How many miles does synthetic blend oil last

Quick-lube chains say 3,000 miles, auto manufacturers recommend 5,000 to 7,500 miles and synthetic oil companies, 10,000. How often do you really need to change the oil in your car?

  • August 19, 2008

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Dear EarthTalk: How often do I really need to change my car’s oil? Conventional wisdom has always put it at every 3,000 miles to prevent engine wear, but isn’t changing oil that frequently wasteful and unnecessary? Also, what is the "greenest" and longest-lasting oil I should use?
-- Vic Roberts, Lincoln, MA

There is much debate in the automotive world over how often drivers of typical passenger cars or light trucks should change their oil. The quick-lube chains usually recommend it be done every three months or 3,000 miles, but many mechanics would tell you that such frequent changes are overkill. Indeed, most car owner’s manuals recommend changing out the oil less frequently, usually after 5,000 or 7,500 miles.

According to the automotive website, the answer depends more on driving patterns than anything else. Those who rarely drive more than 10 miles at a time (which doesn’t get the oil hot enough to boil off moisture condensation) or who start their car frequently when the oil isn’t hot (when most engine wear occurs) should change their oil more often—at least twice a year, even if that’s every 1,000 miles, according to Edmunds. But commuters who drive more than 20 miles a day on mostly flat freeway can go as far as their owner’s manual recommends, if not longer, between changes. As a car ages, more frequent changes might be in order, but that’s for a qualified mechanic to decide on a case-by-case basis.

“The necessity of 3,000 mile oil changes is a myth that has been handed down for decades,” writes Austin Davis, proprietor of the website He says that the economics of the oil change industry demand pushing customers to get their oil changed more frequently—purportedly as “cheap insurance” against problems cropping up—whether they need it or not. One of the largest oil change chains, Jiffy Lube, for instance, is owned by Pennzoil-Quaker State, and as such has an incentive to sell as much of the company’s traditional petroleum-based oil as possible.

One way to reduce trips to and money spent unnecessarily on quick-lube outlets is to switch to synthetic oils, which last longer and perform better than their traditional petroleum-based counterparts. Davis says that educated drivers should opt for longer lasting, better performing synthetic oils, which are “most likely good for 10,000 to 15,000 miles or six months” whether or not their manufacturers recommend more frequent changes or not. Some synthetic motor oils, like Amsoil, NEO and Red Line, to name a few, are created specifically to last 25,000 miles or one year before needing a change.

While neither conventional nor synthetic motor oils are good for the environment if disposed of improperly or spilled, most environmentalists would opt for the latter since it lasts three or more times longer and thus reduces waste (or energy use if recycled). Researchers have been experimenting with producing greener motor oils—one pilot project out of Purdue University has produced high-quality, carbon-neutral motor oil from canola crops—but consumers should not expect to see such products on store or garage shelves anytime soon, as the costs of production are high and the availability of cropland is limited. But the very existence of such alternatives—no doubt more are in the offing—bodes well for the future as oil becomes more scarce and expensive.


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Most synthetic motor oils are rated to last as long as 10,000 to 15,000 miles; some even last as long as 25,000 miles, under normal driving conditions. This does not include extreme driving conditions, such as towing, hauling, extreme weather, excessive driving or racing.

3,000 Miles or Three Months

The need to change your oil every 3,000 miles or three months is an old myth and definitely does not apply to synthetic oils. While most synthetic oils last almost three times as long as this, having your oil changed every three months or 3,000 miles is a good preventive method against engine damage, and allows a mechanic to inspect your vehicle frequently.

Bottom Line

The amount you drive will determine your oil change schedule. If you drive frequently under extreme conditions, or rarely drive more than 10 miles, which does not heat the oil enough to boil off moisture condensation, you may need to do it more often; but your owner's manual will advise when to change your oil, based on your vehicle's scheduled maintenance.

Writer Bio

Sean Farmer has been a professional writer since 2004. He has written many published works for various websites. Farmer is currently working towards a Doctor of Philosophy in psychology at Northwestern Oklahoma State University.

Can you go 5000 miles on synthetic blend oil?

Synthetic blends hold up longer and won't break down, even after 5000 miles of driving. Newer cars also have better filtration systems, allowing you to safely drive 5000 miles between oil changes. If your car holds more than the typical 5 Quarts you may also be able to safely run 5,000 mile oil changes.

How often do you need an oil change with synthetic blend?

Some oil manufacturers claim their synthetic oils last up to 25,000 miles, but 10,000 to 15,000 miles is the average. As for synthetic blends, they typically split the difference between conventional motor oils (5,000 miles) and full synthetics (10,000 miles), so you may be changing your oil around 7,500 miles.

How many months can synthetic blend oil last?

On average, synthetic oil lasts about 6 months to 1 year or 7,500-10,000 miles before needing replacement. However, this is only an approximation and is subject to change based on several factors such as oil brand, age of the vehicle, and driving conditions.

Can you go 10 000 miles with synthetic oil?

In general, though, modern cars can manage 5,000 to 7,500 miles between oil changes. If your vehicle calls for a blended or full synthetic oil, you can push that to 10,000 miles.


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