Google sheets how to make a pie chart

A pie chart is a type of chart that is shaped like a circle and uses slices to represent proportions of a whole.

The following step-by-step example shows how to create a pie chart in Google Sheets.

Step 1: Enter the Data

First, let’s enter some data that shows the total sales for 6 different products:

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 2: Create the Pie Chart

Next, highlight the values in the range A1:B7. Then click the Insert tab and then click Chart:

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

The following pie chart will automatically be inserted:

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 3: Customize the Pie Chart

To customize the pie chart, click anywhere on the chart. Then click the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the chart. Then click Edit chart:

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

In the Chart editor panel that appears on the right side of the screen, click the Customize tab to see a variety of options for customizing the chart.

First, we can click Pie chart and change the Slice label to Percentage.

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Next, we can click Pie slice and change the individual colors of the slices in the chart if we’d like:

Google Sheets makes it quick and easy to generate pie charts from spreadsheet data. When your data updates, the pie chart will automatically update to reflect the change.

Every pie chart needs:

  1. A set of labels for the individual categories or “slices” of the chart
  2. A set of numbers or percentages associated with these labels that are used to calculate the size of each slice

Insert a Pie Chart in Google Sheets

Quick Navigation

  • Insert a Pie Chart in Google Sheets
  • Editing Your Pie Chart
  • Exporting a Pie Chart
  • Summary

To insert a Pie Chart in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

Step 1

Select the data range you want to graph

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 2

Open the Insert menu, and select the Chart option

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 3

A new chart will be inserted as a floating element above the cells, and the Chart Editor sidebar will appear with options to edit the chart.

To turn this chart into a pie chart, click on the Chart Type dropdown menu and select the PIe Chart option

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 4

Your chart will update to a Pie Chart

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 5

You can also select the 3D Pie Chart or Doughnut Pie Chart options to change the look of your pie chart

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Editing Your Pie Chart

To edit a chart you’ve already created, first open the Chart Editor for that graph by selecting the chart and clicking on the 3 dot menu icon in the corner of the chart.

From the menu that appears, select Edit Chart. The Chart Editor for that graph will open.

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

You can then make edits to the chart type, data range, or any of the other chart settings available in the Chart Editor and your chart will update to reflect the changes

Exporting a Pie Chart

If you need to use your pie chart in a presentation or document outside of Google Sheets, you can export it as a .PNG, .PDF, or .SVG.

Here’s how:

Step 1

Select the chart and click on the 3 dot menu icon in the corner of the chart.

Step 2

In the menu that appears, hover over the Download submenu, and click on the file type you’d like to export:

Google sheets how to make a pie chart

Step 3

Select the filename and location for the file download and click OK


Example Spreadsheet: Make a copy of the example spreadsheet

In this tutorial, I covered how to make a pie chart in Google Sheets. Want more? Check out all the Google Sheets Tutorials.

If you deal with a lot of data, chances are you create pie charts often. Pie charts are a useful tool to present complex data to all types of audiences. And there’s an easy way to create them in Google Sheets.

A free program hosted on the cloud, Google sheets has made it easier for users to create their pie charts without spending a lot of time and effort.

How to Create a Pie Chart in Google Sheets

To be able to start making a pie chart on Google sheets, you need to first ensure you have gathered all your data that needs to be visualized. Once you have finalized your data, creating a pie chart in Google sheets takes just a couple of minutes.

Let’s take a closer look at all the steps you need to take to make your own pie chart in Google Sheets.

1. Insert data range

The first step is to insert all your data onto Google Sheets. You need to insert your data in the form of a table set.

2. Click Chart

Once you have added your data, click the Insert tab on top. It will give you the option to choose Chart. Click this option.

3. Click Pie Chart on Chart Editor

On clicking Chart, the Chart editor sidebar will appear on right. Scroll down and click Pie Chart.

4. Select data and your pie chart will appear

Finally, select your entire data series. Simply drag your mouse over the data range while continuing left-clicking. Your pie chart will appear on Google sheets.

How to Make a 3D Pie Chart in Google Sheets

If you are wondering how to make a line chart in Google sheets, you can benefit from creating a 3D pie chart. A 3D pie chart is a great option to elevate the look and feel of your pie chart.

A 3D pie chart, also known as a perspective pie chart, is favored because of aesthetic reasons. In recent years, most users prefer this option to the standard pie chart.

Here are the steps to make a 3D pie chart in Google sheets.

1. Open Chart Editor

Select your data series and click the Insert option on top. This will let you choose the chart option. Click it to open the Chart Editor sidebar.

2. Customize your Pie chart

On the Chart editor, click the customize tab. Next, click the chart style option. Here, you will find the option to convert your chart to a 3D one. Select it and your 3D pie chart will appear on the spreadsheet.

