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No. Excerpt

622665704Character that sold you the game. Pic related.[View]622666754The next Switch console NEEDS 4k output and backwards compatibility or it will flop[View]622653941What's your opinion of Illya and Miyu's game?[View]622665369We all know Steve, some of us know Alex, but what do you think of the rest of the Minecraft cast?[View]622607505Just got pic related. Please post an actual GOOD list of games for it because everywhere I look onl…[View]622665342We're all gonna die.[View]622665894post 10/10s: >FFVII[View]622645223Why did Kojima left Konami ?: was it ever revealed what happened between them ?[View]622660703>download skyrim >install modlist >game doesn't even resemble skyrim anymore >even …[View]622662238Which Catherine do you choose?[View]622663832Goddammit nVidia[View]622665941>Sekiro[View]622666520>let's make a JRPG with no towns, inns, NPCs, or dungeons but just make the entire game a st…[View]622666190What's the best stealth/invisibility mechanic you've ever seen in a video game?[View]622666585>hospital >but they took video game speedrunning influence…[View]622666543>spend $4k on a high end gayming computer >play a game for 2 min >get bored and go back to …[View]622666390>attacks with fire AND lightning[View]622666197I keep seeing people post stuff about people learning Japanese through games. Are there any games fo…[View]622655287Tomba fans are so delusional it's actually kind of sad. They think every game in the series is …[View]622659745Less talking! More raiding![View]622666209Atari to announce new console: Atari posed to release a new hardware system after the collapse of th…[View]622660871A new Dokapon game has been rated in Germany. It's probably a translation of that previously ja…[View]622665171>works on my machine :)[View]622645935If devs really want blacks in video games, why the fuck nobody just makes a game about Africa The cl…[View]622666013Unadulterated Kino: Truly a masterpiece worthy of a sequel or remaster.[View]622664545Far Cry 5 had the perfect world to have a coop zombie experience but it never happened[View]622665132gamer girl[View]622665885Is Team Fortress 2 fucking dead? Casual is a shitshow of a melting pot of fandoms. Competitive is fu…[View]622665874la creatividad: how did he make these two games feel so similar despite using different engines…[View]622655130What was her plan?[View]622665710Chico: What happened on that faithful scorching hot summer in Nicaragua in 1965?[View]622650119Atari Announces New Hardware coming soon: Made by My arcade[View]622656904What is it about Sonic that causes so much seething? Feels like anytime Sonic is mentioned you got s…[View]622620478Chilean regulator approves MS buying Activision: //…[View]622659561im getting tired of shit like this[View]622665638Early Warcraft thread: This is a thread dedicated to Warcraft RTS games and the base MMO game that f…[View]622660192Been about a year since I've seen a battlestation thread. Let's have one! Post setups, rat…[View]622635037>BWEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM >LA LA LA LA LA LA! LA! LA! >BWEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM' >…[View]622663628What made it so appealing to underage retards who play ironic weebshit like DMC?[View]622663410Blood lost le vial farming unique bad aggression + playstyle is the only bad Sekiro about the game. …[View]622663070>play Japanese action game >Numbers flash after every attack…[View]622653718What games have friendly monsters in them?[View]622657134We can't talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don't let any…[View]622664532I desperately miss when I had friends to hang with while I play video games, or to discuss the recen…[View]622646738Steam Replay 2022: How was your year, anon? //[View]622665241I had this happen to my majorask mask game, still couldn't climb the clock tower so I never bea…[View]622665361but...but why?[View]622660214Anon, your mission is to port a popular genre of non-arcade game to the arcade platform and make it …[View]622665186Will you learn japanese from this? It's a word puzzle game. Did anyone ever play it? It has suc…[View]622627960come play some skrib //[View]622663059Tom Kenny is set to be a voice actor in a SPORE animated series based on the video game.[View]622644607Stop liking evil women, it's bad for you.[View]622664341what is the Rock'n Roll of video games?[View]622631763Why are there no good games made by British 'people'?[View]622662389Post your Cases.[View]622663690Starfield: Starfield...Home...[View]622657369How was this FAIR? I literally couldnt get past this as a kid.[View]622664267What went wrong?[View]622664769Hey Watcher when're you gonna invite me into your captain's quarters and fuck my brains ou…[View]622662095Waited for the Dark Arisen Expansion on PS3 and never got around to playing it until now, any advice…[View]622664075They became too powerful for their own good.[View]622664373Just replayed it: It's literally the best one in every single way[View]622659876I am dying[View]622662376OH NO NO NO NO NO[View]622663973Best Fromsoft boss. Keep crying shitters.[View]622658202Anyone play vanilla skyrim still?[View]622661309The return of lethargy in Warcarft orcs: Why have the orcs become so weak again? They used to be con…[View]622640125Literally how did boomers play this jank? I can't even get past the mansion stage[View]622664152>2000s and early 2010s was MnK players making fun of controller players MnK players been real qui…[View]622664048This series is called Biohazard.[View]622662917EL STEVE JOBS DE LOS VIDEOJUEGOS[View]622660008What happened to the Deutschjank genre? Back in the early 2000s they produced some of the best, most…[View]622663942>Chain smoking sheriff looks at a soda machine >'This shit can kill you.' It's just soda.…[View]622586883Why haven't you bought all of the Hitman 3 trilogy with all its associated DLC for 66 bucks? Ar…[View]622660968>Almost 2023 >Still no Telltale Stranger Things…[View]622659594ᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…[View]622663884russians will never be taken seriously again[View]622663881>she tells me it's over >she tells me she made a mistake >she tells me it's over …[View]622661878Help me decide on what to play next -Shovel knight treasure trove -Rayman origins -LA Mulana[View]622663789Raiden 3 is being delisted on Steam and GOG on the 31st. Now is your last chance to pick it up if yo…[View]622620229Why did you hate it Anon?[View]622663787Buy a Nintendo Switch, I can take it on trips with me.[View]622662363PSPlus: >revamped to rival Xbox GamePass >immediately forgotten half a year later What went wr…[View]622661449>this shrine imprison one of the most dangerous legendary in the region >said legendary…[View]622661268which should be my first Dynasty Warriors if I want to play a good entry and/or the best entry[View]622658162>Mary... could you really be in this fucking town? Silent motherfucking Hill...…[View]622650556>weight: ''secret'' >likes Western sweets So she's fatter than Ryu, right?…[View]622657373Golden Sun died, forever and permanently, with Dark Dawn.[View]622662786>say that the show is unlike the video game because you can’t reload a save and deaths carry more…[View]622655454Results are in: 4chan's Northern Hemisphere Annual Convention happened and we voted on the best…[View]622663112WHERE ARE YOU? AND I'M SO SORRY I CANNOT SLEEP, I CANNOT DREAM TONIGHT![View]622629409No 3x3 thread? Let's fix that.[View]622659329.[View]622663129it's 2005[View]622661506WoW Dragonflight: Is this the most fun expansion to date? >new dungeons are all fantastic, the be…[View]622663146Vidya Dream Team: Never has there been more talent in a room.[View]622662574Why is he so devilish? He wants to rule the company after his death and pumps out shit eternally[View]622658201.[View]622662905How the fuck do they get away with marketing the PS5 on the box as 8K, yet it can't do Demon So…[View]622661107>three play styles for you to choose from, except you suck massive cocks if you don't grind …[View]622659826>lost le unique aggresive + parry playstyle to Sekiro that does it better >lost highest rated …[View]622624385>catchy electronic music playing >monkey grunts and sequels GOTCHA…[View]622659981Nioh 2 thread: Surely this one won't archive in 10 replies I can't deal with a picture scr…[View]622661167Without the shadow of a doubt, the greatest game mankind has ever created[View]622662687whoever wrote this was on drugs[View]622633510>mediocre combat >mediocre bosses >mediocre open world >mediocre soundtrack >mediocre…[View]622658771What a wet fucking fart of a game[View]622662512If you like this game, I refuse to see you as anything but a woman. You are not a man.[View]622653825Kenshi: What am I in for?[View]622646594Play Last Origin[View]622657840>Throw out the Boost formula after Generations refined and nearly perfected it >Following game…[View]622659359How much FPS is enough?[View]622647161What are some vidya red flags before a game is released?[View]622662226Stranger of Paradise: >Jack and Zack[View]622659501What game has the worst writing?[View]622660150Is there any sandbox games where you craft stuff and survive that isn't gmod or rust?[View]622614460I dare you to name a single game where horseback riding isn't clunky and awkward.[View]622658363PS5 or Series X: Got enough money over Christmas to buy either a PS5 or Xbox Series X. Which one sho…[View]622661970they had to of let the diversity hire trannies write this mission right? or was CDprojectred trying…[View]622661373Why haven't you played Mafia 3, /v/? It's Grindhouse kino.[View]622660064Damn they're really preforming everywhere.[View]622657670RTX and common sense: So from a purely PRACTICAL point of view, which of these would you rather play…[View]622660452Wolfenstein New Order: >die a million times till you git gud (never leave cover) >tedious lase…[View]6226616505D chess: >he cant checkmate his opponent in three diferent timelines at the same time by the sam…[View]622632171>speedrun a game with 100% completion 10 times in a row Why?[View]622654683obscure waifus only you ever loved[View]622659702I played asscreed 1 and absolutely hated it Heard 2 fixes every problem with it. Convince me to play…[View]622660572The Most Overrated Computer Game To Ever Exist: > only four good bosses (Sif, Gwyn, Artorias, Gar…[View]622654270How did they get Minecraft running on a system with 512MB of RAM? >buttt pocket edition was able …[View]622661095.[View]622654054Why is Re:com considered the definitive version when it butchers the flow of the game? On handheld t…[View]622660932are there any games where you can be an arms dealer? i wanna sell guns to foreign lands without any …[View]622661487what the fuck is this shit[View]622661430Kirby: Anyone else feel like we’re gonna get a trailer for this in January?[View]622589912come with me if you want to save vidya[View]622652032So why can't we, with all our fancy modern graphics, have a Fallout game that looks like thus?[View]622661212Vermintide is better than Darktide: >early access >worse story >takes itself too seriously …[View]622652626Remake in 2023. Sakurai basically confirmed it. No competent dev at his level would say 'boy I sure …[View]622557047/v/idya Drawthread: Previous Thread: >>622476343 >Post references and names in one post …[View]622656417Compile Heart has a bias against her. Nep thread.[View]622601328>$799 >you upgrade now goyim[View]622660969It's fun are you playing payday /v/?[View]622635098You will never be an armored core fan. You will never have the attachment to this series that I do. …[View]622660831when do the missions stop sucking shit? I think the first memorable mission of 4.1 was Crimson, the …[View]622659204How does gamecube library compare to other consoles?[View]622650241What is the fluff/lore of the elder scrolls? I picked up skyrim again after playing it years ago on …[View]622656480What are /v/ favorite puzzle games?[View]622660649LIGHTNING NO[View]622651648I dont think I've ever played a better game than this.[View]622652886One Piece Oddisey: She WILL be a playable character You WILL cope[View]622632706.[View]622651945The Bouncer (2000): The Bouncer (2000)[View]622657342why aren't there more webms of chun li doing smexy fortshite dances on this board? can we remed…[View]622645884>ctrl+f >'waifu thread' >0 results Let's change that. Post waifus, art, and why you li…[View]622654382Even after a year I still maintain the passionate opinion that Cinderace from Pokemon is the greates…[View]622658970>just mindlessly grind XP for 200 hours in order to actually make a build lmao…[View]622657932My taste in women is impeccable. Literally nobody on /v/ has better taste than me.[View]622658362Not For Broadcast: Just finished it. It was bretty good. Surprisingly nuanced political commentary d…[View]622659474>Play Fallout 1 for first time >Realize it's much more similar to Fallout 3 than NV New V…[View]622654134Remember me?[View]622655687uhh.. how is this legal?[View]622659948>let's spend 7 minutes of our E3 press conference talking to this soccer player about stuff …[View]622657404Get up.[View]622658732it's about ME[View]622657464ITT Vidya art that belongs in a museum[View]622659642Screenshot bread: What other games have some really good photo mode?[View]622659245>a subreddit >kotaku comments section Potterbros, it's fucking over. The entire world is …[View]622659434Nar Shaddaa. Home.[View]622648691>Miyazaki-san, the game is unfinished, we had to cut entire land changing mechanics, levels do no…[View]622657930Why cant Ubisoft make good games anymore?[View]622640147what's your dream game?[View]622658676Has anyone played the Ascent? Is it good and does the coop work?[View]622657801// Did you know that the developers for majoras mask said tha…[View]622656963Oh yeah yeah[View]622659305New World Order: we are so fucked no more cash no more food martial law ICBMs digital money pedos ev…[View]622643093Democracy 4 Thread: it's time to put these great united states back on track /v/. lets see what…[View]622658602>fighting style unlocked: boomstick[View]622656853>friend picks up this weird obsession with NTR games >drops the time old classic 'if I can…[View]622657442Star Fox: This right here is how we save the franchise.[View]622613856Steam Sale: It's better than nothing edition[View]622658374This game is fucking shit: I don't know how but i managed to don't be able to use esuna, f…[View]622636110Master Duel: TCGfags fear this[View]622658346'Oh, you're playing Runicks? Wonderful!' >reported for slow play[View]622657626why did Cloud settle for used goods? Surely he could have gotten a sword instead of the one from Zac…[View]622658151Yuji Naka's magnum opus. ChuChu Rocket thread[View]622657275Next game when? I hope they try the fps genre again it would be pretty much High on life done right[View]622657891so... people shit on the nu-REmakes missing content while GTA 5 doesn't even have San Fierro an…[View]622656923Kojima-san, I kneel. About 10 hours in and this game is amazing. I take everything back, MGSV was Ko…[View]622647424Handhelds: Are you a ayaneo or steam deck fan?[View]622649457Games are supposed to be fun. Why aren't they fun anymore?[View]622655957THEY SAY IT'S LONELY AT THE TOP[View]622655857Post video game skeletons.[View]622650717quite frankly its fuckin over man[View]622656561>Have to destroy 10 drug spots that are spread all over Liberty City. >While avoiding gunfire…[View]622654439>doctor character >HAHA I'M A DOCTOR XD >queen character >HAHA I'M A QUEEN X…[View]622650436any tips on how to make vidya friends? I haven't spoken to anyone in days >inb4 normalfags t…[View]622617416Bravely Default: Well boys, we did it. Another gacha game is no more. //…[View]622654847Post the best online multiplayer PSP titles. Ill start[View]622559759Fire Emblem Fates Conquest: She's really hot[View]622654969Why the fuck is it called DLC and not DC? Downloadable is one word[View]622644359>tons of content >constant updates >no pay to win >can earn cash shop items by trading I…[View]622656901People don’t even know what’s it used for >DoA[View]622631150Are there any proper deep sea horror games?[View]622647878I don't know why but her dance makes me happy : - )[View]622649049What's the shittiest thing (You)'ve done to another player or vice versa.[View]622655891Spark The Electric Jester 3: Is this good or just a meme game for Sonic autists?[View]622656184Modern games and chests: How can I enjoy modern games with OCD? There are just to many collectibles.…[View]622653468Which game in the classic Mega Man series do you consider the hardest? For me, it would have to be M…[View]622656865>The shit's really hit the fan...[View]622656068Hello please recommend a game like this thanks //[View]622649941What games are you holding out for in 2023?[View]622656373the worst update to a video game in all of history you can try to deny it or think of something wors…[View]622656753Looks like that Tony Hawk thread is held together with duct tape. Come on, let's go skate.…[View]622655437I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS A DREAM[View]622655706This shit has been in development for over a decade (PE first came out in 2011 iirc) and it STILL do…[View]622655492this game made me love gaming again[View]622656557>PC for games suited for mouse and KB >Playstation for the rare good first-party games and thi…[View]622626463Games that'll make me feel like these guys.[View]622651884why are guns so boring in vidya?: *shoot bullet* *shoot bullet* *shoot bullet* *shoot bullet* *shoot…[View]622645443They did it Jerry, they finally did it! They finally ruined STALKER. It's done. Soul's gon…[View]622651981why do so few if any games fail to get that spooky yet comfy autumn atmosphere right?[View]622655041Is Puyo Puyo hard?[View]622650824Why were they like this?[View]622648680Nioh thread: Can we have a new Nioh thread going? Last couple of threads were really comfy. Currentl…[View]622655525Is my friend based or a fucking retarded?: Ok so, a friend of mine thinks that every single old game…[View]622655151Are there any 'anthology' games in which a series of unrelated stories take place in one particular …[View]622649487Aerith: Is she autistic?[View]622652212As a long-time gamer, I've seen my fair share of franchises come and go, but none have been qui…[View]622650419.[View]622622064>Not a base skill/item check like Morrowind. >Not a braindead controller vibration QTE like Sk…[View]622654723New Vegas: thinking of starting another run. What essential mods should I install?[View]622655813escape from queue times: i fucking hate this game. i want to uninstall it so badly.[View]622653290I have never played armored core I am going to play the new one I am going to post about it I am goi…[View]622654983How much money have you spent on games?[View]622655779Even Kojima is becoming a tranny.[View]622653773OOOHHHHH WWOOOOWWW YOU’RE ACTUALLY GONNA SAY THAT[View]622646987retro fps/boomer shooter thread what should I try next?[View]622655542Age of Empires IV: I haven't seen any discussion on this game since it released, did they fuck …[View]622653128Have there been any games that have tried realistic water/fluid physics? (more so than minecraft tha…[View]622522530ALICE ALICE![View]622653556'Stormcloaks... even the name of their rebellion stinks of Ulfric's vanity. He wants to be king…[View]622581551Most used Fortnite skins[View]622650123How do we save the post-apocalyptic game genre? This genre provides an endless amount of ideas for g…[View]622655210Finish. Your. Backlog.: If you have too many fucking games because you're a dumb retard who buy…[View]622654754>Fortnite is BAD because its full of ZOOMER shit and STUPID DANCE MOVES >TF2? Yeah no thats SO…[View]622654902Steam says these games are part of the BEST OF 2022 game list. Are they worth their price, /v/ ? Be …[View]622623030Fallout new Vegas jsawyer mod: Let's settle this once and for all. jsawyer: original or ultimat…[View]622647194TF2 is the greatest FPS of all time: >The enemy is creating too many problems for my team to hand…[View]622618930E P I C LETS FUCKING GO POGGERS Y'ALL: >Dishonored (definitive edition) >some scifi game …[View]622653258Tetris fans are so annoying! All they do is talk about how great Tetris is and how it's the bes…[View]622561452>run up to stationary enemy >miss every shot while strafing…[View]622649250Darktide Leaks: >Early development DarkTide build (approx 2019) has leaked through previously unk…[View]622654361This is the only game I’ve been genuinely excited for in a very long time. AChads, we’re finally goi…[View]622653352I keep losing at Ace Combat 7. I can't beat the level with the ocean platforms because I keep c…[View]622649939>Used to make friends online all the time >Now i barely remember anyone i play with Am i getti…[View]622643883Steam >supports basically any controller you plug into it >active community to talk shop about…[View]622654317Is this worth finishing? Got it for dirt cheap but it feels kinda pretentious to me so far[View]622647954Do copyright laws apply to video game modifications? //…[View]622653491Which Pacman should I try?[View]622654239Redditmemes 3: How much longer of this piece of shit game do I have to play to beat it? I'm at …[View]622653035with bosses like this in the main game I don't want to go near the dlc. knowing them they'…[View]622651896How come people in and around the video game industry only fail upwards. In any other industry if yo…[View]622654074// Kingdom Hearts 3 looks pretty awesome bros![View]622651446Has there ever been a single faction/race war-based MMORPG where players didn't just flock to o…[View]622649758I played asscreed 1 and absolutely hated it Heard 2 fixes every problem with it. Convince me to play…[View]622653558Dark Souls 2: Why does this game make the filtered /v/ and Elden Babies seethe so much?[View]622649107Is Steam Deck 64GB worth a v1 Switch (broken joycon stick) and a well-used PS4 Pro (9.00 firmware) +…[View]622650736Uhh...: Nintenbros? Wtf??[View]622649745What Worms games are worth playing /v/? Friend gifted me Clan Wars and we played for a bit, it was n…[View]622622657.[View]622652771Do you guys buy video game related toys? They're more fun than games themselves nowadays.[View]622614504Fear & Hunger 2: Termina: Fear & Hunger bread, cigarette kiss edition //…[View]622645274Did they intentionally make her more fun to play as so you'd be bummed when you're stuck w…[View]622600273Why did indie games kill AAA games?[View]622650636What's with all the product placement in this game?[View]622651832the women voices in this are cringe i refund game[View]622653113Rankings: Ranking every Game awards GOTY nominee, 2014 - 2022 >50. PUBG >49. Hearthstone >4…[View]622652360what's the best fallout dlc[View]622650392You only have one choice, no alternatives. One choice will provoke the Death of the other.: Do you s…[View]622645613Normalfags have ruined video games and they will never recover as a result Their gaming tastes and d…[View]622651123best game to emulate the feeling josh is experiencing?[View]622638087Voodoo boys: Dont understand why the game tries to portray the voodoo boys as good guys. And it…[View]622634286diablo 4: does it genuinly have a shot at dethroning path of exile?[View]622640693Platinum Games fans, assemble here. I want to hear what sort of games do you wish they would create …[View]622652103>MADE IN UKRAINE >most of the devs are in Poland…[View]622645057>buy Doom and Doom Eternal on sale >Play through Doom >Beat it in one sit down >Yeah tha…[View]622652832holy shit its on pc[View]622652807I just started this game, is it good?[View]622652784The best GTA villain: >Larps hard as a strong Italian Mafia >Half of his men are Irish >Tri…[View]622616539The thing that made improve at Touhou was the simple realization that I’d rather be a 2hu than have …[View]622647657Plebbit and its consequences have been a disaster for the gaming community[View]622650217well /v/ ?: Which is better? EGS chads only itt[View]622646218Kojima chads, I kneel... For years I've been shitting on Death Stranding that its a shit game b…[View]622650440Why did he do it bros? Is he just pure evil?[View]622651662oh yeah yeah[View]622652226Bayonetta: >The writer's poorly disguised fetish[View]622638446>Ordered Steam Deck slightly before Christmas. >Still in transit. >Realize Valve got the ch…[View]622651413Post videogame robots Male or female Humanoid or not[View]622651291Ah, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. What an abomination. After all the hype and anticipat…[View]622649736Oblivion thread: I’ve recently been rediscovering my love for this game, I forgot how much fun it is…[View]622651890>GTX 1080 ti[View]622650158Why the based Big Mutha Truckers series died off?[View]622651035>get stuck in game >look up solution online >hate myself for looking up the solution >t…[View]622651684.[View]62265148013 sentinels thread: What was his fucking deal anyway? He came off as a big retard.[View]622648171Finna boutta order this bad boy(LG C2 42') for pc gaming. Change my mind before it's too late.[View]622651673Is Kojima predicting the unveiling of UFO/Antigravity tech?[View]622628281Gio.[View]622651640What are some games where the good guy loses?[View]622651247QRD on which early Frictional games (so Penumbra mostly?) are worth playing. Also any other suggesti…[View]622649982This a game only unliked because people are too bad at it to get past C-rank fights. You aren't…[View]622646204anyone who likes this game and relates to these fucking annoying characters is a retarded faggot.[View]622651420If they did a better marketing overseas, and made a PC Engine successor with 3D graphics in mind (so…[View]622635568stalker 2: why the fuck does it look so casualized[View]622651279play me[View]622651316>sequel to a groundbreaking game >alarmingly short development time of about a year >ends u…[View]622648876Mario if he moose[View]622651052Armoured Core 6? What are you talking about anon, 5 came out like last year haha. Come play DS2 with…[View]622637793What's the best game to play with friends on Christmas /v/? The Dark and Darker test ended so n…[View]622631169>be an adventurer >a custodian stops you when you try to enter a city and asks what do you do …[View]622650891So did it save WoW?[View]622643053>$2000 top of the line PC >all modern games suffer from stuttering >$500 PS5 >games run …[View]622649858What was your last game over?[View]622648580So the board just got increasingly shit after what exact point in time[View]622644835Retail or Horizonxl?[View]622650731Does v prefer Sci-Fi or Fantasy games?[View]622650396>In 2010, del Toro revealed that he was a fan of video games, describing them as 'the comic books…[View]622593746>barges into solitude palace >challenges High Shit Torygg to a 1v1 >screams him to death …[View]622650048>can't get past certain section in game >try over and over again >start gaslighting yo…[View]622647062Wow this is actually...pretty fucking good. You people are so jaded it's unreal.[View]622649926Got my bf this a few years back. It was tripe. I've been watching someone play Armoured Core 3,…[View]622650598The Pac is Finally Back: After a decade of fucking nothing Pac-Man finally had a good year and I cou…[View]622649030Best jrpg to come out these past few years and no one talks about it, why?[View]622621226god i love Heretic[View]622632197Convince me on buying Type Lumina[View]622641713Why do Fairy-type Pokemon bully Dark-type Pokemon so much?[View]622648016The game that proved the 90s aesthetic was peak comfy. We gotta go back bros. We gotta go back to SO…[View]622643627Took me a little bit to get into it but Im enjoying it so far Just got off the pointy ear hobbit pla…[View]622648128Why is Zelda: A Link to the Past such a historically important game?[View]622645178>Go on Youtube >Type in name of a video game, add 'before:2007' >Post a result ITT…[View]622640386Crash 3>2>1: everything else sucks including powerslide simulator and the remake trilogy is an…[View]622647846>mom: 'all you do is play videogames' >sister: 'you'll never have a girlfriend when you s…[View]622650146holy shit, fallout 4 is fucking good. the quests are better than the tr@nny schlock in new vegas.[View]622644238I heard a black voice in this game >Ima whoop that ass >ima shove my foot so far up that ass m…[View]622639715What games do they play?[View]622645986This game is too hard: I couldn't get past the turorial so I skipped to the first mission and I…[View]622650083Nossa, nossa: Assim você me mata Ai, se eu te pego Ai, ai se eu te pego[View]622637990Tactics Ogre: What in the holy fuck is this shit? What did I do wrong?