How do you say october in french

French Months of the Year

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For more French learning through authentic videos, I recommend Yabla French and FluentU. For audiobooks and lessons of modern French, try French Today. I've recommended some French books at Amazon, and Interlinear books are great for learning French by reading literal translations in English. Need even more French? Try the French courses at Udemy

French Months of the Year / Les mois de l'année

January janvier /ʒɑ̃vje/
February février /fevʀije/
March mars /maʀs/
April avril /avʀil/
May mai /mɛ/
June juin /ʒɥɛ̃/
July juillet /ʒɥijɛ/
August août /u(t)/
September septembre /sɛptɑ̃bʀ/
October octobre /ɔktɔbʀ/
November novembre /nɔvɑ̃bʀ/
December décembre /desɑ̃bʀ/
month le mois /lə mwa/
year l'an / l'année /lɑ̃/ /lane/
decade la décennie /deseni/
century le siècle /lə sjɛkl/
millennium le millénaire /milenɛʀ/

To express in a certain month, such as in May, use en before the month as in "en mai."  With dates, the ordinal numbers are not used, except for the first of the month:  le premier mai but le deux juin.  Also note that months are all masculine and not capitalized in French (same as days of the week).

Saying the date in French can be confusing for beginners. The French use a different format where the order of the day and month are reversed. For example Dec. 25 (12/25), for example, would be written (25/12). Here you will learn how to say, read and write the date in French.

In order to say the date in French it is necessary to know the numbers through thirty. Here you can visit our French numbers page.

Many of my students have gotten off to a very good start by doing an online course. I have known Camille at for many years and would highly recommend her main course. Visit this page to learn more: À Moi Paris. Many people have also done very well with Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur. Visit these pages to read my honest reviews: Rosetta Stone French Review and Pimsleur French Review.

Days of the week

In order to say the date correctly it is necessary to learn the days of the week and months of the year. First let’s look at the days of the week (les jours de la semaine). The days are very simple and quite straightforward and the pronunciation is not very difficult. Note that in French the days of the week are written in the lower case and not capitalized like in English.

Monday lundi landee
Tuesday mardi mahrdee
Wednesday mercredi mehrkredee
Thursday jeudi zhurdee
Friday vendredi vahngdrerdee
Saturday samedi sahmdee
Sunday dimanche deemahngsh

Review the days of the week with Alexa’s Youtube video:

Months of the year

Generally, the months are quite easy to pronounce with the exceptions of June (juin) and July (juillet). Please also note that French write the months in the lower case. Thus, those aren’t mistakes on the following table!

January janvier ʒɑ̃vje zhahnvyay
February février fevʀije fayvreeyay
March mars maʀs mahrs
April avril avʀil ahvreel
May mai may
June juin ʒɥɛ̃ zhwang
July juillet ʒɥijɛ zhweeyah
August août u(t) oot
Septembre septembre sɛptɑ̃bʀ sehptahngbr
October octobre ɔktɔbʀ novahngbr
November novembre nɔvɑ̃bʀ novahngbr
Decembre décembre desɑ̃bʀ dayssahngbr

Alexa on YouTube does a nice job teaching the months of the year:

How to talk about the date in French

How to ask the date

To ask somebody the date, ask:

Speed up your learning with the right audio course

My friend, Camille, at has helped thousands of students to build a solid base in their French speaking since 1999. She is now offering all of her audio courses at 20% off until September 4th. Click here to learn more!

  • Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?What the date today?

How to say the date

There are several ways to say the date. The easiest way is to use this form:

C’est + le + number + month

  • For example, it’s July 14: C’est le quatorze juillet.

This construction holds true for all of the days of the month except the first. To say the first of the month you must use the word “premier” which literally means first (as in first, second, third, etc).

So, to say, “It’s January 1”, say: “c’est le premier janvier“.

There are two more ways to say the date which you should learn:

  • Nous sommes + le + number + month
  • On est + le + number + month

So, “Nous sommes le 5 avril” literally means, “We are April 5” and “On est le 15 november” means “One is November 15”.

Now practice saying some dates:

le 4 avril April 4
le premier juillet July 1
le 23 mai May 23
le 28 mars march 28
le 25 juin June 25 le 2 août August 2
le premier november November 1 le 15 octobre October 15
le 10 octobre October 10 le 6 september September 6
le 17 octobre October 17 le 25 août August 25
le 22 février February 22 le 17 janvier January 17
le 13 avril April 13 le 6 février February 6

How to incorporate days of the week into the date

In order to include the day of the week with the date using the following format:

  • Nous sommes/c’est le + day of the week + le + number + month

Here are some examples:

  • Nous sommes mardi, le 4 octobre. It’s Tuesday, Oct. 4.
  • C’est samedi, le 15 mai. It’s Saturday, May 15.

How to write the date

Writing the date out in French is different to the North American system. In French, you must reverse the month and day.

This can be a bit confusing at first for Americans but should not cause any confusion for people from the UK as they use the same system.

Here are some useful examples:

  • le 5 juin 2012 OR 5/6/2012 June 5, 2012 OR 6/5/2012
  • le 25 décembre 2012 OR  25/12/2012 December 25, 2012 OR 12/15/2012
  • le 3 november 2012 OR 11/03/2012 November 3, 2021 OR 3/11/21

Let’s review how to say the date in French:

Downlaod PDF Lesson

Related lessons:

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Discover more:

  • Writing the date in French (FrenchToday)
  • How to write the date in French (Babble)
  • Comment écrire la date en français (French Explanation)

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David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

What are the 12 months in French?

The names of the months in French are "janvier" 'January', "février" 'February', "mars" 'March', "avril" 'April', "mai" 'May', "juin" 'June', "juillet" 'July', "août" 'August', "septembre" 'September', "octobre" 'October', "novembre" 'November' and "décembre" 'December'.


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