How to Make a Pie Chart with Percentages in Google Sheets

A pie chart is a great tool to visualize data in many different categories. One such category is percentages. This is a key category for business owners who need to present data statistically.

Here’s how you can make a pie chart with percentages in Google sheets.

1. Go to Chart editor

Select the data series and click the Insert tab on top. Next, click Chart to open the Chart editor option.

2. Customize your pie chart

On the Chart editor, click the customize tab. Then select the Slice labels option. Click percentage and your pie chart will start reflecting the percentages.

How to Customize Pie Charts In Google Sheets

Unlike other programs, one good thing about Google sheets is the number of customization options it has to offer users. Users who are wondering how to make a bar chart in Google Sheets will find it extremely easy to use. The customize tab on the Chart editor lets users design their charts their way.

Here’s how you can customize your pie chart in Google sheets.

1. Go to Chart Editor

To be able to customize your chart, you need to select your data series and click the Insert tab. There, you need to click the Chart option, which will open up the Chart Editor pane on right. The Chart editor has a Customize tab.

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2. Customize your chart

On the customize tab, you will find a host of options to explore. From choosing the border color to selecting a different font style, you can find various options when you click customize on Google sheets.

How to Edit Pie Chart Axis and Title

When it comes to data visualization, axis and title play a crucial role. To make your pie chart more descriptive, you can choose to edit the axis and chart title. There are some simple steps to follow.

1. Go to customize tab

The first step is to select the entire data series and click Insert. You need to then click the Chart option, which will open up the Chart editor. There, you will find the Customize tab.

2. Edit your axis and title

Under the customize tab, you will find the Chart and axis titles option. On clicking it, a drop-down menu will appear. You can edit the title text and axis here.

How to Change the Data Range of a Pie Chart in Google Sheets

On the customize tab, you can also change the data range of your pie chart.

Here are the simple steps to follow.

1. Go to the Setup tab

Select your data range and click insert to open the Chart editor. Once there, go to the setup option.

2. Select data range

Under the setup tab, you will find the Data range option. Click it and change the data range.

How to Modify Pie Chart Labels in Google Sheets

To modify pie chart labels, you need to follow a simple step.

1. Go to Chart editor

Select your data range, click Insert, and then select Chart. This will open the Chart Editor. On the Chart Editor, select the Setup bar where you will find the Label option. Click it to edit the labels.

How to Add a Doughnut Hole to Your Pie Chart

Another way to jazz up your pie chart is by adding a doughnut chart. The doughnut chart style has gained popularity because it makes the data look even more distinctive. On Google sheets, you can determine the size of your doughnut chart.

Here’s a simple way to add a donut chart in Google Sheets.

1. Go to Customize tab

Open Chart editor and select the customize tab. Click the Pie chart option and select the donut hole bar. There, you will be able to choose the donut hole size for your pie chart.

How to Modify an Individual Pie Slice

Sometimes, you may want to highlight certain data points in your pie chart. To do so, you may try to modify individual pie slices. Here’s how to go about this:

1. Go to the customize tab

Select the entire data series, then click Insert. Next, click Chart. This will open up the chart editor. Open the customize tab.

2. Edit the pie slice

Next, click the Pie Slice option. Here you can use the drop-down menu to select individual pie slices that can be edited.

Google Sheets Pie Chart Uses and Benefits in Business

As a business owner, you are often required to present data in an easy-to-understand format. This is where a pie chart in Google comes in handy. With Google Sheets, you can turn your pie charts into powerful tools to visualize data.

While there are several tools and programs available today to create the chart style you prefer, there are some obvious benefits of using Google sheets.

Here are four reasons why you should consider Google sheets next time you are creating a pie chart or if you are thinking about how to make a Gantt chart in Google sheets.

How do I make a pie chart in Google Sheets with percentages?

How to Make a Pie Chart with Percentages in Google Sheets.
Go to Chart editor. Select the data series and click the Insert tab on top. Next, click Chart to open the Chart editor option..
Customize your pie chart. On the Chart editor, click the customize tab. Then select the Slice labels option..

How do I turn data into a pie chart in Google forms?

From 'Insert' select 'Chart' to generate a chart. [Sometimes you'll not get the default pie chart diagram, so don't worry about it you can pick your own charts.] In the 'Chart Editor' dialogue box on the right side, click on the drop-down menu of 'Chart Type' and select a pie chart from the 'pie' section.

How do I make a 100 pie chart in Google Sheets?

How to make a pie chart in Google Sheets.
Open the program and create a new spreadsheet. To begin, sign in to your account with a valid Google account and open up the Sheets application. ... .
Enter your data. ... .
Highlight your data cells. ... .
Use the "Chart editor" ... .
Select the data ranges for your chart. ... .
Close the pop-up window..