[View]622649156What is the most intelligent genre of games?[View]622648092>mandatory HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA From Michael Condrey's studio //…[View]622643956Ok, it's kino. Also, can anyone recommend me weapons and stratagems for a sub lvl 20? I was kin…[View]622646313why are japanese games so soulful? What's the secret ingredient so many western games lack?[View]622649691MAMMA MIA! THIS IS MY LAWYER?![View]622649565Godspeed Vivienne Westwood[View]622644296The king is dead. Let's discuss footy vidya in his honor.[View]622647704I will steal every DS game now[View]622641445Fire emblem: Play fire emblem engage![View]622641786Big chest ahead[View]622641513Overrated games.[View]622647041Has a game ever made you cry?[View]622647583It's on sale, how pozzed is it though[View]622643670wow this is actually pretty difficult on Nightmare..[View]622647917AFTER THE FALL WE'LL SHAKE IT OFF SHOW ME THE WAY[View]622642447What did they mean by this?[View]622647035What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch 2 right now, anon?[View]622642731// Post video game trailers your absolutely love and rewatch from time to …[View]622638546>dark spirit has inv-[View]622645674Are realistic playthroughs the future of gaming?: That's how they were intende to be played. Fo…[View]622648958.[View]622647521FREE GAME December 29th - Dishonored - FREE: FREE GAME December 29th - Dishonored - FREE Epic Games …[View]622648398Uhhhh im thinking based[View]622648892Ugly and old hunchback[View]622645963Any insiders?: Non-insider here, looking for info on PS5 Pro or Slim model incoming. I noticed I can…[View]622640921Post Nintendo games no one ever talks about[View]622642772>perma stuns you[View]622647046How realistic are driving sims? Can I substitute driving class/behind the wheel with driving sims ex…[View]622646184Why does From need long ladders in their games?[View]622615593CoD Development Team ‘Dreamed’ Of Microsoft Buyout: //…[View]622648684press X to [VIOLATE][View]622648527Good evening! Did you spend a few minutes exercising today?[View]622638660.[View]622648106Any characters you would like to see as assist trophies in a future Smash game? I'm not saying …[View]622648525What makes Zack so cute?[View]622648330Any news from the other boards?[View]622646985Games for when you've got a tummy ache and cant stop shitting so have to play vidya on the toil…[View]622637754Rain World: Can we have a Rain World thread? Should I go Monk or Survivor first? What exactly will D…[View]622603005How did the Switch end up with one of the, if not the, best libraries ever?[View]622638254I haven't played this yet. I've been waiting for the full release. But since it's sti…[View]622642289What did he really want ?[View]622648030robot moth pussy...[View]622648302>live service >dlc >early access I will not buy your game…[View]622647182I AM SINISTAR BEWARE I LIVE[View]622644657So now that multiversus flopped hard, is crossover slop finally over?[View]622635425Will Valve go public after he dies?[View]622648065>RTX 3070(Windows 10) >GTX 960(Windows XP)…[View]622645950Majula... Home[View]622646884just bought this in a bundle with gow raganrok and they also included the latest horizon. what are s…[View]622647463Why did she do it?[View]622646667FF Dissidia Opera Omnia: >Free characters, instead you roll for gear >Actual gameplay, even if…[View]622646684When are finally getting a legit War of The Worlds game?[View]622647646Nier Automata: You did buy 2b's game on the winter sale, right, /v/?[View]622636365Is fortnite really that hard?[View]622647731>Dawn of The Third Day >It's actually the first Why?…[View]622598173Street Fighter 6: Post your hype level and discuss how to resist/what to play until 2 June…[View]622644301Favorite Arcana: What's your favorite Social Link arcana /v/? I really like both P3 and P5 Sun,…[View]622644116MOTHER![View]622633042What are your hopes and fears for Breath of the Wild 2[View]622641612Is he right?[View]622642410Fuck why did they make andy so hot in snk xv?[View]622643439Have you ever bought a shifty early access game?[View]622646518Oldfags... what was it like?[View]622645992What is it about Zelda that repels even the most basic kind of gamer?[View]622593084>Is objectively better than Darktide in you're path[View]622625536Kanna Thread: Have you tried talking to the bot yet? You can do many 'interesting' things with Kanna…[View]622645127It's been almost three years since the release of Mario Odyssey and yet Nintendo still hasn…[View]622636745>spending 50+ hours doing all achievements while fully aware that nobody will care…[View]622645214>Game is marketed as being from the creator of a beloved classic >turns out to be shit Why i…[View]622644075Little Witch Nobeta: Why do I never see threads about this game on /v/?[View]622646529GOW: kratos would have killed him right? those murals still have me confused tho.[View]622645565Is this game finally worth buying, is there co-op yet?[View]622645949boSKELETONrp[View]622646042What was the point of this having IR tracking? All the motion controls could have been handled by gy…[View]622645412>I tried to get into X but shut the fuck up either you love videogames (every videogame) or you d…[View]622646154I have zero interest in romance in video games I wish it was never an option.[View]622644520i want a mmo game to have a comfy farm and give food to people and be nice are there any open world …[View]622643650Are there any good horror RPG's?[View]622638968GameSphere was the best console ever made[View]622645871>I'm the producer I'll fire your ass[View]622646243Since when was camping in video games considered a bad thing? If it works, it works.[View]622645315all the gaming you need[View]622640767Panzer Dragoon Saga: >unique and engaging combat that makes even random mob battles fun and strat…[View]622642065Play C-12 Final Resistance[View]622637371Play the real RPG, /v/. Play the one for men.[View]622646008V... V had a hard life...[View]622637363Why aren't you currently playing the best ever free-to-play fantasy MMORPG? A new expansion wit…[View]622636830//[View]622645959>childhood video games ruined by crypto thread[View]622596379>2023 >RTS genre still dead[View]622639692Has anyone tried this game? Looks super patriotic and poggers: >FAKE NEWS TURKEYS Shoot the Fake …[View]622644936CBDC: how will my social credit score be affected by pirating or purchasing video games? will a nega…[View]622645662Free To Play Wins Again: 3rd world hordes are spending their money on garbage, like always.[View]622644710Is it true what they're saying? Is Pelé really dead?[View]622622376>literally the best selling video game franchise OF ALL TIME >no one tries to copy the formula…[View]622645292its not as good as I remembered[View]622596980You have APOLOGIZED to their games, right??[View]622643662The highly anticipated Hogwarts Legacy game is nothing more than a childish waste of time. Despite t…[View]622645173SOMEBODY[View]622643028I got Tekken 7 for PC, how is the online mode?[View]622638471>Undead Burg >There are no burgers anywhere What the fuck…[View]622612724Where did the soul in video games go?[View]622640941look at all those gamer moments[View]622619710What was his problem?[View]622590304RTA in Japan winter 2022: Now: Not Treasure Hunter Next: I'm going to die if I don't eat s…[View]622642396>Nasu: 'I don't believe in the viability of the VN market' >also Nasu: 'I'm not putt…[View]622639449Yea, I'm thinking kino.[View]622643006Warhammer 40k Hired Gun: Got this on the cheap. What did the rest of you think of it? Gun play is pr…[View]622644893Nowadays if a game doesn't sell at least 10,000 copies during its first month of release, it au…[View]622644390BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT[View]622642823At what point did you realize that real life had nothing of value to offer and that being a slave to…[View]622637753CHOOOOOOOOOOSE YOUR TURTLE[View]622640063I just got an Xbox Series S™ and Elden Ring. What am I in for?[View]622638027are video games art? can they be art? should they even be art?[View]622641575a Fargo game would be kino >have to trudge through the snow unless you put on snow shoes >if y…[View]622638850Why does every game UI look the same now? It's just solid colored minimalistic shit. Why don…[View]622641426Discussion for 2023 in vidya: No shitpost edition. What games you looking forward to anons Do you th…[View]622643775I played through this on yuzu and it was actually pretty great. The difficulty curve was nice, the '…[View]622640814What drives a sane person to even start a conversation here?Its a fruitless endeavour[View]622644000Final Fantasy XVI repeating the same trailer: What are the marketers thinking? >start the trailer…[View]622643491Snow levels are peak comfy[View]622625424>jumps from being an easter egg to now be part of the Main cast Are they finally ditching Daisy?…[View]622619750Nioh 2: I've seen a few threads about this game recently so decided to take the plunge. What a …[View]622640140is the dsi the best. hows compatibility when you hack it[View]622615251I thought you said Japan wasn't pozzed[View]622642697How come only Yoko Taro writes consistently good protagonists?[View]622643594fuck bf1 and 2042. this is where its at[View]622643564*Cough cough* Not feelin' too good. Maybe I should take the day off. Oh, what's that? You …[View]622621918Why is modern UI so fucking soulless?[View]622636632Will /v/ ever admit that this is a good remaster?[View]622638250I will not bump or interact with twitter posts[View]622634258Why the fuck would you ever buy a game at launch?[View]622639308what's the worst looking armor in vidya?[View]622641190Let me NEED 'shore'?[View]622639784What went so right?[View]622640891Why is the romance in Mass Effect so much balanced with both used goods for the 'I can fix her' crow…[View]622640707how come /v/ shits on AAA releases but refuses to touch indies and old games with a ten foot pole?[View]622642021What will /v/ do when they become too old for video games? Either from dementia, going blind, paraly…[View]622634101Is there any hope left for western devs?[View]622637520It is actually good or just a cope from tendies since they have nothing else this year? Either way I…[View]622636862League Bread: >chinese character is the strongest Americansisters how do we cope?…[View]622634405tactical shooters like pic related: Do they exist? I'm talking about the original of course. Ju…[View]622640952Help me out, /v/. There's a game I played when I was young but I can't remember the name. …[View]622642108>'I'll wash everything but my dick' Why are italians like this??[View]622642248Did Frank supporters ever have anything to stand on?[View]622639760what am i in for?[View]622642269ITT we laugh at retarded shit from video games. >be a robot so advanced it has to be hidden for y…[View]622637905Would you like that kind of girl, /v/?[View]622640189>this made boomers piss and shit themselves in genuine fear[View]622641162This should have had a hard mode. It was meant to be an introduction to true dark souls combat for p…[View]622639497Anyone else too dumb for videogames? I used to be smart but I fucked up my brain with alcoholism and…[View]622637250Switch Pro: Never Ever[View]622640246Eggman Posting: I had this dream once. I was on social media and everyone was posting this image exc…[View]622640274Simple vidya dialogues that stuck with you[View]622571052Genshin impact: I'm making a team, who do i add for my last slot? I have nahida, raiden and mon…[View]622637647Vanille of the Dia clan, from the village of Oerba[View]622634171When will I get an elezen gf in ffxiv?[View]622639268Which version should I pirate?[View]622631430What's the most 'gamer' gear you own?[View]622634140Miraculous Rise of the Sphinx: >Worse game I have ever played.[View]622640372//[View]622554635>Explains how a lock works >'WOW QUEEN YOU'RE SO SMART' How can anyone tolerate this anno…[View]622635514How would you make a game about anime girls with question marks?[View]622641871What game series had the biggest fall from grace?[View]622642407>The game makes a good point[View]622636216Why are gamers, and people in general so pro-censorship nowadays? Do people really want to be protec…[View]622639753Comfy RPG maker games?: Taking recs for comfy rpg maker games the most unknown the better[View]622640481Can we talk about Valheim? I am really enjoying this game and I normally hate these 'survival/crafti…[View]622634748Well /v/?[View]622637048thank you daddy tim! *wipes cum off lips*[View]622639383Wii U pro[View]622639164How do you find time to play video games without being a complete NEET? I only managed to (mostly) f…[View]622634971SEXO SEXO SEXO I WANT TO SEXO HER[View]622636328>current year >my team STILL don't aim at enemy healers…[View]622619972What causes a game dev to add 1300 achievements?[View]622629198STALKER 2: // Looks good. Looks really good.[View]622640106Nier Automata: Why did it go right?[View]622638957If you aren’t playing games on the highest possible difficulty, why are you even playing them?[View]622639438i want a mmo game to have a comfy farm and give food to people and be nice are there any open world …[View]622639458Thoughts on Zaric Zhakaron?[View]622609946I’m playing it for the first time and it really is a masterpiece. Every quest has been an interestin…[View]622636801What are your hopes for Kingdom Hearts 4? I hope they get rid of all the Disney shit, save for maybe…[View]622637573Loretta, Knight of the Haligtrer: Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree[View]622638326>Baiken >Ramlethal >I-No >Millia >Jack-O Why must all these great characters be stuck…[View]622623586How?[View]622637815Nintendium... ...Home.[View]622637080The transmission repeats: Regret, regret, regret… Dear white man, we regret being a smelly monkey ra…[View]622636017Meanwhile in a /v/ lobby in 2008...[View]622638430What are the qualities of a good ARPG?[View]622639581Why the FUCK did this fucking hentai game make the fucking sword user tank have the healing spells?!…[View]622639282hades: i missed the discussions of hades when it first came out / was in early access. what do you g…[View]622634878>game about vikings >there are actually no vikings in the game Any similar cases?…[View]622629209An indie game made by me. Enjoy![View]622637748Unique Atmospheres: This game has a genuinely unique, one-of-a-kind atmosphere with its mixture of n…[View]622638720Well?[View]622638656What went right? What should I expect from this game?[View]622581986I hate that this is fun.[View]622635880There is not one modern multiplayer game that I can stick with and like[View]622637740>'I like this game, but it has some clear flaws - heres what they are and how they should be fixe…[View]622637298Was 2022 the year of the solo autistic foreign game dev?[View]622635798ASTLIBRA: I just finished the first area. This game is great. The janky glued together freeware asse…[View]622636841>FF16 >Rebirth >FFT Reborn >FF9 Remake announcement >FFX Remake announcement >FFXI…[View]622638251Cool boomer end of 2022: >go back for the holidays to my parents >have all my old phisycal vid…[View]622637316fuck she's cute[View]622631582next gen conosles thread: //[View]622628424Show off your waifus: Tell me what you like about them! I wanna shove my face into Mahos' hair …[View]622636685Soulsbros, looks like we finally won[View]622637421why does this make inceIs seethe?[View]622636296What were they thinking?[View]622636321If Elins are so much better than F-Lyns then how come they're dead?[View]622638149>Starfield >The Elder Scrolls 6 >Fallout 5 You're buying my games right bro? I'm …[View]622607294A friendly reminder to always thank and endorse your healer, /v/![View]622638210You've never gotten emotional over a 2D game, right?[View]622633084Despite being worked on for literally 2 decades, this emulator is still incapable of running Burnout…[View]622620253Monster Hunter: Any tips? Just finished the intro quests and I'm halfway through second-tier qu…[View]622625785I don't know how anyone can defend the shift from classic Hammer Horror Kino to H.P. 'Reddit' L…[View]622638014will she appear in the sequel?[View]622634550/Vidya Game OST/: Shit I already have: >SMT 4-5 >Persona 3-5 >Disco Elysium OST >Doom + …[View]622632927She died for Forspoken...[View]622628050>Doom Eternal using designer language in-game like 'combat loop' and 'gameplay beh…[View]622636226Who are the most consoom fans of a given series? FIFA, Pokemon, Madden, or Cawadoody fans?[View]622637156Fave retro console?[View]622637703What are the most profound moments you have experienced from your favourite video game?[View]622637648Anyone up for Age of empire??? Also >Wololo 198547601[View]622629218Why don't you have a handheld gaming PC yet, Anon?: What is preventing you from doing what was …[View]622637581>pick rogue in RPG >either the most OP or the most useless class…[View]622615196/v/ memes[View]622637558Yakuza Thread[View]622634709You go back in time and convince blizzard not to make world of warcraft. What is the world/gaming no…[View]622636731FREE FOR ALL[View]622625275what's he doing right now?[View]622636682Xenoblade: .[View]622637092Majula: Home[View]622637197What are some games?[View]622636567The world design is annoying af. There is always a mountain blocking me and I keep dying from fall d…[View]622635870ITT: quintessential leftist vidya franchises[View]622637146modding my 3DS. What vidya would you play in my stead?[View]622617737The Escapist Magazine gives Callisto Protocol a 1/10 in what is the final major review for the game …[View]622636995So when does it get good?[View]622636993The nostalgia...[View]622636191MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE[View]622603126.[View]622636343their only good exclusive[View]622636432Why arent there any achievs for killing bosses in soulsgames solo?[View]622635667SCOREBOARD: Post matches you had fun playing[View]622588889>turn 3D on >game immediately drops to 5 fps 3D is a meme, what's wrong with pre-rendered…[View]622616262PVPsisters??[View]622636048Which game makes you feel dum?[View]622634156What are your thoughts about blasphemous?[View]622636206ITS OUT[View]622627913Bad fanart thread: Here we go.[View]622636643>Wielding a cursed weapon that calls for the blood of my enemies Are there any games that emulate…[View]6226366282026[View]622636607My name is Tatiana Kempinski, and i will be your regular news anchor from now on.[View]622628612Snoot game Sneed: Just played this game at the request of some loser on discord. Just one question: …[View]622635851The best video game character design always has these trait: >nonhuman >androgynous/feminine a…[View]622634727>Walk around for 5 minutes straight >Die from a single bullet from something that I can't…[View]622634332Post your favourite enemy from any videogame[View]622636438// she's right you know, playing video games is pointl…[View]622630274All Random 4fun arena in Smash Code: J4CF1[View]622634920Gothic. Atmosphere. KINO.[View]622633208What's the best single-player shooter? pic potentially related[View]622633492Give me a fun build AND Mythic path, pl0x I don't know what to play and it is stressing me out …[View]622633012Waifu thread? Waifu thread.[View]622635763>Sony makes a lot of events and games that cater to LGBT people >LGBT people don't care …[View]622603161Will (You) buy her game, /v/?[View]622605747Naoto does a good job of hiding her titties, but she could never hide that dumpy.[View]622628339Max Payne if he real[View]622634809what's up its a Bluedrake here, with a new update to our game operation harsh doorstop with the…[View]622633002Just suffered through pic related on switch. Would’ve been a great experience if it didn’t run like …[View]622626957is gotham knights really that bad?[View]622630437Is this game actually good or just furryshit?[View]622634556Every year that passes, he grows more and more powerful. Literally all are bowing to his game store …[View]622635809What is the funniest idle animation in vidya?[View]622632891It's over isn't it?[View]622633831Guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issues.[View]622635756ps4/ps5 when?[View]622628841Don't be creepy, /v/.[View]622631397>it's over[View]622635590Horror games: What games are you playing this holiday?[View]622635669Peak soul vs soulless right here[View]622633389gaming will never be this good again[View]622629885>MFW mom got me the 3070ti instead of the 3080[View]622625673Kirby Bread: Is she a pear or an apple?[View]622635353// // GOTY 2017…[View]622634856Gacha animations thread: Show me what you've got. Live2D/Chibi/Skill cut-ins. Art is fine too.…[View]622635301Why she eat burger?: //[View]622634863>be me >PC gamer ever since I was a kid >recently burned out on vidya >decide to buy a c…[View]622628450Cyberpunk 2077: I'm in the mood for some AAA shlock. Did they fix this game? I remember it being rea…[View]622632761Why am I supposed to care about this? I already know Cal Kestis will not restore the jedi order, or …[View]622634591Primate core vidya: Why are some primate games so good?[View]622635304The best GTA IV radio station. Specifically the DLC version[View]622631046What are mediocre games that people pretend to like despite not many people playing or barely even t…[View]622631304Viola: What would you want to see from her eventual solo game?[View]622634154Demon's Souls? It's the best one. It has the best bosses, coolest weapons, and world tende…[View]622624887is it BP wipe today?[View]622632856>mmo only has one unique class out of 20[View]622633489MEWLISHNESS NYANTE... MEWLISHNESS[View]622634829Why is capcom skipping to remaking 4 instead of 0?: If any game in the RE franchise needs a remake, …[View]622632916>>622630556 Took months but I've finally placed this woman She is the spitting image of t…[View]622608802.[View]622605745GPU Thread: >be me >buy Rx 6600 for 300 quids >still only play old retro games why am i r…[View]622629065It's funny how such a niche, weeaboo game still has to explain what a senpai is.[View]622634056I hereby announce him, His Majesty, the Nintendo Switch.[View]622634015World of Warcraft: Dragonslop: Land of the golly gay dragons[View]622625429>sexy pose[View]622634671I don't see how you can like one without liking the other, they're both the peak of the el…[View]622632960English versions of japanese games are ports of jp versions. How true is this?[View]622631146>boot up old RE2 >select Arrange >select Claire A >select Easy >equip Machine Gun ahh…[View]622633676>start game >watch cinematic >enter your name >game puts you in a cage with a robot with…[View]622634276Radirgy: I don't get it.[View]622632875Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Selene and Eos who is best?[View]622633247When is a fucking game gonna lemme me play as Venom again!?[View]622625842what would her boss battle be like ?[View]622632778>Start Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection >Fonts are basically unreadable What's wit…[View]622634218This game has to much RNG[View]622634201What are some games with bear companions?[View]622631958The Drac'thyr don't even look that bad: It's just that they have a ton of faggot desi…[View]622630640The next Townscaper: For those who don't know, there used to be some great threads when Townsca…[View]622630821Playing any Armored Core games lately? What do you hope to see in 6?[View]622632983hideo kojima: His stories are incomprehensible and he only get's away with it because he's…[View]622612692The GEP gun is the most silent way to eliminate Manderley[View]622633486This is AI-generated art of Kingdom Hearts. Will human artists die out soon?[View]622632863How do we save TF2?[View]622629654why haven't you played the game of the century yet?[View]622631240What the hell were they thinking when they made this character?[View]622633689Does raising stats above 300 still have effects?[View]622633527Barry, where's Barry?[View]622623213>filters bing-bings, nostalgiafags, and countless ecelebs[View]622618189It will never be topped, will it?[View]622633495Why is this series so popular with trannies?[View]62262958940k Cope: Why warhammer fantasy has better games than 40K? Chaosbane > Inquisitor Martyr Vermint…[View]622623182Daggerfall bros... are we going home?[View]622619770The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.[View]622633317>DUDE JUST WALK BACK AND FORTH THROUGH THE SAME MAP FOR 50 HOURS LMAO What's the appeal?…[View]622632291any vogelware enthusiasts here[View]622630462Clayton Fuckin' Carmine[View]622628142>spent thousands on 4K RTX rig >exclusively play in bed on Steam Deck in 800p Anyone know this…[View]622610205>npc have their own motivations and behaviors outside of player interactions Why don’t more game…[View]622630125Horizon Forbidden Awards: 250 Million spent on both games, half of what was used for Grand Theft Aut…[View]622625480>Coherent storyline and character arcs >No major bugs >Competent gameplay >Difficult pu…[View]622628983More games like this on ps4: Looking for something comfy with stuff like base building, crafting, le…[View]622607507Master Duel: Who will be Albaz new waifu?[View]622619829>places enemy around corner >has enemy do shove animation as you walk by >down the cliff u …[View]622630389>recolor fallout 4's awful looking default UI color to match fallout 4's color >game…[View]622623831Astlibra: Has anyone played this? How is it? It's supposedly a 70 hour ARPG that's a lot o…[View]622628229>smaller ass than Miranda >smaller hips than Tali >smaller breasts than Samara >smaller …[View]622629893This is the actual best girl from final fantasy.[View]622632605Space Channel 5: >DAH >DAH >DAH >LET'S DANCE…[View]622629301I'm back /v/. What has happened here in the past 3 years? Pic unrelated.[View]622631167It's about time we addressed the elephant in the room.[View]622629734>Cuff that clown.[View]622629529Based Epic has made ray tracing obsolete. I'm glad the RTX meme is finally dead.[View]622609306Yes? Have you come with questions[View]622614983This kills the get woke go broke poster[View]622632457just played picrel and i want more funky vidya[View]622630247is this safe? is it legit? why does it ask me to download the exe again everyother time i use this s…[View]622626429Never played a pokemon game but I heard you could finish the whole game only with your starter. Is i…[View]622628897Tactical video games peaked in 1994.[View]622621221>tells you crucial story parts through audio logs What a retarded way of laying out the plot.…[View]622626864Kingdom hearts: Why was kh3 so bad compared to the others?[View]622631734Based.[View]622620768STALKER: Anyone hyped?[View]622631682deltarune: have you played mike's game yet?[View]622630538>JRPG >MC clearly picks the wrong girl Why does this always happen?…[View]622626920Alright faggots What controller do I buy for PC and why?[View]622600148I HAVE THE BODY OF A PIG[View]622628881Why can't he catch a break[View]622618293>return to middle east setting >rpg mechanics toned down >focus on stealth again >settin…[View]622622754>/v/ hates jews >/v/ always plays as wizards >wizards in games are literally medieval jews …[View]622629495Certified woman moment[View]622631732Tfw you will never be hugged by mad lad...[View]622630427Why does every gacha game has to have at least one squinting bitch?[View]622623029Why are no horror games based on his idea?[View]622628740Games where I controll a male and nearly all my companions are sexy women?[View]622620696.[View]622611775reminder to wash your pc[View]622598605Starfield 30fps On Series X: so if the rumors are true about Starfield being 30fps on Series X, and …[View]622631398//[View]622628482How would you make a Big Foot game? Would you rather play as Big Foot or play as a human running or …[View]622629586Do you think these MMO's will be any good?[View]622629096>AND, ERRRRM, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU????[View]622631278Why is this so boring and ugly compared to previous 3D games? Did Sega merging with Sammy hurt that …[View]622631220bro thinks he's Xur[View]622608138ITT: Vidya Memes that aged poorly[View]622630609Deep Rock Galactic: Out of the three seasons that have released so far which one have you liked the …[View]622612302With widescreen monitors becoming more and more popular do you think it will eventually replace 16:9…[View]622630314>driving is better with a controller >shooting is better with kb+m how in the FUCK do i play t…[View]622630529>hits you with a fucking boulder[View]622630102>mfw I play fighting games using wifi connection[View]622630829FromShit: Alright fromfags, time for your daily dose of reality >pvp is shit >story is non exi…[View]622630731REMEMBER WHEN THE DAYS WERE YOUNG, IBERIA'S FUTURE'S BRIGHT AS THE SUN. SHE WHISPERS WHEN …[View]622630020Can we hire Chinese character designers?: Because western ones are a bit shit. On an unrelated note …[View]622630554Name the game, /v/[View]622523592I summon your /v/idya wife![View]622599403How was I supposed to know?