscarriage.

wrightrd1 over a year ago

Your chances are good. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks in March and had a DNC. My husband and I were told not to have sex without some kind of protection until after my next period came. So we waited it took about a month to get my period. In early May we had sex only three times. Last week I was feeling a little sick so I took a test and it was positive. I called my doctor and he ordered a blood test and it came back good. Two days later he retested me to see if my hormone levels were doubling and they were. He said that is a good sign that this pregnacy may take. I have two friends and they both waited one month before trying and were also able to become pregnant the following month and each of them now has a healthy baby. Good luck!

WAYNES MOMMY over a year ago


Guest over a year ago


Miracle Baby over a year ago

It is from the best of my knowledge that getting pregnant after a miscarriage is more likely than those without or people who have tried for years. I just had a miscarriage on May 3rd, 2007. On May 2nd I took a blood test at the dr's office, May 3rd before I could get my results i woke up with my menstal cycle and was worried, talked to the dr and my results were a LOW positive, took another test on the 4th and it showed negative I miscarried. So I counted my 31 days to my next cycle because I don't usually miss and on June 2nd no period. Tested at home with a HPT and got a faint positive, two days later tested again darker positive. Finally went back to the dr and tested again and it was positive my HCG was 756 which means I was 5 Weeks pregnant putting me at 1 week pregnant AFTER my miscarriage. I just had another HCG test done by the OBGYN a week after that and my levels are at 5,200 or so. I am now 6weeks and hoping all stays well but I am also on Prometrium 2x's a day at 100MG to hold the pregnancy.

So in answer to everyones question it is HIGHLY likely to become pregnant RIGHT after a miscarriage but dont think you are in the clear. Just be careful and listen to your dr because it could turn into higher risks. I am still waiting to make sure all is ok and until after my first trimester I am not out of the clear. Although dont let this scare you plenty of people have had MANY healthy babies after miscarriage! So good luck to all and I hope I've helped.

Guest over a year ago

I thank everyone for their input and response it really may me feel good and gave me some comfort to know i have a chance .

Guest over a year ago

ok so my story is very similar to all of yours but i miscarried due to a heart shaped uterus and the fetus didnt have room to grow............now 5 weeks later i test positive on a hpt havent had a mens. cycle and am freakin out so i wanna know if im pregnant and do a online calculator to find out how far, what do i put for the first day of the last mens. cycle???????? the day i miscarried?

janine25 over a year ago

hi i have just had a miscarriage on 31st august i was 9 weeks pregnant and was my first baby i was expecting i just want too know me and my partner have had sex since and wondered if i could be pregnant? and how long after a miscarriage do u wait for your next period also after we had sex was a spot of blood is that a bad sign? i keep thinking i cant have children

Guest over a year ago

hi same thing is happening to me i had a m/c 61/2 weeks ago (i was only 6 weeks) and have had no af , i tested this week as had pg symptoms and it is positive, i have been told by one dr i am pg and by another it is left over hormone, so am now very confused and have demanded a scan.

Guest over a year ago

hi there i had a early miscarriage about 6 weeks due to poor placenta implantation and was told i would have to wait untill my next period came but me being my dopey self dident think that i would get pregnant anyway i didn't get my period only to find out i was 5 weeks pregnant i went for a scan about 8 weeks and there was no hartbeat i miscarried later that day i got told i would have to wait a week but i miscarried that day a month later i found out my uterus wasent strong enough to hold the baby after a miscarriage today i found out i am 10 weeks and i am pregnant with twins!!! the symptoms are to look out for spotting cramping and also loss of symptoms e.g you have really bad morning sickness and all of a sudden they stop that is a sign that the baby has stopped growin[/list]

Guest over a year ago

I had LLETZ on Feb 3 (for pre cancerous cervical cells) found out on March 6th i was pregnant. On May 11 i found out that i had had a missed misscarriage thought i was 13.3day but baby stopped growing about 8-9 weeks. I had a DC on 13th May... waited just over a week to have sex (despite dr saying wait till after next period) did 2 pregnancy tests today and they were both faint possitives. haven't had a period since DC so i assume the chances of getting preg are very high!! So stocked to conceive so quickly!! Have twin 4.5 yo boys desperate for a girl.. Heres hoping!!!
Good luck

Guest over a year ago

hi. i was about seven weeks pregnant. i found out on april 29th. i went in for the ultrasound and found out that the baby had died. i waited maybe a week for the blood to slow down. and had intercourse. i waited for my period to come for june. and it came for a day and a half. like last time when i found out i was pregnant. im trying to wait out this month before returning to my doctors. just to see if i get it this month. what are the odds that i could be pregnant? im showing singes but im afraid that its all in my head.

What happens if you don't get your period 6 weeks after a miscarriage?

A person who does not have a period after 6 weeks following a pregnancy loss may want to take a pregnancy test. If there is no pregnancy, but a period does not occur, people should speak with a doctor. A medical professional may recommend waiting until after a period arrives to try for another pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant with no period after miscarriage?

You may be surprised to learn that you can get pregnant after a miscarriage without even having a “normal” menstrual period. How? Well, after you miscarry, your body starts the process of getting back into its usual reproductive routine. This means that you might experience ovulation before getting another period.

When should I expect my period after a miscarriage at 6 weeks?

Most women who have miscarried have a period four to six weeks later. Your period may be heavier or more painful than usual, and you may notice a strong odor.

Can you get a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks after miscarriage?

The amount of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may still be high enough to trigger a positive result on a pregnancy test for several weeks after a miscarriage.