How long does a early miscarriage last

If there's no pregnancy tissue left in your womb, no treatment is required.

However, if there's still some pregnancy tissue in your womb, your options are:

  • expectant management – wait for the tissue to pass out of your womb naturally
  • medical management – take medicine that causes the tissue to pass out of your womb
  • surgical management – have the tissue surgically removed

The risk of complications is very small for all these options. It's important to discuss them all with the doctor in charge of your care.

Expectant management

If you have a miscarriage in your first trimester, you may choose to wait 7 to 14 days after a miscarriage for the tissue to pass out naturally. This is called expectant management.

If the pain and bleeding have lessened or stopped completely during this time, this usually means the miscarriage has finished. You should be advised to take a home pregnancy test after 3 weeks.

If the test shows you're still pregnant, you may need to have further tests.

If the pain and bleeding have not started within 7 to 14 days or are continuing or getting worse, this could mean the miscarriage has not begun or has not finished. In this case, you should be offered another scan.

After this scan, you may decide to either continue waiting for the miscarriage to occur naturally, or have drug treatment or surgery. If you choose to continue to wait, your healthcare professional should check your condition again up to 14 days later.

Contact your hospital immediately if the bleeding becomes particularly heavy, you develop a high temperature (fever) or you experience severe pain.


You may choose to have medicine to remove the tissue if you do not want to wait, or if it does not pass out naturally within 2 weeks. This involves taking tablets that cause the cervix to open, allowing the tissue to pass out.

In most cases, you'll be offered tablets called pessaries that are inserted directly into your vagina, where they dissolve.

The tablets usually begin to work within a few hours. You'll experience symptoms similar to a heavy period, such as cramping and heavy vaginal bleeding. You may also experience vaginal bleeding for up to 3 weeks.

In most units, you'll be sent home for the miscarriage to complete. This is safe, but ring your hospital if the bleeding becomes very heavy.

You should be advised to take a home pregnancy test 3 weeks after taking this medicine. If the pregnancy test shows you're still pregnant, you may need to have further tests.

You may be advised to contact your healthcare professional to discuss your options if bleeding has not started within 24 hours of taking the medicine.


In some cases, surgery is used to remove any remaining pregnancy tissue. You may be advised to have immediate surgery if:

  • you experience continuous heavy bleeding
  • there's evidence the pregnancy tissue has become infected
  • medicine or waiting for the tissue to pass out naturally has been unsuccessful

Surgery involves removing any remaining tissue in your womb with a suction device. You should be offered a choice of general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic if both are suitable.

After a miscarriage

A miscarriage can be very upsetting, and you and your partner may need counselling or support. You may also have questions about trying for another baby and what happens to the miscarried foetus.

For more information, read what happens after a miscarriage.

Page last reviewed: 09 March 2022
Next review due: 09 March 2025

Vaginal bleeding is one of the most common signs of miscarriage. Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a baby in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and it's a surprisingly common phenomenon. In fact, about 10-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage for people between the ages of 20 and 35, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). That might explain why many pregnant people worry about every new pain or symptom—especially the ominous uterine cramping and bleeding.

But what does miscarriage blood look like, and can you have a miscarriage without bleeding? We spoke with experts to answer your most pressing questions.

Am I Having Miscarriage Bleeding?

Uterine cramping and bleeding are the most common miscarriage symptoms, says Joshua Hurwitz, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN and infertility specialist. They're caused by contractions that expel the contents of the uterus. A miscarrying person may also pass large blood clots and fetal tissue.

Although bleeding during pregnancy is always cause for concern, it doesn't necessarily indicate a miscarriage. In fact, about 20 to 30% of people bleed a little in early pregnancy, and only half of those go on to miscarry, says Jeanne Faulkner, R.N., author of Common Sense Pregnancy: Navigating a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth for Mother and Baby. Other causes of bleeding in pregnancy might include hormonal changes, cervical irritation, and implantation (when the egg implants into the uterine lining).

What Does Miscarriage Blood Look Like?

Miscarriage bleeding can appear pink, bright red, or brown and may be light spotting or sudden, heavy bleeding. It can be difficult to discern the difference between a miscarriage and a period. In fact, if you don't realize you're pregnant, you might believe that miscarriage bleeding is part of your monthly menstrual cycle. It can be confusing and alarming to see blood when you're pregnant, but not all vaginal bleeding means miscarriage.