[View]622626054Ngl, I kinda ship them desu.[View]622619068RoeK RoeK RoeK RoeK RoeK: i'm going to shill my game RoeK again, its a fencing platformer like …[View]622629167EVERY ONLINE BATTLE TAKES LIKE HALF AN HOUR EVERY TERRA RAID TAKES LIKE TEN MINUTES HOLY FUCK WHY IS…[View]622629719Artnia's 10th anniversary shikishi by Tetsuya Nomura. //…[View]622629467>crossplay >gate-keeping bad >reporting >ass and hips bad, shoulders and chest good! …[View]622628716S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 New Trailer is up: // >Enjoy the first …[View]622623491what was it like being a kid and playing SS when it first came out?[View]622621389ITT: Your vidya hotwife[View]622625174What's the best order to play zero escape games?[View]622625701ONE GAME[View]622627890>game has females in military, police, soldier, knight, or guard uniform…[View]622614420I've never played a Hitman game before: What am I in for?[View]622601037Are you still mad?[View]622629184GIVE US AN EMPEROR FROM HUMBLE BEGININGS GIVE US A LEADER OUR ARMIES WILL FOLLOW[View]622628758My panties got a little wet[View]622616083are you going to pirate or buy deltarune when it comes out[View]622625231kill marry fuck[View]622626547Rodd Boward here. You guys planning on buying Starfield? I'm sure excited! There is going to be…[View]622577002What's an underrated Steam game you want more people to play?[View]622607494How did they create the perfect female form? Genuine perfection.[View]622616305I don't get it. All you do is pick shit up off the ground for hours on end. Do you need a speci…[View]622617925>get a poetic, meta ending to dark souls that represents moving on from the souls series and lett…[View]622597468>whoa whoa whoa hey it’s [game trope] yo-yo-you gotta participate in [game trope]…yeah i-it sucks…[View]622627184W.. .why are you rejecting all black members from your XCOM squad anon?[View]622627365What do you think of Chained Echoes?[View]622626691Signalis: Just played this. One of the best games I've ever played, and certainly the best surv…[View]622621203She’s perfect[View]622624260itt unequivocally based vidya characters that are worth playing their games for alone[View]622600874>RTX 3060 Ti[View]622627930>that kid who fell for the PSP (pretty small penis) joke[View]622624049Cute Nazi grandma[View]622627802>Game has a good or bad route >try to do bad route >do something bad >feel bad and guilt…[View]622628319>IT’S DRIVING ME OUT OF MY MIND >THAT’S WHY ITS HARD FOR ME TO FIND >CAN’T GET IT OUT OF M…[View]622625734>Lets replace all the great characters from the last game and replace them with shit ones no one …[View]622626485>Wasted design[View]622612932Fighting games: Mortal Kombat X - 12 million units sold Mortal Kombat 11 - 15 million units sold Tek…[View]622623230.[View]622607685Are you hyped for Stellar Blade?[View]622628082Software Sales (physical only) 01./01. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet #(Pokemon Co.) {2…[View]622625894Convince me not to resub to WoW[View]622621274Goty contender?[View]622622406Tenchi Muyo: >setting and cast lends itself well to rpgs >all we got was one shitty srpg >a…[View]622622779>Developers add a new big bad enemy faction to make the story seem engaging It happened to Halo I…[View]622626895Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the most successful demons still operating in the open in the modern er…[View]622627440>EA kills the studio but remakes the game anyway If you buy this please kill yourself…[View]622627158Is it good?[View]622626087Witcher 3 Death March too easy: Why the fuck does death march feel like easy mode? I am in Velen and…[View]622627812>game has a bullshit language women[View]622622785Was Joel the greatest video game character of the 2010s?[View]622627279better than kojima series ?: So it looks like MGS Rising is way better than Phantom Pain, how the fu…[View]622627716Elden Ring: >Cucks the tarnished with a puppet rapist >Turns into a burgerking ball Seriously …[View]622624298// How many of you forget to shower during the long gaming …[View]622621927.[View]622625948This game is actually hilarious[View]622616687That's right cocksucker! Go back to Blighttown![View]622627360Why do you use pirating or torrenting websites? >Adds more steps to just downloading an emulator …[View]622618290Here it is, the holy trinity of Vocal Heavy OSTs in video games. Nothing else comes close to these.[View]622625886When did you understood that wanzers have the most interesting mechs ever made? And FM3 is the best …[View]622623714>Delete shader cache >Games suddenly fun like shit Did I get memed on?…[View]622626584What are some good western JRPGs?[View]622627221>proves sales don't matter oops nintendo should be sweating right now Mainstream gaming is f…[View]622627205>we need to kill 6 billion people with a disease to save 8 billion people from a religious extrem…[View]622621468Your favorite Doom WADS?[View]622627047Black Souls: You have no idea how much I want Helkaiser to come back, but as a girl you can fuck, ma…[View]622622318The A770 LE comes reasonably close to the 3070's performance, has double the vram, and you can …[View]622625630i just want to find a game i can get into and lose myself in, its been so long[View]6226265492022 is ending soon. What were the top 3 games you played for the first time this year? (they don…[View]622625612>game perfectly represents how Far Cry 2 an 3 were supposed to be >game perfectly represents h…[View]622623036Still the best RPG ever made.[View]622623752After hours of deliberation with myself I came to the conclusion that today i'm going to buy a …[View]622622117>start playing a new game >5-10 hours in >realize that you were neglecting certain mechanic…[View]622623962Holy smokes!!!: Why does it cost more than Elden Ring???[View]622625471how did they get away with it?[View]622596539>NOOOOOOO IF YOU KILL HIM YOU'LL BE JUST LIKE HIM >Yes…[View]622625964How's her game /v/?[View]622624161>700 dollars for a controller[View]622622302FROMSOFTWARE[View]622625635me after losing the game![View]622620058>Forcing myself through this fairly boring game because it has charm >find out entire game I…[View]622622550vidio gamu where you can be a cow?[View]622617461the most wholesome, pure, and heartwarming game of all time. A love letter to childlike wonder in al…[View]622622610Judgment: which side story was the best?[View]622625395Look, fuck troons and trannies, I fuck hate them and I wish all of them would die But I'm not …[View]622567312>your real phone will never be active like this[View]622625347I hate this smarmy fuck so very much and he actively deters my enjoyment of any game that has the mi…[View]622621673Do you ever dress up as fortnite charactes irl?[View]622620597Scorn: Mystery Meat Edition (Uncut): When will they fucking make it. I desire to encounter the pogbe…[View]622620317what do they eat?[View]622625043Fishing game desu: Wtf do you this???[View]622618089Mortal Kombat 2 Source code leak Thread: // GET OVER HERE…[View]622621248>FF first soldier dead in less than a year >multiple other mobile games recently shut down …[View]622603142Weekly Famitsu Sales Thread: Software Sales (physical only) 01./01. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet …[View]622587650thank god we have localizers, a 1 to 1 translation of stilted Jap dialogue would the most boring shi…[View]622624802Signalis: I don't care if this thread 404's or not, I just wanna say; Consider me successf…[View]622624323>Game gets good 4 hours in[View]622622552Project Zomboid: Please post tips, tricks, strats and criticisms of the game[View]622618924>hold on, you’re telling me that thing is an evil resident, too? Fuck this shit…[View]622624441Why does Sinitar cause so much seething among mod authors?[View]622622087Bugisoft presents.... Tom Clancy's XD[View]622623471ITT: Games you are no longer allowed to discuss on /v/: Whether it be because of trannoids, hollywoo…[View]622624059>has the best store and platform >free games every 2 weeks from Epic >tons of free games fr…[View]622615751Are you excited for daddy ken's new game /v/?: Can't wait to play as this snowbunny :-)…[View]622622220Ummm, tendiebros, how do we respond to this?[View]622620008How's your Dinkum doing?[View]622617104>my name is Fragile, my dad's company that I inherited is called Fragile too, I wear clothin…[View]622620536Breaking news; the person behind the GOTY Awards blog was a SJW Sony shill: And they nuked there own…[View]622618894Play sackboy's game: This game fucking rules. Such a high effort production, it blows anything …[View]622622865Is it good?[View]622623490>play online 1v1 game >match pops up >game tells me the other player is connected by wi-fi …[View]622623351whats up with these reflections? whats the behind the scenes explanation?[View]622605083Was Xenoblade 3 worth getting for this scene alone?[View]622621140For a persona game, this bitch has a fat ass[View]622614448GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /v/![View]622620582Why did this end up filtering so many people?[View]622621672what do health potions taste like?[View]622618702Ys X: Nordics: Why do Ys games still look ugly after jumping from PS Vita to PS4, and using a new in…[View]622621619>Earth: X means no >America: X means yes[View]622620425why does Skellige feel like such an annoying waste of time?[View]622622709>Game has complex moral choices[View]622605354>Ch. 6 >le redemption arc >guilt-ridden Arthur helps the widow and her son whose husband he…[View]622620994i have never beaten a single souls or soulslike game without resorting to using glitches/exploits an…[View]622591304Good news /v/, Final Fantasy 10 is being remade and you have to figure out the story. In this versio…[View]622621001What are some good racing games? I'm currently enjoying Ride4 but i need a game that gives me t…[View]622621847![View]622620209No pressure[View]622612996what are the best horror games?[View]622617169Killer freaks from outer space: With all this talk about the Rayman 4 leak, I wonder if we'll g…[View]622595846>CUTSCENE SIMULATOR XIV[View]622600284This killed a whole generation of gamers[View]622568815Bayonetta 2 is easily the weakest in the franchise. 3 has its issues, but it’s still better. 1 is st…[View]622594789>Actually fixed sound and lighting. >Added massive highly anticipated map. >Game is literal…[View]622611749Sorry Middle East, no LGBTQ for you![View]622614362What did Nintendo mean by this?[View]622622350ITT: we recommend games we don't think /v/ might not know about: Why haven't you played Sc…[View]622622343Lego and Fortnite: >be me >playing Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 >game crash >try to refund …[View]622620691What is the proper way to play this in 2023? According to the official roadmap, OpenLara doesn'…[View]622618368ITT games only you played[View]622621408Is this a soulless antifa simulator?: It looks like watchdogs game for a fortnite crowd.[View]622622210AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH[View]622618516This worth getting on sale? I did play Soul Hackers on 3DS, but as I understand this has little to n…[View]622621817I miss her /v/.[View]622622019Is this any good? I already own MM+[View]622621664Completely Unique Games: ITT we post games with completely unique characteristics that aren't p…[View]622615510*ruins the game*[View]622613576>Did you know? Super Mario 2 was actually the American version of a Japanese game called 'Doki-Do…[View]622621803why did they/them do it?[View]622621038Quick Question: Hey guys. Let's say you're playing a video game with the following puzzle:…[View]622619617the last time i ever bought a game was for ace combat 7 and it was on sale for $10 the last time i b…[View]622618357AI: Somnium Files Do you like it? What do you want in the third game?[View]622616206>Can't have STALKER threads any more because of the massive seething it now causes because o…[View]622611923Switch New Years Sale: Plan on getting anything? Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition is £5.…[View]622615334Thirdie bros, what we playing? Also where are you from? >Argentina >Hollow Knight Didn't …[View]622620971What's Tifa supposed to be?[View]622619679Playing BOTW on the couch while the gf is away is comfiest alone time I've ever had[View]622621167Finally got myself a PC after years of only having a console, not for the power but theres loads of …[View]622618129It this where a good boi finishes the game? The sign at the outskirts of the village says no entry b…[View]622590240Will Starfield be a disappointment like Fallout 4?[View]622621440Why was it mostly still images? Why couldn't make the entire game fmv?[View]622615136The market is still fucked but there’s signs of recovery[View]622620728Could a blind person beat your favourite game?[View]622619316holy shit do I ever actually get to play this just had two hours of railroading from one dialogue to…[View]622621208>tfw 2020's decade culture really begins in 2023 what will vidya look like beyond this point…[View]622620519Remember[View]622601087In retrospect, I don't understand why we used to hate it so much. It's a damn good game.[View]622620883The day Minecraft died: >fat based rightoid gamedev leaves >bearded reddit cuck takes over …[View]622620695>o hello, i am siegmanguy, and i am in this game as well! ohoho![View]622618169league of legends: >This is what zoomers masturbate to.[View]622611195Fennix, the King of Fortnite is in the shop![View]622605626I call it...the Kobeni -mobile[View]622620448ITT: subtle vidya clothing[View]622618686BERSERKER BARRAGE[View]622620085>start a new minecraft run >spend my entire time building applied energistics infrastructure f…[View]622619825why is dreamcast disc drive so loud: it's louder than gamecube, playstation, and saturn[View]622605512CoD in the middle east censors the pride flag how is this allowed?[View]622533378GOOD GOD THIS GAME MAKES ME RAGE: >See AC6 announcement >Decide to try out AC for the first ti…[View]622616335Why did Telltale go bankrupt?[View]622613952This thread's for those trying to find a game that they can't for the life of them remembe…[View]622613427Why does every day in NeoTWEWY feels like it drags on?[View]622618651>it's not enough to demonstrate you can be objective and critical of the series when it…[View]622618583Why can't 14 players do this one simple thing?[View]622619629Video games can be all kinds of different things, representing all manner of artistic ambitions. Mos…[View]622618807Lost Eidolons: Just bought a key, what am I in for? I hate nu Fire Emblem and all the gay, Persona, …[View]622614690Anon, please move out of the way. I need to pass.[View]622614874Games with a god tier soundtrack[View]622615167What if...Mushroom Kingdom...but LE OLD[View]622617459After releasing Blade of Darkness, Rebel Act Studios was developing the sequel and the XBOX port. Sa…[View]622617286I know why you wanna hate me I know why you wanna hate me I know why you wanna hate me 'Cause h…[View]622617717Baldur's Gate 3: Might turn out good you know[View]622616643What games feature spaghettification?[View]622619491Underrated videogames: Post them[View]622619446The Great Debate[View]622615254Final fantasy 7 is actively hindering the formula: Take cloud if then by zach. Aerith is then follo…[View]622619337Fuck Ming[View]622607809>hire UX UI designers with Psychology degree (because why would you hire IT/CS people to make a g…[View]622607952.[View]622613791Just let me have my Coco Bandicoot thread damnit![View]622619014What went wrong?[View]622616325one will protect you the other will try to kill you[View]622616385Playing video games feels like work[View]622615956Sonic DIY Level Making Contest Thing Something Something bla bla bla: Link: kliktopia dot org/detail…[View]622610485Every post in this thread is one dead batarian[View]622618674>Saw a friend play the base game >Looked pretty cool >Bought it >Found it not as enjoyab…[View]622583624SELECT YOUR WIFE[View]622611292Persona 3: Wow, I sure looking forward to the masses getting their greasy hands on Persona 3 and rui…[View]622612171How does the PS5 consistently look better than high end PCs even on multiplats? I know it gets worse…[View]622609427>princess trainer but made with AI[View]622617489More video games should adopt female character designs like these[View]622614110WOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TAKE A LOOK AT MEEEEEEE Neo twewy is so fucking good holy shit[View]622618738>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HARD GAMES ARE FOR GAMERS!!! FOR GAMERS!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE A GAME T…[View]622612754Watching the avatar movie just made me want to play an avatar game. I just don't know what genr…[View]622618632>e![View]62260427385% of modern /v/ was born after 2000.[View]622618445it's the witching hour: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH![View]622617945>playing game >hit alt+f4 >instead of closing, a popup comes up asking if I really want to …[View]622617635What game related merch do you own? Pic related[View]622611904Rin.[View]622610465Throwing this piece of shit away: Just played Red Dead Redemption 2 in 60 frames on my brand new PC,…[View]622617876>20 cents/kWh how am I supposed to enjoy AAA games like this? computers consume too much power no…[View]6226177131. Vidya Cover Image 2. The thing you loved best about that vidya >HAAAAANG IT UP…[View]622617623What should I play this weekend? Why exactly do you berate and mock people with jobs and being emplo…[View]622617159THERE ARE NO GAMES TO PLAY[View]622616043Why do you hate ray tracing? It's the future of videogame lighting whether you like it or not. …[View]622616087>Last saved: 2 hours ago[View]622612947What were they thinking[View]622614706Why didn't security breach uphold itself to expectations?[View]622617596BASED EPIC! Thank you Papa Sweeney for the free kino, good to feel valued as an Epic Games user![View]622612764>Everyone is a near picture perfect copy of their descendants >their descendants span across …[View]622608778Dead Space remake confirmed POZZED: >NOOO WOMEN CAN’T BE HOT. YOU NEED TO SEE UGLY OLD WOMEN IN Y…[View]622613780This was the last time gaming had SOVL[View]622614676>game OST is 8/10 >everyone swears up and down it's 12/10 How did this happen…[View]622617676Which gun was your favorite? Both in terms of personality and fun to use?[View]622617628Never forget what Sakurai nerfed[View]622609443>mfw waiting for Epic's next free game[View]62261032315 years ago >put game in console >play >put pc game on pc >installation that's 5-1…[View]622607838Literally useless[View]622608271>PS5 has no gam...[View]622616921What are some ideas in gaming that were never actually good, the media just tried to psyop everyone …[View]622607734HOLD IT RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUMS. I DON'T SEE MY GAMES IN YOUR STEAM LIBRARY[View]622601990such a relief from the hordes of low iq 'role playing' games of the last decade. also on u…[View]622604157Kingdom Hearts![View]622610407MARANOX INFIRMUX[View]622605975How long has this been going on? This has a fucking 15 filename in it, not a 16. Anyway, this is how…[View]622615926Just got some new games in the mail[View]622615148They're not even pretending anymore[View]622615257Why do the robots talk like some retarded kid putting on a voice in a poor attempt to sound cool?[View]622614046To this day, Manhunt 2 is almost impossible to find outside of shady russian websites and $150+ PS2 …[View]622616405What would the /v/idya version of this meme be? Incest porn games and open world RPGs?[View]622616547HOW IS THIS OK??[View]622616543Is the anything crucial that i should do before starting ng+?[View]622611526So now that they are no longer making good games: Who's left?[View]622614745Imagine not playing her game.[View]622616381No one will ever worship a software entity peering at them through a camera.[View]622614091Why do people say these games have good gameplay all you do is press X over and over[View]622611272Has a more broken character ever been added to a game before? This bitch can make the entire enemy t…[View]622612601I miss her /v/...why couldnt we save her and marry her instead?[View]622616042Outward: Is this game good? Some say it's a good old style rpg in the style of Gothic. Some say…[View]622607691Is any other VA even trying?[View]622615387Have you done your dailies yet, wagie?[View]622614082You wouldn't cheat on your Attendant, would you?[View]622614183Do you think AAA gaming is going to die? Feels like most companies are coasting off success from lat…[View]622603468Shit anons you've got me addicted to Opus Magnum now. This Zach guy can make a damn fine game. …[View]622606419woah guys! i didnt know half life 2 had ray tracing! heckin awesome[View]622609893>PS5 says its advantage is its SSD is much faster than a SATA 3 SSD No games takes advantage of i…[View]622614310Just Bad Games: Worst game you ever bought. >Launch version of Cyberpunk 2077…[View]622615514When did you realize it's just a soulless, locked down tablet that just plays Steam store indie…[View]622612564Fuck Lenovo: Is there any way I can sue these retards for false advertising? Their shitty warranty s…[View]622609382Video games with kots?[View]62260784530+ thread: Welcome to all 30+ over the hill geezers. In this thread we can get together and discuss…[View]622614736>'Games are games. There's no real need to turn them into films.' - Hideo Kojima Is he right…[View]622610342If a dev revoke your privilege to play their game, they should return you your money. Put your walle…[View]622606517Majula... Home[View]622614649What prompted Tetsuya Nomura games' decline in Japan? NEO TWEWY flopped hard. FF7Rebirth gets n…[View]622598808there are barely any good winter-themed games[View]622615009its up //[View]622608732>I'm glad you are enjoying your free games, Anon. Would you maybe consider buying your next …[View]622610732HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND[View]622610812Next Smash Bros confirmed to be shit[View]622600269Inazuma Eleven: New gameplay of the upcoming game has been shown: // Turns…[View]622601749I'm so tired of all the bullshit of this game. Every time I try to play it comes up with anothe…[View]622613141Oh fuck jesus /v/ jesus oh fuck did you know that gattlians use gatteral to fucking fuck up their fu…[View]622614630ITT: Absolutely kino games that only you've played[View]622603039>VR is the fu... *ACK*[View]622613998Black Souls[View]622602181Is this ok with friends?[View]622514338Get the Guy to the Princess: Are you a bad enough dude to... Get the Guy to the Princess?[View]622614294Sports: I'm well aware that sports video games aren't very popular among the more hardcore…[View]622614023What about a Total War Warcraft game?: Because eventually Warhammer fantasy will run out of new cont…[View]622614241Check out this green fucking elf bitch from mabinogi lol[View]622613037.[View]622614006FUCK[View]622610579So did Mason actually shoot him?[View]622613903>Not playing TF2 with no viewmdoels Why do you cuck yourself with unnecessary viewmodel clutter?…[View]622613652Valve complete pack: If you guys still haven't bought any of the valve-released games here. Buy…[View]622603362ITT: games that filter brainlets and midwits[View]622612737This is a Mario character[View]622612664The online in this game is kind of shit.[View]622613607ITT: Dodged a bullet: What other disappointing or outright bad game releases did you ignore the hype…[View]622612168>guy adds me on steam >asks if we can regularly play together[View]622578678Can we have 3x3 thread tonight, /v/ros?[View]622601571>Stalker 2 back in development >Trailer tonight /v/ btfo.…[View]622612278I just raced a fella to van horn and he was really cool and friendly, it made me smile.[View]622611160Another Luigi's Mansion Thread: Part of me likes the more unified art direction the remake give…[View]622609182>*is the most useless skill in your path*[View]622612110Why did they do Phoenix so dirty?[View]622608297WMAF Ganes please![View]622613128say it with my ziggers: its CHRONOBYL :)[View]622613003what is the most addictive game you ever played?[View]622612709Vidya Opinions: Post mechanics/gameplay that worsen/instantly kill a game for you >Sprint/Stamina…[View]6226128762000s soul: Why don't modern games have the soulful raytracing of those from the 2000s?[View]622611878Im considering resubbing. Just gonna pvp, can someone give me a quick rundown on how gearing works? …[View]622604239Will the next xenoblade game feature attractive female characters?[View]622612498Gacha' playin? //[View]622573710Ray Tracing is a mem-[View]622610990Hotline Miami 2: What am I in for? I already finished the first one with all the achievements.…[View]622612492Whats the future of Path of Exile? Will 2.0 be able to continue its popularity?[View]622612045The worst OST composers ever: Give a single more cheesy vidya OST RIGHT NOW. No pro tips. You just c…[View]622605296>he doesn't own both[View]622610590Lez-sisters, we are home[View]622608869You spriting?[View]622603495>2023 - 2 days >I am forgotten[View]622602618ANDREWWW YOUR FUCKING DESERT IS FUCKING ME RAW AAAAA[View]622599025When did you realize buyfags who don't pirate were the real plague killing vidya?[View]622605560This board does not play multiplayer vidya: Why is that, anon? Why do you despise playing with other…[View]622611634ITT: monsters turned into reddit food because some westerners didn't understand the actual purp…[View]622612114HOLY KINO.[View]622607460>Friend is playing red dead 2 at 1080p full hd >With a i5-4400 and a GTX 1660 super /v/ told M…[View]622607947>Tyre boss >What's the matter getting TYRED?…[View]622605717>Conquer Arizona >Make NCR seethe >BTFO Rangers in Mojave >Decimate Rangers in many NCR …[View]622575974Fear & Hunger 2: Termina: Fear & Hunger //[View]622562815I'm Fragile, but not THAT fragile![View]622608519Meet Izlom, the mutant of peace.[View]622599986Metroid Brainias: Looking for metroidbrainias i.e. games where progression is mainly tied to your kn…[View]622605930Reminder that we only have 1035 days to go.[View]622610742Do you think he posts here?[View]622611695>MUH SWORD >niggerman save me! Lowest moment of the story, rest was pretty okay-ish…[View]622611626>from 2015 to 2019 Harada tried to convince the heads at Namco to allow a hd port of Xenosaga to …[View]622611247I want to find a game similar to LSD simulator: I want objects to be colored and a non-real atmosphe…[View]622608375.[View]622608372>Pushes carts all day >co workers hate him >refuses to talk Was he autistic?…[View]622584808I know that people say this game is ugly, but there's something about the environments and art …[View]622611487>want to buy games on steam >look up publisher and studio on twitter with key term 'pride' …[View]622610891So a Zelda character[View]622611407Game Piracy = Cringe: Zoomer here. Not sure why older gamers have this weird obsession with not payi…[View]622563725ITT: Video game objects you want to eat[View]622608612Mass Effect: I hate the way this guy talks. I hate his dialogue options. Game fun tho.[View]622606275What the fuck happened to Yugioh?: I come from the 2000s where the decks were blue eyes white dragon…[View]622572798PC vs OLED: What’s a better way to experience games: gaming on a monitor with a high end pc or on a …[View]622572703Why do people feel entitled to healing from classes with heal spells? Just because I have them doesn…[View]622601261The absolute best of the OG trilogy[View]622600983The great debate.[View]622611042/SKYRIM/ secundus: >Gets raped-dicked to death by the Lord of Rape >his cock is a literal 20 f…[View]622610605>have too many games to play >so end up playing none of them or hop between them and never tou…[View]622610890how would you play it today? steam version is tiny do i have to be messing with executables or is th…[View]622610852>MEN ARE...LE BAD?[View]622603843>he deletes videogames related threads[View]622610808What's going on?[View]622610316Maybe you should try getting a job?