How often do i need to trim my dogs nails

Trimming your dog's nails can be a daunting task even for the most experienced dog owner and sometimes getting a professional to do the grooming might be the best option, and finding a dog wellness plan that covers this service. Some dogs have black or very dark-colored nails making it extremely difficult to see, while other dogs might just refuse to sit still. This is why some dog owners elect to have their dogs' nails trimmed by a groomer.  

Wagmo dog wellness plans start immediately after you sign up! This includes grooming and routine work such as trimming your dog's nails.

How often do dog’s nails need to be trimmed? Well, this depends on your dog or cat’s daily activities. If your animal is constantly outside their nails might be worn down naturally. However they are probably getting a lot dirtier than an indoor animal, so routine professional grooming every 3 months is recommended. Our animal’s nails need to be trimmed every 3-4 weeks.

Indoor animals will most likely need their nails trimmed more often as they are usually just walking around on soft and flat surfaces. This is why some cats love scratching posts (or the furniture) because they are making up for their nails not being naturally worn down.

You can usually tell when an animal’s nails are in need of a trim because you can hear the clacking on the hardwood floors. Be careful when nails get this long because they are more prone to infection. Overgrown nails can cause painful paw injuries in both dogs and cats. They can get snagged on something or even crack, this can be super painful.

If their nails get too long some dogs will find it difficult to place their full body weight on their feet due to the discomfort caused by elongated nails. As a result, these dogs develop sore feet, legs, and hips and overall discomfort, and the simple act of just walking can be a painful experience for them.

Don’t forget about the dew claws!

The dew claw is placed about 1-3 inches above the inside or their front feet, and sometimes their back feet too. They need to be clipped as well. The dew claw will almost never be exposed to friction so they become overgrown more quickly. It is not uncommon for pets to have dew claws on some feet, and not on others.

What is “the quick”?

The quick is a blood vessel in dog’s and cat’s nails. The quick is usually visible to the eye in light-colored nails. Cutting your animal’s nails can just the quick and cause their nails to bleed. If you cut the quick it might become harder to cut your animal’s nails in the future as they might be nervous it will hurt. This is why most people who have animals with dark nails always bring them to professional groomers to get their nails clipped.

If your animal’s quick is super close to the tip, daily filing can encourage it to recede. Continue to file the animal’s nails for a few weeks until you are able to properly trim the nails down. Continue trimming and filing as a part of your regular routine to keep your animal’s nails healthy. This is another reason why bringing our pets to the groomers is so beneficial, they will be able to spot and treat unhealthy nails.

If you’re still wondering how often to trim dog’s nails, or cat’s nails, or how short to trim them, it is always best to reach out to your veterinarian or groomer for advice.

Interested in getting grooming coverage and pet insurance to start immediately? Dog wellness plans coverage begins right after you signup, while insurance has a short waiting period of 30 days. You can combine pet insurance and a pet wellness plan with Wagmo. Mix and match to find your perfect plan. Wagmo Pet Wellness covers routine blood work, vaccinations, dental care, and more! Pet insurance is more for emergencies, medications, and illnesses, so also a great thing to have in case of any health concerns.

Take Wagmo’s Coverage Quiz today and discover a plan that is perfect for you, your wallet, and your animal!

Dog nail trimming is not just a beauty treatment, but an action you should perform regularly – every dog parent should know how to trim dog nails. Because overgrown nails can, in fact, lead to massive pain and affect your dog’s life negatively. Taking care of the paws is an essential part of your dog’s health, so check out this guide to trimming your dog’s nails safely at home by yourself. With our step by step process, trimming dog nails can be made easy for you and your furry friend!

Why is it important to trim dog nails?

When dog nails get too long, it can lead to pain and other serious issues. Over time, your dog might develop spine and posture problems (like sitting or standing oddly) due to frequently shifting weight because of overgrown nails. Too-long nails can even lead to difficulty walking, lameness or serious injury; especially if they’re so long that they touch the ground. In general, nails that are too long can limit your dog’s movements.

Overgrown nails significantly decrease the quality of your dog’s daily life.

As soon as your dog’s nails touch the ground and grow past the pad of your dog’s paw, it’s time to take action!

How to know when to trim dog nails

With your furry friend standing in front of you with their front legs under their shoulders, check their nails. Are they touching the ground? If so, then they’re too long. And if you hear your dog’s nails clicking or see them turn sideways, it’s time for a trim. Ideally, you should be able to slip a piece of paper between your dog’s nails and the floor.

Long nails hinder your dog’s ability to move. But how do you shorten those nails?

