Covet fashion cheats that actually work 2023

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Covet fashion cheats that actually work 2023

  • Developer: Crowdstar Inc
  • Publisher: Crowdstar Inc
  • Genre: Role-Playing
  • Release: Jun 27, 2013
  • Platform: iPhone - iPad
  • ESRB: Not Set

Question & Answers

You guys feel the voting is rigged ?

For the "Abstract Muralist" competition I feel that a good amount of people were cheated, the top looks didn't match what the contest called for, it could be that the age group of the players affects the voting or a bunch of idiots play ? I don't know. Do you guys feel the voting is rigged ?

Answer from: Starr
Actually, even though I didn't score well, I thought the TL were nice. It said "create a sophisticated look for the Abstract Muralist. I know some people went all crazy with prints, but I wore the black jumpsuit like everyone else. I noticed in the TL, players wore red shoes and purses to offset the black which looked good. Like I said I didn't score well, but maybe the voters chose the hair and makeup and the red shoes and red purse over mine.

Posted on: Feb 14, 2015

Answer from: Saturday
I think a lot of events aren't followed according to it's description, but not sure I understand what you thought wasn't followed in this event. Especially since the requirement was asking for a jumpsuit, and there's not a huge variety of jumpsuits to choose from. Some of the jumpsuits weren't exactly sophisticated looking either, which was also in the description. A sophisticated cocktail look.

Posted on: Feb 14, 2015

Answer from: Niki
I thought I made an amazing look for this one! I used a red jumpsuit and a black short jacket that was prize, the one with cut sleeves, you know. And black pumps and black neat clutch. I used cascading curls and a "ruby slippers" makeup. I truly believed it deserved a TL!:) and scored a little above 4. I didn't like the TLs. Today I was disappointed with bubblegum pink event. The discription called for a casual look, but 99% of the winners wore cocktail dresses. Ugh!!

Posted on: Feb 15, 2015

Answer from: Mckenzie
I did well on this event I wore a black jumpsuit with a cutout a silver necklace black pumps and a clutch. My hair in a neat bun u don't remember which makeup and got near 5.6. But I agree that some of the TL on other events don't match the description especially when it casual and the top looks have in ball gowns and the costume events that have no requirements. I've learned that whenever it's a 'goddess ' challenge the TL mostly wear gowns

Posted on: Feb 15, 2015

Answer from: Starr
Well, there is something definitely going on with the voting. Scores are down. I either get 4 stars, even after maxing out my bonus points. Or over five stars. I hardly ever get 4.5 and in between. On the sweater event, there was a player who was a TL. After looking at her profile, it was her first event ever entered, and trust me, I could tell. She got a TL and barely got 3.5 plus bonus points with my look. I find it fishy. I think the votes are swinging to keep new players, or players with low closet values, from leaving. If they throw them a bone, then they will stay. I always hear people on here complaining about not having certain hairdo's or makeup. I think Covet should allow everyone the same makeup and hair and run the votes that way. You know learning to play this game takes a while, so for someone to get a TL their very first time out, something is wrong. If players are voting for this out of jealousy for other closet values, their time will come and the same will happen to them. Oh, and another thing. I went to purchase the jean shorts for the Hipster event, when I noticed their was a player who received five stars for the Grey event. Jean shorts and the Poncho. Really? I know it says dress casually for work, but who wears jean shorts with a poncho, even on casual day. I again received 3.5 stars plus bonus points. I don't think I will purchase any more diamonds. My score went from a 4.9 to 4.75 in 1 1/2weeks, and I can't seem to get it up much further. And my style is the same.

Posted on: Feb 15, 2015

Answer from: Lesterkitty
I feel like the pairing of looks is anything but random. There is no way looks with lots of similarities would be paired as often as they are. And I'm not talking about events that call for the same items, either.

Posted on: Feb 15, 2015

Answer from: Jubilee Lips
Newbies always thing the voting is rigged, but it is not. The scores always fall when trends change. For example, as of late, a lot of blonde dolls are getting really bad scores. People think the blonde dolls are still doing well because it's about 50-50. It's on it's way out. Use brown or black hair!!!

