Clinical mental health counseling personal statement example

  • Personal Goals Of A Group Counselor Essay

    As a future counselor I want to meet all the standards of counseling clients. Group counseling is a specialization that I am hoping to become very familiar with because of the progress that can take place within a group setting. Also, I want to protect myself as well as the clients that are seeking help in resolving their issues. Personal Goals Advancing Knowledge, Skills, and Experience as a Group Counselor My personal goal for advancing my knowledge, skills, and experience to become a competent group counselor is to gain effective techniques in facilitating the group. Research states that “Leaders should consider the rationale underlying the use of a particular technique and consider whether the technique is likely to foster the client’s self-exploration and self-understanding” (Corey, Corey, & Corey, 2010, p.6).…

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  • AMHCA Code Of Ethics In Mental Health Counselor

    I will implicate their confidentiality, limitations and guidance in my service. I plan to work client’s facing trauma, marriage/divorce, relationship issues, grievance, and abuse. I vowed to be honest, fair and cooperative in my professional environment. I want to treat and asses each person with a plan that offers reasonable promise of success and remain consistent with my abilities, temperament, developmental level, and circumstances of clients. I will be empathetic and compassionate in their therapeutic counseling session.…

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  • Reflection On My Thoughts On Becoming A Mental Health Counselor

    Journal #1: My Thoughts on Becoming a Mental Health Counselor Tanya Mizell Walden University Journal #1: My Thoughts on Becoming a Mental Health Counselor With great significance, my progression through the Walden University’s mental health counseling program will indeed impact my life both personally and professionally. The impact of my studies and training will assist me in making the changes and enhancements that are necessary for me to be a proficient, commonsensical and open-minded counselor, while putting into practice the variety of methods I am being trained to use when working with clients professionally. I will not only be benefiting my clients, but also myself. I classify this process as a fundamental confrontation that I must face in order to alter my own way of thinking and ultimately flourish as a mental health counselor. As a mental health counselor, my involvement in clients’ lives will essentially be to facilitate the transformational change.…

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  • Reflective Essay On Counseling

    I will need to be aware of changes to learn new concepts to improve the life of clients. A counselor applies, evaluates and researchers to reflect on their own work. They are professionals who want to have a full comprehension of the domains of psychology and the understating of linking the knowledge to the real realm of the society. A counselor’s knowledge impacts the life of professionals…

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  • Reflection Paper For Counseling

    The second take-away is the general phrase “welfare of clients”. In ethical counseling, every step should be calculated for the welfare of the client and positive outcome of the client. The client should be at the forefront of the relationship and all action should be indicative of the well-being of that client. This phrase is mentioned throughout the book in almost every chapter, and is of utmost importance in my education as a counselor. The final take-away is self-reflection and self-care.…

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  • The Importance Of Personal Therapy

    They need to know what their strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes are, and be aware of their moods and how they react to what is happening in their environment. They must also examine how they interact with others and learn how the environment affects them as a person. Knowing the key details about oneself allows a person to make better decisions and set and reach appropriate goals in living a productive life. As a therapist you will work with many different types of clients. It is important to remember that you cannot change your clients, you can only change how you interact with your clients and hope for change as a result to that.…

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  • Interracial Single Parent Families

    Communication opens up everything between the clients and counselors with the possibly of understandings coming out from both sides, especially with cultural beliefs. It should also be clients’ responsibility to keep counselors updated about their situations, whether it is about cultural beliefs or any issues that are bothering them. Both parties should communicate with each other because communication can be the key to successful…

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  • Therapeutic Relationship In Therapeutic Therapy

    According to Rogers, to show empathy therapists have to share their own feelings from their life experiences that might be similar to the client’s feelings. This is so the counsellor can understand the client’s life as they view and feel it. However, it is important to remember that the therapist should do this without losing their own identity in order to assist the client view prior experiences in new ways as well as enhance their confidence in making choices and taking action (Corey, 2016). Demonstrating empathy can very well assist Ruth in profoundly making the crucial decisions of her life such as whether to perpetuate her relationship with her husband or not as well as being professionally involved or stay a…

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  • The Importance Of Malpractice Suits

    Keeping boundaries in the counseling relationship and permitting a healthy therapeutic relationship is the attitude I intend with each client. Obtaining a healthy relationship involves providing services within the scope of my practice and providing quality care. Explaining treatment planning, consequences, informed consent, and documentation are all ways to provide quality care to the client (Corey, Corey, Corey, & Callanan, 2015). Consultation, networking, and training are ways that I will ensure excellent standard of care in my counseling services. In situations where I am unsure of the correct path to take, I will consult with a network of professionals that can give advice or second opinions on…

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  • Cultural Diversity In Counseling

    Empathy is an essential part of the process, to begin exploring, the counselor must have the ability to empathize with clients, by entering his/her world and see things from the client’s perspective. The first meeting is quite crucial, as this can make or break the rest of the therapeutic process. Cultural diversity impacts counseling primarily by setting the tone for mindfulness in all that we do. Much of the literature we come across makes mention of the importance of considering cultural interpretations of our actions, mannerisms, décor, approaches, etc. By making these conscious considerations, we ensure that we keep the needs of the client a primary focus.…

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How do you write a personal statement for Counselling?

I am a mature and responsible individual with strong communication skills who has a long standing and successful career in counselling. I wish to develop my understanding and skills in social care and counselling, in order to enhance my existing professional role.

How do you write a personal statement for mental health nursing?

I am applying for a Mental Health Nursing degree because I want to help people who suffer from mental illness. With the skills I have acquired whilst working as a support worker and whilst studying a Health Professions course, I believe I will achieve my goal of going to university.

What should a personal statement say in psychology?

Discuss your experiences, skills and interests in psychology. Your personal statement is more than just a reflection of you. It highlights why the psychology course is right for you. Show the reader why you're interested in psychology and what skills you bring to your study to succeed in your course.

Why do clinical psychologists use personal statements?

In the future, it would be my dream to become a qualified clinical psychologist as I feel that this career would be perfect for me. My attentive nature, passion for helping others and my ability to remain calm means that I would really thrive in this profession.