Step-by-step instructions for dog nail trimming

Step 1: Prepare the equipment

  • Dog nail clippers/scissors/grinder
  • Flashlight (for dark nails)
  • Optional: Paw balsam

When everything is ready, get your dog comfortable and you’re good to go. If your dog is a bit nervous, calm them with biscuits or extra cuddles. This will give them a sense of security while you begin cutting.

Step 2: Determine how far to trim dog nails

Be extra careful when deciding where to cut, as dog nails are supplied with blood. An accidental clip in the wrong spot could lead to a lot of pain. It’s easier to find the right range for dogs with clear or light colored nails, while it can be a bit trickier with dark nails. Luckily, a flashlight can help you better see the blood supply area.

Remember these 3 tips and you’ll be fine:

  • The perfect cutting range ends right before the blood supply.
  • Front paws are more likely to get overgrown nails.
  • You should always cut parallel to the bottom. 

Step 3: Let’s do this – time to cut dog nails!

Defined the cutting range? Good! Your dog is (ideally) in a relaxed position. You have your equipment ready. It’s time to start trimming your dogs nails!

Trim by taking small steps at a time, and use rewards to keep your dog comfortable if needed. If there’s no blood at the end of the whole process and your dog behaves like nothing has happened, you’ve done everything right!

Moreover, once you’re done cutting, you can soften the skin around the nails with some paw balsam. It’s optional, but can be comforting for your pup. Trim the hair between the paws for perfect results.

Step 4: Reward your good boy or girl

Don’t forget to reward your dog afterward! Only by doing so, your dog can associate the “unpleasant procedure” of nail trimming with something positive and this can reduce the fear. Who would say no to a reward just because of a little nail trimming?!

How to trim dog nails that are overgrown?

Are you taking care of a dog that already has extremely long nails? Check out the video below for tips on how to cut overgrown dog nails safely. If you are worried about your dog’s nail, paw, or health in general, as always, talk to your veterinarian. He will be able to give you the best recommendations and treatments for your puppy.

How to stop a dog’s nail from bleeding

Even when you’re very cautious, it’s always possible that something goes wrong during this process. Golden rule: don’t panic if you see a little bit of blood on your dog’s nail. Instead, try to stop the blood flow and prevent any dirt from getting in contact with the wound, this to avoid infections. If the blood flow doesn’t stop after 30 minutes, contact your vet.

If you cannot contact your vet and need to act rapidly, use styptic powder or pencil (on sale at every pharmacy) on the wound/s. If you don’t possess any styptic powder or pencil and you cannot visit the pharmacy, try applying some ice cubes.

It depends; dogs who are used to walking on soft ground (like parks or forests) can have a harder time controlling the length of their nails, compared to dogs who walk on hard ground (concrete or asphalt). Moreover, that’s not the only factor at play. Dog nail cutting requirements are also affected by:

  • Genetic factors
  • Dog breed
  • Feeding habits
  • How active your dog is

However, we’d recommend cutting your dog’s nails every 2 weeks to maintain ideal nail length. Furthermore, the more you trim their overgrown nails, the more the blood vessel will retreat back into the claw. Therefore, frequent dog nail trimming is highly essential.

More ideas to keep your dog healthy and happy

So, now that you’re an expert on how to cut dog nails, you might want to consider some other ways to ensure that your dog is always happy-go-lucky by your side. Here are our top 5 tips to best care for your dog:

  1. Train your dog to follow basic commands for safety.
  2. Keep dangerous toxins out of your dog’s reach.
  3. Ensure your dog will never get lost with a GPS tracker for dogs.
  4. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise with the help of activity monitoring.
  5. Learn how to handle your dog in heat.

Dog nail trimming: conclusion

A dog’s nail treatment is often overlooked by people because they tend to only see the “beauty-factor” in it. But nail treatment remains an essential part of your dog’s regular care. After you read this blog post, you should feel more prepared for your dog’s next nail session.

What happens if you don't trim your dog's nails?

As long nails hit the ground, it puts force on the foot and leg structure. This force can potentially lead to arthritis and ongoing pain. The growth pattern of a dog's nails forms a curved shape. If left untrimmed, the claws will eventually curve under the dog's paws and dig into the skin, creating pain when they walk.

How do you know when your dog needs a nail trim?

With your furry friend standing in front of you with their front legs under their shoulders, check their nails. Are they touching the ground? If so, then they're too long. And if you hear your dog's nails clicking or see them turn sideways, it's time for a trim.

How often should I clip my dog's toenails?

A good indicator that your dog's claws may need a trim is if you can hear their claws clicking loudly as they move around on hard or tiled floors. Depending on how active your dog is, and the types of surface they walk on, you should aim to trim your dog's claws once or twice a month.


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