Posted on: Feb 16, 2015

Answer from: Barbey
I agree that something is going on. I used a new green leopard coat with skirt for the Rare Tree Planting, twice. I reworked it a second time but got something like .004 extra points. It was new and in season, (newsflash: it's still WINTER) and I used accessories and dressed for the "uncooperative" weather. First time with the winter butterfly hat. I used a hairstyle that looked okay with a hat (not all of them are). And I got a score that was lower than it should have been. I am not saying a 5 b/c I use lower price items but really it was better than its score. Same thing happened with the Tivoli Gardens Tour, and with the mustard colored strapless ballgown (Fabryan). It was a standout b/c it was not pink or purple. It also lends itself to accessories. But it was not well received at all. I will go out on a limb here and say that the mustard gown and the leopard set are "wows". They will take a little getting used to as they must be seen in their own context. Like buying vintage, it must be seen that way to appreciate what you are seeing. That said, I got a surprisingly good score on the Abstract Minimalist. An almost identical outfit to the French Press Interviews that did not go over well at all. A press interview does not call for a cocktail dress nor a gown. A tailored, simple expensive suit is what I would have done in RL. Not much jewelry but really good, like an expensive watch and a good necklace, no dangly earrings. You are there to promote a product and you don't want everyone talking about your dress and forgetting the film. Maybe the people behind the scoring should do some better preliminary weighting to prevent hijacking the rules in voting. If they say green and brown then we should see it, not use a pink dress with green swimwear underneath. I don't want to write an essay but this is a persistent problem. Maybe bring back the million dollar wardrobes? Then they can have fancy gown showdowns. Frankly, whenever I have to vote on gowns and I see Mermaid one after another I think of a school of fish. They all look alike. Btw, I stand corrected about Kate Middleton's title: apparently it is Duchess of Cambridge? I can't keep track. And one more thing: how about we can open the jacket so you can see the rest of the outfit, and if we could zoom in to see small earrings and lastly could they fix the necklace that does not show outside the sweater? No one hides a necklace under one.

Posted on: Feb 16, 2015

Answer from: Starr
Jubilee Lips, I beg to disagree, and I am not a newbie. My closet value is over 2.5 million. I use all the hair color. Thus, if the score is 50-50 for blondes v. brunettes, your logic doesn't make any sense. But then again, neither does your argument.

Posted on: Feb 16, 2015

Answer from: Brandonn
Starr, I think what she meant was that in a lot of the top looks lately, there have been almost equal numbers of blondes to brunettes. I agree that things are changing. I have even seen some redheads in TL's lately. Now THAT is something new!

Posted on: Feb 18, 2015

Answer from: Starr
Brandonn, maybe you should reread her response. She said that in the top looks there are about 50% brunettes and 50% blondes. However, blonde hair is on the way out so all the newbies should stop complaining about the game being rigged and start using brown or black hair. What I am saying is her argument is flawed. If blonde hair is on the way out, then 50% of the TL's wouldn't be blonde. The shade of hair should depend on the outfit and the background. If you have a dark background, the dark hair is going to blend in to the scenery, so a lighter shade would be more preferable to the voter.

Posted on: Feb 20, 2015

Answer from: Posh Diva Lee
Her argument isn't flawed-- she's right. This is talked about a lot on Facebook. The top looks were all blonde for many months ( or at least 96 percent.) To have all of these top look results with half of them brunette a is a huge drop. This has been going on a while. People complained how sick of the blonde clones they are and now people are submitting fewer blonde dolls. Black dolls have been struggling and are now getting some recognition. More people have been posting fair skinned redheads and Asian looks too because players are sick of the lack of diversity. That is why some people do not get why their blonde looks are not scoring as well even when they are dressed lightly. Ask anyone in Who plays Covet.

Posted on: Feb 21, 2015

Answer from: Mckenzie
Disagree that darker models (the last row) are getting recognition when voting I see few of them and those that I see in my game get 2.0 or 3.0 no high scores even though there outfits are similar to lighter models. The Asian makeup is only popular when it's an Asian event ex. Chinese new year besides that they don't show up when I'm voting. As far as people sick of blondes I choose my hair based on the background and what color complement my outfit. I don't use blond or black hair all the time furthermore I like to use brown and chestnut or auburn hair. Ultimately voting depend on the preference on voters if more blonds are voting for dolls that look like themselves or people are taking the entire outfit into consideration despite hair color and skin color determine how voting goes. I'm hoping people are taking the whole outfit into consideration to be fair but don't think that happens.

Posted on: Feb 21, 2015

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Covet fashion cheats that actually work 2023

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