How many gb do i need for oculus quest 2

For those who pre-ordered it, Facebook’s long-awaited Oculus Quest 2 will finally arrive on doorsteps next month (the headset itself on Oct. 13th, and the Elite strap and battery accessory on the 16th). Though I will have to wait till then so to do a full review of the device, I wanted to go ahead and offer some thoughts on it, and why I think users should opt for the 256GB version over the 64GB. As a VR enthusiast, I wanted to share some perspectives that may help the VR-curious consumer make a more educated jump. Let’s take a look.

Storage, storage, storage

First off, consumers should understand that at $399, the 256GB model of the Oculus Quest 2 is a considerable bargain considering it is only $100 more than the $299 64 GB model (for comparison, last year’s 64GB Quest model sold for $399 while the 128GB went for $499). In other words, this year’s model offers quadruple the storage, for $100—an absolute no-brainer if you actually plan on using this device and buying apps and games for it. Plus, it’s important to know that none of Facebook’s Oculus Quest headsets have expandable storage, and when it comes to VR, 64GB really isn’t good for anything other than hitting that specific $299 price point. 

To further illustrate that point, here’s an anecdote: I currently own the first generation Oculus Quest, which I have had for over a year now. With all of the applications and videos I have installed on the device, I am already up to 62GB. That means that if I wanted to install any more applications or download any more videos, I would have to uninstall something first. Take it from me—you’re going to want that extra storage.

On top of all that, the new Oculus Quest 2 has a 50% higher resolution than the original Oculus Quest, which means that the applications and textures will be bigger and the resolutions of the video files will be higher. This translates to larger file sizes, which means the new Quest 2 will probably actually need 20-30% more storage than the original Quest. Instead of the 64GB device, I would have liked to see Facebook and Oculus ship a 128 GB standard headset, and the 256GB version as the expanded capacity. That said—I do understand that 64GB helps Facebook to hit the golden $299 price point.

Unfortunately, if you want to buy the 256GB model right now, you’re already out of luck. It sold out only a day after it was announced—a great win for Oculus, but likely an indicator the company did a poor job estimating initial demand from us enthusiasts. The company will likely have to put in a bigger order when the headsets start arriving in people’s homes next month.

The last comment I have for now is that you should seriously consider ordering the Elite strap accessory to go along with your 256GB model. Every reviewer that got their hands on the Quest 2 for review says that the Elite strap is a must-have. I pre-ordered the version of the Elite strap with the battery in it, which prolongs the battery life of the headset and reduces strain on my neck. With the original Quest, I noticed strain after 2 consecutive hours in VR—these accessories, if the reviewers are to believed, should enable me to have much longer VR sessions without that strain. The added weight of the battery Elite Strap (321g) might seem counter-intuitive to helping neck strain, but part of the neck strain is due to the unbalanced weight at the front of my face. A weight in the back can help counter balance it. The 321g Elite Strap with battery counters the Quest 2 which, at 503g, is already lighter than the original Quest’s 571g. 

Wrapping up

The new Quest 2 looks like an amazing piece of hardware, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. That said, storage will be a big concern for 64GB users and they should expect to have to delete apps and videos periodically to clear room for new content. Nowadays, even most smartphone vendors ship with at least 128GB if there are no expandable storage capabilities on the device. Heck, the new $349 Google Pixel 4a ships with 128GB standard. This should be the minimum for all devices moving forward (yes, Apple, that includes you too). Sure, the Quest isn’t much of a content creation device yet. That said, there’s no knowing what apps might make their way to the Quest 2 now that it has a Qualcomm XR2 processor and is effectively as powerful as the fastest smartphones on the market. Stay tuned for more coverage in the coming weeks.

When you are looking to buy a new Virtual Reality (VR) headset, there are so many features that you should consider before buying one. Storage space is one of the most important things you have to think about before buying a new Oculus Quest 2 headset. If you have your eyes on the 64GB headset, you might be wondering if that storage space is enough.

So, is 64GB enough for Oculus Quest 2? The 64GB storage space is enough for Oculus Quest 2 if you are a casual gamer. Most games and apps take an average of 3GB; therefore, you can install several games and apps before running out of space. You can also effectively manage the 64GB storage space by installing games and apps you frequently use and deleting games, apps, and other data you do not need.

