Good six month anniversary gifts for her

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What to get my girlfriend for our 6 month anniversary?

Hey guys, basically need some advice on what i should get for my gf for our 6 month anniversary. Its in a week or so. i dont want to get her flowers or chos etc cos thats too generic i want something that you cant buy cos anyone can do that..something more special and sentimental. Anyone got any suggestions?

(edited 5 years ago)

Get her nothing, are you so incapable of having a lasting serious relationship that you must celebrate being together for six months?

Get her nothing. It's only 6 months. If you must, though, just take her out to her favourite restaurant or something.

6 months is not worthy of any true celebration.

Don't bother getting her anything. It's only six months. Wait until you've been with her a year.

Don't buy her a present, but it might be nice to make a small fuss of it? Spend the day together or something, go to another town for the day maybe.


Don't buy her a present, but it might be nice to make a small fuss of it? Spend the day together or something, go to another town for the day maybe.


Lucky girl though!

An anniversary is, by definition, an ANNUAL occurence, not bi-annual.

Ignore everyone that is saying "Wtf its only 6 months, get her nothing". Me and my girlfriend have been together a year and 2 months now, and on our 6 month anniversary, I bought her an A5 notepad, this one:


I then wrote 2 pages of how the past 6 months with her had been great, and printed off all the photos of us together, cut them out, and stuck them in, whether they were normal photos, or silly photos we took. She absolutly adored the book and we now stick every photograph we get together in it, write our feelings for each other in it occasionally, and draw silly photos and write silly words, such as personal jokes that make us laugh. She has also taken this book on holiday with her as she knew she was going to miss being with me, and read it on the night times before she went to bed.

On top of all of that, i got her a fake rose that she still has now in her bedroom. Overall it only cost about £10 for the rose, book, and printing things out at the library, although we went for a meal too which was £40.

So yeah, you dont have to buy her anything expensive, a lot of girls me and my girlfriend know, know about the book, and they said theyd adore having one and it was an amazing idea, not bragging ofcourse

, since it was cheap, yet can keep memories in it forever.

Hope this helps.

Don't buy her anything. Six months is a nice time to spend with somebody, but it's not really a massive occasion and I think if you bought her a big gift, it seems a little weird. Personally, I'd just want to spend the whole day with my girlfriend and go for a nice meal and the cinema or something.

You don't have to go overboard but like someone else maybe compile your time together in a book of pictures/thought etc.


Ignore everyone that is saying "Wtf its only 6 months, get her nothing". Me and my girlfriend have been together a year and 2 months now, and on our 6 month anniversary, I bought her an A5 notepad, this one:


I then wrote 2 pages of how the past 6 months with her had been great, and printed off all the photos of us together, cut them out, and stuck them in, whether they were normal photos, or silly photos we took. She absolutly adored the book and we now stick every photograph we get together in it, write our feelings for each other in it occasionally, and draw silly photos and write silly words, such as personal jokes that make us laugh. She has also taken this book on holiday with her as she knew she was going to miss being with me, and read it on the night times before she went to bed.

On top of all of that, i got her a fake rose that she still has now in her bedroom. Overall it only cost about £10 for the rose, book, and printing things out at the library, although we went for a meal too which was £40.

So yeah, you dont have to buy her anything expensive, a lot of girls me and my girlfriend know, know about the book, and they said theyd adore having one and it was an amazing idea, not bragging ofcourse

, since it was cheap, yet can keep memories in it forever.

Hope this helps.

This frightens me.

OP, I wouldn't go nuts, it's only 6 months, I'd just take her out for dinner somewhere or maybe cook her dinner?

Get her NOTHING. Or something small if you must.

You aren't going to celebrate your relationship biannually are you, if so lucky girl!

girls love jewelry! i am not saying go out and spend loads on diamonds, get her something classy and simple, so she can wear it everyday. this way it wont be expensive and she will always have you with her

girls love things like that! or take her out for dinner!

Nothing. It's only frickin' 6 months.

LOL Sorry peoples think youve got the wrong impression! Its not something big i just want something small and cute to remind her that i care like a homemade card or something!

I would suggest you get her nothing. Wait for the year mate.


I would suggest you get her nothing. Wait for the year mate.

kk will do. Gonna get her a card. Thanks for le suggestions.

Lol 6 months? Was this her idea?

Yr13s: Have you made your mind up on your five uni choices?

What is the traditional 6 month anniversary gift?

Since there are no traditional or modern 6 month wedding anniversary gifts for your wife, you have tons of options to celebrate your love on this half-anniversary. Something that's personalized will really wow her - from wall art and comfy throws to a cashmere shawl and any type of jewelry.

What should I do for a 6 month anniversary?

Unique & Creative 6 Month Anniversary Ideas for Him & Her.
A Scrapbook. The first one of our 6 month anniversary ideas is really creative. ... .
A Love Letter. Love Letters have their importance and value. ... .
Personalised Gift. ... .
Recreate your First Date. ... .
Movie Under the Stars. ... .
6 Red Roses..

What do you get your wife for 6th anniversary?

These are the traditional gifts associated with the sixth anniversary:.
Traditional Gift: Candy (for sweetness) or iron (for strength).
Contemporary/Modern Gift: Wood, which signifies a long-lasting and solid marriage..
Gemstone: Amethyst or turquoise..
Color: Purple, turquoise, or white..

What is 6 month anniversary called?



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