[View]622588886>sucks as an action game >sucks as a turn based game >sucks as a remake >sucks as a sequ…[View]622607745What game lets you pay with snakes[View]622610625>Single handily saves the entire Sonic The Hedgehog franchise.[View]622609850why do fight games make male characters that look hot!? im not gay damnit... i think.[View]622593928Things that make you go 'Hmmm'[View]622608871>finally cave in and make an assassin's creed set in ancient china >it's mobile only…[View]622594863this was announced 5[View]622608719What am I in for?[View]622610567Here's your final EGS Christmas giveaway. It's not even the trilogy. Uncle Timmy ran out o…[View]622609936So glad Kirby Star Allies helped to revive interest in her. Unfortunately, Lemmings fans will probab…[View]622610536Dead vs Callisto, who takes it, /v/? Callisto is a bit younger but I feel Dead has the edge in a str…[View]622593639Name a single video game as timeless as chess. Hard mode: no Tetris[View]622609390>playing a game with EGS/Steam crossplay >player is next level retarded and constantly misplay…[View]622605013>3070ti how retarded am I for buying this piece of metal and plastic[View]622610113is Arnold the real human who appears in the most videogames?[View]622607749How do I into this game? I have done the first 4 battles. One of my dudes permanently died. I have h…[View]622608693After a year (or 2): Are there any mods making Cyberpunk 2077 playable? Those which enhance (or bet…[View]622610028nikke goddess of victory: Goddamnit this game[View]622610105.[View]622607675Does the bloodrayne series have any games that don't suck? I tried the original but it was so b…[View]622609291From left to right: >games before 2000 >games from 2000-2007 >games from 2007-2013 >game…[View]622605229Oh yeah, that happened[View]622608526Reminder to turn off File History if you're losing RAM space to it. It's basically malware…[View]622608249His actions were morally justified.[View]622603661>It's actually better than DS3 and Elden Ring /v/ lied to me Unless shit takes a massive dow…[View]622605509how do people know how to build characters in RPGs?[View]6225999631 minute of silence for corpse01.mdl[View]622607618When did Kasumi end up having bigger tits than Ayane?: Kasumi’s so much bigger now[View]622595721>total war warhammer iii >not total warhammer iii what were they THINKING…[View]622608776Is there any chance the Witcher 1 Remake won't turn out complete utter soulless trash[View]622609319Soulsborne games are the epidomy of illusion of choice: >game gives you a myriad of armor, weapon…[View]622607338Steam not recognizing installed games: For some reason my games installed on D drive are suddenly no…[View]622609058Welcome to City 17: Have a drink.[View]622606576>First child ghoul in Fallout >Trapped alone for years >could have been an interesting, emo…[View]622607590I only follow team ninja, fromsoft and SE games. These are the only companies that are making good g…[View]622608978What's a bigger turn off for a game? >it's a love letter to Earthbound…[View]622604824THE NAME IS ANDREI ULMEYDA. I AM A MAN WITH THE PLAN THE PEOPLE WILL COME TO ME, FOR SAL-VASHUN.[View]622603821All my friends just keep picking the most basic bitch character classes and builds without any imagi…[View]622608861Sports: I'm aware that sports video games aren't very popular among the more hardcore crow…[View]622581608>Yakuza 3 is shit >'Oh hey maybe the series is getting good now.' >Yakuza 5 is shit…[View]622608851>release a new 3D Mario at the start of your new console’s life >never release another one unt…[View]622600832Sims 2 or 3?: Which one of these is better if you had to decide? There doesn't seem to be a gen…[View]622608581Genshin Impact: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!? AYATO IS COMPLETE GARBAGE[View]622603714>That one weird kid from your class who picked fucking bulbasaur, instead of fire breathing drago…[View]622594797> the absolute state of coomer degeneracy gaming is now on gog gog is officaly pozzed…[View]622607343Going to DS3 after Elden Ring. What am I in for?[View]622607115>Play new game for the first time >First 3 hours are awesome, if the game keeps up this qualit…[View]622604731is it sustainable ?[View]622606320>play long RPG game for 50+ hours >main quest bugged >no way to beat the game now…[View]622602490CHRONO TRIGGER: When does this garbage get good?[View]622545512Mariobros… how are we coping?[View]622601563The Wii U and 3DS are both 10 and 11 years old respectively. When the PS2 released in 2000, the SNES…[View]622606747Hotline Miami: Got all the achievements in less than a day. I rarely play games that are this fun. 1…[View]622602702Your move, anon[View]622581527>normal mode is too easy >hard mode is too hard…[View]622608128Any other certified women moments in videogames?[View]622602701Steam Replay Thread: >50% of the games I played were released 1-7 years ago >50% of the games …[View]622606470>streamer starts playing a game you really like >after a couple of times they just drop it des…[View]622597604Nevermind me, just casually posting the best Persona game.[View]622594431i was told to do a an agility build but now on floor 3 i cant kill anyone[View]622591979Play Last Origin[View]622607864you feel it too, don't you?[View]622607423What games allow me to have big hair[View]622597878>game features an ENDLESS gameplay loop Name 8 games so we can avoid them.…[View]622579340Days Gone director blames woke reviewers for sabotaging the game release: And the worst thing /v/edd…[View]622602150Fallout 3: When the hell does the fun start??? The game feels so boring and hollow. Clunky too.…[View]622602617why was this game a commercial failure? //…[View]622607023Disco Elysium: i cannot bring myself to act differently on replay playthroughs i feel it betrays my…[View]622598447/v/ Gundam: How come there's never been an original video game timeline? Seems creatively restr…[View]622604528What made him the best Kingdom Hearts character?[View]622600272>all more recent WW2 shooters are either Squad/PR derivatives or ADD shooters filled with ahistor…[View]622607347Load up old game. Play through it. Far less progress and lose the desire to even finish it. I can on…[View]622606781Wolf... My shinobi...[View]622606764Can i play the steam version without EA account garbage?[View]622534160I love Hornets retarded voice.[View]622601589How to make your own shitty FFXVI trailer: Just follow these basic steps: >start the trailer with…[View]622605957>US boxart[View]622596130Splatoon 3: why do only boring weapons get to have fun fun with the trizooka ?[View]622606291>2013 was almost 10 years ago[View]622606924Started play it the other day and really enjoying it, did you like it, /v/?[View]622605481>game gives you a joke weapon[View]622596378This game has by far the worst mouth-breathing retards that I have ever seen in any team-based MP ga…[View]622598328Should I play Homeworld remastered? It's 3€ on Steam rn[View]622605542Why the H would you make 3 different playable characters and not make it co-op?[View]622594507Sex Fantasy XVI ESRB dropped[View]622606728Here's a thin man who has just spit upon your troops and poisoned them. Say something nice abou…[View]622605490Is this actually worth playing or no?[View]622606441Just got picrel as a late christmas gift from my sister, i usually play on pc but im still grateful,…[View]622605116Rate my battle station /v/[View]622602318That's right cocksucker! Go back to San Fierro![View]622602470We can't talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don't let any…[View]622596532I love my beautiful wife Rin so much.[View]622605051ITT only the worst characte designs[View]622605809even using recomended skills I still find the game too hard what give?[View]622603328started playing rain world and why is the player character movement so fucked? I'm rolling arou…[View]622600803I come to you seeking comfiest video games you know to spend my holidays time off on 10/10 comfy vid…[View]622603026Play Armoured Core right now: PCSX2 // PS2 BIOS files: //…[View]622604523POV: You are a smash melee player.[View]622598185Who's your favourite spellcaster[View]622605413>high STR >high DEX >high VIT Yep, it's berserkin' time.…[View]6226057842 years until their next console announcement. Is Switch still worth buying?[View]622598874>love writing poetry >love writing prose >love drawing >love painting >love sculpting…[View]622529658Were they really that great?: Or were they overrated?[View]622601658it's mid.[View]622596949>spent over 150 euros during the steam holiday sale >did not play any of the games >mfw rea…[View]622602020>Fixed Pokemon SV: // You're welcome[View]622602896What is your last game with this feel?[View]622604067How can some people be so shameless?: Whenever I look up gameplay of a porn game, the videos always …[View]622604356>Buy PS5 >Play anime games[View]622605372Final fantasy is back to show people how to make real RPGs with interesting premises and you should …[View]622605140Anon, Where're my anime games...[View]622605240Trails of Cold Steel: What am I getting in to? TLoH thread I guess[View]622603854For the love of fuck can you dumb fucking fake fan coomer artist stop making porn of Isabelle where …[View]622601794I had always played with integrated graphics (so super tier shit). I never played stuff like GTA V e…[View]622602096Digimon Survive sucks, combat is super easy, all character models are 2d sprites even in combat, loo…[View]622604887What are some games with paradoxical problems?[View]622587560Master Duel: >sleepy girl >monster…[View]622603541I'm beyond disappointed with the recently announced Hogwarts Legacy. It's a shallow cashgr…[View]622602735Installation 04... home.[View]622603516'ull on 'eck[View]622601885i don't know what to play[View]622604408is it still fun if you have no friends?[View]622603963How do you imagine future video games ?: Are you excited to spend your last dozens years of life in …[View]622597235You did walk the righteous path with Edelgard, and build a future for Fodlan where no one has to eve…[View]622603472Are you a completionist in your games, /v/?[View]622601824>almost 2023 >still no HD remaster[View]622602229Without the shadow of a doubt, the greatest game mankind has ever created[View]622604425IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER WHAT YOU SAY MATTER WHAT YOU DID TO ME BECAUSE NOW THAT YOU ARE RIGHT …[View]622604154There are grown men on this board who play Nintendo games[View]622604276I AM THE MEDIC NOW I AM FULLY CHARGED READY FOR THE CHARGE AND YOU ARE ALL SO UGLY[View]622604218Sports: I know sports video game adaptations usually aren't all that popular among most video g…[View]622603174>completely triggers people just because she's female Man, I am so glad that I can actually …[View]622602752Binary Domain: Why wasn't a sequel ever made? the game was actually great, better than i expect…[View]622589306Video games are bad for you. Read books instead.[View]622604086did you have a good gaming year?[View]622602526Are gachas the only non-woke games left? Big budget japanese games are basically as bad as the west[View]622602518Should I get into gaming? Used to be a nerd thing that I would make fun of but I'm kind of inte…[View]622598350WH40k video games: He who stands with me shall be my brother.[View]622600907ITT: actually good movie tie in games[View]622595961Tails butthole[View]622603414Having a comfy time doing festival event quests. Reminds me how pure and innocent this game is. I re…[View]622602570The 2023 gamer pledge: 1. I will play only games that are new to me, which I have never played befor…[View]622584662Fallingstar Beast[View]622602041Is vidya declining?: It seems nowadays, creativity and gameplay is a 2nd priority. All popular games…[View]622601684The good old days. I miss it so much[View]622593218The Donkey Kong: The Tropical Freeze: What the fuck, this is surprisingly difficult.[View]622602509Thursday Skullgirl Thread: So ive been trying using the Big band stun to get close to the Nightmare …[View]622589879It's a misunderstood masterpiece[View]622602636>buy game >never install >repeat every sale…[View]622584686Do you believe 'Full Dive' gaming will be possible in your lifetime?[View]622598187I hate how in adventure games, your character's default movespeed is a brisk jog that they can …[View]622588570>filthy hume what are you looking at?[View]622602832*kills Kingdom Hearts*[View]622548324Monster Hunter: What's your favorite weapon?[View]622602786FINAL FANTASY 16 FUCKS: This is an action role-playing game in which players assume the role of an e…[View]622592483Who the hell wants this thing?[View]622602267playasia is having a massive sale on sega games most stuff is 10 dollars when normally they're …[View]622587640How did we go from this...[View]622598995Would I be able to interest you in playing Project Diva?[View]622601641Has anyone ever accused you of being a contrarian for liking a non-LGBT friendly game?[View]622591038>yfw 1 hp left: objective: survive[View]622591273Frye Thread: Post Frye[View]622601871Kids of /v/, what games do you play at sleepovers? Do modern games still have local coop or versus? …[View]622592591Femshep announced as the official canon Shepard[View]622600743A barrel roll?[View]622590146Games doesn’t fell the same anymore…: I don’t know why, but all the games that are being released re…[View]622602317I just love this cat!: Say something nice about her[View]622565162Why has Bioware been unable to top her?[View]622601735Hogwarts Legacy (2023): >my personality is not being in the other three houses…[View]622596619RTS concept thread: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU BALANCE RTS GAMES WITHOUT IT BECOMING A RANGE-FEST?!?[View]622596562Have graphics stagnated? Games from 2012 look exactly like games from today, while 2002-2012 saw a m…[View]622585957All i want is a good turn based tactical western fantasy (preferably high but certainly not low) rpg…[View]622602071Back when vidya trailers had SOUL //[View]622599106Post high quality autism.[View]622599672What happened to monster girl games/threads?: I only really see furfaggotry like on the bottom of pi…[View]622595296Bros I love video games so fucking much. I don't know how so many of you can be miserable and t…[View]622500474Avatar The Game: Is it true that the game was removed from sale everywhere (now you can only find it…[View]622591416Why does it make zoomers shit their pants in fear? We're going to have an entire generation of …[View]622600046How could such a kino fucking game be released post 2001?[View]6226008352022 Gamepass Value Almost $8,000: 220 different titles were added for both Xbox and PC Game Pass, a…[View]6225809602022 is almost over what was your personal GOTY?[View]622599554Advance Wars: What happened[View]622589637>talk talk talk talk talk talk >cutscene >talk talk talk talk >walk a bit >fall >w…[View]622601554Whats the best Spongebob game?[View]622600296This literally makes zoomer shit themselves: >Like yea, bro. You 'noclip' out of reality and end …[View]622593263uhm darktidesisters?[View]622601559Lego Star Wars Thread: Playing lego star wars on the xbox series x HOW IS IT GOING GUYS??? Is this t…[View]622599982From today onward I will no longer pirate video games[View]622600479I want to take every anon who was ever mean to me and lock you all in a room together and watch you …[View]6226010612022 GAMES MARKET: Mobile gaming declining for the first time ever. //…[View]622601432Why are katanas so broken in Elden Ring?[View]622599594Playnite: This is the greatest thing since 3d acceleration was invented. Stop being locked to steam …[View]622597629TROPICO: What is the best game of the franchise? I like the games but the humor is too heavy handed …[View]622600957Creeper World: I want to discuss Creeper World[View]622601062How could such a kino fucking game be released post 2001?[View]622599031What are your hopes and fears for NieR: Automata 2?[View]622599005Should I reinstall SFV or wait for 6?[View]622597119What made these guys stop making games with fair and challening combat where you improve your skill …[View]622577513What will you do if Steam ever shuts down and you lose all your games? Would steam ever actually shu…[View]622596901How to balance snipers in fps pvp games?[View]622600736This is GOTY 2022 and i'm tired of pretending it's not to appease newfags seething at Rick…[View]622600697Oh no he wasted his life playing vidya: One shot I don't why //…[View]622599320Is it the best game ever made?[View]622592386Which generation has the best Pokemon?[View]622599859>V-sync: OFF >WHIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRR[View]622595742cutscenes are the reward for progressing the game, why would you skip them?[View]622592530H-games that only you have played[View]622595083STAR CITIZENS: Did you get yours, /vitziens/? Remember: LIMITED SUPPLY! How hyped are we for the rel…[View]622574551what filtered you?[View]622598976Starfield: Now that the dust has settled, why did it flop?[View]622559625WINTER SALE THREAD!: Buy the game in the sale to check performance, only to refund it and buy the ke…[View]622596093Why does Megaman always feel the need to put some weird one-off gimmick in every sequel? Was anyone …[View]622600190WEEEHAHAHA SENCHO[View]622566172Tales of series is dead and forgotten[View]622582878>steam has sales on tons of game during christmas >inevitably you'll bounce off some that…[View]622599781Ahhh, home.[View]622561526Why aren't female super soldiers more prevalent in vidya?[View]622598493>HEY ANON WHAT STEAM GAMES ARE YOU PLAYING >WHAT GOG GAMES ARE YOU PLAYING THEY ARE PC GAMES P…[View]622571148HOT CHICK HEAVEN[View]622596496Its almost 2023, why haven't you solo'd Arasaka Tower yet?[View]622558453Pikmin: Newbie to the franchise. I want to ask why is the fandom either in camp- >1 and 3 are the…[View]622595741Which if the Voice of Cards games are worth playing? I never see them mentioned here[View]622590057Why can't they just make a game that looks like Yoshitaka Amano's art?[View]622599268We need to talk about Blue Archive and its dailies[View]622599585how the FUCK am I supposed to know how to level-up my companions in crpg's? there's too mu…[View]622599404Post your steam top tens. What did you play the most this year /v/? I also played a lot of ffxiv…[View]622595153Vidya tunes that live in your head rent free: I didn't even have a Playstation, I played this f…[View]622554219Whats the closest thing to another God Hand? I'm literally obsessed by this game. The super har…[View]622599174Subtle Vidya fashion[View]622593710Could the last vidya character you played as kill a werewolf with their bare hands?[View]622597663Anyone have any game ideas? So bored of every game I have and have no motivation to play anything.. …[View]622598618Fuck this game it's too hard!!![View]622598741>Game doesn't have autosave >Now there's no consequence to failing because you can r…[View]622592948yugioh today is fucking shit: Like wtf is this synchro shit? why the fuck do games today end in 2 tu…[View]622598436>Check Steam replay >Only played and finished 1 game It's so over for me, I don't e…[View]622598756Atelier Ryza: I want to like her game, but I don't really enjoy the crafting[View]622594874ITT game series that only become enjoyable after second or third installment[View]622594974supply me with /v/ references in vidya[View]622598462BATTER UP, BITCH BOY[View]622593478You guys enjoying the wipe? How's the new map?[View]622595125Males_only Male_Penetration Toy Shotacon Snuff Body_Swap Solo_Action[View]622589420No, seriously, what the fuck took them so long This shit had better be one of the greatest games of …[View]622595981>MUH SWORD Game was good until THAT part[View]622593414what the FUCK was his problem[View]622582474What do people do in this?[View]622594832Open source game with editor: Looking for heavily editable open source game like raycasting game mak…[View]622598113Just set a new personal best! I'm really shocked considering how I backtracked to Brinstar to g…[View]622598142New soft hack when[View]622590167Why aren't you playing vagante?[View]622597007>weapon durability >enemy difficulty is just how damage spongy they are >combat is dodge th…[View]622596503Nonogram bros... I think I'm stuck. Any tips? Puzzle games thread.[View]622579394What's your current profile picture?[View]622597953Video Games for this feel? //[View]622590950Confess your slime sins, anon[View]622596035>guy adds me on steam >asks if we can regularly play together Holy shit fuck off. I'm not…[View]622561057/SKYRIM/: >Raped to death by a literal rape demon Why did she do it?…[View]622589147Who was in the wrong here?[View]622595149Redpill me on pes/eFootball. Have started playing career mode on FIFA 22 thanks to gamepass and real…[View]622596548>ruins a perfectly good game Why is Atlus like that?[View]622595130>Finally got through the tutorial and broke out of the Rusty Cage in the beginning >Now I…[View]622596960>Turn based RPG with more than 1 char to control yawn[View]622593609What are the essential Sonic Adventure 2 mods?[View]622595549Garry's Mod AUSCHWITZ ROLEPLAY!!! This is my brand new server I just took it out of the alpha s…[View]622587960Let me guess, you need 'more',[View]622594423Final Fantasy Fourteen would be a better game if all mods and add-ons were indiscriminately banned. …[View]622596428If you can put games inside CDs, DVDs and Blu Rays, would it be possible to put videogames inside VH…[View]622596358ANON PLEASE WHERE'S THE FUCKING BATHROOM I GOTTA PISS[View]622594904>'I would really prefer if you'd be quiet[View]622596941Should I buy an Xbox Series X if I have a Steam Deck?[View]622594447>see game on sale >has lust provoking image >have to buy it now How the hell do I control m…[View]622583229Are any of these series any good?[View]622596397Hey big bro/sis, you played High on Life and got your Morty gun yet?[View]622583841Games like Aurelia?: Just 100%d this shit and now I want more.[View]622586147What does the P stand for?[View]622591120What's the most depraved game you've played?[View]622573880Why is everyone hating on the silent hill 2 remake?[View]622596526hey buddy, still alive?[View]622593092How can we save the Metroid series?[View]622595962who is the cutest vidya furry and why is it fidget?[View]622591152Can anyone explain how HRV3 hasn't been sued for blatantly copying TF2 and selling it as their …[View]622595671It's a misunderstood masterpiece[View]622596257what should I play[View]622581069Why are there so few harlem games? Getting as much romantic interests as possible sounds like such a…[View]622591185You know you'd think for a game that relies so heavily on gameplay mechanics and movement, they…[View]622576246Your mom does own a gaming console, right?[View]622594207>one copy of starfield and be quick about it will ya?[View]622596275why is this allowed?[View]622595285If you levelled vigour, you unironically didnt beat the game[View]622587667Literally what is the point of this character?[View]622595560Judgment: what was the best side story and how did you like the game in general?[View]622596003>Yoko Taro says that the Automata cast actually deserved a 2nd chance because unlike the rest of …[View]622542538Baiken won.[View]622594508Video game file name thread.[View]622595649Who is your favourite Dragon Quest girl?[View]622590624Why did he do it?[View]622532912Lick my wounds: Let's go[View]622596273does /v/ like GiantBomb ?[View]622577142Cute Girls Thread: Come on anons, admit it. You just love cute vidya girls.[View]622594990HOW DID THIS HACK GET A F*CKING SEQUEL?[View]622592669>you had to BE THERE zoomer. That feeling of playing this game in 1996 was the experience itself.…[View]622594636The only game that filtered me was the game of life[View]622590385What are some misery porn games The ones I know of are >The Nier games >The Drakengard games …[View]622595951What are some games that let you start a cult?[View]622595947>look for something very low key in mechanics but that looks good and has some humour >come ac…[View]622535304Steam Deck is the best and there is nothing you can do about it.[View]622578519Let's take a moment to appreciate the best, coolest, most beloved video game character of 2022![View]622588440Play WEGs.[View]622580593She is my canon wife. I like to think I save her from a life of selling drugs.[View]622595417>put ray tracing into game people complain that it costs too much performance >use baked light…[View]622595302Agony: Why are they so cute[/ spoiler]?[View]622595208What are some games with power metal/heavy metal cover feel?[View]622592830Have you had this feeling? I'm searching for a specific game on steam but nothing has really gr…[View]622587843>here's your new CoD bro[View]622594803do you play vidya with friends /v/?[View]622594538Anons i need your help! My latest purchase on steam has been denied by my debit card, but i still go…[View]622594404Music > Story > Graphics > Gameplay A game with good gameplay but bad music will be forgott…[View]622590797Event: Winter Campaign Play 10 games and get 2023 capital Event: Limit Over Play and earn Exolimit P…[View]622570315What exactly is it that stops Nintendo from releasing a console with hardware that isn't 2 gene…[View]622594968Ace Attourney: Who else, do you think got the death penalty?[View]622585712Wow! This game is so _______![View]622592410WRPGs are shit[View]622591236Stranger of Paradise: Don't mind me, just pirating Jack's gf[View]622578769What is the appeal of Fortnite?[View]622478656Splatoon 3: If you want to win, just join Team Sweet. It's THAT easy! Conch and Splatfest tee c…[View]622590209I played Elden Ring on my PC CRT monitor tonight and it was amazingly atmospheric. The game works g…[View]622578239Scorn: >Make genuinely interesting world and lore >Refuse to use more than 5% of it >Leave…[View]622583347No wrong answers here[View]622590132Steam Spider Graphs Post em R8 H8 B8[View]622593685There’s no way: How does he keep getting away with it????[View]622582373After looking into the hubbub about this character I'm beyond DISGUSTED. Yet another example of…[View]622593447still no new onimusha game :([View]622582912Why the fuck would they release this on the PSX in 2002?![View]622592225I love rts games so fucking much it hurts your turn based faggot shit doesnt even compare[View]622585169what's (you)r favorite final fantasy game/v/?[View]622592352DUKE! GOOD TO FUCKIN’ SEE YA!: I knew that retirement bullshit was just bullshit. Fuck that retireme…[View]622594001The first tranny in a videogame[View]622593781Do you think girls would be more intrigued to play games if female characters could look more like t…[View]622583735.[View]622590719Can a 4 year old play this?[View]622590469how do I git gud?[View]622593332>Beat mass effect 1&2 and loved them >Just beat them both in the legendary edition, a litt…[View]622582563>are ya winning, son ?[View]622593370Find a flaw with this level[View]622585982It is not pretentious to say a game 'insists upon itself'. There are plenty of games that claim to b…[View]622566625do you have vidya friends?[View]622593581High threat hostile in proximity.[View]622587164What happened to her? The writing was kino.[View]622582152If Tetris is so great, why isn't there an open world Tetris survival game with crafting mechani…[View]622590427Don't think it'd be hard to compete w/ GTAonline: I know very little about game developmen…[View]622591290>Japanese gameplay >1998 >2022…[View]622592781Toy story 2 > super mario 64[View]622592856Dark Samus is for...[View]622593254>game has african level >it has the BEST theme // Po…[View]622589243.[View]622592929How do we bring soul back into Tekken?[View]622592207By today’s “standards” this would be considered a masterpiece and the runaway goty if it released no…[View]622592024>gamecube >it's not a cube[View]622590867It's just so... bad. How could Blizzard produce an even bigger pile of shit than Shadowlands?[View]622590619What was her fucking problem?[View]622590252Started RE5 and Sheva is fucking creepy bro why is she staring at Chris[View]622584251My gaming mice so cute :)[View]622592312League of Legends: I am AATROX the god killer!!!!!![View]622567371remember when Cyberpunk was a big deal again for about a week until people realized it was still shi…[View]622535230Darktide: It's over Darktide bros... >over 100 premium cosmetics leaked >almost end of de…[View]622586234Steam Winter Sales 2022: rate my haul[View]622585004This fucking game is so bullshit. Every time I think I have a run going I fucking die to some random…[View]622592320need a middle name for my kid. First name is Jerome, looking for a cool vidya name that would fit. L…[View]622551175You should play Elite Dangerous tonight.