How can i find my likes on instagram

How can i find my likes on instagram
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A step-by-step guide showing you how to see your like history on Instagram

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This wikiHow teaches how to view a list of Instagram posts you've liked on your Android, iPhone, or iPad.


  1. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Open the Instagram app. The app looks like a camera icon over a rainbow background. You'll usually find it on the home screen. If you're using an Android, may need to open the app drawer to find it.

  2. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Tap the Profile icon

    How can i find my likes on instagram

    . It's the outline of a person at the bottom-right corner.


  3. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Tap the menu. It's at the top-right corner.

  4. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Tap Settings. It's at the bottom of the menu.

  5. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Tap Account. It's toward the bottom of the menu.

  6. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Scroll down and tap Posts You've Liked. It's near the bottom of the menu. This displays the more recent 300 photos or videos you've Liked on Instagram, with the most recent Likes at the top of the list.[1]

  7. How can i find my likes on instagram


    Tap post to view it. This displays the full-sized post and its details.

    • If you want to remove a post from your Posts You've Liked list, tap the read heart below the photo or video to "unlike" it.

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Article SummaryX

1. Open Instagram.
2. Tap the Profile tab.
3. Tap the menu.
4. Tap Settings.
5. Tap Account.
6. Posts You've Liked.

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While Instagram may claim to no longer be primarily a photo-sharing app, we still spend a lot of our day-to-day scrolling through our feeds and liking the photos and videos that come up on it.

But is there a way to look at all of the posts you've liked? What about ways to find out what other people are liking on Instagram? Here's how to find all of these things in 2022.

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Can you see photos and videos you've previously liked on Instagram?

The only way to access your previously liked photos and videos is through the Instagram app, so if you're looking to do this on the social site's desktop version, you won't have any luck.

Instagram only stores the most recent 300 posts you've liked, so depending on how much you use the site, you can only access a small fraction of your liked posts. Of course, if you're wanting to check if you've already liked a specific post, you can just go to that post to see if it already has been liked.

How can i find my likes on instagram

Source: Instagram

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To see your recently liked posts, go to your profile tab (the one at the bottom right of Instagram's home screen). Then, tap the three lines in the top right corner; on the following screen, select "Your activity," which is marked by a small clock icon.

From here, you can select "Interactions" (the two arrows pointing in opposite directions), and then "Likes."

This then shows you the 300 most recent photos you've liked on the site. You can tap on any of the images shown and it will automatically take you to that post.

You can also mass unlike posts from this page. Tap the "Select" button in the upper right corner, then tap on the posts you want to unlike. At the bottom, it'll say "Unlike" with the number of photos you've selected in parenthesis. Tap this when you've selected all of the photos you want to unlike.

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instagram getting rid of the "posts you've liked" feature is my villain origin story... i don't want that "manage likes" stuff i want to see my likes in the order that i liked, not when the posts were posted

— ً (@flickerlix) February 16, 2022

How to look at other Instagram users' liked posts.

It's been years since Instagram removed the feature that allowed you to see who was liking what photo under the "Following" tab, but there are still ways to see who's liking what photo on the app (it's just a much less easy process).

There are plenty of online services that will let you see the recent activity of any public account, but if you're not interested in signing up for yet another website (we don't blame you), then there are some ways to do some sleuthing on your own.

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If there's one specific person's photos you want to see if your Instagram user of choice is liking, then all you have to do is go to their profile and scroll through the images, looking for this person's username in the likes. If you follow the person, then their username should show up toward the top of the list of the photo's likes when you click on it.

It's important to note, though, that if a specific user has changed their settings so their activity status isn't available, then you may not be able to do this.

While these changes to Instagram's interface make it harder to internet stalk the person of your choosing, you should also remember that these measures were put in place to protect users' privacy.