Free printable christmas bible trivia with answers

Two guys doing a bible study together - Christmas bible trivia

via: Pexels / Ivan Samkov

Are you looking for interesting Christmas Bible trivia for your Christmas trivia game? This post has it all.

If you've been following this blog, you'll know that I am a fan of trivia. I've written trivia for kids and adults alike. And I figured that Christmas trivia questions could make any Bible quiz better.

So without further ado, check out this list of fun Bible trivia questions and answers that I prepared for your enjoyment.

Let's begin!


Christmas Bible Trivia Playable Quiz

Do you love and know a lot about Christmas Bible trivia? This quiz will show you how much you really know:

Bible seated on a Christmas theme designed shelf.

via: Unsplash / Lennon Caranzo

It's always fun to learn, especially if you're a Bible buff. So if you're searching far and wide (like what the Three Wise Men did before) for the best Christmas Bible trivia, you certainly came to the right place. Let's see how well you remember your Sunday Bible lesson and Bible story.

Here are 4 best trivia about Christmas:

1. Where in the Bible do we read about the birth of Jesus?

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Luke 2

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Luke is one of Jesus' disciples, and his accounts of Jesus' life written in the Gospel of Luke are nothing like the other gospels in the Bible. His storytelling style is more on the descriptive and intimate side.

Man reading the bible using a magnifying glass.

via: Unsplash / Nathan Bingle

2. Which city did Mary and Joseph travel to for the census?

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Did you know that the Roman Empire required the census for tax purposes even before Jesus' birth? It's mind-boggling to know that the practice of census already existed two thousand years ago.

An overview of the city of Bethlehem.

via: Unsplash / Jorge Fernández Salas

3. How many miles did Mary and Joseph have to travel to get to Bethlehem?

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Around 90 miles

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Fun fact: It took at least 5 days for Mary and Joseph to reach Bethlehem from Nazareth. Their journey is what people usually call now the "Nativity Trail." Another Fun Fact: The longest straight road (Eyre Highway), which is around 90 miles, is found in Australia.

Thick fog over green mountains.

via: Pexels / Mo

4. What gifts did the wise men bring to Baby Jesus?

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Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

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Did you know that these three gifts had meanings? All of these are usual offerings to royalty in the olden times. Gold is a precious gift fit for a king. Frankincense has a rich aroma, often used as a perfume, and myrrh is an anointing oil.

Mini statue of the three kings.

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Meyer

Christmas Bible Trivia - infographic

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3 Random Questions For Your Christmas Bible Trivia

Man and woman doing a bible research.

via: Pexels / Yan Krukov

Random trivia questions and answers are great for any game night. So if you're planning to have a Christmas-themed game night with your friends or family or if you want to add in some random questions to your game night, you'll love this list more.

Here are 3 random questions for your Christmas trivia:

5. Which Christmas carol is considered the most popular one of all?

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Silent Night

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Along with ornaments hung up in public malls, this song playing is another indication that the season is coming.

A Christmas songbook.

via: Pexels / Nadi Lindsay

6. Who Was The Angel That Came To Mary And Told Her That She Would Give Birth To Jesus?

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People believed the Angel Gabriel to be an archangel or a high-ranking angel. This angel is one of the few who appeared in both the Old and New Testaments.

An angel statue.

via: Unsplash / liza b

7. Who Was The Roman Emperor During Jesus' Birth?

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Caesar Augustus

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Caesar Augustus is among the most successful Roman Emperors in history. Did you know that he was the adoptive son of Julius Ceasar? Yes, that one who got stabbed in the back.

A statue of an emperor.

via: Unsplash / Jeremy Zero

3 Easy Questions Anyone Can Answer During A Christmas Bible Trivia Game

Man jotting down some biblical contents.

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

Let's take a break from questions that make you think. Instead, let's dive into some easy trivia questions about Christmas for your fun game night.

Here are 3 easy questions about the Christmas story:

8. How Many Days After The Birth Of Christ Did Joseph And Mary Give Him The Name Jesus?

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They had a "purification" custom that required the family to complete a ritual in obedience to the Torah. For the firstborn, this ritual usually goes on for 40 days, but for daughters, this ritual may stretch up to 80 days.

Calendar with crossed-out dates.

via: Unsplash / Estée Janssens

9. Who Spread The News About Baby Jesus Throughout Bethlehem?

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The Shepherds

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Everyone knows that Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger, a place where cattle owners feed cows, donkeys, and other animals. So it's no wonder that the first ones to visit Him are shepherds. These shepherds were so delighted that they told everyone about Jesus' birth.

A shepherd tending to his flock of sheep.

via: Unsplash / Shashank Sahay

10. Who Said: "Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive, And Bear A Son, And Shall Call His Name Immanuel?"

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The Prophet Isiah was a prominent character in the Old Testament. This is where he proclaimed this prophecy about "Immanuel," a name which means "God with us."

A old man gesturing like explaining something.

via: Unsplash / Andy Henderson

3 Animal Trivia Questions You Can Add To Your Christmas Trivia List

Two donkey staring at the camera.

via: Pexels / chris carroll

Did you know that the Bible features a lot of stories involving animals? Make your game night more fun by adding some Biblical animal trivia questions and answers.

