Benefits of combining wellbutrin and zoloft reddit

I was on this and really liked it!! No interactions. I was weaning off 50mg of Zoloft and on 25mg of Zoloft when I started 150mg of wellbutrin.

My problem was on Zoloft I couldn’t stop gaining weight and couldn’t lose any so now just on 150mg of Wellbutrin and already lost 4lbs in less than a week.

That’s just me though. If you’re not having weight problems with the Zoloft then try this! Zoloft affects everyone’s weight differently. My sister has been on 50mg Zoloft for over a year and is still a skinny Minnie haha

But my psychiatrist said wellbutrin and Zoloft can go together as long as it’s a low dose (25mg-50mg) of Zoloft with the wellbutrin

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So, I am 24 years old and was diagnosed with depression in my late teens. I've been on a number of different medications since then, all with different levels of success...

Fluoxetine (Prozac) This was the first anti-depressant I was ever prescribed and I couldn't really tell you what it did in terms of my depression as I was on it for such a short period of time, due to extreme side effects. I only took it for about 5 weeks, as it caused massive sedation/zombieness/watching life pass behind through a glass windscreen type effect, to the point where I actually don't remember a single thing about the month of my life when I was taking it. I am sure it works wonders for some people, and perhaps it would have me, but regardless of any possible good effects that may come from it, my doctor discontinued it after five weeks because I was actually less functioning on it than on nothing. I think I just slept and was like a robot.

Citalopram (Celexa) I was taken off Fluoxetine and prescribed Citalopram instead. First few weeks took some adjustment but after 3 or 4 weeks, it really started having a fantastic effect on my mood, my motivation and enthusiasm, my sleep, just everything really. It absolutely worked for a lot of my symptoms and it was great. However, it caused a lot of side effects - I gained about 3st in weight (around 42lb), my sex drive diminished and I had problems reaching orgasm. I was able to cope with all these side effects as the impact on my depression was so worthwhile to me at that time. However, after 10 months, the drug stopped working as effectively on my mood and depression, I started having outbursts of anger and frustration, all the whole the negative side effects were still omnipresent. I stopped citalopram after it stopped working for me - the positive effects faded away after 10 months, and whilst it had been a great fit for me for a while, by the end it was then causing more problems than it solved. I came off it.

Mirtazapine (Remeron) What can I say... once I came off the citalopram my sleep was back to crazy - and by sleep I mean crippling 3-4 day insomnia. I needed to get back on meds for my depression but I was also wanting something that would help with my sleep. I was prescribed mirtazapine... and wow. The first few weeks, my sleep was AMAZING. It didn't have a huge impact, if any, on my depression but I put it down to just needing to get used to the drug and give it time to work. Well, I am an idiot. After about 6 months, it stopped working as good for sleep and I was frustrated that it was still failing to help life my depression. But I carried on taking it and told the doctor. I had very few side effects with mirtazapine - some weight gain, but a lot less than citalopram, and the sexual side effects were much less prominent than with citalopram too. So there were no huge problems. It just wasn't working for my depression. We upped the dose from 15mg to 30mg and then to 45mg... I really wanted it to work as I had so few side effects and the sleep was nice. I was on mirtazapine for over 2 years, but I finaly gave in. My doctor upped the dose to 60mg a night - the max dose and it is supposed to be used in in-patients only, but we just wanted to give it one final shot - and after 3 weeks, still no effect on my depression. I have no negativity towards mirtazapine, it was a miracle for my sleep, the side effects were much milder than citalopram and fluoxetine, it just... didn't really have an impact on my depression.

Sertraline (Zoloft) Last year I finally made the move after 2 years of mirtazapine to sertraline (Zoloft). WOW. The first 2 months on sertraline were crazy! My mood was FANTASTIC. I was so motivated, enthusiastic, I could not wait to wake up the next day... my sleep was good, not a groggy type sleep with mirtazapine, just natural sleep and things were fantastic/amazing for a few months - no depression whatsoever for 2 months. The third month or so, my mood got a little weird, to the point where I was referred to a specialist mental health team as they were worried I was experiencing mania and may in fact have something else going on than just depression. They figured I wasn't, in the end, and I was allowed to stay on sertraline with regular appointments with my GP and specialist mental health team. And... then a while later, the good moods faded, the enthusiasm and motivation that was there originally just disappeared, and here I am - still taking sertraline every day, but like citalopram... it just isn't working for me any longer. It was fantastic whilst it lasted but after over a year taking sertraline, it is no longer having any positive effect on my mood, and I have absolutely zero motivation and enthusiasm. None at all. The only side effects I have are sexual, there has been no weight gain or anything like that. It's just not working for my depression, and I am finding myself increasingly depressed, anxious and... you know.

So here I am on the sertraline and wondering where we go from here, at 24 having already tried all these different types of drugs. Venlafaxine (Effexor) has been offered as a potential, and I have also been given the opportunity to try taking Bupropion (Wellbutrin) in addition to my current sertraline if I do not wanna make a switch to venlafaxine yet. The truth is, I do not like what I read about the Effexor, and it seems very similar to citalopram/fluoxetine/sertraline in many ways, which makes me feel like I know what I will be getting in terms of side effects, but I don't feel like it will be a miracle drug for my depression either... at least not for longer than a few months.

On this basis, I am considering going down the route of adding bupropion (Wellbutrin) to my existing sertraline. I have heard this can reduce the sexual side effects of sertraline (which is basically the only real side effect I have with it), as well as have a better effect on mood, but especially on increasing motivation/enthusiasm.

My question is, does anyone have a similar drug history to me in terms of what they have tried? And if so, did you have similar findings?

In addition, has anyone here taken sertraline and bupropion side by side with each other, or are you currently? If so, has this helped? Has it helped better your mood and increased motivation?

I need something to help get me out of this hole as I know I am heading towards a very slippery path if I don't act soon - but venlafaxine just feels overly familiar and like it doesn't really offer anything in terms of side effects or efficacy than most of the drugs I have already tried. Therefore the bupropion and sertraline combination sounds inviting - but I know very little of bupropion and don't know if it is going to give the boost I need in terms of my mood and motivation/enthusiasm.

Sorry for the huge post. Thank you in advance.

What does adding Wellbutrin to Zoloft do?

Combining these medications may increase the risk of seizures, which may occur rarely with either medication. In addition, buPROPion can increase the blood levels of sertraline, which may increase other side effects.

Are Zoloft and Wellbutrin prescribed together?

Actually, yes. You can take Wellbutrin and Zoloft together. According to an article published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, about 15-20% of depression patients experience depressive symptoms that are persistent beyond appropriate treatment. This is where doubling up on Wellbutrin and Zoloft comes in.

What is the best antidepressant to take with Wellbutrin?

Clinical studies have shown that taking Wellbutrin and Lexapro together can produce beneficial results. Combining Wellbutrin and Lexapro together can improve symptoms in depressed patients.

Can you combine Wellbutrin with SSRI?

Potential interactions: Since bupropion can cause a dose-dependent increase in seizures, concurrent use with SSRIs could increase this risk. Concurrent use could also increase the potential for additive stimulation effects such as tremor, anxiety, panic symptoms, and psychotic reactions.


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