How long should a 11 month old nap

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Healthy sleep patterns start with a schedule. Here’s how to get your baby onto a regular 11 month old sleep schedule with top tricks to make maintaining it as easy as possible.

How Much Should An 11 Month Old Sleep

Your 11 month old will need between 11 to 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. 

They will take 10 to 12 hours at night and the remaining 2 to 3 hours will be taken across 2 day time naps.

Sample 11 Month Old Sleep Schedule

By 11 months old, your baby will be sleeping through the night and they will be having 2 naps a day.

Here’s a sample 11 month old sleep schedule to give you a guideline for how your baby’s day may flow:

REMEMBER: This 11 month old sleep schedule is a guideline and will differ from baby to baby. As you become more in tune with your baby’s needs and learn what works for them, you will find a sleep schedule that meets your needs.

Nap Schedule For 11 Month Old Baby

Here’s a quick reference for an 11 month old nap schedule to help you visualise your baby’s daytime sleep habits:

How Many Naps Should An 11 Month Old Baby Take?

An 11 month old will take 2 naps a day.

Aim to have their first nap around 3 hours after waking up and their second nap about 3 hours after their first.

You will often find that your 11 month old’s second nap will be slightly longer than their first (especially if they have had a busy morning!) but neither should last longer than 90 minutes.

How Long Should An 11 Month Old Be Awake Between Naps?

Most 11 month old babies can now stay awake between 3-4 hours at a time. 

However, this will be dictated by the time of day and what has been going on in their daily routine. 

It is still very important to watch for signs your little one is tired to avoid them becoming overtired.

TOP TIP: Always watch for sleep cues and if your little one needs to sleep then you should always let them do so to avoid having an overtired baby. And an overtired baby is a difficult baby.

Bedtime For 11 Month Old

For a 11 month old sleep schedule, your baby’s bedtime routine should now be firmly in place and it will not change much from now on. 

A simple bedtime routine will consist of:

  • Having a bath, 
  • Followed by a massage,
  • Cosying up together with a suitable baby book and singing a lullaby,
  • Having a feed or drink
  • And finally, settling baby down to sleep in their crib.

The entire bedtime routine should start between 6pm and 6.30pm and take no longer than 30 minutes.

REMEMBER: The bedtime routine should follow the same steps and be repeated at the same time every evening to ensure your 11 month old can recognise the signs that bedtime is coming to help them settle and fall asleep more easily.

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Is There A Sleep Regression At 11 Months?

Sleep regressions can occur at any age but there are certain times when they are more likely to happen. 

Mainly at 4 months, 6 months, between 8 and 10 months and around 12 months old.

However, this does not mean that your little one can’t experience a sleep regression at 11 months of age.

11 months is a busy time in your little one’s development and this can offer trigger sleep issues.

So, if your baby’s established sleep patterns are disrupted with them fighting sleep, increased nighttime wakings and restlessness then they are very likely experiencing a short-term sleep regression.

Read these posts to help you navigate this situation:

  • Sleep Regression: Why It Happens And How To Survive It
  • 8 Month Sleep Regression

11 Month Old Sleep Tips

Establishing and maintaining an 11 month old sleep schedule will make your day much easier to manage because after all… Everything starts and ends with sleep!

Here are some of my top sleep tips to make creating and maintaining an 11 month old sleep schedule as simple as possible:

  • Have a regular bedtime routine. I cannot emphasise how important it is to have a consistent bedtime routine. Start the routine at the same time every day and aim to have your baby in bed at the same time each evening.
  • Lower the energy at the end of the day. By 11 months old, your baby is more aware of what is going on around them and can be more easily distracted… So prepare your baby for sleep by not letting things get too exciting before bedtime. Keep your interactions calm and low-key.
  • Get some fresh air every day. Fresh and natural light will help to regulate your baby’s melatonin levels and circadian rhythm. Taking your baby outside every day for a walk in their pram or simply sitting in the garden to play on a blanket will definitely help establish a healthy 11 month old sleep schedule.
  • Avoid your baby getting overtired. As your baby becomes more active and stays awake for longer periods of time it is very easy for them to become overtired, resulting in them fighting sleep. So, watch for sleep cues and ensure your little one has timely daytime naps and a regular bedtime as a part of their 11 month old sleep schedule.
  • Don’t let naps last too long. It is important at this age that your baby’s daytime naps do not last longer than 1½ hours as this may result in your little one not wanting to go to bed on time or early morning waking. So, you may need to wake them if they do not wake up of their own accord at the end of the nap.
  • Be consistent in how you treat nighttime waking. As your 11 month old baby is now on a well-established solid diet with 3 meals a day, they do not require feeding at night. Therefore, if your baby wakes at night, wait a while to see if they will resettle and if necessary go to them and comfort them without picking them up or talking.
  • Make sure baby is getting enough solids. There is a sharp increase in physical activity at 11 months of age and your baby’s appetite will increase too. Make sure they are getting enough to eat to ensure that hunger is not the cause of any sleep disruptions.
  • They may be thirsty? You should also consider that your baby may be thirsty at night. If your baby will not settle try offering water in a baby bottle to drink rather than giving in to a milk feed.