The Oculus Quest 2 headset has so many features, and if you need to use most of them, you need to choose the one with enough storage space. When looking at the specifications, storage space is the first thing to check if the device can store all your games and apps.

The Oculus Quest 2 headset has different storage space options, and users have to pick the one that suits their gaming style. The smallest storage space is 64GB, and you might be wondering if it is enough for your Oculus Quest 2 headset.

The 64gb storage space is enough for Oculus Quest 2 if you are a casual gamer. You can install many quest games on the 64GB storage space and still have space for other apps and data like movies and music.

Quest games do not take up a lot of space compared to the console or PC games. An average Quest game could be between 800MB and 3GB; therefore, if you choose games that take little storage space, you will be able to use your headset without running out of space. Even if you like games that take a lot of storage space, the 64GB Oculus Quest 2 is still enough if you manage the storage space correctly.

To determine if 64GB storage space is the best for you, you need to check your gaming style. If you are a casual gamer with two or three games on your console or PC, then 64GB is enough for your Oculus Quest 2.

If you are a hardcore gamer with numerous games stored in your console and external hard drives, 64GB is not enough. You should also check the size of the games you want to play on your VR headset. If the games you want to play have average storage of 2GB, you should select the 64GB headset.

You can also manage the 64GB storage and make it work even if you like to play games that take large storage space. There is no need to have more than twenty games that average 2GB if you are going to play one or two games for months.

You can install the games you want to play, and after you are done, you can delete them. You should also manage the other data stored in the Oculus Quest 2 headset, such as movies, videos, and music. If you have already watched a movie, there is no need to keep it around if it takes more than 4GB of space.

It is important to note that the storage space of an Oculus Quest 2 will determine its price. The 64GB Oculus Quest 2 headset costs less than the 128GB and 256GB headsets. If you do not have enough money to buy a 128GB or 256GB headset, you have to settle for the 64GB headset.

You can make the 64GB headset suit your gaming style by carefully selecting which games and apps you download and install. If you will be using the 64GB Oculus Quest 2 headset with your family, you should agree on what games you need to install, and which ones have to be deleted to avoid conflicts.

It is important to note that you cannot upgrade your Oculus Quest 2 headset’s storage space. There are no ports to insert external storage devices like flash drives and SD cards. Once you buy a 64GB headset, that is the space available for you. Therefore, do not buy the 64GB headset if you want to use an external storage device to play games and watch movies.

If you do not have money for a headset with more storage space and you believe the 64GB storage space is not enough for you, you should wait and keep saving until you can afford the headset with your desired storage space.

How Many Games Can You Have on a 64GB Oculus Quest?

The Oculus Quest is the first virtual reality headset Oculus developed and released by Meta Platforms in 2019. This VR headset has two storage space options: 64GB and 128GB. If you have purchased the 64GB Oculus Quest headset, you might be wondering the number of games you can install.

If you carefully choose your titles, you can install close to forty games on a 64GB Oculus Quest. The average size of Quest video games is around 2GB, and the sizes differ depending on the type of game. Some games take up 800MB of storage space, while others take 4GB of space.

If you choose to install games that take a lot of storage space, you will run out of space before installing the 20th game. There are several websites with a list of download sizes of all quest games, and you can use such lists to decide which games you should install.

The number of games you can install on your 64GB Oculus Quest headset depends on the size of the games you select and how you manage the free storage space. If you only intend to use your headset as a gaming device, you can install many games. If you use the other features, the number of games will reduce.

For example, if you plan to watch movies on your headset, you can download a streaming app like Netflix. The Netflix app requires only 88MB of storage space, but if you download movies and series on the app, the app will take up more storage space. If you run out of space and have downloaded movies on your Oculus Quest, delete some that you have watched to create free storage space.

It is important to note that when you buy a 64GB Oculus Quest headset, you do not get the exact 64GB storage space to install your games and apps. The headset’s storage space is approximately 50GB after taking into account the operating system and pre-installed software.

You also have to use this space to store other data like movies, recorded game videos, music, and pictures. Therefore, when installing your Quest games, ensure that you leave enough free storage space to store other data. You should also delete any game, movie, or music you are not using to ensure you have enough storage space to install new Quest games.