[View]622591320>game OST explicitly tells you how to feel at every point instead of just describing the characte…[View]622584415elden ring: do u like my build? i finally have 30 fth so i get my wolverine claws. still waiting to …[View]622588058>friends and I playing SWORDMAN 4: QUEST FOR TREASURE >All having a fucking blast >One frie…[View]622591957What sites do you use to pirate games?[View]622590598What do I need to know when planning the creation of my own small-scale indie video game?[View]622580219Was it really THAT bad?[View]622557431Explain.[View]622556737.[View]622592090I'm over it. is tarkov worth playing?[View]622587174let talk about digimon (again)[View]622588878Noelle does her best![View]622591764From my experience only ideologues are unable to separate the art from the artist[View]622591463This entire board is so fucking gay. You can look at any thread and it would read like it's bee…[View]622590342Best Mortal Kombat btw[View]622590656>they deadass gave the chinese girl foot binding shoes WHAT THE FUCK This is not okay!…[View]622589128Which Samurai would you De-Maiden?[View]622589630Where the fuck did everybody go? Fucking bingo?[View]622577696LOOOOOOOOL!!!!![View]622583774>that one kid who refuses to play anything other than one game >always has an excuse to keep p…[View]622590510are there any games like runescape but single player? thanks anon[View]622588156Okay Skittles that's enough pls. It tickles...[View]622582859One will protect you the other will try to harm you[View]622590005WHY ARE YOU HERE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[View]622578302Ever tried Wabbajack?: It's a modding tool that automatically installs curated lists of mods.…[View]622586574FALLOUT TV SHOW: >main character is black >ghouls are the equivalent of black trans people …[View]622588603Do yu like Megaman X?[View]622590261>download an idie game from >it is voiced >heavy indian accent with no acting Why…[View]622587316>Wow, surprised you're up Anon. Oh, nothing, just bored since you're always on that dam…[View]622526421FINAL FANTASY XVI: do you like what you see so far? FFXVI - REVENGE Trailer : //…[View]622589074>Rick and Morty in the desert... >But in space!…[View]622589003Let me guess, you need 'store',[View]622590386>boss can see you while you're invisible[View]622589137Tactics Ogre Reborn: How is it? It's on sale so I may get it if it's any good[View]622588342SAY IT: mee-lee or may-lay?[View]622590182Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial whi…[View]622578376Are any of these games good? They're dirty cheap on steam right now, and i have heard they…[View]622588087Let me guess, you need 'spore',[View]622579203What do you think about summons in Elden ring? I couldn’t beat the game without them lol[View]622563325It only takes one bad day[View]622587226Why has not a SINGLE game managed to make a fun magic system?[View]622585039// Prontera... Home...[View]622588015Which games have implemented cutscenes/cinematics the best?[View]622587906Gravity Rush 2 is a good game. It is one reason to purchase an own a PS4.[View]622586691games with bossa nova?: I'll go first:Sonic unleashed[View]622584312Look at this witch[View]622584834>WTF!!??? MY POWER ARMOR!!!! HOW????? IS THAT..... NONONONONO MR. LEGIONARY PLS NOOOOOOOOOO-ACKKK…[View]622572808Post your RPG maker games[View]622587858Video games are not art, they are skinner boxes for the useful idiots.[View]622527086Are these the best puzzle games of the past 10 years?[View]622586178SEX[View]622589131Darkest Dungeon: Got it for sale and I gotta say, it's pretty good. Can't wait for numbero…[View]622589109What is the best fantasy race and why is it skaven?[View]622583338Release date when? I need to get betrayed by him[View]622586941So where’s the PC port after all these years?[View]622588990ROCK SUS: i love roxas i wished i was him as a teen i started with kh2 first and i was so upset that…[View]622585452ITT: post model actors and guess the virus character[View]622588526Let me guess, you need 'door',[View]622585202FGO should add sex.[View]622587416Load up old game. Play through it. Far less progress and lose the desire to even finish it. I can on…[View]622587885IS THIS GAME ANY GOOD OR JUST CSGO RIPOFF[View]622582254Let me take a wild guess You “NEED” more[View]622587531Is this the best western erotic game?[View]622580179>Players claims game is skill based when it's clearly RNG based.[View]622586747>go to location in map >spam abilities on enemies as soon as the cooldowns end >if enemy at…[View]622583534>talk to NPC >they mumble cryptic something then laugh heh heh heh...…[View]622586374Castrate yourself, Creature.[View]622587692You remember this was a thing.[View]622583914>Five Nights at Freddy's is nostalgia bait now[View]622588062ayaneo: omg, they actually have so many PC handhelds.[View]622586487I unironically wish they would make a Bloodborne machine so I wouldn't have to buy a PS4 just t…[View]622584057post vidya music that puts a smile on your face: I'll start //…[View]622564817Am I insane? I've played every Ace Attorney game and none of the games that came after the orig…[View]622586909Dead games you miss: I would give anything to play this shit again. Post your most beloved dead game…[View]622579878What would happen if AAA devs finally admitted that MOST OF THEM were making their female characters…[View]622535487RTA in Japan winter 2022: Now: Shiren the Wanderer Gaiden: Asuka the Swordswoman (race) Next: Steel …[View]622577161>Height 8'0' (244 cm) >Weight 584 lbs (265 kg) How do you even beat someone like this irl…[View]622584763Will Persona 6 stop being homophobic?: Let me date guys as a guy god damn it[View]622587850memes aside what did he actually mean by this?[View]622585257ENTER[View]622584478Grim: Aloe[View]622585926Why do we hate Ubisoft again?[View]622584957Why do 2fags insist on skipping Mass Effect 1? Literally the best one in the series.[View]622574297Sonic fans are fucken insane[View]622582646Vidya husbando thread[View]622578392Im going to play this shit for the first time, is the soundtrack worth it or can i play it with my m…[View]622587402Master Duel: Master Duel WCS when?[View]622584889I am concerned about the quality of Videogames as of late. Are walking simulator movies really the o…[View]622542619come skribble //[View]622583457was he really a human?[View]622583983it's been 5 years[View]622480980STRANGER OF PARADISE thread: How do we stop the (((lufenian))) menace Jackbros? FINAL DLC : DIFFEREN…[View]622578326>gaming is d-[View]622585201Play Hitman[View]622561426>filters fake RE fans[View]622584741Video Games that literally destroyed you: Playing WoW from 13 to 21 ruined my life. It's all I …[View]622586809Looking for good Pong strats. Also Pong metagame thread[View]622584324>soldiers fight demi-humans, t-rex dogs and different colored soldiers in scripted skirmishes …[View]622585854>The four kings battle in dark souls[View]622584945Fallout 3: Which faction is the best future for the US of A? Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave?[View]622580615DayZ: This game had just over 49 thousand people online at its 24 hour peak and has gotten really go…[View]622564568Mogs all modern shooter games.[View]622586238Little Nightmares 2 - Reaction to Vidya: >beat easy game >watch woman play it >beat hard ga…[View]622583105What are some OSTs that had no right being as good as they turned out to be?[View]622586357>'What I want to do is to examine the humanity of the characters in this game. This is not going …[View]622585671>Skimpy Armor isn't lore friendly to the El-ACK!!![View]622580671His problem?[View]622579634how would you rank the difficulty of the soulsborne games (including sekiro)?[View]622579328Holy shit I just finished this game and it's fucking amazing Why does no one ever talk about it…[View]622585907god of war: why is dog shit?[View]622577104Atelier Ryza 3: Hopes and dreams?[View]622569316Mahoyo: >Nasu confirms Mahoyo 2 hasn't been written yet, is at the bottom of his project lis…[View]622580001Best zombie shooter game? Right /v/?[View]622583481>game takes place in historical setting >everyone has a modern worldview, modern personality, …[View]622579092Admit it. You liked it.[View]622584739Can you even call yourself a mobile gamer without a rig like this?[View]622585727Your taste in video game sucks. Have a good night.[View]622582847>2023 will be sh-[View]622585708He's way better than Arthur Morgan and I'm tired of pretending he's not: Only reddit …[View]622583593I just 100%d Crisis Core Reunion on Xbox. Ask me anything. Except about the ending, I skipped all th…[View]622582764Shin Megami Tensei V: So we agree that the destroy the throne ending is best, right?[View]622581956>plays game for 50+ hours >'This game sucks. 2/10'…[View]622523608PS5 vs PC: >PS5 $499.99 >PC $2000-$4000 Both play the same games. Why would anyone pick PC?…[View]622584947Aerith is very cute![View]622561621MAX AMMO[View]622580185What pixel games have you been playing as of late? Are they any fun?[View]622583102>decide to start closing video games the moment I stop having fun >sessions have gone down to …[View]622571635>play game >enjoy it[View]622561892This is the best music rhythm game of all time on Steam. I don't know why they can't just …[View]622583632WAN GWAN ME BREDDA, I AND I EVER TELL YA BOUT JACOB MON? DE BABYLON ALWAY KEEPIN I DOWN BUT JAH GIVI…[View]622580629Why are crishit core fans such retards?[View]622583780Is it worth doing a GMGOW replay or is it time to just move on to something new?[View]622527438What are your most unpopular fighting game opinions?[View]622553140Master Duel: Reminder that Terada Tera is the Live Twin artist. You can't prove me wrong, retar…[View]622577034Factorio: >everything else is on sale >this shit isn't what's their FUCKING problem?…[View]622582140punishent cube: punishment cube[View]622581693Unironically the most relatable character in a videogame for me: I want to save the world so fucking…[View]622585182whats will H games and the dumping of paragraphs text over the most minuscule actions? I was happy t…[View]622577819/v/ why did you never tell me that Miyamoto was based?[View]622558139BBS is the best spinoff KH game and I'm tired of pretending >BBS >3 different character s…[View]622584237Fallout New Vegas The Frontier: So I started playing this mod for the first time a few days ago (Unc…[View]622578982So this is an H game right?[View]622581294why are gachatards like this?[View]622582015Unironically a good game if you ignore the reddit humor[View]622582748Best theme song of all time.: //[View]622554997What went wrong? Was it really suppressed for not being 'woke' enough? Or is it simply a mediocre ga…[View]622573259>Objective : SURVIVE[View]622584492God I hope we get a chocolate girl as a team member for the next persona game[View]622584595>reinforces between bomb sites >covers up rotation holes >reinforce hatches on the same le…[View]622584586Is the online features worth it on this game? Like can I just jump into someones GM mode and talk if…[View]622581839Take it easy !: This thread is for taking it easy. You can only take it easy while in this thread. T…[View]622575882it's actually good, you should give it another chance: sure the early story is shit but after t…[View]622576720>Mages might go bankrupt Saddest news of the year at the end of the year. This is a disaster, wh…[View]622583224What do ya think?[View]622582517What is he cooking?[View]622570678>Conquers Arizona >Push NCR borders >Destroyed tribal niggers >Destroyed Super Mutants …[View]622583924Where do you go to find new innovative indie games? Do you scour all new releases? Do you watch smal…[View]622582612Wait a second, this doesn't sound right.[View]622537472Shoutout your unpopular vidya opinions, you will not be judge you will be pelted accordingly though…[View]622582443I feel like David Szymanski has the right idea with length. We need to stop making 60 dollar 50 hour…[View]622579380>play every game blind and ironman >hate repeat playthroughs, because it‘s no longer blind …[View]622582934>Die in the Mushroom Kingdom >Become a Boo >Forced to serve King Boo >He does nothing bu…[View]622583749Yooooo: This game straight up bussin' fr.[View]622582135Best RPG Stories: What's the most recent rpg with a great story? Or at least likeable character…[View]622573691Xray Vision: Why do games keep doing this? You're literally cheating at this point.[View]622521879Disco Elysium: I liked it. What’s the /v/erdict?[View]622580275>Female >Elf >Neutral Good >Sorcerer >Quarterstaff It's adventuring time.…[View]622583502>3060 ti >Resolution: 3840 x 2160 >Medium Settings >Motion Blur: Off >Chromatic Aberr…[View]622564075How do we fix FFXIV[View]622571130>her super move is rape HOTARU BEST GIRL[View]622581469>go to walmart >get COD MW2 for a present >get to the door >get asked for reciept >wa…[View]622581625The best game in the Suikoden franchise[View]622581506Is it really that bad?[View]622575802>E3 is back >game releases that have been pushed back are finally coming out >the geeks and…[View]622579484What's the greatest video game ever made that isn't an open world or an RPG[View]622562906will pokemon ever be good again?[View]622578045people on /v/ say disco elysium is a pro leftist game but: its has one of the best fascist quest in …[View]622577997Never played NMH1 or 2 before but this game is fucking awesome[View]622567040How hard is it to code your own game?[View]622577668What even is this game?: 5 hours in and I've just been delivering packages between bases, with …[View]622581429ah yes, the crpg that filtered boomers[View]622566013>Mastered Doom Eternal's combat over 20 years prior to its release >Continues to filter c…[View]622579347ANGELS CAN FLY[View]622581994Games with these types of characters?[View]622579183so you guys play mobile games now?: I thought it was just an ironic joke..... are you guys seriously…[View]622575401Play Trails: Gigguk the most popular youtuber in the world plays trails There's only 12 games, …[View]622569967Now that the dust has settled: Based or Cringe?[View]622581921what is that? is that a deer?[View]622575115If ANY female tries to befriend you on this platform: tell her to fuck off, these bitches will only …[View]622579248>Moore recounted to Glixel his futile efforts to demonstrate to Sega of Japan that the company’s …[View]622580212What should the sequel to Choo Choo Charles be?[View]622577470ok bros, someone randomly gifted me pic rel and Witcher 3, never played any game on it's franch…[View]622581658game jingles: so what are other games that have kino in-game jingles?[View]622572928'Listen, Anon: One more big score and we can kiss this board goodbye! What do you say? Are you with …[View]622581386Is this the most boring expansion in WoW's history?[View]622576736female /v/illains[View]622581417Extella: Fatebros it's been 3 years, and no announcement of Extella 3, where is it? I want to p…[View]622577852Was there a better time to be on the internet and be gaming as 2000 - 2006? >height of newgrounds…[View]622579054Snootless...[View]622581076>tfw filtered by red/green science[View]622577680Horizon Zero Awards: Absolutely destroyed[View]622575359>Finally pick up Elden Ring >Before going to Stormwall Castle I just dick around on Torrent to…[View]622561302Ah, Hogwarts Legacy. What a colossal waste of time and money. This game has been heavily hyped for m…[View]622577332>/v/ told me classic was better >I didn't believe Holy shit I should have listened. I lik…[View]622576305What are the best 3ds themes?[View]622578689>It's a console about nothing.[View]622578018Is nuStar Wars good?[View]622580440>14 years old >no experience >boards a ship to the other end of the world because he wants …[View]622579051Overwatch won.[View]622578134When will we Lemmings fans have our renaissance moment like Adeleine fans (which I am also one of) d…[View]622570923>tfw you listen to it for the first time SO BREAK THROUGH IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL…[View]622576545Does the plot in any of these games make sense?[View]622579557Majula... Home[View]622572079what's the manliest game you can think of?[View]622580474Was it ludo?[View]622574098What the fuck is going on behind the curtains?[View]622580447People who beat this legitmately beat this game, how would you rate it on a scale of 1/10?[View]622575305This is the funnest since ever If you havent played it, youre retarded[View]622580190Are there any actually good survival games?[View]622577008Do you give open world games a pass if they are aesthetically pleasing?[View]622578695kids these days don't know how good it used to be[View]622579167what was her (his) problem?[View]622576698>get an hour into a run >actually start having fun >try using a new wand I found >deals…[View]622574587WTF STEAM!?: I'm fucking DONE for! My family, my friends, my coworkers, and my boss are on my S…[View]622577141shit game never goes on sale fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck[View]6225796302022 in vidya: Now that the year is almost over: >which new releases did you play and did you lik…[View]622574586Switch deserves better[View]622566451need game with big bountiful breasts but also good game[View]622575652>You found me... >But so much of me is wrong, out of place, it might be too late... >You kn…[View]622577419why are mobile game ads trying to trick me?: >fake x and phone buttons >fake demo games >ob…[View]622575404Why are femboys like this?[View]622580174How do I stop making nonsensical schizo ramblings to myself while playing vidya out of boredom? >…[View]622576893I'm still not over the fact that the Switch couldn't just natively support these.[View]622564707FINAL FANTASY: So since FF 16 is M rated there is literally no excuse for FF 7 Rebirth to not b M ra…[View]622575782Having to use batteries on Xbox su-[View]622559430Persona 4: If you met your shadow, what would you see? Would you accept it?[View]622566412Witch on the Holy Night: So what did you think of her game, anon-kun?[View]622578132Why isn't Wario Land 4 spoken of in the same vein as Nintendo's other all time classics? I…[View]622576824games: hey what is the best way to give out game codes to you guys? i dont want them to get botted o…[View]622575870HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS ANTISONICBROS HE JUST KEEPS DABBING ON US AT EVERY TURN[View]622576823>everyone says that alien rulership is bad >meanwhile alien rulership…[View]622578212>dads first week into retirement >plays generals for 8 hours straight for past week >he is …[View]622570148What are some comfy games you would recommend?[View]622566894>microsoft really thought it was ok to ship a console that would literally shit itself and die Ma…[View]622574324Best husbando[View]622551840What went wrong?[View]622568264Comfy PC Gaming Thread: what games do you play on your rig[View]622579361>This place was like Willamette with G-strings.[View]622540943ITT: smack talk messages[View]622577212Plot of KOTOR with the gameplay of Jedi Outcast WHY NOT YOU FUCKING BASTARDS????????[View]622567437post your most anticipated game of 2023. i'll start[View]622557048Admit it Mileenafags: If you ever saw her walking down the street irl without a mask you'd shit…[View]622578739ITT: Games only you played[View]622556239What will it take for Metroid to have Super tier atmosphere? Dread was good but the environments, ma…[View]622577798Sneaky through /v/. Don't tell the mods![View]622570875Let me see your face. You are the one from my dreams.[View]622578573i downloaded a bunch of japanese mountain maps for assetto, playing 90s eurobeat music, and got my w…[View]622575937>be 11 >game has level editor[View]622576703What are some examples of kino dancing in video games? I know fortnite is pretty much the modern GOA…[View]622578348Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Har:…[View]622578575What are some modern franchises that are actually memorable besides pic related?[View]622576983Nemona?[View]622535605Duke nukem 3d sucks. Weapons are boring, enemies are boring and levels are ass. This is the 5th time…[View]622577995this is what a well optimized game looks like.[View]622562306Luigi's Mansion Thread: The first game's soundtrack is so fucking good and they need to re…[View]622577143Age of Empires & StarCraft fucking SUCK! Why are they the most popular RTS-games?[View]622574904.[View]622578013>Looks at you with mirth >Say in a quiet tone under his breath: >'...Mudblood' >Giggles …[View]622577760YES I'm a Capcom fan NO you can't stop me I love: mega man, street fighter, devil may cry,…[View]622577592Why is there so many cute 7/10+ girls (female) playing this also they are really horny and will send…[View]622540053ITT: Games which were always good, despite what /v/ says[View]622577616ITT: Skate Just realised I can easily emulate the Skate games now with higher frame rate and upscale…[View]622576919Is it worth it? Every single rpgm h-game thread that pops on this shitty board mentions this game. W…[View]622567704>Game sections that would be considered problematic today[View]622575031>download old game >load newest save file >latest save was 7 years ago Why does time have t…[View]622575218Let’s have a serious discussion about what could be the greatest game ever. I nominate SimCity 2000.…[View]622574634What was the last final faggotry game that wasn't an utter flop(mmoshit doesn't count) Who…[View]622575156itt: post steam reviews and we try to guess what game its for[View]622577232>/v/ shills a game >it's actually good I guess it's true what they say about broken …[View]622572676Percy Jackson: Would you play a game based on the Percy Jackson franchise? If you could be in charge…[View]622576323Voiced games were a mistake.[View]622574446>/v/ is now unapologetically full of buyfags Remember when moot and the mods got mad a shit we ke…[View]622576858Mario if he cinematic.[View]622574402Danganronpa V3 doesn't deserve the hate you guys give it. It was fun and the first and last cas…[View]622575036What are some good multiplayer games?: I started playing fortnite again after not having touched it …[View]622576734soul[View]622574916Do you guys think this game would fail if it first came out today?[View]622577090TLOU Show: would this show sucking be embarrassing considering the game was already like a cinematic…[View]622577045Does /v/ buy cosmetic skins in vidya?[View]622576989Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal: How the fuck did Red Lose? >Be Red >Only has Pikachu >Jobbed…[View]622574643>didn't finish a single game this year >didn't finish a single anime or manga >di…[View]622573687>elibe remake elibe remake elibe remake! Nah. Do Tellius instead. People always make fun of the g…[View]622576574Aborted my Elden Slog replay and started this masterpiece again[View]622576356>drag contrast slider all the way to the right >call it ray tracing >charge a 1000 dollars…[View]622576509still undethroned FFA game mode in any game MOHAA revival[View]622576635Motivation to play games: This shit has been killing me for over a decade now. How do you fix yourse…[View]622574038Any more games like this?[View]622553380Would you play it?[View]622575308>Two of the series' best entries What went right?[View]622574157Irrefutably GOAT game. Amazing story, soundtrack, characters/voice acting, and the most epic & …[View]622568338GTA V: >Michael's family hates you >Trevor hates you >can only hang out with based Lam…[View]622574118It's past your lunch time.[View]622569201What games should I play on my PSP? This includes PS1 games that play well with no L2/R2/dualshock.[View]622576432Ok but, did you cry anon? Be honest //[View]622573627That's a lot of gaming[View]622576172What are some good medical games?[View]622567778kiseki: Rean Coldsteel is the main protagonist of Legends of Coldsteel: Trails of Heroes. He fights …[View]622571628Post funny video game memes.[View]622569410How long until Larry gets cancelled?[View]622568230>Buy into the hype of a game >Actually pre-ordering it >Going to a gamestop for it Which ga…[View]622569193Majula... Home[View]622576174>Hey Jaxxy I brought you home some fucking FOOD![View]622576143>Give me the TMD[View]622575147Will it be kino?[View]622574742I sure hope you have this unchecked.[View]622574429Did you marry her, /v/?: I did. :)[View]622576094Daily Bust a Groove thread: Have you ever played Bust a Groove?[View]622565065What are some must have unlocks in Hitman III?[View]622570628>makes the worst first impression of all time[View]622573698>can't make baba is key and flag because you need the and for and open >for some stupid r…[View]622574970Name the game.[View]622574081Star Wars games. What are you playing? What's your favorite? Why aren't you playing the ne…[View]622544571Signalis thread: So which ending is the correct one? edition[View]622575694Where did Bayonetta go wrong?[View]622574954>/v/ thinks developers need to stop making games easier for bad players and should cater to fans …[View]622571442rrrrRIDE ze shooPUF? SHOOPUF'S WAITING[View]622574142Vidya regrets >Be 1999 >First part time job >Purchase an N64 with the extra memory >Buy …[View]622575020Dub or Undub? Also general Tenchu thread, any hopes for a new game?[View]622572967Whos is your preferred Mario Princess? Is Rosalina even a princess?[View]622570760What you got for Christmas /v/?[View]622575496>Feminism is…LE BAD![View]622568929Mahjong is way too fucking hard. How am I supposed to pay attention to what my hand is doing when I …[View]622447061RAYMAN 4 LEAK THREAD: Monik Concept Art Edition Download link for the leak if you don't have it…[View]622572951Fallout New Vegas mr. house: Is he evil?[View]622570429NINTENDO[View]622573141Behold the worst game of 2022[View]622572847Will Ghost Trick ever get a sequel?[View]622572947Video games are purposely made and designed for children in mind as the main audience. Yes they are …[View]622562949Kitami deserves her own protagonist spin-off game: By day you do her job as a nurse while secretly p…[View]622564215Vidya characters that make you say 'I can fix her'[View]622566818greatest hoaxes and urban legends in gaming: Is bigfoot in grand theft auto the biggest hoax/urban l…[View]622572068.: >'ONE GENDER, NO PRONOUN SELECTION??'[View]622574786Gatekeeping is a good thing![View]622574869Is sneak too easy or too cowardly of a way to play a game if it allows you to tackle combat scenario…[View]622574815TWO WEEKS AWAY AHHHHHH[View]622574272GTFO: What do you think of GTFO? Its been my most played game of this year, but haven't seen an…[View]622558768Remake in 2023 basically confirmed[View]622571656HEY EVERYBODY, THIS NIGGA EAT BEANS!!!!!!!!!!11[View]622574253HOLY SOVL[View]622568426Bartender!: BARTENDER!?[View]622568908Just because something is popular that doesn't necessarily make it good.[View]622573027Just started. When do I unlock the NBA Wonders?[View]622571569I’ve had enough of your disingenuous assertions[View]622574193Vidya Rec Thread: Rec some old games and poster below you has to play it, or his mother will die in …[View]622568145>heres ur indie game dev bro[View]622563049ITT: What the fuck were they thinking?[View]622570393Final Fantasy XVi has rapist goblins: >a quest where is heavily implied of goblins that rape huma…[View]622566469Will I enjoy the Arkham games even if I'm not that fan of Batman itself?[View]622544876Wow. A damned MASTERPIECE. Buy it now.[View]622573282>finally decide to give it a go (on PC of course) >it's actually pretty fun >quite a…[View]622567158Hexen: Choose your class.[View]622566850The world is annoying as af to traverse[View]622553313Do you like playing hard games?[View]622573306what game on gog should i play for free[View]622556807its 5 bucks[View]622566094>old video games look sharp and clean >new video games look like blurry mud what happened…[View]622567217Toon Thread: Post you're toons here, /v/.[View]622566641Tears of the Kingdom Online: What do you think the nature of the online features will be? Horse raci…[View]622565485why's she so perfect?[View]622569875>vr is a me-[View]622573035Dragon's dogma 2 News coming soon: >Dragon’s Dogma 2 director Hideaki Itsuno stated that he …[View]622573079This fucking cat never shuts the fuck up.[View]622569758>game of the year >endings are literally just slightly different colors and they mean nothing …[View]622566074What are some good anime to video game adaptation? Or vice versa.