TOP TIP: If your baby is starting to wake earlier than usual ensure they are having enough nutrient-rich and calorie-filled foods (especially at dinner time).

Common 11 Month Old Sleep Problems

The most common sleep problems that your baby may encounter when establishing and maintaining an 11 month old sleep schedule are:

  • Experiencing a sleep regression.
  • Early morning waking because they are more aware of the light and sounds that surround them or because they went to bed early.
  • Restless settling because they are feeling discomfort from teething.
  • Fighting sleep because they’re overtired.
  • Crying when away from you due to separation anxiety.
  • Resisting bedtime because they have not calmed down for the day.
  • Night time waking and crying because they need your touch to self-settle back to sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions About An 11 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Looking for more help with creating your baby’s 11 month sleep schedule? Find answers to the most common questions here.

How Do I Stop My 11 Month Old Waking In The Night?

Whilst 11 month old babies are certainly physically able to sleep through the night…

Many will still wake up during the night. 

To help your 11 month old to sleep for longer and aid them in gradually stopping waking up at night, ensure you:

  • Make their room the correct temperature
  • Invest in a white noise machine and nightlight
  • Dress your baby in age and seasonal-appropriate nighttime clothing (such as a sleeping bag)
  • Have a calm and relaxing evening and bedtime routine
  • Treat nighttime waking with as little communication as possible
  • Only comfort your baby without picking them up if they do wake up

What Time Should An 11 Month Old Go To Bed?

Bedtime for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers does not really change. 

For an 11 month old sleep schedule, your baby should be in bed with the lights out by 7pm.

If you want to adjust your schedule to make bedtime a little later you must change your daily nap times accordingly.

But no matter what… your baby should not be in bed any later than 8pm.

What Time Should Last Nap End For 11 Month Old?

Your 11 month olds afternoon nap should allow for them to be awake for about 3 ½ hours before bedtime.

So, if bedtime is at 7pm your 11 month old’s last nap should end by 3.30pm.

Is 11 Months Too Early For One Nap?

For the majority, YES. One nap is simply not enough for an 11 month old baby.

There will, of course, be some exceptions to the rule, but most babies will still require two naps.

Let your baby take the lead and you may find that as they approach their 1st birthday they will need 1 nap on some days and 2 naps on others. 

Sleep Schedules Further Reading

Here are some more sleep schedules to help you get the most out of helping your little one sleep as best they can.

After all…

Sleep breeds sleep!

  • 1 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 2 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 3 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 4 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 5 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 7 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 8 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 9 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 10 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 11 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 12 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 13 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 14 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 15 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 16 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 17 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 18 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 19 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 20 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 21 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 22 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 23 Month Old Sleep Schedule
  • 2 Year Old Sleep Schedule

Need More Parenting Help?

  • Download our FREE Perfect Sleep Cheat Sheet. It’s a free, easy-to-use and proven formula designed for parents of 0-5 year olds to master the art of consistently undisturbed and restful sleep without the yelling, nagging or exhausting long-winded evenings.
  • Check out our Parenting Toolbox. You’ll get access to expertly-chosen products that you can guarantee are the best for your little one and your wallet.

Paula McLaren

Paul Mclaren - Norland Nurse NNEB RSH is the founder of Teething to Tantrums and has been in the child care industry as a Norland Nanny since 1982. Since then, her mission has been to help parents become the best they can possibly be. And each year, she continues to help more families understand their child's development, the trials and joys of parenting and of course, how to care for their little ones.

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A bedtime & nap cheat sheet so good your little one will ask you to put them to bed...

Laura Williams "This is a life saver! I'm so glad I downloaded your bedtime & nap cheat sheet. My little one actually asked me to put him to bed last night! Unbelievable! Thank you so much!"

Keep Reading

Should I wake 11 month old from nap?

Bridger says if an evening nap becomes the new normal that keeps him awake until late —especially at six months or older—it's a good idea to gently wake him and go through your nighttime routine (e.g. dinner, a little playtime, a bath, a story) to fill the time before getting to bed at a reasonable hour.

How long should my 11 month old sleep?

Most babies this age should sleep 12–16 hours per day, including a stretch of 9–12 hours at night. Your baby will likely still take two naps per day. Some babies nap for 30 minutes, while others nap for up to 2 hours.

Can 11 month old have 1 nap a day?

You'll want to wait until your child is around the 13th month of age or older, AND 100% skips their second nap for two straight weeks. Even if your child is 16 months old and occasionally skips their second nap, or even does so frequently, they are not ready to transition to one nap.

How long should a 12 month old nap for?

Naptime schedule for a 12 month old A 12 month old's nap schedule should allow for 2 - 3 hours of daytime sleep. Expect your baby to take 2 naps each day. Ideally, each will be about 60 - 120 minutes long. Most babies need between 3.25 and 4 hours of awake time between naps at this age.


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