Miscarriage bleeding may start as light spotting and increase in intensity as the uterus empties. It could also start suddenly and heavily, especially if you're further into pregnancy. (That's because the fetus is bigger so you'll have more miscarriage tissue to expel.) A miscarriage with multiples also comes with greater amounts of blood than singleton pregnancies. (Spontaneous pregnancy loss in the second trimester is far less common, and it only happens in 2-3% of pregnancies.)

Miscarriage blood clots are likely larger than ones you pass during your monthly period, and they might also contain fetal tissue.

How Long Do You Bleed After a Miscarriage?

The amount and duration of miscarriage blood depends on your pregnancy. However, you can expect the heaviest bleeding for several hours after the miscarriage begins, as your body expels most of the tissue. You might also have lighter bleeding after the miscarriage for an additional one or two weeks.

Can You Have a Miscarriage Without Bleeding?

Miscarriage symptoms vary for everyone and bleeding isn't always present, says Jennifer Jolley, M.D., Assistant Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle. Some people don't experience any symptoms of miscarriage at all. This is often called a "missed miscarriage," and it's only detected through fetal ultrasound.

Other people have some combination of cramping, bleeding, uterine pain, white-pink mucus, miscarriage clots, and loss of pregnancy symptoms. Always visit your doctor for any unusual or worrisome changes in your pregnancy.

I Might Have Miscarriage Bleeding—Now What?

Dr. Hurwitz advises anyone who's bleeding during pregnancy to visit an OB-GYN. Be prepared to answer a few questions. For example: What color is the blood? When did the bleeding start? How much am I bleeding? Use a panty liner or pad (never a tampon) to keep track.

Your doctor or midwife will run blood tests and conduct ultrasounds to determine if you're having "normal" bleeding or miscarriage bleeding. If they detect a miscarriage, the process is usually completed by the body without complications. In the case of a missed miscarriage, a drug can be given to stimulate these contractions.

But "if there is concern the [person] could continue to bleed heavily without effective passage of the tissue, the recommendation is usually to proceed with quick evacuation of the uterus—a dilation and curettage," says Dr. Jolley. "Otherwise, it can become dangerous."

Dilation and curettage, or D&C as it's commonly called, is a surgical procedure to complete the miscarriage. Dilation will open the cervix, if it's still closed, and curettage removes the contents of the uterus using a variety of suction and scraping instruments.

The Bottom Line

Although the presence of spotting does not always indicate a miscarriage, it's a sign that something abnormal may be going on in the pregnancy. "Even if everything looks normal, the fact that the patient's had spotting will be kept in the back of our minds throughout her pregnancy, says Helain Landy, M.D., professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgetown University Hospital.

If you end up having a miscarriage, try not to feel guilty. The majority of miscarriages are random events that can't be prevented or predicted. Indeed, 70% of miscarriages in the first trimester, and 20% in the second trimester, result from chromosomal abnormalities that make the fetus incompatible with life. Miscarriages also don't affect your future fertility, and your subsequent pregnancies have a very good chance of progressing without a hitch.

How long does it take for an early miscarriage to pass?

Eventually, the pregnancy tissue (the fetus or baby, pregnancy sac and placenta) will pass naturally. This can take a few days or as long as 3 to 4 weeks. It can be very hard emotionally to wait for the miscarriage because you don't know when it will happen.

What does an early miscarriage look like?

Bleeding during miscarriage can appear brown and resemble coffee grounds. Or it can be pink to bright red. It can alternate between light and heavy or even stop temporarily before starting up again. If you miscarry before you're eight weeks pregnant, it might look the same as a heavy period.

What to expect after an early miscarriage?

You'll experience symptoms similar to a heavy period, such as cramping and heavy vaginal bleeding. You may also experience vaginal bleeding for up to 3 weeks. In most units, you'll be sent home for the miscarriage to complete. This is safe, but ring your hospital if the bleeding becomes very heavy.

How will I know if miscarriage is complete?

A complete miscarriage has taken place when all the pregnancy tissue has left your uterus. Vaginal bleeding may continue for several days. Cramping pain much like labour or strong period pain is common — this is the uterus contracting to empty.


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