Dating someone who likes a lot of alone time

Loners, especially male loners, do things way differently than their more sociable counterparts. If you never dated a guy that likes to spend his time in solitude rather than at the bar or with the gang, he can be really confusing. Here are some tips to help you be the best girlfriend to the guy who loves to be alone:

1. He wants to meet you face-to-face

Regardless of whether you met on an online dating site or elsewhere, a guy who likes to be alone tends to also like one-on-one, face-to-face conversations. Loners like to observe, and most are very visual, creative thinkers. A text message might be cool for a quick question to let him know you are thinking about him, but do not always expect an answer.

Chances are he is trying to imagine your tone and facial features. So just meet him for coffee if you want to talk. Get to know each other through human interaction, not mechanical ones. Emote for real, not just through smileys.

2. He will be unintentionally standoffish

Again, loners like to sit back and watch what is happening around them. Sometimes this distance can feel awkward for you, especially if you tend to be a social butterfly. Rather than thinking of this as him being standoffish, or getting studied like an experiment, try to see it as him honestly trying to see what makes you tick. Silence from loners is not a bad thing, even on the first date. It means he is truly, deeply thinking about you.

3. Social outings can be difficult

Of course, when people love to be alone, you cannot expect them to suddenly become the life of the party. On the contrary, social gathering with massive amounts of people can be kind of exhausting. There is so much to see and take in that loners often get sensory overload.

Instead of going to a club or concert, adapt to his unique dating style. Accept the more romantic dates of walking together on the beach during the evening, sitting in the park and watching the clouds pass by, or simply binge watching his favorite Netflix show.

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4. Look out for when he isolates himself

If you find that your guy is not just opting to be alone more but really making an effort to separate himself from you, watch out. He is clearly overloaded and uncomfortable. Loners are sensitive souls.

Sometimes, he could also be feeling depressed or anxious. How do loners deal with being lonely? They dive deeper into that solitude. It is the only sanctuary they know. Do not be afraid to ask what is wrong.

5. He notices the little things

You might have changed which side your part your hair or put on some extra makeup for a date. Perhaps you tidied up something in his home while you were waiting to go out, or you got him a Pez dispenser of his favorite movie character.

He may not always say it, but he see and appreciates everything. Even your quirks. From the way you might act when nervous, the sound of your excited giggle, or the way you look at him and only him… nothing goes unnoticed.

6. Self-sufficiency is his MO

Loners are often independent to the point where they will fight touch and nail to maintain that level of self-reliance. Do not expect him to lean on you during tough times. Rather, show him you support him by simply saying, “I am here if you need me.“ He might never reach out, but he will be grateful for your consideration and offer.

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7. If he truly wants you, he will make room for you in his life

This is probably the most important point. Above all else, if a guy who prefers to be alone goes out of his way to spend time with you, meet your friends and family, and basically go against everything he is familiar with, he honestly likes you. Perhaps it is even more than just “like.”

Guys are difficult sometimes when it comes to dating. Guys who opt for alone time are even more confusing to understand. Underneath the seemingly emotionless and detached exterior lies a heart of gold. When you date a loner, you are dating a creative, sensitive, and observational guy who will go out of his way to show he cares.

loner male loners solitude standoffish guy

10. We’re going to have an attitude if we don’t get time to ourselves. Don’t take it personally, but as people who love alone time we’re going to need it and you need to understand and respect that. You don’t necessarily have to be okay with it, but we need you to at least accept it and not try to fight us on it or things won’t work out between us. We’re not going to completely shut you out and it most likely won’t last very long, but you need to realize that it’s something we can’t give up. It’s necessary for our health because sometimes we just need to recharge and we can’t do that if we never get to spend time with alone.

9. You have no reason to be paranoid about what we’re doing. Some people may think that when we want alone time it’s because we’re starting to fall out of love or become bored with the relationship, but that’s not it at all. We just need time to be with ourselves and recharge. We can’t expect you to love us if we don’t love ourselves, but we can’t do that if we aren’t allowed to just be alone every once in a while and do whatever we feel is necessary during that time. It’s okay to ask us if we’re all right, but if we say yes and that we just want some alone time please believe us and let it go.

8. We might not answer your text messages right away. When we’re alone we like to do things that make us happy and can easily distract us. It’s not that we don’t care about you or that we’re deliberately ignoring you, sometimes we just get caught up in what we’re doing and forget to check our phone. But as soon as we realize what we’ve done we’ll text back and apologize for getting lost in our own head.

7. We don’t like clingy. We understand that you just want to be a good S/O and check up on us and be with us, but sometimes it’s not cute it’s just clingy and annoying. When we want to be alone it means we want to be alone – we like to get caught up in our own thoughts and we like to feel slightly cut off from the world. We promise that we’ll get back to you later and let you know how we’re doing, but please just give us a little space.

6. Being around people all the time can leave us feeling exhausted. For us it’s not easy to be around a lot of people all of the time. We do like to be around people, but at the same time it can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted if we aren’t able to have time to ourselves every once in a while. For some of us it can be a month or more before we feel the need to be alone, but for others it could be within a day. Either way we won’t always want to hang out with other people, even our S/O, so if we turn down an invitation to hang out, please don’t continuously pester us as to why.

How much alone time is too much in a relationship?

This means that, ideally, you should spend 70% of your time together and thirty percent of your time apart. During the time apart, you do you. You can continue your hobbies and enjoy your interests with other people. Remember, 70/30 is a guideline and is a great place to start.

Is wanting alone time normal in a relationship?

Yes, alone time is necessary for a healthy relationship. If your partner asks you for alone time or you feel like you want to spend some time on your own, don't worry—it's normal to hang out on your own every now and then. Spending time by yourself lets you focus on your own needs and desires.

What type of person likes being alone?

Introverts can also sometimes be considered loners. These are people who enjoy time alone, not necessarily because they don't like being around other people, but rather because they are more interested in their own inner thoughts and feelings. Spending quality time by themselves is how they are able to regain energy.

Can a loner be in a relationship?

Apparently, it is possible to have a healthy, wholesome, happy relationship with a loner—who values spending (some of their) time alone.


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