Can detox tea affect your menstrual cycle

The first step towards loving our body is accepting it as it is, with the good and the bad. Us women have a natural ‘archenemy’ that changes us on the inside and on the outside once a month, and it’s time we stopped fearing it.  We need to accept that menstruation forms part of our life, and use the tenderness that characterizes those days to love ourselves even more.

We often get questions about whether it’s advisable or not to do a Dietox detox therapy during your period, and we want to help answer all your questions on this topic.

To start with, it should be made clear that just as our body undergoes changes through the various times of the month, human beings also experience changes throughout the course of the day, regardless of gender.

What happens to the body throughout the course of a day?

The first few hours of the day are the perfect time for our body to rid itself of everything it has accumulated during the night, while we were sleeping. We could say this is its detox moment.

In the evening, the body tends to store up reserves to cover the upcoming caloric expenditure of the last few hours of the day, to keep our energy levels from dropping. It’s important, among other things, to keep a balanced diet to help our body and mind stay energized and lively until the moment in which we leave our worries behind and relax.

At night, the body repairs our tissues so that, among other things, we flaunt beautiful skin the morning after. That’s why we talk of restoring sleep, when we feel truly rested, having slept without interruptions. Dinning early can also help achieve it.

And what happens when you are on your period?

What goes on in our body on a monthly basis? The female body prepares itself for pregnancy, putting us through a hormonal roller coaster every month; whether pregnant or not. What exactly do we go through? Sudden mood changes, abdominal bloating, fluid retention, the odd breakout… There’s an explanation for it all: the hormonal changes we’re undergoing.

Can I do detox therapies while on my period?

We all know that each body is a world unto itself, and that each body behaves differently. Some women are prone to bloating and fluid retention the days prior, while others experience it during the days of their period. Regardless of which category you fall into, you can do a detox cleanse the days before your period, or right after; whichever suits your body best!

What is certain is that juice-based detox therapies are absolutely compatible with menstruation, and they can be of great help when it comes to flushing out excess fluids and relieving bloating. Your body feels the need to rid itself of what it no longer needs, and what better time than this to embark on 1 to 3 days of detox therapy with organic juices?

While regular ‘detoxers’ will report a reduction in their weight or bloating, improved skin, better sleep and a general feeling of lightness and well-being after completing a cleanse or a detox, and there is definitely some argument in favour of rebooting your system in this way, the question arises as to whether undertaking a detox while on your period is beneficial, or on the contrary can be harmful to your body.


During your period, your body loses iron through blood loss and generally requires a few extra calories to keep your energy levels up, and so going on a juice fast or surviving on a bowl of soup for a few days may not seem like the wisest idea. That doesn’t mean you can’t take some steps to make your body healthier during that time of the month, and a less rigid, more holistic version of a detox may well be a viable option. Particularly if you have just come out of a few weeks of unhealthy eating or general excess, or even if you’re just feeling a little less than your best self.


Here are some ways to safely detox in a healthy way, even during your period, without risking exhaustion, fatigue, or a lack of nourishment for your body at a time when it needs a little extra TLC.


Choose herbal teas. Caffeine-free or low-caffeine teas such as ginger, dandelion root or parsley are all good options for a light, healthy detox during your menstrual cycle. Consume these teas twice a day, ideally before breakfast and before dinner so that they can aid your digestive system to easily digest your meals and assist in liver and kidney functions as well. These teas should be had in addition to a balanced, nutritious diet and should not act as meal replacements during your period. These teas may also help reduce some of the unpleasant effects of menstruation such as cramps, irregular bowel movements and insomnia.


Another great way to detox while you are menstruation so that you do not place any added strain on your body is to stay hydrated. Drinking water is the very best way to flush out unwanted and harmful toxins from your body, improve the functioning of internal organs, hydrate the skin and do a whole host of other beneficial things, so make sure to drink at least 2 litres of water during your period in order to cleanse your body in the simplest, most natural way.


Kick the processed food habit! This is one thing to do, not just when you’re detoxing. Processed and packaged foods contain unhealthy quantities of salt, artificial colours, chemical and preservatives, each of which is harmful to the body when consumed in large quantities. Salt, and many of the other additives in these foods cause the body to retain water, leading to bloating and a feeling of heaviness and uneasiness. Some women may also notice their face becoming red or puffy and their skin taking on a dull tone. If you’re trying to detox, specially during your period, processed food should be the first thing you give up. Stick to a healthy diet of fresh, wholesome food and your body will thank you for it.


Last, but by no means least, meditate. By this, I don’t mean take to the mountains and channel your inner yogini, but instead, set aside a few moments every day where you disconnect from the world around you. Yes, that means no phone or social media! For anywhere between 3-10 minutes every day, spend time with yourself. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. An easy way to start this practice is simply to count your breaths as you inhale and exhale. This method helps prevent your mind from wandering in every other direction, and before you know it, three minutes is up. Meditation and breathing may seem like an unconventional detox technique, but the value in the practice has been proved time and again. By focusing solely on your breath and taking deeper breaths than normal, your body lets go of all the unhealthy clutter that fills your mind and your thoughts. A healthy mind is the first step towards a healthy body and vice versa, so this one is a must try for your next detox. An added bonus for using this technique while on your period, the added oxygen you receive by inhaling deeper than normal helps alleviate painful cramps too.


So, detoxing on your period is far from a forbidden practice, and many expound the benefits in helping ease the symptoms of menstruations. However, stay away from extreme cleanses, juice fasts or traditional fasting during this time and be mindful to nourish your body and cater to its needs instead.

Does detox affect menstrual cycle?

"Detox diets can cause big fluctuations in blood sugar, which can be dangerous for people with diabetes," Beaver adds. "In addition, the high sugar content in some of these diets can lead to diarrhea, and severely limiting calories for an extended period of time can affect a woman's menstrual cycle and bone health."

What tea delays your period?

Meanwhile, many women+ swear by herbal teas containing valerian root and chamomile, while raspberry and nettle leaf tea are also thought to slow down menstrual flow. Just remember to always consult a doctor before trying herbal methods.

Can detoxing start your period?

While on the Cleanse, a woman may get her period early or late, with or without PMS symptoms. Her flow may be lighter or heavier, shorter or longer. Don't worry if your flow is different while cleansing, as well as in the month that follows.

Can weight loss tea affect your period?

According to the experts, some hormonal ingredients in slimming teas can cause the cessation of menstruation and other health issues. They also warned that the cessation of menstruation increases the risk of womb cancer in women. The experts, a former director of Nutrition Services, Dr.


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