[View]622573025>life sucks, adulthood is shit haha so relatable why are these archetype such easy attention gra…[View]622572130Wowee!: I cannot wait for Sega to announce a port of Skies of Arcadia to PC and modern consoles! Aft…[View]622572821I might be burnt out of video games, what should I do?[View]622571272I started Highfleet because it seemed interesting, but I can't even land my fucking ship in the…[View]622570083Yes milord?[View]622571558New FNAF when?[View]622567103Switch Pro: Never Ever™[View]622562081I just finished this game. It was great but the final boss and ending were a bit underwhelming.[View]622572084Will the Switch 2 be backwards compatible with OG Switch?[View]622571954Why are people hating on this? It's exactly like the other ones and everyone was asking for it …[View]622567423so, what's the consensus on this one?[View]622571189>End of 2022 >Internet Angel already forgotten…[View]622498996Deep rock galactic: >Yes, yes, 'you're rich', time to get a move on!…[View]622564623Was Chris Sawyer a genius? How the fuck is this game so god tier optimised till this day?[View]622570616Select your character[View]622572224Zenless Zone Zero: will this game ever see the light and came out? it would be just for pc and smart…[View]622568984What's his name again?[View]622572138Let's talk about The Neverhood. I love this game so much, the creator hating trannies is just a…[View]622572120>game softlocks itself by letting you enter an area you can’t get back out of without an ability/…[View]622560042How do we save Soulcalibur???[View]622563887Comfy Switch Thread: What are you enjoying on your Switch /v/? Do you think 2023 will be another sol…[View]622571691Its over //[View]622569593ZAMN, dark souls 2 looks like THAT???? AHAHAHAHAHAHA NO NO NOOOOOOO[View]622514865Why is scalping frowned upon? Isnt it just supply and demand? Whats the problem if there are people …[View]622571165I was playing Killer7 for the first time and uh was why Ric Flair in Killer7?[View]622569985was this series as mediocre as the reviews it recieved?[View]622563909There are no excuses for this, why is Kojima so autistic[View]622570761Genocide the rat, bury the vampire, rape chaos, and eat the orc[View]622570854Recommend me some good fishing games.[View]622564776Name one thing he did wrong.[View]622558689Dark Souls 2: Discuss[View]622571417>mfw I play RTS games (I'm not very good)[View]622568152>I LOVE GUITAR HERO SPEEDRUNS YES QUEEN[View]622567135I recently heard this game has goofy left handed reloading animations but you need to finish the gam…[View]622570126Hopes?[View]622569815He looks like Adam Sandler[View]622569726Pixelate HD 3D games.: I can understand pixel games and pixel art. But is it the right choice to tak…[View]622570457Just bought this unparalleled masterpiece! What am I in for?[View]622542497Killed off games thread? What's her name anon?[View]622568798Let's make a list of all games featuring Mario. I start: Mario 1[View]622570757soul.[View]622564653ALRIGHT LETS SETTLE THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL: WHO'S THE BEST MASS EFFECT WAIFU AND WHY IS IT FEMSH…[View]622564305>Yes? What did you need? >Yes? What did you need? >Yes? What did you need? >Yes? What di…[View]622569023Remember guys.. ( intellectuals ) the next time you criticize a lazy fromsoft reskin game a legion o…[View]622566946Can a non-RTX card handle ray tracing Super Mario 64 and other older games?[View]622565950Starting death stranding Directors cut. What am I in for bros?[View]622568279I never played this. How was it? What was the story, even? Why was Byleth evil?[View]622569314Why is suddenly Nintendo so obsessed with greenlighting games? They announced like 3 or 4 of those i…[View]622570369Kuu[View]622570192'The time for mercy has long passed'[View]622570265How do I get this tranny to leave hes just chilling in front of my house with his boyfriend[View]622566494So uh, it's over for the horror genre, right /v/?[View]622543718Arefu… home…[View]622558863Do you remember?[View]622570007Janny hate thread[View]622570000Liquid Ocelot: He filtered millions.[View]622569997You should be able to solve this. The first answer is not 22[View]622562984Behold, the greatest puzzle game ever made[View]622564012High on Life is actually a pretty enjoyable game[View]622568308Name ONE(1) movie of a video game that has a scene with more soul.[View]622563707Man this game was fucking beautiful.[View]622560292Was making Eggman a father a good idea?[View]622565190Which one is best?: Time for a game set in feudal Japan with fantasy elements. Sekiro or Nioh? or …[View]622554028Will Berserk ever get the game adaption it fucking deserves?[View]622566408Why did Konami abandon metal gear?[View]622548913Fear & Hunger 2: Termina: Fear & Hunger bread //[View]622564225itt: boss battles that were complete bullshit[View]622569337>when you have 50 overlords and 30 nuclear missile silos[View]622559892Games that actually feel like an adventure?: Played this recently and it has me longing for games th…[View]622568112Why aren't you bending over for his Rance Thread[View]622478837Small things that piss you off in modern video games: >single player game >online integration …[View]622568379Favorite video game quote?: >'E-Gadds! My ghost readings are off the charts in Luigi's Mansi…[View]622567773My memories are 110 million (110 million)[View]622558051>Play RPG >Put all my points into buffs/debuff moves >Every single boss has a move where th…[View]622569003Vidya related gif thread: >康纳麦克大卫 has joined the game[View]622568235Are using VR and playing games for prolonged time going to significantly deteriorate your eyesight? …[View]622567010do you have a sim setup?[View]622568059dungeon AI: why nobody told me dungeon AI could be this good. this is amazing.[View]622562553>big screen with tiny bezels >2 tb of storage >6800U CPU >32 GB of ram >timeless desi…[View]622555917I have found a perfect mmo, no forced diversity, comfy medieval setting, no nigs, no lgbtq agenda, g…[View]622564470Why is the pixel art in Earthbound so shitty?: People praise this game to high heaven but I almost n…[View]622568624Have there ever been any fan games that were…good?[View]622564201Steam Replay: Post 'em.[View]622562925Was the PS5 'super fast SSD' advantage a meme?[View]622568548At what point did video games stop being about cool unique genres with the primary concern being tha…[View]622565814why was ff7 superior to 8?[View]622541508pls don't be racist :( even though we used to enslave argonians back in morrowind[View]622560116So what was the shmup of the year?[View]622568165Death Stranding 2: Now that it has been confirmed that Elle Fanning is BB, that Sam is older and tha…[View]622564135How would you fix TF2?[View]622564634Incoming kino[View]622568103Harley peaked in Arkham City: Best outfit and best ass Where did it all go wrong?[View]622568101cards against 4chan: // Come join before I pass out …[View]622567901mongols were based[View]622566457Has anyone legitimately lost weight using games like Wii Fit or Ring Fit Adventure?[View]622568028How the fuck do they do it, /v/?: How is that every game they release nowadays - EVERY. GODDAMN. ONE…[View]622568005What do I think about the ASCII Roguelike game, Caves of Qud?[View]622567494Dead Space: Why is it so dark? I can barely see anything.[View]622567973Now the dust has settled. How does /v/ feel about Joel in the last of us 2? I think it was a brave d…[View]622559343Starbound: I really liked this game. The premise was: terraria but with a spaceship and infinite wor…[View]622567320Talking about games is more fun an interesting than playing them.[View]622567073>It's ok when Naughty Dog do it doe[View]622565445I am literally playing a gacha game[View]622565973M2 GPU performance: How viable is the Apple M2 GPU for 1080p vidya?[View]622553104Why are they retarded?[View]622567623Pure fucking kino perfection[View]622520503>coworker asks for steam username[View]622558958What is your favorite 3ds model and why? What is your 2nd favorite 3ds game and why?[View]622556102Why do f*rries ruin everything?[View]622563052What did he mean by this?[View]622531354What are the best Gundam games I can buy right now?[View]622557337>Hey Anonmon, just checking in on your playthrough of Digimon Cyber Sleuth, the best entry into t…[View]622557995Don't you think that classic Lara is 100 times better than nuLara, even when it comes to the fa…[View]622566596//[View]622560338What is the most frutiger aero console?[View]622520263Did Tamaki actually have bigger tits than Ayane: It was B84cm vs B93cm Though people claim Tamaki wa…[View]622566823This is just the best 3D character action games ever made isnt it It will never get better than this…[View]622559702Unfriendly reminder that /v/ is an Oblivion board. You can take all your faggy Soirim/ESO shit over…[View]622558624About to start this, never played. What am I in for? What should I know before playing?[View]622561497hey anon, wanna play some Flyff[View]622565860what's your favorite new vegas weapon? I really like picrel because it's kinda overpowered…[View]622564104RPG Maker: Is there a doc about how do you learn stuff in this? Preferably VX Ace[View]622527473>type gg ez >wasn't a good game >wasn't easy…[View]622566698>he plays VR games in public[View]622552484>princess of a medieval kingdom >'sis'[View]622566430>steam is stuck in offline mode despite all online games working >clearing web browser cache f…[View]622563883Was MW 2019 as bad as this game on launch?[View]622548483What are your prediction on what will be added about the doppelgangers?[View]622563583>feel the need to decide what my favorite boss fights, levels, weapons ects in games are in case …[View]622563607Explain why you pirate games when games go on sale all the time and also cheap keys[View]622551450Was it rape?[View]622478967NOITA: This game sucks. Why the hell does it have so many positive reviews? Dark Souls has really ru…[View]622565332>rolls up huge blunt >toques >blows the smoke in you're face Hail to the king baby.…[View]622548224Baldur's Gate 3: Why did it fail?[View]622563870Why did he do it?[View]622481969Post your vidya husbando[View]622559920*feeds you a grub*[View]622566131You can just camp in Msims with no repercussions.[View]622562270>Square shilled the Deck >loads of different nip devs, both indie and AAA, got the Deck this m…[View]622561750What made her so memorable?[View]622561858Dokapon chads we won //…[View]622565830lol[View]622560078They hated him because he spoke the truth.[View]622557579Who was right here?[View]622563602sexo con Martina[View]622560651It has recently come to my attention that I, a zoomer (25yo), am severely uneducated when it comes t…[View]622565170Volodymyr Yezhov: This is relatively recent news, and I haven't seen a thread. I think it'…[View]62256481410 years ago... home... //[View]622562618>KEEP ON KEEPING ON! >KEEP ON KEEPING ON! >KEEP ON KEEPING ON! >KEEP ON KEEPING ON! >…[View]622494040Fire Emblem Engage: woof[View]622561656Which video games are known for their terribly obnoxious ad campaigns Hard mode: No Dragonflight[View]622564363>download a game or a fix for a game >open it >cmd window opens for a split-second then clo…[View]622493929You get 30 minutes alone in a locked room with this commie whore. Wwyd?[View]622564039What does /v/ think about the Crash Bandicoot series? I don't see it being discussed very often[View]622561153Dragon's Dogma? More like Dragon's Ligma[View]622564365Can someone post galak zed keys?[View]622558114>DLC comes out >found first boss >pfff fkn fromsoft reuse him again >his name “Tree Sent…[View]622563962What level do Pokemon began to not obey you until you get more badges in generation 9?[View]622564329After hours of deliberation with myself I came to the conclusion that tomorrow i'm going to buy…[View]622564202is bomberman fun[View]622526845talk about a glow-up. Anyone else actually care about this? a straight white male protagonist in 20…[View]622563647will I like Persona 5 games if I don't care about the friend simulation part?[View]622555198Why do you hate ray tracing? It's the future of graphics whether you like it or not. It's …[View]622563669ITT: PS2 KINO[View]622563974Could Wirriam beat fully recovered Hiddy in a 1v1? Fist weapon is not allowed.[View]622563458Female Lyns or Elins?[View]622560861SHEPARD[View]622564013Don't you know who I am?[View]622563626Mario if he nasal[View]622563720Why do modern multiplayer FPS maps suck?: Good maps are the best way to keep a playerbase active …[View]622522421Red Dead Redemption: Where there really chubby women in the Wild West? Kinda breaks the immersion to…[View]622553483Xbox Thread: Dudebros and Xchads >what are you playing >what's your gamerscore…[View]622545758>sekiro is 14gb the fuck[View]622562642What the fuck was his problem?[View]622561872This is the only version of DKC 2 that i finished[View]622552853what is pauline lacking to make her a popular nintendo girl?[View]622563459New Zelda will have online functionality: Here's your new Tears of the Kingdom news bro /…[View]622563810What Went So Fucking Wrong?[View]622563749Switch port when?[View]622561173You faggots have been shilling this game like crazy because of the winter sale and it has like 3 hou…[View]622548436/v/ Gundam: Let's talk about Gundam games. Why THE FUCK isn't there a Titanfall style Gund…[View]622563687wait, so it's good?[View]622561404Give it to me straight, /v/, what's the best durable MMO mouse on the market.[View]622563643>Artifact What actually went wrong?[View]622562914Play Resident Evil 3 remake.[View]622562462.[View]622544010Good afternoon! Just checking in. Did you remember to exercise?[View]622563162>The berlin wall is a race course in mario kart >the nazi party and WW2 are canon in the mario…[View]622561946whatchu guys playing this thursday?[View]622563095>game has moths[View]622560785I love Athena[View]622561543What are your favorite Half-Life mods? Looking for something new to play[View]622561193I've got itch to play some romance of the three kingdom games but I'm kind of burnt out on…[View]622533096I love Yaoyao![View]622561212Why do they call her the jawbreaker?[View]622559849Switch comfey thread: Which switch game are you playing anon? I’m relaxing with some Atelier Shalli…[View]622551167This kills the newfag[View]622560261>spend hours modding and tinkering with a game >finally get it all set up and working >play…[View]622561005Give me a fun build AND Mythic path, pl0x[View]622554035EVERY COPY OF MAJORAS MASK IS PERSONALIZED[View]622557443What was the most soulful period of gaming?[View]622542551>Play JRPG >English dub has British accents…[View]622562398>use the sniper rifle >see enemy >do a random panic flick and miss How the FUCK do I fix th…[View]622556482Street Fighter 6: Playing cracked version right now. Fun game. Jamie & Kimberly are the most enj…[View]622555754post an album get a vidya recommendation[View]622562303This game is fun :)[View]622532557>Make new friend >ask him what he plays >'Uhh league valorant csgo cod warzone' >delete …[View]622562273Huh. Funny, how the design looks almost decent with the tattoos and piercings removed[View]622558408Why did the Soldier go from 'war crazed would-be veteran' to 'literal retard'?[View]622561674>Rams you head-on at 180 MPH[View]622562093>matchmaking in my stupid game is super slow for the last few days >remember that’s it’s the h…[View]622555526What does she trigger people?[View]622550330What did they mean by this?[View]622562078>it’s that time of the year again do I go sorcerer bros? never played it…[View]622556145>guy adds me on steam >asks if we can regularly play together How do I politely tell him to fu…[View]622514939What happened to instruments games? 2005 - 2010[View]622555660Realistically, how does a father ever recover from something like this?[View]622552095Which video games fit this diagram?[View]622560959Nier Automata: Why is Eve a man? It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and another dude and they're …[View]622559005Well?[View]622541231FFXIV: What is his endgame?[View]622556654This is the best way to play pokemon.[View]622554784There's so many of these combo systems for cartridges. Why aren't there any for discs? I…[View]622558476What's /v/'s favorite Far Cry game?[View]622557026Got Bayonetta during the winter sale. What am I missing here, are there secret encounters that I got…[View]622547509Why do millennials keep insisting no zoomer grew up with 6th generation consoles? I was born in 1999…[View]622559537YOU JEW.[View]622485176Japanese Fans Vote on Games They'd Want Anime Adaptations For: >All nintendo shit ....? what…[View]622555393Okay but for real, why did he do it?[View]622558495there are people buying RX 580 IN 2K23: how dumb are you? ffs save a bit more and buy a better gpu, …[View]622560756>The west is now just movie games and love services >Japan is now just mobile games It's…[View]622558202In The Last of Us, semi auto weapons have a 'rhythm'. you can't shoot as fast as you can pull t…[View]622555243i could fix her but she's hotter that way.[View]622560991What are some games with memorable quotes? Lines that just stick with you? I think WoW had a few goo…[View]622560914shadow of the tomb raider: >find lost ancient city >everyone there speaks fluent english incre…[View]622560919How can we end sexism in gaming?[View]622558001Fuckin Sony. The only time they need my password is AFTER I put $150 on my account ant try to by a g…[View]622559542Woah!: Now that the dust has settled, what was CDPR thinking here bros?[View]622554914Why does every game nowadays have skill trees?[View]622556383do you think yiffcon or comic-con would be a good Hitman level?[View]622558591really though. how does anyone grt killed by water? it's easily the worst element[View]622549812Rank them based off their attractiveness.[View]6225601911 is masterpiece. Kiwami sucks. FACT.[View]622549053why are there 0 (zero) games about the most important person in western european history[View]622551364ITT: cats but vidya[View]622557423>release in 2023 >still almost no information Is it the new Deep Down?…[View]622556996Saints Row: Can we have a classic Saints Row thread? We live in the good timeline where people don…[View]622556259OH MY GAWD!!11 2023 IS LIT FR FR!!1![View]622516838What in the actual FUCK was this game about Was it about a child having a schizo fever dream that en…[View]622559548Only 5k viewers? What happened?[View]622559752Say something nice about them[View]622555250>HYDROSTORM![View]622559679>when the kino hits[View]622549621Football/Soccer: I'd say the situation has never looked worse for video game adaptations of the…[View]622516312Is this game good ?[View]622556116KH2.5, Grand Ribbon help?: /v/ please fucking help my dumbass. I'm playing through Kingdom Hear…[View]622558279DeS is the best souls game[View]622559497Does the voice actor of Phi post on /v/? Can you please teach me something on vocaroo? I want to hea…[View]622553149We can't talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don't let any…[View]622559463>When Da'at: Konan ost hits //[View]622558914Have you ever supported an early access game /v/?[View]622555868what exactly went wrong?[View]622556189Hey! What's for dinner, you SEXY boy?[View]622558107>Genshin Impact sends out an email telling players to claim free gems >it's actually just…[View]622559280Why do you bots play Jank Souls, Pedosona, Cashgrab of Duty, Underfail, Nintendo baby games Pokemon …[View]622556683What am I in for?[View]622559215Chrono Trigger: What made it so soulful? //[View]622545405>Instantly improves the game tenfold.[View]622538929>Let's take a unique but flawed MMO and turn it into a shiny WoW clone Why was this move pra…[View]622548401Got the itch again: >49 dollars + free month of gametime what do anons?…[View]622557978>mfw a fellow man of culture, in the current year types and sends 'buying gf' at the Grand Exchan…[View]622542393Will you collect them all?[View]622544653Gamepass 2023: honestly can anyone explain how Sony can even begin to come back from this? this libr…[View]622558131The last game you played just got remade by La Creatividad. What changed?[View]622518343This is why video games will never be considered art[View]622556498DAMN, THOSE ALIEN BASTARDS ARE GONNA PAY FOR SHOOTING UP MY RIDE[View]622554884>favourite dead multiplayer games[View]622556181Why do your hands sweat so much when gaming? You might want to go see a doctor buddy.[View]622557541Kino[View]622558614Half Life Episode 3: //[View]622556646I don't get it. EU4 is more fun. What should I do?[View]622557708I started with 3U, give me one single good reason why I should play picrel.[View]622557909Man, this shit is goofy as hell Zuck better market it as the next computing device or home monitor r…[View]622545605I've never seen so much whining for a pretty good game. It's especially strange because mo…[View]622558314What are some games to help you cope with a big heartbreak?[View]622557959Jump Force and Ace Combat: Let's take a trip down memory lane. Remember when shonenfags were sh…[View]622547808Star Wars: Dark Forces: The Force Engine version 1.0 is finally out //…[View]622554670>play a game of gears 5 horde >host randomly kicks you for some fucking reason, despite the fa…[View]622555884Gloomwood: God damn, no wonder it took so long for the Tavern to be properly included. They must hav…[View]622550217So... it's trash: Trash story - I am 7 hours in, literally nothing significant happened, other …[View]622557346I just remembered how much I loved KH1 and KH2: Legit question, how is KH3? I don't remember mu…[View]622557758WE GOT THE NOISE[View]622544746When is he going to kill Muhammad?[View]622557641SOVL[View]622555348Pokemon s/v is proof that excellent gameplay is always superior to trivial technical problems, and I…[View]622556721Malenia beaten by only using kicks: Meanwhile /v/ still seething bout muh input reading[View]622557624What's your favorite cave/catacombs/mines in Elden Ring?[View]622554816Majula... Home[View]622553626Post /v/ related images you never get to post[View]622555693Was told that this was one of the best Switch JRPGs. Am I getting filtered or something /v/? >com…[View]622554774Yugioh: I decided to play the Yugioh simulator, Master Duel. How viable are Six Samurai and Blackwin…[View]622548721When did you realize it's actually good.[View]622550391IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE SMART[View]622551256Now that the dust has settled: Was it actually good or overrated trash?[View]622552390So when the fuck is this shit getting released?[View]622557064Why: >install new game from steam >download 30gb >some other third party launcher is requir…[View]622557307YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING, SO DON'T EVEN TRY. GET SOME HELP.[View]622556437Wow... just wow. That's all I can say. Just played this and I am speechless. Bros, what was you…[View]622557162The Pinnacle of Gaming: Name a better videogame than this. Go on then. Yeah, that's what I thou…[View]622555930meat bag[View]622555529It should've been Kendra instead of him :([View]622555530Which nu AC is the best?[View]622510673I thought ya'll said PC gaming was cheap[View]622557045>game has great ost[View]622554657Out of every videogame character, who do you hate the most?[View]622522770>spend years and thousands of dollars filling your house with worthless junk >suddenly realize…[View]622556420Streets... home...[View]622556575>ATB is deep and strategic because you have to NOT attack a boss sometimes like the Mist Dragon o…[View]622556362A little bird told me that you've been asking around town about Glarthir. Our resident 'ec…[View]622556038VC > SA > 3 > V > IV driving in IV is fine, it just has shitty missions and the map suck…[View]622556361Here's to a Happy New Year /v/. Are you looking forward to freelancer mode? I missed the beta b…[View]622556306Is WRC 9 good?[View]622556201>download demo >play it a bunch >have fun >few months/years later the actual game comes …[View]622555624>mogs every other vidya anime adaptation in the 2010’s How did they do it, bros?…[View]622553784does /v/ still like rpg maker games?[View]622556105*filters you*[View]622541047why is so rare to find playable beast races in rpgs? tell me rpgs where you can create or select the…[View]622556081How do you get a licence to make a marvel game and still fuck it up?[View]622528909WINTER SALE THREAD!: Steam Winter Sale - Recommendations, post carts, try to buy a game and realize …[View]622551797Mother brought me some shopping for Christmas. She knows I'm a big gamer, so I wonder what…[View]622554427Why was Horizon Forbidden West snubbed at the game awards?[View]622552848What MMO should I invest my time into?: Out of all the MMO's out there, which one should I inve…[View]622555878>game has female protagonist >can't play it or the tranny thoughts start again >try an…[View]622551306How many of you faggots have actually beaten this game? >tfw filtered by that moon shooter 70s a…[View]622531920Does Koei Tecmo expect us to believe these are realistic proportions for a 13-year-old? Honestly![View]622555836Is it safe to say that '''''people''' who who enjoy Undertal…[View]622554962Is this worth getting?[View]622551598capeshit: Do you have any fav superhero games, /v/?[View]622555692>play BFG edition >game is boring trash >play original >it's suddenly scary and kin…[View]622552442Souls lore is complex and obtu...[View]622548651Games where you use a baseball bat as a weapon.[View]622555461Are the original DOOM games good for me?[View]622542485>*grrs and hisses at you* wat do[View]622552516TUROK 2: SEEDS OF EVIL: >mfw inspecting a Mantid hall I had just banked an explosive Shredder rou…[View]622548859How does /v/ feel about the Wolfenstein series?[View]622545906Naval Vidya: Do you like destroyers?[View]622550812So what the fuck am I actually doing here?[View]622555119HOLY FUCKING KINO[View]622530236The protagonist of the last game you played has pissed off the staff at the local Waffle House. Can …[View]622504383Do you just throw away useless stuff in your inventory or do you hoard it for safekeeping[View]622554902Why hasnt Phil Spencer added Elder Scrolls Online to gamepass[View]622548491How many Switch games do you own?[View]622551817Name a funnier game: You can't //[View]622554853Tales of Series is forgotten and dead[View]622553198What are some good Kung Fu/Wuxia vidya?[View]622536240>enemy attacks by kissing you[View]622547332Why haven’t we seen him go head to head with Mario again just for old time’s sake?[View]622551824Is it still shit?[View]622550198VOLITION BTFOOO BY NEW BR GTA CLONE //[View]622553426>runs with your money[View]622553727You can shoot people in this game.[View]622544713S.T.A.L.K.E.R. bros, there is still some hope left[View]622554632Why did Obsidian abandon them?[View]622551982Fuck Marry Kill rest[View]622554310Which game should I play first?[View]622544853thanks daddy tim![View]622476343/v/idya Drawthread: Previous Thread: >>622348458 >Post references and names in one post …[View]622550026What is the most nihilistic game you've ever played?[View]622506086mass effect thread[View]622550038Why are you like this?[View]622554261THIS IS NOT A REAL PICTURE: I repeat, this is not a real picture. This is videogame The Witcher 3: W…[View]622527802>Yay we just got fucked by the biggest demon lord of our universe I'm so quirky right now do…[View]622539071>love a game >cant talk about it on /v/ because either the threads are awful or nobody here ha…[View]622552059Plebian: FO3 Contrarian: TES Patrician: New Vegas[View]622550236I just don't get why people hate it so much, is it really just about the taxes?[View]622551507This post is from August 4, 2023. Rosalina is Samus, all nintendo universes are in the same universe…[View]622553578>turn based game >enemy can move the same turn as you…[View]622548187Scarlet Nexus: Is it worth $15? And how about the season pass/ whatever else comes with the ultimate…[View]622553592What are some /v/ approved movie games?[View]622548236Hello /v/ Lets hypothetically say I'm working on the next Battlefield Bad Company game. I want …[View]622551290Making a game: I want to make a game like pic related but know nothing about game development. I alr…[View]622544082Wanna see my Kung Fu? I'll show you![View]622547701Link, one of the most iconic male characters in video game history.[View]622535147>american game >everyone does drugs[View]622540178How do you get rid of a gaming addiction?[View]622552681do goombers wear shoes are those their feet?[View]622548348kojima: I think he's cool.[View]622552340You own nothing on PC.