Here are 3 animal questions you can add to your list:

11. What Animals Were Present At Jesus' Birth?

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Donkey, cows, and sheep

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I've hinted at this item in a previous question. Nonetheless, the idea of the Messiah being born amid cattle and other farm animals is nothing short of humbling. But imagine the possible smells they had to endure that night.

A scene of the nativity represented by figures.

via: Unsplash / Walter Chávez

12. Which Animal Carried Mary Before She Gave Birth To Jesus?

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A donkey

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Donkeys are commonly used then for transportation, and they have a special meaning in the Scriptures. They signify suffering, industry, and peace. They are also a statement of status, in a way.

13. What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Sheep?

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Christ, both suffering and triumphant

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Did you know? In the old times, people used sheep in Biblical sacrifices. They consider the sheep "pure" and "clean," so they are among the few animals involved in sacrificial rituals.

Two sheeps enjoying the green grassland.

via: Pexels / Pixabay

3 Christmas Bible Trivia That Are Hard To Answer

Man holding his head beside a bible.

via: Unsplash / Samuel Martins

The best way to test your knowledge is by tackling some hard trivia questions about Christmas.

Here are 3 hard trivia questions about Christmas to ask your friends:

14. Who Were The "Wise Men"?

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They were astrologers

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Some people refer to these "Three Wisemen" as the "Three Kings." In some countries, citizens would celebrate "Three Kings Feast" or The Feast of Epiphany (Theophany) a few days after New Year's Day.

Man pointing flashlight at a beautiful night sky.

via: Pexels / Rachel Claire

15. Where Did The Wise Men Found Jesus?

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In the house

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You better sit down for this mind-boggling fact. Contrary to popular belief, the "Wise Men" did not visit Jesus the night he was born. Instead, they only got to see Him when He was already a toddler, in Mary and Joseph's house.

The three kings visited the newborn Jesus.

via: Unsplash / Al Elmes

16. In The Accounts Of Jesus' Birth How Many Visits From The Angel Are There?

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Angels are God's messengers. They also prepare "paths" for Jesus and God's Plans. Also, Biblically, many of these angels are physically terrifying. Not all of them are in "human form" per se.

A nativity with the presence of an angel.

via: Unsplash / Myriam Zilles

Downloadable and Printable List of Christmas Bible Trivia

Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of hard Christmas Bible trivia (right-click the image and select Save Image As...):

Downloadable and printable list of questions

via: Mantelligence

Frequently Asked Questions

Question marks painted on the trees.

via: Unsplash / Evan Dennis

Learning about the past through answering questions is always exciting. So we'll continue to indulge your thirst for knowledge by answering some frequently asked questions about this holiday.

Is Christmas Biblical?

As a holiday, it is not based on the Holy Scriptures. In fact, it's a pagan holiday celebrated even before Jesus was born.

What Would Happen If Jesus Is Not Born?

In Christian teachings, the birth of the Messiah signals the defeat of Satan and other forces of evil. In a sense, His birth prevented these forces of evil to gain more power on Earth.

What Does The Christmas Ball Decor Symbolize?

Another thing that signifies this season is bright decor and lights. The balls hung up in trees symbolize the glowing love of God to His children. They, along with candy cane ornaments, also express protection in a household. Santa Claus and the red-nosed reindeer are also fun additions.

Did Jesus Have A Wife?

There is no indication anywhere in the Holy Book that Jesus got married, while He was still a man. However, certain historians believed that He had a relationship with one of His close companions, Mary Magdalene. (This is an interesting notion, in honest my opinion. Any Dan Brown or The Da Vinci Code fans out there?)

What Is The True Origin Of The Christmas Tree?

In connection to the first FAQ, these trees are not Biblical. The tradition of decorating fir trees have existed way back in European culture. But this yearly practice caught on and is now a significant symbol.

How to Pick the Best Christmas Bible Trivia

Man writing on his notebook.

via: Unsplash / ConvertKit

Any Christmas Bible quiz can make your nights with friends a blast, especially with the right questions to ask. So if you're trying to amp up your Christmas Bible trivia game, picking interesting questions might appear on top of your list.

Here's how you can pick the best Christmas Bible Trivia:

1. Choose Easy Questions

A woman selecting through the shelf.

via: Unsplash / Alexei Maridashvili

Easy is fun, amirite? The important thing for any game night is for everyone to have a great time. You can ask easy stock-knowledge questions or perhaps ask them in a tricky way. For example: "True or false: The angels sang "Silent Night" when Jesus was born."

2. Maybe Go For Some Scavenger Hunt

Woman reading a note.

via: Unsplash / Annie Spratt

If you're in for more challenges, try an interesting scavenger-hunt-style game, in which participants locate the answers in the Scriptures. So if you asked, "Show me the shortest verse in the Holy Book," your friends and family need to find the Bible verse where "Jesus wept."

More Awesome Trivia Questions

Are you in search of more trivia questions? These awesome trivia questions might add more flare to your Christmas game night or quench your thirst for more knowledge.

  1. Find out new Thanksgiving trivia questions. Discover the true meaning of "thanksgiving."
  2. Uncover American secrets by looking at different American history trivia.
  3. Unleash your love for food when you discover magnificent food trivia.

In Conclusion

I hope that our list of Christmas Bible trivia brought smiles to your Christmas trivia game. But if you want more, see our other blogs containing other Bible trivia questions and answers, Christmas trivia questions, and trivia for kids and adults, all perfect for Christmas eve, Christian quizzes, and your family gathering.