Before and after 3 treatment 1 week laser lipo results

One day, you’re happy with the way you look. The next, you wake up and realize that you’re just not as thin as you used to be. This isn’t fun for anyone, but it’s especially frustrating when you put in the effort to diet and lose weight, but there are a few stubborn areas that just refuse to respond. Fortunately, here at MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center in Milford, PA, we offer laser liposuction: a great way to get rid of those stubborn fat cells that just don’t want to respond.

Most people who have this treatment can expect to lose right around 25 pounds. For most people, this is the equivalent of dropping a whole pant size, but it’s different for each of us. It will all depend on the distribution of your body fat and where you’re having it removed from.

Why Do Weight Loss Results Differ?

25 pounds is the average, but it’s also true that some people can lose as much as 30 or 40 pounds, while others may only lose around 15. The factors that affect your personal results include how much body fat you have total, how much was removed by the treatment, how well your body responds to the treatment, and even factors such as your age and gender.

How Many Inches Can You Lose Around the Waist?

A lot of people are more interested in their look and how they appear in their clothes than just a number on the scale. And for many of us, that’s good. Numbers on the scale fluctuate, and the scale can’t tell the difference between fat and muscle weight; but inches around the waist are a really good indicator of true progress. 

Most people can expect to lose between one and two inches from their waist with this lipo treatment, and if you’re treating your upper arms or thighs, you can expect to lose around an inch from these areas, too. However, some people do lose more. The more body mass you have, the more inches you’re likely to lose. Studies show that those with high body mass can lose as much as five to 10 inches with repeat treatments.

What Is Treatment Like?

Your treatment will vary depending on how many areas you’re having treated, the fat composition in those areas, and how large the areas are. The general average for treatment times is about an hour for each body area treated. This means if you’re treating multiple areas of the body, you’ll want to plan for an hour for each area being treated. 

If you’re treating both upper thighs, then, you should expect to need about two hours. The good news is this is not a painful, or invasive, treatment. You won’t require anesthesia, so you won’t be waiting around for a long time for that to wear off. Most people feel like they are getting a heated massage. And once it’s over, you can go right back to your normal routine and activities, including driving yourself home.

How Many Appointments Will It Take to Achieve Your Goals?

The number of appointments it will take to get you where you want to be will depend on three things: the fat distribution in the area being treated, how large the area is, and your ultimate goals. So, for example, let’s say you’re interested in treating just a small area, like under your chin or a small part of the arms. Most people only need one treatment to see their final results. Now let’s imagine that you want to treat an area that typically contains a lot more fat cells, like the stomach or the thighs. 

In this case, you may need several treatments to get where you want to be. Remember that each treatment is destroying around 25% of the fat cells. If your goal is to destroy 50% of the fat cells in that area, you’ll get half of them with your first treatment. However, remember that your next treatment will get 25% of the remaining fat cells, not another 25% of the total. You’ll probably need three to four treatments to get your final results in this case. When you come to see us for a consultation, we’ll help you understand the number of treatments you need and develop a plan for your own personal goals.

How Soon Will You See the Results?

You’ll be recovered from your treatment immediately, but you will need to wait a little time to see your final results. Your body needs a bit of time to process the fat cells and flush them away. Most people see their first results developing within a week. You’ll notice that you’re looking slimmer, and this process will continue for the next four to six months. 

The best results will be showing at around the four-month mark. The great thing about this is the results are gradual, not sudden, so you won’t look like you’ve had work done. Instead, you’ll look like you’ve gradually lost weight through diet and exercise alone. No one has to know you had laser lipo unless you choose to tell them, preserving your privacy.

Will You Be Able to Gain Weight After Laser Lipo?

Yes, you can, but that’s not a bad thing! You would not want a treatment that disturbed your body’s natural processes. Our bodies need fat to function, and we can never remove all the fat cells in a given area. That would not be healthy, and your body would not respond well to it. This treatment destroys fat cells, but some fat cells will, and should, remain. Those fat cells are still capable of storing fat and expanding. The degree to which they do so will depend on your diet and exercise habits.

Will the Fat Come Back After Treatment?

The answer is both yes and no. No, in the sense that the fat cells you have lost are gone forever. Fat cells are different from other types of cells. They do not regenerate, and once you’ve “made” all your fat cells (usually by the end of puberty, if not long before), your body does not make new ones. The fat cells removed from this treatment are gone for good. 