[View]622553219I love Wonder Woman what do you hope from a Wonder Woman game? Like how should it play what kind of …[View]622548842I am... Le Evil![View]622538391Streets of Tarkov: thoughts?[View]622548137How do you reconcile with the fact that you're a worthless loser?[View]622552891Fighting games: I'm a complete noob, what are some good fighting games to get started? I'm…[View]622552543What is the worst successful video game franchise?[View]622552348I kinda wish fnf fans had more early internet/ newgrounds edgy humor unlike the genz irony fags in t…[View]622548208$200 controller: Why do snoys allow this?[View]622552694just beat halo 3 for fourth time what am I in for?[View]622552373Might I have but a sample of your crayfish?[View]622550052One of the most soulful game ever made: That charater design That world building That music That sto…[View]622552112Signalis: Signalis is it good? Discuss the game itt.[View]622551469Where's the OPM Game bros?[View]622541941Best game ever made[View]622551417Have you ever paid for a virtual item outside of a game before?[View]622549969That's a nice soundtrack you have there. It would be a shame if I... plagiarized it.[View]622550607Is Android GameCube and PS2 emulation legit now, or do I have to get a steam deck? I want to check o…[View]622551874Has anyone else played this game? It was my childhood.[View]622548573Why can't games manage to dethrone Recettear?[View]622552123Game that trigger trannies: What caused the buttblast?[View]622548994//[View]622551020I really love this game, having replayed it over 3 times now it is probably one of the best games I …[View]622544528Basedlands: Mr. Torgue is the perfect model of masculinity. All trueborn men should aspire to be mor…[View]622550379is there a SINGLE MMO worth playing right now?[View]622550437Post your /v/ waifu!: HARD MODE: Western games only ;)[View]622550920FAITH STEEL AND GUNPOWDER[View]622551460berserk or fma moment[View]622541976Dragon Age Origins: What are the essential mods? I already have 'Skip the Fade' because I've al…[View]622547925mio honda real: What would you do if Mio was real? Like let's say she was your neighbor and she…[View]622536242get yourself a woman that looks at you the same way Yuna looks at Tidus[View]622550805Admit it, he was 100% right.[View]622491221>the best JRPG since Chrono Trigger was made by one deranged German in his basement How the FUCK …[View]622551204I'm gonna keep defending this game because it is unironically the best thing I've played a…[View]622548261Who had a more suffering life?[View]622539069Any good text games?: Any good text based games that /v/ suggests?[View]622549521I like wii music and i'm tired of pretend I not.[View]622549691Is it possible to become good at games and become good at drawing? I have many passions, but I feel …[View]622550879>Early 00s anime game >localized with a dub >Opening cutscene is now a rap…[View]622550861How's your training with your A.I vidya waifu going anons?[View]622546134What class is the sigma male of RPGs? I’m thinking Paladins since they can do damage, heal and tank.[View]622550259Say what you want, the Dead Space remake looks fucking amazing.[View]622550730WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED[View]622547554Shouldn't have pirated those games anon...: What would a prison camp run and designed by John C…[View]622549394Hey you: Yeah you. I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Enjoy your day, play some…[View]622549218.[View]622547798Can Sonic work in 3D?[View]622548957WebM thread: Does anyone know if transparent WebM works? I've got conflicting information on th…[View]622546341FFVII REBIRTH: Please for the love of god, give Vincent his concept art scythe back. Hopefully a sub…[View]622548008What am I in for?: Played and beat my first souls game recently (ds1) and now I’m downloading this o…[View]622549287EFT hate thread: fuck this game im about to uninstall. in a 20min queue[View]622548147What does /v/ think of Fortnite?[View]622550014Pauline: Pauline![View]622548976>see pic related on sale for a few $$ >scores are really good and only a few hours long so get…[View]622548652Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck went so wrong?[View]622549413Are there any legit criticisms against its combat?[View]622521765Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: The VIDEO GAME: How good is the newest Selection Pack?[View]622547450Would you play a Hollow Knight game in 3D?[View]622549508Playing KCD for first time. This dude is so well writen, you actually feel sympathetic playing him[View]622546216Clinton Kid overshadowed just how happy he looks to have won just look at that smile[View]622547639Heres your FNF song of the year bro //[View]622549635>steam friend removed because his gf hates me and she doesn't want him to talk to me >hav…[View]622549628Who is the biggest actual cuck in video games?[View]622549269>Buying games[View]622546532Why are most modern games a disaster when it comes to cpu optimization? Can't remember the last…[View]6225489984x games are the biggest lie I was told on this board by boomers. Simply put NONE of them are challe…[View]622533695Who else hyped for some Soviet/Russian kino?[View]622496469Black Souls thread: You have no idea how much I want Helkaiser to come back, but as a girl you can f…[View]622498198Fixed[View]622548335Post yours /v/[View]622537586/v/ just put in an order! Let's go grab their stuff.[View]622545650I heard some mixed things about this game. Is it worth it?[View]622548456Heroes of Might and Magic 4 is better than Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I've played both extens…[View]622539664Thoughts on Crystal Chronicles? I'm thinking about picking up the HD version.[View]622547178My dad got me this game for my 9th birthday. Why do they say '10 to adult'?[View]622549092Mass Effect Leviathans: >be a giant octopus species capable of mind control >enslave the land-…[View]622548947Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Selene and Eos are twins?[View]622545216Why is 2/3rds of the catalogue just shovelware games these days?[View]622544987>128gb SSD >HDD (in the year 2022) >Ryzen 5 4th gen bottlenecking an RTX 3060 Do people rea…[View]622548908Otaku Engine: This is some game, huh. I love Touhou[View]622548562What in the fuck was her problem[View]622546491Play Cyberpunk[View]622548123Play Punishing Gray Raven. It has the best action combat on the market today.[View]622547348play visual novels[View]622544625Evie Fortnite: Evie Fortnite[View]622522345>Replay Final Fantasy 7 >Fucking 70% of the game is these stupid 'push button to do thing exac…[View]622548428gaming: does anyone else feel like they're done with gaming? maybe its cuz i gotten older i car…[View]622547127Video game thread: A thread to post mashups Keep it vidya related //…[View]622548525What's the last couch coop game you played?[View]622545279Can I get some non-RPG recommendations for this?[View]622547101STRATEGIC LAUNCH DETECTED[View]622545898Why did they choose this overly dramatic camera angle in that part kek?: That wing look abnormally b…[View]622544078Trying to use this to play PC games is so infuriating. All these fucking third-party apps and steam …[View]622540650ITT: Gacha art: If there's one thing gacha games are good for, it's their art. Post your f…[View]622545062I'm afraid it's been...[View]622538823You do realize this is a sfw board about video games right?[View]622537730>/v/ shits on consoles for holding back graphics >Ray tracing comes out and it pushes graphics…[View]622547806She jamming[View]622546046Show your All-S Ranked MGSV/PW soldiers here[View]622536449Dead Space 2: This game didn't need to be so good. lets discuss the best DS game in the series…[View]622546208>I’m interested in dis[View]622540038>MUH SWORD The story was shit and im not going to pretend it was not[View]622547879It's not in many of the games, is it?[View]622548067He's right[View]622547930RESIDENT EVIL SEVEN[View]622547943What is the exact translation of this? ''ヒラジョブってどんな感じ?フェアリーセレ姉のヒラサロン''[View]622540036I have info regarding the development of the next Metro game Co-developed by 4A Games and Saber Inte…[View]622538476How did you guys kill him? I got lucky and for some reason his gun didn't damage me (was in a c…[View]622544096>Armored Core >Assassins Creed >Ace Combat…[View]622529702Pragmata?[View]622542639Fallout 3: When does it start to be fun[View]622541227Panam[View]622545225Why did Gabe forget his mascots?[View]622540427Death Stranding: Be honest, would people love this game as much as they do now if it didn't hav…[View]622544490// // When are we getting…[View]622546568>play movie tie in game >it's good[View]622547396SCIA-CK[View]622544694RDR2: What's the best way to have fun in this game?[View]622546616Mario: Will pauline ever be popular or did she miss her chance?[View]622547392HE'S IN[View]622544679>game has russian weapons >they're overpowered every time…[View]622545095True kino[View]622546228What game in the world is most contemptuous of its playerbase?[View]622544982is the dsi worth owning[View]622542209Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+: Is there anything I should know before buying it? Has the fram…[View]622546407>video game related youtube channel has a female avatar >tfw you click on a video…[View]622546095Mortal Kombat: Why can't that basic bitch Kitana just accept her as her sister? All Mileena wan…[View]622543892What am I in for bros?[View]622539137Got this game for Christmas. Never really was into Kirby, only played the first one with no copy pow…[View]622540641Goddamit, i love my women looking like this. UNF[View]622546464Hardest Fromsoft game by far: If you complain about it being easy, you got filtered and had to summo…[View]622546148My shirt for costume party, I wonder how many people come talk to me about Resident Evil.[View]622546758Hi there, I heard you have some ideas for a video game. If it sounds good, I'll make it worth b…[View]622546934SQUID: SQUID[View]622546827Civ 6: What went wrong and why did it flop?[View]622546604>want to play boomer jack >get filtered First it was smb3, then it was resident evil, now turo…[View]622544487What an absolute shit tier emulator[View]622539667VRCHAT: Hop on anon![View]622546773GOOD MORNING SIRS!: HAVE YOU REDEEMED YOUR WINGS TO DO THE NEEDFUL AND FLY?[View]622545551Anyone else spend longer on decisions in games than real life decisions?: quit my job and move acros…[View]622539449Europe is quietly saving vidya from the California menace.[View]622535741I love her[View]622531218What gives? I was told that this was one of the best JRPGs on the Swtich, am I getting filtered /v/?…[View]622505457ELIN EARLY ALPHA IS OUT: ELONA'S PREQUEL GAME IS OUT //…[View]622546603hey guys lets talk about classic videogames[View]622517001Epic Chads, we have another gift arriving from based Papa Sweeney shortly. Boot up your launchers.[View]622540813imagine being a steamie[View]622541782>bored to death of vidya >buy random shit on steam >refund it after 90 minutes >everythi…[View]622542402Hades: Dash, basic attack, special attack, charged attack, magic spell. Is that really all there is …[View]622546252Gentlemen, I request your finest TLoU edits[View]622534665Do you like Gnosia?[View]622544449CUM HISTORIAAAAAA MUTAT VALDEEEEEE RAZGRIZ REVELAT IPSUUUUUM PRIMUM DAEMON SCELESTUS EEEEEST[View]622546005The last 'ww2 FPS'[View]622506605Fear & Hunger 2: Termina: //[View]622545808Death Stranding: How are those deliveries going? Keep on Keeping on[View]622546108Smash Wednesday: Come play with /v/ Arena: 0PC11[View]622543567>crossover game is better than the original series'[View]622543672Will it ever be topped?[View]622542262shiki shiki shiki[View]622545931Xenoblade Chronicles 2: After shelving this game for 4+ years and finishing my playthrough I have to…[View]622540696STALKER 2 trailer tomorrow //[View]622520143games to play when you turn 27?[View]622542173you will wipE aFTer flushing!: The Escape from Tarkov wipe/ reset is here, how will you go about pro…[View]622544485>Summoned adversary >Crab meat >Physick >Golden vow >Blood flame blade >Erd tree b…[View]622545691>boot up a new game >the pre-title opening spoils the whole story…[View]622542515ummm elden ring sisters? i thought this game was hard?[View]622545171you didn't open it did you anon?[View]622545210I HATE SERANA /skyrim/: Fuck this stupid vampire bitch Serana, I fucking shanked her literal ass and…[View]622535815SIX GAMES[View]622544121Did you buy his game anon?[View]622545071How to draw Velvet Crowe???[View]622544620>Filters normies[View]622543136One.[View]622541736GHOSTBBLEED: The Biohoror: I didn't know this PS1 game existed? Is it any good?[View]622539867.[View]622535908Fuck you i liked it. Alot. >witch love interest >godlike sith villains (who are also right) …[View]622544145Karryn's Prison: What am I in for?[View]622512610>Get told that Sekiro is more polished and better than Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Elden Ring and the…[View]622538639Morrowind Thread: Anything is welcomed, even criticism towards the game, even though you're ver…[View]622535531>Constantly throws herself at you even when you have a girlfriend Why was Rise such a whore?…[View]622539990How are disgaea games this days? I only played first two back in the psp age[View]622544618imagine a h game where its like dmc right but instead of devil swords and shit you just like fuckin …[View]622491986: ([View]622540985play Skyrim[View]622544650is this game worth getting?: i never played tactical shooters[View]622544456Fate is the most Lovecraftian of games[View]622544585Here's your new tiktok dance bro[View]622544195Kingdom Hearts: Phil was pining for the Aqussy in ever scene he was in with Aqua.[View]622544182>Sega Ghostbusters game >released in 1990 at the heels of Ghostbusters 2 and The Real Ghostbus…[View]622505461No CTR monitor = you didn't actually experience the game[View]622544358>Heh, was that it, anon?[View]622543362Leon: Are we ready to accept that he is the best champion?[View]622520220If Peach loves Mario and Daisy loves Luigi, who does Rosalina love then?[View]622542214Monster Rancher: What's the biggest factor that keeps people from enjoying Monster Rancher? The…[View]622543079SHE DON’T BELIEVE IN SHOOTING STARS BUT SHE BELIEVE IN SHOES AND CARS[View]622544081>games /v/ told you were bad but you enjoyed the closest id played to an ARPG before this was the…[View]622542382what is the ideal portrayal of orcs in vidya?: Should they be like orcs and uruks in tolkien? Or mor…[View]622543495What vidya does he play?[View]622543562What's the secret to character design? How do I make the perfect looking male MC?[View]622536595how does anybody enjoy these fucking trash games?[View]622537724Why are gamers no longer allowed to express themselves like this?[View]622537083Fuck you guys, this is the most fun I’ve had in a game in a long ass time.[View]6225172393x3 indies edition: mine are: Rain World, Kentucky Route 0, Soma Sable, Outer Wilds, Short Hike Fez,…[View]622541131Fan games: What are the best Sonic fan games and non Sonic fan games that aren't Robo Blast 2? …[View]622543913Why can't he beat Elden Ring and Todd?[View]622513412Play WEGs.[View]622540186You do know the number, right?[View]622543320>The Jerusalem level, especially the end is this game anti-semitic? My AIPAC chapter wants a writ…[View]6225381502023 Is STACKED!: >Starfield >Hogwarts Legacy >Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom >Di…[View]622543513Elden Ring 2023 Expansion: What will it be, pilgrims?[View]622542510>She wants the stars containing jewish abominations like Astel to crash in the Lands Between beca…[View]622538893zelda girls thread[View]622541318Say something about a game you like or dislike without using buzzwords, being sarcastic, cynic or ir…[View]622532774>ride around in the woods on an ATV in Switzerland doing math problems >fuck around with VHS/b…[View]622537963Black Desert Online Reset: Bros, I believe I owe some of you an apology. Several threads ago someone…[View]622528629>most popular manga of all time >still not a FighterZ like adaptation One Piece deserves bette…[View]622534010How did they fuck this up so hard? All people wanted was more Dead Space so why the fuck did they do…[View]622542726>ywn be able to play every game I wish they would just stop making them for 10 years so I can cat…[View]622520195what PC games did he play?[View]622540339Why is every single character in this game also the worst character in this game?: It's like I…[View]622542832Sneaky through /v/. Don't tell the mods![View]622537287How friendly is WOW to first time players. I played FFXIV for almost 4000 hours. And i never felt li…[View]622540851okami 2 never[View]622542351so the necromancers were the 'good' guys and all the mages were demon worshipers?[View]622537441Elden Ring’s Chadan: How can this boss be topped? This was like a reverse dynasty warriors, or a rai…[View]622533025Meanwhile, at the Game Awards...[View]622535696HE[View]622538770Why can't there be more 3-point control point maps like Powerhouse?: Also TF2 thread i guess.…[View]622529120heh I did like that[View]622538040sf6: Cammy trailer dropping anytime now.[View]622536924Been a long time since Ive played it is it worth getting back into[View]622542023wake up anon, it's saturday and you're a kid again[View]622542339Are there any games where I can play as a crustacean?[View]622540174wtf is his problem?[View]622540543Fight Knight: FUCKING SHIT THIS LEVEL IS A PIECE OF SHIT STUCK ON MY ASS WHAT WERE THEY THINKING…[View]622542203Kemono games: In this we discuss GAMES actual VIDEO GAMES featuring kemono characters. This is on to…[View]622541723Teammates!? Friends!? To hell with that! Why am I inferior to you!? I was extremely particular about…[View]622527225What are your thoughts on Dead or Alive 7 developed by Team Ninja? It's apparently going to be …[View]622541380I can't be the only one who finds the npc models in FF7 remakes jarring. They look like stock a…[View]622541958Cyberpunk vidya: Just beat Trauma Loop in Cruelty Squad. Rec me some other good cyberpunk games.…[View]622541059My 5'3” friend who is a guy sent me this meme with a sobbing emoji. This isn't the first t…[View]622529032GOING TO JAIL AT THE SPEED OF SOUND[View]622539548Does your pet watch you play video games?[View]622533904What am I in for?[View]622536726>Patch 1.01 >2.3GB[View]622529919This is the best controller.[View]622535489What are some good games for a low-end PC? The most intense games I can run without problems are BF3…[View]622537625>walk into room >50% chance an enemy is directly on the left or right Why? Is this interesting…[View]622510071What is the NGE of videogames? Some possible contenders: >Xenogears >Drakengard/Nier series …[View]622533278.[View]622474909>be in my 30s >can't play multiplayer FPS anymore >can't keep up with zoomers any…[View]622535620>game is perfectly paced and just hard enough on hardcore >this cunt shows up and the game imm…[View]622541045Here's a snek. Say something nice about her.[View]622540765I killed two Dwarves in the morning, I killed two Dwarves at night, I killed two Dwarves in the afte…[View]622522380The Future is Bright: >SWERY Hotel Barcelona (w/ Suda51) >Toyama Keiichiro Slitterhead >Sud…[View]622534810Why is every single anime game like this?[View]622539673>Game has charisma builds[View]622539308Should I play this series? PC or Switch? All the games worthwhile or should I just play one one game…[View]622540609Why do deckfags try do hard to justify their purchase of this thing online?: Do deckfags actually pl…[View]622536272Did you ever beta test great things in gaming? I beta tested Xbox live and FFXI on ps2. Can almost f…[View]622539559I can't believe Snake Eater ripped off Mega Man.[View]622538837Kemco used to be one of the mainstay names in vidya back in the day, but now they only make some mob…[View]622532736It's good, but Blacklist is better[View]622531964STEAM DECK THREAD: >get steam deck for christmas >64gb model, swap in for a 512gb ssd >512g…[View]622540112On one hand I respect that they managed to come up with a Smash-like game that genuinely does someth…[View]622533145What are some legit, non-ironic examples of 'if you did X, you didn't beat the game'? Starting …[View]622537229Fuga: Melodies of Steel: I have several questions. -I am not a furry. I loathe furries. But, I don…[View]622532856Do you like games that use the bits and pieces from Alice in Wonderland in their story?[View]622536969Look at this fucking board. There's literally nothing to play[View]622540014>Muslims are peaceful open-minded progressives trying to free people from oppression and are supe…[View]622535918>boss completely obliterates you and gives you barely any fighting chance >'surely this is a s…[View]622539885Chihiro Fujisaki GENERAL: Post about everything about Chihiro Fujisaki - objectively best girl from …[View]622519001ORcs: Which orc is the ideal orc?[View]622539374Tell me about Yoshi. Why isn't he getting any good games?[View]622529083Opinions on DLSS?[View]622533134Honest discussion about Elden Ring: This game isn't very good, but it has a weird magnetic pull…[View]622537169>Play game >Has bland main heroine >Date/marry the DTE character >Sequel comes >Main …[View]622537481Medabots: Remember what some random euro patent troll FUCK took from you.[View]622463076>Create possibly the best visual novel ever made >Company going bankrupt What happened? Where …[View]622529887How do we fix Mexican representation in Street Fighter 6?[View]622529045Is he the most based GTA protagonist?: >Spends entirety of the story tracking down some latina bi…[View]622537840Sonic Frontiers 2 leaked[View]622534794They’re just surprising us and we’re getting a whole new map, right? Right? What could they have don…[View]622537894I only play games for the voice acting. Sometimes I don't even play them, I just listen to the …[View]622537984He’s right you know[View]622537251I'M GONNA FUCKING DO IT /v/[View]622539083Today is day of the innocents! Let's have a bizarro /v/ thread to celebrate.[View]622539179SOVL-LIFE 2[View]622539163This outfit is unnecessarily sexualized[View]622539026Mokabinus Devonis Internis Suke Ommia Dubes Sotu Omnima Maneptu Dubes Bogis Hostoldis Zuas Omnimaus …[View]622535259What is it about these games that only attracts the spergiest of autismos?[View]622537734x9 Anon[View]622535220If you used >Monk >White mage >Time mage >Summoner >Ninja Then you didn't beat i…[View]622532927God I fucking hate nintendo. Their games are fine, it's just that these people are fucking reta…[View]622538474Barry, where's Barry?[View]622501429Tekken 8: Street Fighter 6 is for kids. This is what the real men will be playing. What character…[View]622535257Where is the line for realism and details in video game? When is it enough for a game to be entertai…[View]622536541Just bought picrel, i have no money left to buy games until friday, can i play gow ragnarok without …[View]622537703For me its the cute little girl in the dark fantasy world genre.[View]622522384What went wrong for league of legends?[View]622537941>buy new headphones online >no motivation to play until they're delivered…[View]622527054recommend some good looking pixel styled games >inb4 cringeshit valley go back /v/edditor…[View]622538148Tranny Indie Games: Post indie games that have tranny shit in them so that I can avoid them. I am ma…[View]622537286How is an N64 game a better open world game than BOTW? BOTW was supposed to be the best open world g…[View]622538019here is your witcher bro //[View]622532267Why is cyberpunk's cities filled with a bunch of edgelords?[View]622537781No More Room In Hell: The only game that got multiplayer zombie survival right is a free source game…[View]622533729Is it good?[View]622524817This game was charming as hell.[View]622536385Which is the better racing game, Forza or Gran Turismo? Is it worth investing in a racing wheel setu…[View]622537726>Honda HS720 post your gamer snowblowing gear /v/[View]622535195Here's your controller bro[View]622516334Nintendo Switch: How are you enjoying your (new) Switch bros?[View]622535630star ocean 6 thread: >Was it perchance positively ineloquent?[View]622535118Would you buy a spin-off game specifically starring him with his own story?[View]622527671THE AVERAGE GAMES PLAYED IN A YEAR ACROSS STEAM IS 5?[View]622537219digital will never beat physi...[View]622532661Kojima: I’m starting to see why they fired him. Maybe he was never that great at development…[View]622528060How is it possible that you can spot a screenshot from Oblivion from a mile away?[View]622531695Second>1>2 2>X>1=3 2>1 2>1>3[View]622530539I know this will make me an outcast here, but I can't keep this to myself anymore...I'm no…[View]622528436Now that all the DLC is out, what's the/v/erdict?[View]622536237ds2sisters... why are we the least played dark souls...?[View]622526376>game is advertised as 'choices matter' >none of your choices affect the game, all that change…[View]622524623Neil Druckman's Game of the Year: Have you played it?[View]622536324>No Ikaruga or Yomi Literally unplayable. WHERE are my wives!?[View]622515045>gameplay is ass >'10/10' Why did normalfags love Ghosts of Tsushima?…[View]622536549Wowee!: I cannot wait for Sega to announce a port of Skies of Arcadia to PC and modern consoles! Aft…[View]622535032Big games coming out in Q1 2023 but not on Switch: >January Dead Space >February Hogwarts Lega…[View]622535939Do you use RTX?[View]622536491I have a Japanese N64, what's the best wrestling game available? Am I right in thinking that th…[View]622532138Sony sisters, we just got absolutely BTFO…I had a feeing this anti Activision/Microsoft merger propa…[View]622535540Is the Steam Deck obsolete?: Is it /v/? what's the consensus?[View]622536326Pre-rendered backgrounds, I miss them so bad bros... I'm glad some games still have them[View]622519031Name a funny videogame You can’t[View]622536285>practice makes perfect! >if you play this game for years, you will be a god at it! yeah.. hah…[View]622534763This game is so bad. Worse than Mario 64, and that game is mid af.[View]622515712how do we fix FFXIV?[View]622531543WEEEELLLLL[View]622534502It's time for your daily 2 hour rhythm game practice.[View]622527815Shadow the Hedgehog is _____[View]622535951when you think xbox what do you think of[View]622531860He already has an anime. It's time for him to have his game, I want it to be bloody and stylist…[View]622532653GET: FUCKED[View]622532406>thinks all his fans are stupid losers >they still defend him…[View]622530946>Sly>Jak> Rachet It was weird for me to learch most people rank Rachet as top…[View]622533256>Finally get a video game set in the universe of The Expanse—a deeply grounded vision of the huma…[View]622535713Your ship founders! There are screams - a flood of dark water - the unforgettable sound of ship…[View]622524569RTX is a scam: >2080 couldn't handle rtx >2080 SUPER couldn't handle rtx >3080 co…[View]622527560>he's back soon bleachbros our true game will be number one for real this time…[View]622533934Why is Fortnite so good at character design?[View]622532042what other games were never good to begin with but /v/ praised them highly?[View]622534535Will they ever be topped?[View]622533749Bayonetta 3: Real question here Should I play it on the original hardware, or emulate it? And if s…[View]622535243What are some vidya where I can play as an ugly guy that gets pretty girls to fall for him?[View]622535219All i want is a good turn based tactical western fantasy (preferably high but certainly not low) rpg…[View]622535180Alright. So we've got BEAR, now we've got goddamn scavs.[View]622532945>boss theme suddenly has female vocal[View]622488759>the last Star Fox game was 7 years ago...[View]622534787Online gaming is shit >Tfw no friends to play couch co-op games with[View]622534950Star Citizen: Money laundering simulation[View]622531652>forget to take my meds >video games start feeling like real life and my sole reason to exist …[View]622534746I'm thinking of starting my TES retrospective with 'Ah, Tamriel'. What think?[View]622534574gundam: there are no good gundam games[View]622495089>games so shit that not even /v/ is contrarian about it seriously, what the fuck were they thinki…[View]622509225Did people actually blame violent video games for Columbine or is it just a meme? It sounds absurd t…[View]622520274Is Symphony of the Night on Sega Saturn worth it?[View]622534504Fuck Inchlings![View]622528163So I've heard about this game so often and so much I bought it but I don't think its click…[View]622534358Games As A Service: Hi! I'm Mr. Fullbright! And I'm here to say, games as a service just a…[View]622532986What's it like having a mentally ill sibling?