Can i use epsom salt to melt ice

As much of the nation tries to chip away the ice and shovel away the snow that is blanketing the country, the supplies of de-icer may be running low.

But you can make your own mix with simple supplies that could be in your home, or use an alternative to make driveways and sidewalks less slippery.

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Kitty litter will help you get a grip as you walk or drive on ice, Huffington Post reported. You can also use sand or coffee grounds.

Sugar beet juice helps melt ice and is even used on some roads. Another plus, it is safe for animals, people and plants, Huffington Post reported.

Vinegar also helps melt ice, according to Mr. Pavement, a paving company based in Pennsylvania.

American Home Shield said you can try table salt, but don’t use a lot because it could harm grass and plants. Epsom salt also works but is more expensive. Sugar works like salt, but is again more expensive than table salt.

Rubbing alcohol will also help melt ice. It is not harmful to plants, but it could cause skin, eye and lung irritation. Rubbing alcohol also works on those frozen car locks, Car Buzz reported.

Finally, you can mix up a homemade ice melt concoction. You need to take a half gallon of hot water, six drops of dish soap and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, according to Reader’s Digest. You can pour directly from the bucket onto frozen walkways, or put some in a spray bottle and spray your car windows.

Cox Media Group

Unlike the name suggests, Epsom salt is not actually a salt. It is a chemical compound also referred to as magnesium sulfate. It is made up of sulfur, oxygen, and magnesium.

Epsom salt is often dissolved in water, such as baths. For this reason, some people refer to it as bath salt. 

Will Epsom salt melt ice?

The chemical structure of Epsom salt is known as magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. This means that each molecule of salt has the capacity to bond with 7 different water molecules.

In order for the ice to melt, the salt crystals must bond to the water molecules within the ice’s structure.

There is a problem, however. The Epsom salt crystal has 7 water molecules already bonded to the outside.

This means that the ice water molecules have a huge amount of competition for bonding and this causes the reaction to occur very slowly.

The salt first sits on top  of the ice lattice. Over time, the water molecules making up the ice will switch places with the molecules bonded to the Epsom salts.

This is to do with the hydrophilic affinity of magnesium molecules. This disrupts the regular structure of the ice lattice and creates space for the magnesium, causing the ice to melt. 

To make the reaction occur faster, consider mixing sugar into the Epsom salt in a 1:1 ratio. This will mean that as the Epsom salt acts to melt the ice, the sugar will begin to lower the  freezing point of water.

This means that at the same temperature as ice is initially, ice with sugar can be in a liquid state.

The sugar molecules will then bind with the water molecules to prevent the melted ice from refreezing and causing a health hazard. 

Why use Epsom salts to melt ice?

One of the main reasons to use Epsom salts as an ice removal method is to preserve natural wildlife. Epsom salts will not cause any damage to plants or vegetation growing naturally unlike regular table salt. 

This is also a pet safe solution for icy surfaces. Many commercial degritting and deicing substances will contain chemicals that can potentially cause harm to your beloved pets. 

What are some other ice melting methods?

Table salt

This is a convenient method to deice road surfaces. It is cheap and effective, but does have a harmful impact on the environment.

It works in the same way as Epsom salt, lowering the freezing point of water in the ice. 


Pouring bleach over patches of ice will melt it very effectively.

However, bleach is very toxic to plants and wildlife. If at all possible, you should avoid pouring bleach in the outside world.

Hot water

The classic method for deicing a car windscreen is to pour hot water over it. This works very effectively on all surfaces as the fastest way to melt frozen substances is to increase the heat.

You are more than welcome to pour hot water all over the yard and roads around your home. 

This may take a long time and there is a real danger that the thawed ice may refreeze as the temperature drops again. This could cause people to slip and get injured.

To prevent refreezing, you can scrape the melted ice away from the path immediately, or add some salt to the hot water.  

Rubbing alcohol

This is also known as isopropyl alcohol and is a common ingredient in almost all commercial deicers. It has a freezing point of -20 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning that it drastically increases the time it takes for the melted ice to refreeze. 

It is mildly less effective than table salt, but much more harmful to plant life. It can also cause eye, skin, and lung irritation if used in large quantities. Try not to use this in large areas and limit the quantity that you use. 

You can make a de-icing spray for your car windscreen using rubbing alcohol. Mix 2 parts rubbing alcohol with 1 part water in a spray bottle.

For every 2 cups of solution, add ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap and then shake well. Spray onto windows and allow it to sit for up to a minute to melt the ice. Scrape any excess away using a plastic scraper. 

Another good hack for car windshields is to mix your windshield wiper fluid in a 1:1 ratio with isopropyl alcohol. This will prevent ice from forming inside the wiper fluid and has the added bonus of melting residual ice on your windshield. 

Beetroot juice

If you mix beet juice with a saltwater brine in a 2:8 ratio, this is an effective deicer. The brine lowers the freezing point of the water and the addition of beet juice boosts the speed of this reaction. 

This is also a pet-safe solution to ice. The only downside is that the beet juice can cause stainage if you do not rinse it off with soap and water once the temperature has been raved.

Bird seed and cat litter

These substances will not melt the ice, but will sit on the surface and add friction to the surface. The small particles will increase the grip of people and vehicles on the road surface.

Bird seed is much more environmentally friendly as cat litter contains many chemicals that are not suited to the natural environment.

Nitrogen fertilizers

These substances act to lower the temperature at which ice melts. This means that it can help to speed up the time it takes for the ice particles to melt.

These fertilizers often contain a chemical known as urea. 

Fireplace ash

This is a surprising way to keep your driveway protected against ice. The ash from wood that has been burnt contains potassium salts. These will work to melt the ice.

At the same time, the ash will absorb energy from the sun. This will increase the temperature of the ash sitting on the ice, helping to melt it more rapidly. 

Will Epsom salts dissolve ice?

As the regular table salt, Epsom salt also melts the ice but in a very slow manner and is also costlier than regular salt. Epsom salt, also called Magnesium Sulfate, can be used for melting ice in the same process as normal salt.

What is the fastest way to melt an ice?

Salt will always melt ice quicker than both of them. This is because in the same amount or volume, there are more molecules of salt than sugar or baking soda due to the chemical make-up. Salt, baking soda, and sugar will all act to lower the freezing point of the ice, making it melt quicker than the untouched ice cube.

Can I use Epsom salt instead of rock salt?

Both the salts can be used for relaxing your body. The salts are used in Spa to make your body relax. But Epsom salt is more effective than Rock Salt when coming to medicinal usage.

What can be used instead of salt to melt ice?

7 (Better) Alternatives to Salt for De-Icing.
Sand. Sand not only absorbs sunlight, which can help snow and ice melt, but it also adds traction so that your friends and family don't slip and fall..
Kitty Litter. ... .
Vinegar. ... .
Sugar Beet Juice. ... .
Alfalfa Meal. ... .
Coffee Grinds. ... .
Calcium Chloride..


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