Game file sizes never stay low and usually increase with each update. If you downloaded a video game in 2020 and its size is 1GB, by the end of 2021, the same game might double in size. Developers always release updates to improve their games to harness their full potential. Therefore, the 64GB Oculus Quest headset will not hold as many games as it does now in the next few years.

The 64GB Oculus Quest headset is meant for casual gamers with no intention of storing many large size games and other data. Most games for casual gamers do not take a lot of storage space; for example, the Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs requires only 250MB of storage space.

On the other hand, games meant for hardcore gamers like The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners require 8GB of free storage space. If you are looking forward to playing titles with large files, you should buy the 128GB Oculus Quest headset.

Do I Need Oculus Quest 2 64GB or 128GB or 256GB?

Choosing a new VR headset is not that easy because you must consider many things. One of the key issues you have to consider is if the headset’s storage space will hold all your games, apps, and other data. When looking for an Oculus Quest 2 headset to purchase, you might be wondering which storage space between 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB is enough.

You need an Oculus Quest 2 headset with enough storage space that suits your gaming style. If you are a casual gamer, you should select the 64GB headset since you will not be installing numerous or large file games. If you are a hardcore gamer and love to play numerous large file games, you need the 256GB headset.

If you are not sure which games you are going to play, you should select the 128GB headset. It offers you enough space to install games and other data, and if you do not want to install many games, you can use the free storage space for other VR activities like saving your favorite movies and tv shows.

The 256GB Oculus Quest 2 headset is the best option if you are going to play many large Quest games. Most Quest games average around 2GB in size, but game developers are releasing games ranging between 8GB and 12GB.

The 256GB headset can easily store close to twenty games that average 12GB in size. On a 64GB headset, you can only install four 12GB games before running out of space. You can also use the 256GB headset to record some of your VR adventures to share with your friends and relatives later.

Your budget is also key in determining which variant of the Oculus Quest 2 headset you should get. If you want to enjoy virtual reality but do not have enough money, you should purchase the 64GB. You can own the 64GB headset for only 199 US dollars.

It is the cheapest, but you will have to manage the limited storage space. You can purchase the 128GB or 256GB headset if you have enough money. The 128GB headset costs 299 US dollars, while the 256GB headset costs 399 US dollars.

All the Oculus Quest variants carry out the same functions, and the only difference is the storage space. Therefore, if you want to save money, get the 128GB headset and manage the storage space well.

You should note that once you buy an Oculus Quest 2 headset, there is no way of upgrading its storage space. All Oculus Quest 2 variants do not have microSD slots or USB-C storage support. Therefore, once you buy that 64GB headset, that is the only storage space you will have for all your VR adventures.

You cannot buy a flash drive or microSD card to store Quest games, movies, or music. The only way you can upgrade your Oculus Quest 2 headset is to buy another one with larger storage space.

When you purchase a new Oculus Quest 2 headset, you will not get the exact storage space specified on the package or website, just like any other gaming console, smartphone, or PC. A sizable amount of storage space is required for the operating system and pre-installed software.

To be precise, the operating system and pre-installed software will occupy 11.3GB, therefore for a 64GB headset, you will have 54GB, 128GB, you will have 116GB, and 256GB, you will have 245GB of storage space. There are a few pre-installed demos that you can uninstall if you do not want to purchase those games, but that would only give you a few hundred megabytes of free storage space.

How Many GB Do You Need for Oculus Quest 2?

When buying a new gaming console, one of the things you have to consider is how much storage space the console has. You need enough storage space to store all your games, applications, and other data. If you want to buy an Oculus Quest 2, here is how many GB of storage you will need.

You need 128 GB if you want to install games and applications on an Oculus Quest 2 that do not take a lot of storage space. If you require more storage space for large games and applications, you need 256 GB. The Oculus Quest 2 comes with two storage options, the 128 GB headset and the 256 GB headset.

It is up to you to decide which storage space meets your needs. In addition to games and applications, some of the things that will influence your choice include storage of other data like movies and music, pre-installed software, and the possibility of expanding the existing storage space.