But, as stated, the remaining fat cells can still expand. These fat cells will respond normally to your diet and exercise. If you maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercises, you are unlikely to gain more than five or ten pounds at most over the first year or two after treatment. A poor diet and lack of exercise, however, could cause you to regain most, if not all, of the pounds. Laser lipo can help you get rid of the fat: do your part to keep it away once it’s gone!

Where Can Treatment Be Performed?

Any place where you have enough fat for safe removal is a good place to have treated. Some of the most commonly treated areas include:

  • Thighs
  • Under chin
  • Stomach
  • Neck
  • Breasts or chest
  • Buttocks
  • Underarms
  • Hips

The most commonly treated areas of all are the stomach and thighs, and that’s because our bodies tend to put fat here more easily than other areas.

Is There an Ideal Weight I Should Be Before Treatment?

Ideal candidates have a BMI within the normal range, though it’s ok to be a bit beyond that. Also, BMI is not a perfect way to measure body fat. It can’t, for instance, tell the difference between the weight of fat and the weight of muscle. Some bodybuilders and professional athletes, for instance, have “unhealthy” BMI scores simply because they have so much muscle! 

Because of this, we consider a range of factors in deciding if you’re at the right weight for this treatment. For example, we may want to consider your waist-to-hip or waist-to-height ratios or other measurements of fat distribution.

Can’t I Use This Treatment to Get Started Losing Weight?

A lot of people are surprised to find that treatments like laser liposuction are for the end, not the beginning, of the weight loss journey. This treatment isn’t a replacement for healthy weight loss through diet and exercise. If your BMI is too high, or your weight ratios are not ideal, we’ll encourage you to lose some weight before seeking treatment. 

This treatment is about getting across the finish line; getting rid of those last few pounds and inches, especially if they’re not responding to your exercise attempts. And, because it’s still possible to gain weight even after this treatment, it’s important you make good exercise and diet habits part of your routine before you seek treatment. That way, you can expect the best results and will be able to keep them for a lifetime.

Is There a Right Age for This Treatment?

As long as you are over 21, there are no age limits or requirements for seeking treatment. All you need is enough excess weight that there’s some to be removed. We don’t typically consider age in deciding who can have this treatment.

Is There a Right Time to Get This Treatment?

If you are a woman who hasn’t finished having children, it’s a good idea to wait before getting this treatment. Pregnancy and childbirth might undo your results. Furthermore, if you’re hoping to lose those last inches before a big event–such as a wedding or the start of beach season–remember that your full results won’t be visible until at least four months, and perhaps as many as six. 

It’s a good idea to time your treatments six months in advance to be sure you get the results you’re looking for in time to show them off! Other than this, however, there are no restrictions or “best times” for this treatment. If you’re not pleased with your appearance, it’s time to get treated.

How Can I Maintain My New Weight?

This treatment should be something you add to a healthy diet and exercise routine. Be sure to stay active, engaging in some exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Eat a range of fruits and vegetables, plenty of healthy protein, healthy fats, and avoid carbohydrates and sugars–especially refined grains and starches.

Get Rid of the Unwanted Pounds

You don’t have to live with the weight you have now. With laser liposuction, you can melt away those last few pounds and inches and get the results you’re looking for. If you’d like to learn more, reach out to us at MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center in Milford, PA today!

How long does it take to lose weight after laser lipo?

Most people see their first results developing within a week. You'll notice that you're looking slimmer, and this process will continue for the next four to six months. The best results will be showing at around the four-month mark.

How often can you use lipo laser?

Laser Lipo FAQs: How many treatments will I need? To see maximum results a course of 8 treatments is recommended, per body area. These treatments should be done twice per week at regular intervals.

How many inches can Lipo Remove from waist?

How Many Inches Can I Lose After This Procedure? You can expect to lose a couple of inches from your waist after this procedure. A good rule of thumb is you can expect to lose around an inch for every five pounds of fat lost.

Can you gain weight after laser lipo?

The fat cells removed during laser liposuction will not return to their original site. However, remaining fat cells in the area can become enlarged with weight gain, and brand-new fat cells can develop.