How to change the infrared thermometer to fahrenheit

How do i get it to change to fahrenheit? it's stuck in celsius.

asked on March 13, 2016

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Showing 1-10 of 139 answers

KA1C02781759 change from Celsius back to Fahrenheit read for the forehead.

· August 2, 2021

I have an abner infrared thermometer model #KD3357. I’m having difficulty changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The company is Guangdong Dongguan Kangwei Pharmaceutical Technology

· May 14, 2020

If can"t get it to work even after getting it to convert 36 is approx normal and 37 is approx 100.4, 38 approx 102, 39 is aporox 103 and 40 is 104. Couldn't get mine to read correctly in Farenheit so left it in Celsius after folliwing YouTube direction for model #.

· November 20, 2020

How do i get it to change to fahrenheit? it's stuck in celsius.

· August 10, 2020

How do I change to fehrenheitbtuckmon celsius

· May 29, 2020

how do i change from celsius to fahrenheit with a jziki infraredthermomter

· August 12, 2020

How can I get it to change to Fahrenheit? It is stuck in celsius

· August 15, 2020


· May 18, 2020

To change from Celsius to Fahrenheit on a thermometer

· September 5, 2020

Hi guys! Let's try something here, I have gone through your questions and answers and I think I can help a little with this question:
I have the Morning thermometer model: NE-01
… see more Hi guys! Let's try something here, I have gone through your questions and answers and I think I can help a little with this question:
I have the Morning thermometer model: NE-01

It was stuck on Celsius like yours but I switched to Fahrenheit by holding down the set and the plus (SET & +) buttons together and you will notice that a F1 or F2 or F3 appear on the screen, as soon as that happens, release the two buttons and immediately press and release the minus (-) button and your thermometer will be set to Fahrenheit. Click the set button once more and that's it, you should be able to enjoy your thermometer from this point on. Good luck see less Hi guys! Let's try something here, I have gone through your questions and answers and I think I can help a little with this question:
I have the Morning thermometer model: NE-01

It was stuck on Celsius like yours but I switched to Fahrenheit by holding down the set and the plus (SET & +) buttons together and you will notice that a F1 or F2 or F3 appear on the screen, as soon as that happens, release the two buttons and immediately press and release the minus (-) button and your thermometer will be set to Fahrenheit. Click the set button once more and that's it, you should be able to enjoy your thermometer from this point on. Good luck

· July 19, 2021

The Non-Contact Thermometer offers readings in both Fahrenheit & Celsius. The thermometer is initially factory set to Fahrenheit. To change the unit settings follow the below instructions, please note, that this device is programmed to conserve power so can shut off if to much time passes between each step. 

  • Firstly ensure the thermometer is turned on, you can do this by pressing the trigger (power button). The screen will flash on and the thermometer will record the temperature, most likely displaying 'lo' (low) if you do not have it pointed towards someone. 
  • Press and hold the 'Set' button until you see the screen flash 'F1' then 'Unit'
  • In the top right corner, you will see either °F or °C flashing. This is the unit the thermometer is currently recording measurements. 
  • To change the unit press the 'Memo' button once to switch to the alternative measurement. It will begin flashing on the screen.
  • Once you have selected the preferred unit, press the 'Set' button to save the selection. 
  • Then press the trigger (power button) to return to the home screen. You will see the newly selected unit in the top left corner.




How do you reset a non contact infrared thermometer to Fahrenheit?

To reset the unit, remove the batteries, wait 2 minutes and then re-install the batteries.


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