How much is a used double wide trailer

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Double Wide Mobile Home?

That’s a great question. Before we get into the details of double wide mobile home prices, let’s cover a couple of “house keeping” items. First off, if you just want to see the prices, you can shop our double wide mobile homes with posted prices, including base price, delivery, and installation, on our website. Unlike other mobile home dealers, we proudly display the price of every home on our website.

If you were hoping to understand the cost of a double wide including land, utilities, and extra buildings, you may want to read our post “How Much is a Mobile Home?” when you are done with this post. On this page we are only going to cover the cost of a double wide home by itself, and we are talking a typical, new double wide manufactured home because there is no limit to how much you can spend on a home if you want to go “over the cliff” with your pocket book.

If you were hoping to learn about single wide mobile homes, we put together a blog about all the aspects of buying a single wide mobile home here.

Finally, what we all a call “new double wide mobile home” is technically a “new double wide manufactured home.” Since most of y’all still call them mobile homes or simply “double wides,” we are going to go with the flow and join you, but when you see “manufactured home,” know they are the same thing.

Are you going to tell me how much a double wide mobile home costs already?

Okay, okay. Expect $80-175 thousand for a three bedroom, two bathroom, double wide home in the 1475-1600 square feet range, delivered in Texas with the most popular upgrades included at the time of this writing. The cheapest double wide is about $75,000 yet spending $250,000 on a large, luxury style mobile home is possible as well.

Yes, we know, that is quite a spread. Why the big difference?

Remember, prices can change at a moment’s notice, plus the costs will change depending on the options you choose (more on that below) and the delivery address. To get a more accurate estimate, call or use our instant estimate tool on any home model page on the website.

Back to the big difference. Well, if you go with a home like the Clayton Hamilton on the top end of that range, it is more of a luxury mobile home. You can get a fireplace, tray ceilings, and stainless steel appliances. The walls are all tape-and-texture walls and the kitchen and bathrooms are gorgeous.

On the other end of the spectrum is the Tru Homes Excitement. Tru focuses on giving you the most home for your dollar. The walls are VOG type walls, and the home is nice, but not luxury. The appliances are black, the fridge is a little smaller, and the windows aren’t as big as the first house. You are also going to find less options when you buy a more affordable home because more options drive up factory costs.

If you are looking for something in-between those two extremes, we have the Clayton Isabella, which will cost you around $140,000 when you include options, delivery, and air conditioning. The Isabella is a beautiful home also with tape-and-texture walls, stainless steel appliances, and an Energy Star rating.

Factory Options for Your Double Wide Mobile Home

As with our single wides, we carry double wides from a number of factories. While some upgrades are common across the board, such as air conditioning, others vary widely. What you find as an upgrade in the more economical homes are standard features as you move up the price ladder. Options available in a luxury home are often not offered in more affordable homes.

Upgrade options we strongly encourage would include air conditioning (can you imagine a Texas summer without A/C?), insulation upgrades, and upgraded siding. Most people will not need a Wind Zone upgrade, so unless you live on the coast, don’t worry about that one.

Let’s look at TRU Homes as our example of a home for a modest budget. The siding, linoleum flooring throughout, and air conditioning upgrade options are common in most mobile homes. On the other hand, the dishwasher and Energy Star package found as an upgrade in Tru are generally standard with our other manufacturers.

It is pretty common to see people add about $10,000 onto a Tru Homes double wide for upgrades including the air conditioning, (again, to get an exact figure, use our instant estimate tool or give us a call).

Clayton Athens upgrades aren’t going to be much more than the Tru Homes upgrades. Looking at the Isabella we mentioned above, seeing $11,00 – 12,000 in upgrades is relatively common. The catch? Unlike the Tru, the upgrades in the Athens will give you a washer and dryer, 6″ thick exterior walls, and ceiling fans plus you will find the Energy Star rating and dishwasher as standard in the home.

What about the Clayton farmhouse style homes? As a luxury home, you get more options, so $15,000 give or take a few thousand is more likely the conversation you should expect. You can option up for a fireplace and a galvanized metal roof, or you can keep it pretty simple. It is hard to imagine people would spend much less than $11,000 on more common upgrade options, but most people don’t go for every single upgrade either.

Again, use the estimating tool or give us a call for a more accurate estimate.

Trim-out is the process of bringing the two sections of a double wide home together into a single house.

Delivery, Set-Up, and Trim-Outs

Now we are getting into costs that are significantly more than what you find in a single wide mobile home. Since double wides need to ship in two sections, they cost twice as much to ship. They also take more time to setup because you have to carefully line up the two halves then secure them together.

After the home is setup, the “trim-out” adds the pieces that couldn’t be attached to your house during transit, things such as the ridge vent, some of the siding, and some of the trim inside the home.

Before the trim-out is complete, your home will still be a construction site. Even though you can go inside and confirm the home has everything you asked for, you aren’t allowed to move your belongings in yet.

Trim-outs occur through the entire length of your home and involve stretching carpet, adding transition pieces, and touching up any minor scrapes or scuffs from transporting the home. You can probably imagine why a trim-out crew does not want your stuff in the house yet…they can’t get their work done!

Once the trim-out is complete and cleaned up, the home that was once two sections will now be the single home you’ve been waiting for, and it will be all yours!

To see some double wide mobile homes, visit our web page of double wide mobile homes. Every home will have a base price listed, upgrade options, and delivery calculator. You can also see a virtual tour of the home on its page. If you have any questions or comments, you can reach us hereor call us at 210-510-0500.

This article was originally published December 15, 2018, and was recently updated to ensure relevancy and accuracy.

How much are most double wide trailers?

An average double-wide trailer is 56 x 26 feet and it costs about $75,000. A triple-wide trailer has the maximum square footage, with the largest one being about 3,000 square feet. The average cost for this kind of trailer home is $100,000.

How do you find the value of a mobile home?

You can find the sale price at your county recorder's office or by looking at websites such as Zillow..
The mobile homes need to be comparable in terms of size, age, general condition, and the amount of land..
You are unlikely to find an exact match, but you don't need an exact match. ... .
Sales also need to be recent..

How much is a double wide trailer in Florida?

Double Wides typically cost twice as much as single Wides because they are twice bigger. According to data obtained from the Census Bureau, new Double Wides cost an average of $139,900 in November 2021. Double Wides arrive in two parts to be assembled on site.

How much is a trailer home in Canada?

The median sale price of a mobile home in Vancouver was $169,950 in 2017, and it has since jumped to $327,000 100 in 2021. Comparably, in Ottawa, the median sale price for mobile home in 2017 was $75,000, and in 2021 it increased to $160,000.


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