When you are shopping for a new Oculus Quest 2, you will also be looking at the games and applications you want to install on the headset. If the games and applications you want to download and install range between 500MB and 2GB, you should buy the 128 GB headset.

If you want to download and install major titles that take up to 15GB of storage space, you should buy the 256 GB headset. The 128 GB Oculus Quest 2 will fill up faster if you install games that take up much storage space. If you run out of space, you will be forced to uninstall some games to make room for new games and applications.

Your budget will also determine if you will get the 128 GB or 256 GB Oculus Quest 2 headset. The 128 GB Oculus Quest 2 costs 299 USD, while the 256 GB headset costs 399 USD. If you are on a tight budget, the 128 GB Oculus Quest 2 is the best option for you.

The 128 GB Oculus Quest 2 has the same features as the 256 GB, and the only difference is the storage space available. You can add 100 USD and buy the 256 GB to get the extra storage space for your games, applications, and other data if you have enough money.

If you will be using your Oculus Quest 2 to store other data in addition to VR games and applications, you should consider buying the 256 GB Oculus Quest 2 headset. If you plan to download movies, TV shows, music and store some of your videos on your Oculus Quest 2 headset, you need enough space to store all that data.

Most movies and TV shows are high quality meaning one movie, or a single episode might take up to 1 GB of storage space. If you buy a 128 GB headset, you will run out of space quickly if you download many movies and TV shows. 

It is important to note that when you purchase a 128 GB or 256 GB Oculus Quest 2 headset, you do not exactly get the storage space indicated in the device’s specifications. Suppose you purchase a 128 GB Oculus Quest 2, about 116 GB of free storage space because about 11.3 GB is already occupied by pre-installed software.

On the 256 GB Oculus Quest 2, pre-installed software will also take up 11.3 GB leaving you with 245 GB of storage space. Therefore, before buying an Oculus Quest 2 headset, ensure you consider the storage space taken by pre-installed software and see if the available space would sufficiently cater to your needs.

Unlike most gaming consoles, you cannot use external storage devices on your Oculus Quest 2. If you buy a 128 GB Oculus Quest 2, that is the only storage space you will have on your headset.

The headset does not have any USB ports; therefore, if you have any VR games or multimedia stored in a flash drive, you cannot access them using your headset. So, when shopping for a new Oculus Quest 2, ensure you choose the correct storage space because there is no way to expand the storage space or use external storage devices.


Enough storage space is very important, and people always look for devices that can store all their data and perform well every time. When choosing which Oculus Quest 2 variant to choose, your gaming style will determine if a 64GB OR 256GB headset is the best option for you.

If you like to play simple video games that only require hundreds of megabytes, then the 64GB headset is best. If you are a professional gamer or YouTuber and want to record most of your gameplays, the 256GB is the best headset.

The 128GB Oculus Quest headset is the most suitable for all virtual reality enthusiasts because it is affordable. Even gamers who love to play large file games can use it without running into storage space issues.

When shopping for a new Oculus Quest 2, the types of games you want to play, budget, and how you use the headset will determine whether you need the 128 GB or 256 GB headset. The 128 GB headset is perfect for people on a budget who want to play games that require small storage space. If you want to play major titles and store multimedia on your device, you need the 256 GB headset.

How many GB is best for Oculus Quest 2?

If you bought the 64GB Oculus Quest 2 that launched in 2020 and want to trade it in for a model with more storage, we'd recommend going with the 256GB version.

How many games can a 128 GB Oculus Quest 2 hold?

Account for about 4-GB of reserve storage for Oculus OS and system apps and that works out to around 40 apps/games on the 64-GB model and about double that for 128-GB model.

Is 64GB enough for Oculus Quest 2?

For 99% of people, this is more than enough, especially since you can always uninstall some older games to free up space. The 64GB variant of the Oculus Quest 2 supports all the same features and games as the version with larger storage. It has enough space for many users but will fill up if you're a har...

Is 128GB enough for meta Quest 2?

I've had the 64GB Quest 2 headset for two years (Meta discontinued this model in 2021 and upgraded the base model to 128GB of storage). I've come to the conclusion that if you're a casual gamer, the 128GB variant is more than enough. With just 64GB at my disposal, I have a library of 40 games with 12GB to spare.