How do i use siri on iphone xr

How do i use siri on iphone xr
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Are you wondering how to use Siri without a Home button? Summoning the voice assistant is pretty simple once you figure it out! This wikiHow article teaches you how to enable Siri in Settings as well as how to use Siri on iPhone 11, 12, XR, and other iPhones with Face ID.

  1. How do i use siri on iphone xr

    Make sure you have Siri activated in the way you want to summon the voice assistant. In Settings, go to Siri & Search and either tap a switch next to "Listen for 'Hey Siri',", "Press Side Button for Siri," or both.[1]

    • If you enable "Listen for 'Hey Siri'," you are prompted to set up "Hey Siri" so the voice assistant recognizes your voice and doesn't activate for anyone else.
    • Once you are done setting up "Hey Siri," you can change the language (which doesn't change Siri's language, but what she's listening for instead). You can also enable Siri to work if your phone is locked as well as set other options.
    • If you opt to press the button for Siri, you'll get similar options, like allowing Siri to work even if the phone is locked.
    • When you're pressing and holding the power button for Siri, hold the button down while you ask a question or give the voice assistant a command. You can release the Side/Power button when you're done speaking.

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  1. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Summon Siri. You can either say "Hey Siri" or press and hold the Side/Power button.

  2. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Ask a question. You can ask a question, like "What sound does a cat make?" and get results that have been curated from the Internet.

  3. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Ask for a translation. For example, you can ask "How do you say "Thank you" in Italian" and get an answer as well as an auditory clip of "Thank you" in Italian.

  4. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Ask for a conversion. If you ask "How many inches are in 15 feet?" the answer will appear on your screen as a calculator answer.

  5. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Schedule an appointment. Say "Set up a meeting with Gordon at 9" to have Siri create an event in your Calendar.

  6. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Add items to your shopping list. You can say "Add mozzarella to my grocery list" and Siri will add that note to your Reminders.[2]

  7. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Share a picture. When you're looking at photos in your photo library, you can say "Share this with Susan." Siri will create a text message with that photo inside.

    • You can do this for a few different Apple services, like Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, Maps, and Photo Library.

  8. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Find a location. Say, "Where's Walmart near me?" to see a map of your location and directions showing how to get from your spot to Walmart.

  9. How do i use siri on iphone xr


    Set up Siri announcements. You can have Siri announce incoming calls, messages, or Reminders. Go to Settings > Siri & Search > Announce Notifications and either turn specific notifications off or on.[3]

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How do I start Siri on iPhone XR?

If you want to activate Siri with your voice: Turn on Listen for “Hey Siri.” If you want to activate Siri with a button: Turn on Press Side Button for Siri (on an iPhone with Face ID) or Press Home for Siri (on an iPhone with a Home button).

How do I activate Siri on my iPhone?

How to use Siri on your iPhone.
If your iPhone has a Home button, press the Home button, then make your request..
If your iPhone doesn't have a Home button, press the Side button, then make your request..
To make a longer request, press and hold the Side or Home button until you're finished with your request..