[View]622507081>44 days left MILLENIALBROS ARE YOU FUCKING READY[View]622533075>play a game >specifically search for and focus on negatives so that I can shit on the game on…[View]622534212The hell is this Stalcraft thing?[View]622534196>America is in a video game >All of their unique attributes are just propaganda >It's …[View]622533010this level is some fucking bullshit, I'd like to meet the prick who designed it[View]622526119Now that the dust has settled... What went wrong?[View]622532023the biggest crimes commited against vidia graphics: >bloom >motion blur >depth of field I…[View]622534104you can't blame devs for hating crunch it would be completely unnecessary if not for incompeten…[View]622507329>Ky got close to Bridget and helped her with her coming out so his son could have a girlfriend LM…[View]622532419*disconnects*[View]622533969Say it: Math is cool[View]622533821>cry of fear uses the goldsource engine Excuse me but what the fuck; it looks great.?!? Is this t…[View]622525173DOOM Sandy Petersen: This fat Christian dork was one of the scary boogeymen who helped make a game t…[View]622531350itt Kino video games[View]622528303Cyberpunk 2077 all-time reviews on Steam about to become Very Positive (80%), currently standing at …[View]622533361>slaps your energy production the fuck engi gon do?[View]622526739>outranges spacies and has 0 to deaths on them >outranges floaties, can kill them super easily…[View]622532706i dont want to live in a world where games are 80 euro and you dont even fucking own them anymore, j…[View]622516790This is Pine from the video game Bombergirl by Konami.[View]622533474>play game seriously for some hours >get bored with it >maybe come back to it in some month…[View]622510520factorio: Starting out just now. I just watched a tutorial on splitters and got my furnaces with coa…[View]622532589I shelled out big bucks for a gaming laptop in 2019, but never really used it until recently. Im now…[View]622474271RTA in Japan winter 2022: Now: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Next: DIRGE of CERBERUS -FINAL FANTASY…[View]622529025>yes we fought in the ps3 360 console war, how did you know?[View]622523874what are some hidden gems on this thing? im bored and need something to emulate.[View]622532415.: Gentlemen.....BEHOLD. After many failed gaming sessions due to my sweating hands, I've creat…[View]622530997Can we have a comfy slavkino/eurojank thread?[View]622526740S.T.A.L.K.E.R. DEV KILLED NEAR BAKHMUT: thoughts? how will this affect release also honestly R.I.P.…[View]622532948JRPGs > WRPGs[View]622529296Press Z to zpit on his grave.[View]622531152recommend me some furry visual novels[View]622530283My new shirt[View]622532990*puts trannies in your games*[View]622532115Star Wars is back: //[View]622526526>WTF!!??? MY POWER ARMOR!!!! HOW????? IS THAT..... NONONONONO MR. LEGIONARY PLS NOOOOOOOOOO-ACKKK…[View]622531431what the fuck does this mean what the FUCK does tHIS MEAN[View]622532750Whats are the best 4X games? pic unrelated i thought art style was neat[View]622532718>365 days before we can play best mode again Why even bother[View]622529119Got back into video games during the Pandemic where I purchased a PSone and then PS2. Replayed all t…[View]622532424Switch pro canceled: Switch pro was canceled, according to Digital Foundry //www.nintendolife.…[View]622532531Monster Hunter: Have you eaten your dango today?[View]622532436I have literally never played a game on hard difficulty... It's always the normal difficulty fo…[View]6225260083x3 thread: I am alone in house again working on that 5x5. Did you have a nice christmas /v/? Got ev…[View]622525780>Medieval Fantasy >Medieval Fantasy >Medieval Fantasy >Victorian >Medieval Fantasy …[View]622530430Game Series You've Never Played: Well /v/? I've never played >Final Fantasy >Residen…[View]622525304D'you like rabbids, anon?[View]622527549My dad won't stop playing OpenTTD.[View]622531148Tales of Edna: And Lailah[View]622529348/V/, does touhou have jobbers?[View]622530242What are you decking?[View]622529157Mother 1 was the best of the series and I'm tired of pretend it isn't.[View]622532219Post vidya characters that are literally (you)[View]622527687What was the online game that first taught you in your childhood that you really can't trust pe…[View]622520526>game lets you feed your companions What テレビゲーム implement this feature?…[View]622527787happy now /k/ fags?[View]622521825Sakura if she was American.[View]622521423>it didn't age well Video games don't age.[View]622530354Must play dungeon crawlers? I enjoyed SMT4 and SMTV for example, I also liked Dungeon Crawl soup fo…[View]622531949What happened to him after the Dubai assault?[View]622528596>Halo tv series flopped >TLOU tv series will flop >Nier anime >Mario movie >Sonic mov…[View]622529912Why the fuck is there a silver acorn in Sonic Frontiers? Does it signify anything? It feels weird to…[View]622531732Horizon Forgotten Game has 0 awards in 2022: Are you sexist pigs happy? Months of shitting on the a …[View]622531572What are your favourite wood themed places in video games?[View]622528252we need yakuza 3 kiwami: im tired of blockuza[View]622531239What gender is this character?[View]622527620Thoughts on grim dawn? Is it worth it especially on sale?[View]622530121How about MGS2 thread? Trivia, little details, things you appreciate about the game. Beta stuff woul…[View]622527765What were they thinking?: >so many common sense design choices >and unskippable ingame cutscen…[View]622528837So when does it get good?[View]622518357MARIO THREAD: MARIO THREAD! LET'S FUCKING BING BING WAHOOOOO NIGGERS! TALK AND POST ALL MARIO R…[View]622529997Hi, i'm Daisy![View]622525279>80GB what the FUCK[View]622529423How is this game? Better or worse than the 3DS ones?[View]622519425How streamlined do you think TES6 will be?[View]622526738So, my friend seems to think that Lambda is best girl, is he right?[View]622526228Why are people so mean in online games?[View]622530917Why aren't there any good mods for Death Stranding?[View]622512078>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and arguably bettter than the hero's…[View]622527629Which princess from Slay the Princess are you looking forward to the most? For me it's Fury …[View]622525819nu-Man thread: Only car exits allowed edition You know the drill: >favorite map >favorite item…[View]622515414real money games: ITT: games where there's big piles of money and it's real and you can pi…[View]622530523Lost Soul Aside: This actually looks so much cooler than FFXVI and FFXV. Wish we had gotten a real V…[View]622529053Full Time Game Dev AMA: Currently leading the team behind an ambitious project, 15 years in the maki…[View]622530002Why aren't you playing Armored Core?[View]622528487How to draw VELVET CROWE????[View]622530426They did it, they made the best persona girl.[View]622525479>100 days until The Super Mario Bros Movie[View]622530390why dont we have open world rpgs with chatbots as all the npcs ingame, ao you could actually talk to…[View]622522541Tears of the Kingdom is 1 player only SAVED[View]622528189I hate Persona 5.[View]622518536Underrail: Just picked it up. What's a solid build, and what's the best xp system?[View]622523542Has he had a single good idea in the past 20 years?[View]622529858Lol![View]622528095The fact that 99% of people who play videogames think Smash Ultimate is better than pic related is t…[View]622529943LOL[View]622526243So, why did he kill all those kids?[View]622527259>falls asleep: What were they thinking?[View]622529381He's literally me. Does /v/ game in public?[View]622522681>If you don't like it, don't play it. How does one counter this argument?…[View]622527836>Girl enters the chat room >'Sorry, games are not for women. You are not allowed here' >ban…[View]622524076DKC Games: Question to people who have played the DKC games, what's your thoughts on the newer …[View]622514567Gundam Evolution: >Australia? New Zealand? // >Upcoming wa…[View]622527345I can fix her.[View]622527781i got this for a dollar at a flea market today never player an atelier game, is it worth it?[View]622514674Game of the year 2022 >but anon, I dont own it Buy it[View]622528426Give it to me straight: is it worse than Borderlands?[View]622527685Do you think he's lying?[View]622528713What are the best JRPG special moves?[View]622527771>Is the most broken champion ever created in LoL[View]622524870Should i start with XCOM1 or its another case where 2nd game is an upgrade in every way?[View]622520124Hopes for Gen 2?[View]622522841The lads and I were thinking of setting up AI vs AI matches on PES where we'd then watch them a…[View]622524974Thinking of upgrading my potato PC: Which company is the better for Prebuilts?[View]622528619/v/ i need your help, a while ago i saw a screenshot of a ps2 game, that i think was one of the dot …[View]622517751Kojima. Can't. Stop. Winning.: Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon is an upcoming title that blen…[View]622527647You do dust at least once every other year right? Right?[View]622519247peak kino[View]622527776Balan Wonderworld bros...[View]622521605>have to play each level about a mimnum of atleast 12-15 times to get all gems (some obviously do…[View]622524684Sims story thread 2: >play Sims 3 >create myself and my two friends >build them a crackden …[View]622524806This was complete fucking unfair horseshit[View]622520327sniff[View]622519071AND THEN THEY ADDED A BUTTPLUG CONTROL!!! COMEDY GOLD XD THIS IS JUST LIKE MY HECKIN ANIMAL CROSSING…[View]622517397who is the worst confidant in 5?[View]622524385Theres just too much content! I DON'T want a game with lots of stuff to do. I prefer a game lik…[View]622524071It's over.[View]622524445Could you fix him?[View]622526771*casualizes gaming forever*[View]622506163Give me rpgs with good romance.[View]622522906Play Overwatch 2.[View]622508802Crisis Core: >mods are already out that replace the new VAs with the originals HAHAHAHAHAHA get f…[View]622502745la transhumanidad[View]622524296Do any of you play third strike on fightcade? What's your username let's battle[View]622498105This game has better quests than Skyrim[View]622526129>here's your halo game, bro[View]622524825>Games with large casts: I'd like more games like this[View]622518224What are some gaming icks you get from videogames? >can't change FOV >subtitles are in Vi…[View]622526345if you die to viego, you got outplayed it means he had to calculate (and execute) the fight exactly …[View]622527517What mods do you use to season your steak? For me it's: >No curses >There's no rush …[View]622503370OH N-[View]622521518Should I get it again on PC?: So I own God of War on PS4 Pro. Played like an hour of it back in 2019…[View]622526523Akali is Riot's magnum opus.[View]622519581Thank you, Uncle Tim[View]622524123>challenge mode >even some of the easiest 1 star challenges are already harder than anything f…[View]622524664I have never heard of this game before.[View]622525082It's over[View]622429727Warhammer 40k / 40,000: Darktide: Sorry, we got only daddy Nurgle.[View]622522235Thanks, Uncle Timmy![View]622526154YOU: Tell me a game you were loving right until the home stretch then it fumbled![View]622525221Look at this Rabi.[View]622523679lol it worked[View]622526198>'GRRRAAAHHWRR I'M GONNA KILL THAT GREEN DUDE FOR MURDERING MY FRIEND' >literally 5 minut…[View]622509328The first Hyrule Warriors and Fire Emblem Warriors are great. Age of Calamity and especially Three H…[View]622524785what the FUCK am I playing[View]622511447>3080 10 GB[View]622516270ITT: Canceled games[View]622525763Characters who got the most hilarious death[View]622525923Now is the time to buy.[View]622524865What's a good pvp build that'll piss off the tryhards?[View]622526010Scampuss thread!: And Nioh related stuff I guess. Is it possible to make a feasible build with weapo…[View]622507850Yuji Naka, the creator of Sonic the Hedgehog, is going to jail.[View]622525056vidya codes and gifts I dunno: Was eating a bag of beef jerky when I noticed there was some nu-MW2 p…[View]622522016Today Melty Blood turns 20. Let us celebrate alongside the neko arcs![View]622522414This cool motherfucker has just replaced the final boss for the last game you placed. How fucked are…[View]622515926Why is it a bad game?[View]622517949Why is there no iconic video game music anymore?[View]622525590>Chrono, Robo, Frog[View]622514858Good old Gooch.[View]622518334Rise up gamers.[View]622520880BASED[View]622510664You should play Digimon.[View]622525232SNAP: Am I playing versus bots or is the average player genuinely retarded?[View]622519502>gets stuck on every single rock Thank you, Kojima.[View]622501457ONE GAME I DON'T KNOW WHY I BOUGHT A PS5 WITH NO GAMES TO BUY KEEP THAT IN MIND THEY DESIGNED T…[View]622523217Indie games thread: Any favorite indie games?[View]622522165GTA 4: Let's have a GTA IV thread[View]622520731I can't wait[View]622524212Garbage series liked only by mouthbreathers who think Gundam is deep[View]622524180What the fuck went wrong with Megaman Zero 3's OST? MMZ2 //…[View]622524858(YOU'VE ATTRACTED THE ATTENTION OF SOMETHING TRULY EVIL)[View]622521107Glory of Mankind! // Also, Nier Automata Thread.…[View]622521020The Last of US and its consequences have been a disaster for the Playstation.[View]622524868We could already have videogames that look like this in real time if western and japanese devs weren…[View]622521675SAMUS SAMUS[View]622522047Hotline Miami: Recently bought it and now it's probably one of my favorite games.[View]622524247no wonder the witcher won so many goty awards[View]622520512>he still plays vidya on an LCD[View]622522921>Can't buy games on steam in russia anymore >having no other choice makes piracy morally …[View]622519039What was the last game that made you feel this way?[View]622523154Nintendo apparently started issuing dmca takedowns of custom box art that user sites have made for s…[View]622524543: )[View]622486538Backlog thread: >Have a shit ton of games I've just started and never finished >I still b…[View]622521273>Be Sony >Release your new all exclusive 1st party Open World game 3 days before Breath of The…[View]622523037My life doesn't have enough main character energy in it, are there any games that can teach me …[View]622524476FF XI: SOUL[View]622507695Are you a competitive person or do you prefer playing games on your own pace?[View]622494959What is the Better Call Saul of videogames?: A spin-off to a game known as a masterpiece that ends u…[View]622477394Elder Scrolls 6: >people still think this will be some Skyrim clone in size and scope, after Todd…[View]622495110Vidya funnies thread[View]622510338Stargate Network is forever dead: The fucking closest thing we ever had to a working Stargate game i…[View]622520943LET'S FUCKING SETTLE THIS, ONCE AND FOR ALL[View]622519076Based Mari Shimazaki[View]622523181>Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation >Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon >both published by Ba…[View]622513115I finally have a gaming PC and I've discovered that aside from enjoying higher fps on shooters,…[View]622522468Yennefer of Vengerberg[View]622518593So which will get the most admiration in 2023?[View]622521338Dragon’s Dogma 2 Director Hopes To Release More Info On Game Soon: >The Dragon’s Dogma 2 director…[View]622523473Are there any other steam games worth buying just for the workshop alone?[View]622523854Post dumbfuck enemies[View]622522408>boss is a complete mystery and is never explained[View]622521247Why aren't there any IP68 or even IP69K retro game handhelds, even shitty ones? It's 2023 …[View]622520068and video game of the year goes to . . .[View]622519119Mobile games: What are some good mobile games? The requirements are; >free >not p2w >minima…[View]622522956yuji naka: he always looked like he was thinking something mischevious[View]622523604Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots[View]622517035itt: Post your idle animation[View]622504652Digital/Online Only Games: Why do PC users choose to be the living embodiment of pic related? You gu…[View]622523459Slender: Remake when?[View]622516516>Quietly downgrades your game so you're gaslighted into thinking you need to use ray tracing…[View]622522928SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BUIILD[View]622520115Resident Evil VIII Village: The Gold Edition just arrived...what i'm in for /v/ros? I'm so…[View]622518039if I made a game, would my friends on /v/ help me spam it on other sites so it can find its playerba…[View]622522931Will there ever be a rise of indie games using PS1/PS2 graphics to invoke retro nostalgia like the 8…[View]622517669Is HP hit points or health points?[View]622473914Genshin: What a great day for hag enjoyers. Discuss Raiden builds[View]622520952>What the fuck have you done lately? Well?[View]622522413Gamer fuel thread: Post it.[View]622523187Lyn?[View]622521770Why is Steam better than EGS?[View]622518431non porn game with ecchi elements that makes me horny?[View]622519515Why are Orcs just so fucking cool and pretty?[View]622508737Any videogame like Tamagotchi? The official app for smartphones IS SHIT[View]622521324So are we not getting DLC for Elden Ring? Sekiro didn't get anything either and it looks like F…[View]622509598Let's be honest, we won't buy this game because we like Harry Potter. I will buy it, but H…[View]622520850>blocks your path[View]622506827Why a country famous for Art makes no good games?[View]622522460Is this an accurate portrayal of a Mexican woman?[View]622522750>we can't talk about Spyro now because it instantly gets associated with Caddy Sigh.…[View]622517872Is there any hope heft for the Crash franchise? I heard someone mentioning once that there was a rum…[View]622517547Fortnite Dance Thread: Post gems.[View]622522156PlayS ation Plus Games for January 2023: >Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order >Fallout 76 >Axiom V…[View]622504149Dead Space: Is this series worth getting into? should I play the originals or wait for the remake?…[View]622518048How does he do it?[View]622519372dark and darker: what do i even play after this shit is over? why can so simply idea by so niche…[View]622519871THE.ONLY.GAME.THAT.MATTERS repeat after me THE.ONLY. GA....[View]622522284>play arcade game >put initials as A S S[View]622517968>game has female town guards[View]622515564he killed millions[View]622519101How do you look at the whole game screen at once? I legit have no idea how people do it. Like say th…[View]622514462Wipe starts in 45 minutes if everything goes right. I can't wait to be shot in the face over an…[View]622512836This is what they took from you[View]622520362>the godseeker was literally the second piece of concept art Anyway, which is the canon ending? T…[View]622494325SHAAAAAAAAPE SHIFTEEEEEER[View]622521771why are there so few good pirate games?[View]622512589>game has a companion >its a dog[View]622514159Why europe can't make a videogame console? >but some literal who irrelevant showelware trash…[View]622513483what was her name again?[View]622521037>women[View]622512761Sims Stories Thread: >playing Sims 4 >make Conspiracy theory sim >sim lives in old cottage …[View]622512031Isn’t it about time that the Switch get an upgrade?[View]622521464Age of Empires[View]622519972I can't believe this is real bros.[View]622519802What do we think about Arcade Paradise? Is it /v/ Hive Mind Approved?[View]622512193what went wrong?[View]622521003>Deus Ex, released in 2000, supports Ultrawide + >60Hz better than some games released this de…[View]622516582Is it just me or has 2022 been an incredibly mediocre year for Nintendo? >FEW3H another musou gam…[View]622519571Okay, I get it...: I get the hype. Game is actually pretty cool. Nice art, iconic monster design, s…[View]622520197Play STALKER HO-HO-HO[View]622520743characters/enemies that got cucked in newer games: Show examples of characters or enemies who were c…[View]622520706Blazblue: What went so right with these two that Arcsystem failed with Guilty Gear's villains?…[View]622507781Which ones of the Eeveelutions would make the best starter Pokemon?[View]622513694Gaming monitor thread Just ordered this, did I make a bad choice? What do you guys use?[View]622499412What a pretencious piece of shit. No game play at all[View]622518463Darksiders: Wow, this is fucking awful. I'm going through the series with a replay of 1 and 2, …[View]622520479>deal a deadly amount of damage to an enemy >it can either literally die or lay down and be co…[View]622520464hub world > open world[View]622518205New Billy Hatcher Game: Shun Nakamura, the director for Samba De Amigo, Billy Hatcher, and Sonic 06,…[View]622520123What is up with this game? No controller support for how many year? Why are Steam devs so egocentric…[View]622515823How's Red Orchestra in 2022 ?: its 4 bucks[View]622519106Fuck this shit board.: Why not simply make this board a red board, because pretty much this is /b/ 2…[View]622519457>Find easter egg >It was added solely so they can sell more meme merch why are modern devs so …[View]622520121Anyone want to help me remember a game?: I don't remember if it's a game or a mini game in…[View]622520054FFXIII is actually a good game and a good Final Fantasy.[View]622517668>Garbage UI. >Lacking game selection. >20 bucks for the premium sub. This shit could be so…[View]622510435Why games are so poorly optimized now?[View]622506171Why didnt you tell me it was this good?[View]622494868>design cute girls >ruin them with fucked up monster hands and feet Why?…[View]622519462.[View]622518978>get a gayman PC >there is nothing to play, go back to playing shit that used to run on my old…[View]622500348>Conquers Arizona >Push NCR borders >Destroyed tribal niggers >BTFO rangers with footbal…[View]622516809ITT: Vidya moments zoomers will never understand: >playing an online quickmatch in C&C Genera…[View]622511423ITT: games /v/ was wrong about: The story isn't shit. Abby isn't trans and she's actu…[View]622516494Steam Deck: What are ya deckin'?[View]622518874What did CAPCOM mean by this?[View]622510025Is Breath of the Wild an anime game?[View]622519393>That's right cocksucker! Go back to San Andreas! >Uncle Sal my ass!…[View]622516016Mmm hello there. I'm mister obvious bad guy, and though I just met you, you look the sort that …[View]622502095Look at this semen demon[View]622517934I don't need no Deck to toilet game.[View]622517339If you used the feather to fly over stages, you didn't beat it[View]622516383Who's your favorite attendant?[View]622499957Bought ROR2 on sale but apparently this was a mistake because /v/ hates it now and the dev sold out …[View]622514573>3 evil lords stand at the gate >Tyrael told him to sneak into that and destroy the stone So l…[View]622515447Dear Esther: Is it worth for 1$?[View]622518378Do you guys know of any more good mining games?[View]622518726What the fuck is this tranny shit?[View]622511494His silence this year was deafening.[View]622518478I desperately want a new Sonic jrpg[View]622516452>it's been 5 years >no-one has been able to make a decent space RPG since what gives…[View]622518149>videogame companion dies what were the best companions in vidya?[View]622513324>GF makes Reddit: The Video Game >/v/ loves it I knew this board is full of redditors…[View]622518436the based man’s GOTY[View]622487157Steam Winter Sale - Recommendations, post carts, try to buy a game and realize you bought it last ye…[View]622510768He's right.[View]622507213who the fuck: said this was an outdated bad game? this shit is literal kino. witcher 3 feels like sl…[View]622517357This is Megaman in the end of 2022.[View]622513097thoughts?[View]622518227Just casually acid tripping with my Big.[View]622444696Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader: So, now that the initial hype has died down and waifufaggots have mastur…[View]622506485>shreds your infantry section blobs[View]622517061Why is Monk the best job class in ffxiv?[View]622517132Game of the Year 2023: Most fun platformer I have ever played.[View]622499042Ray tracing is a me-[View]622517913what are some killing floor servers that are normal killing floor gameplay[View]622513041Do you own the soundtrack of your favorite video game anon?[View]622517658How do people get up to 1,000 hours in a game. I've only reached 200-300 hours in my most playe…[View]622511317>have to scale down the resolution to get decent performance >but now I can't use borderl…[View]622512828Morrowind: Why do booomers worship this game so much? All do you do read walls of texts, why don…[View]622516719ITT: Describe why a game you like is shit to people who have never played it >Apex Legends, great…[View]622515867An MR-RL time.[View]622512579game categories: Do you use any categories with your games that only you can fully grasp what they m…[View]622517607Is this game as comfy as it looks in the screenshots?[View]622495647WHAT MMO ARE YOU PLAYING RIGHT NOW THAT ISN'T FFXIV WOW AND LOST ARK[View]622507843CamCam: Camelia is a VERY cute cannibal![View]622479224Horizon Zero Awards[View]622517267So why did he punch the mirror?[View]622493974>armored core discussion already dead and gone kek[View]622517365ps3 song, do you remember?: // 2 years left for the ps3 son…[View]622515595What games let you use a spear?[View]622517243How would you describe Myrrh?[View]622514029If you played online, used vehicles and built shit you didn't beat the game[View]622516116>Only gives slightly better reflections and shadows for huge framerate drops Ray tracing is a mem…[View]622513127at what point do i stop missing 9 out of 10 attacks?[View]622506235you now remember Revolution 60[View]622466462Kill Delphine.[View]622457960end of year cake thread. post some edits[View]622515645Luke Atmey did nothing wrong. >but he killed... ...a corrupt blackmailer. >but he framed... ..…[View]622512602Post mediocre games you remember fondly.[View]622514949why did they change doomfist?: now he is just generic tank hero no.49294929[View]622469904playing these games offline is top soulless[View]622513913ITT post vidya-related shit we will never ever ever get again because fuck this gay Earth.[View]622515386What made Batman: Dark Tomorrow so insanely based?[View]622514925Barknights really expects you to complete maps that look like this...[View]622505642i'm 8 hours in, when does this get good?[View]622499237>Broooo! Game Deving is so ha-[View]622505501Epic video game quotes thread[View]622514259I haven't been keeping up with things. Is it worth the extra money now? Did they fix the glitch…[View]622499126>HYAH HYAH HYAH >OAAAH >HYAAAH >AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Was he autistic?…[View]622516339>Harada gets into an interview with Takahashi >asks him if he knew that fans were petitioning …[View]622507724>enemy is smug and taunts you[View]622514258Come to Balamb Garden, anon.[View]622516186What are some good mobile games? The requirements are; >free >not p2w >minimal ads >not…[View]622511276DS\3DS super mario games were pure SOVL[View]622515673Pitch your idea for a Battletech movie or show[View]622515120My GF and me playing (enjoying) Pokémon Violet[View]622516004Post your top 10 favorite games: half life jedi outcast rise of legends dark messiah kingdom come de…[View]622506912They have not done a single thing right since 2015. They fucking blew it.[View]622515545marvel midnight suns: >marvel >card shit >still good how did Firaxis do it?…[View]622515756Does 1997 version of Prey need restoration project?[View]622510986Why is this game so demonic[View]622511960Video games are dying and it's your fault: gacha shit is the main reason why video games are dy…[View]622510235I haven't played a JRPG since FF12 came out. Give me the best one that came out between then an…[View]622513550YOU. MUST. DIE![View]622504940Steam pfp thread.[View]622515436Is he gay or something?[View]622511491>WTF!!??? MY POWER ARMOR!!!! HOW????? IS THAT..... NONONONONO MR. LEGIONARY PLS NOOOOOOOOOO-ACKKK…[View]622515340>new games are boring >remember how much fun games were >nostalgia glasses at work mayhaps…[View]622512293they took this from us[View]622510135Is it any good? I liked Fallout 1 and 2[View]622511724The last good mario game wasn't it.[View]622512723>Decides to attack the army of someone who has never done anything to her >Lost almost her ent…[View]622513101>pirate game >extract >firejail --net=none wine game.exe simple as…[View]622505990Cyberpunk 2077: How pozzed is it?[View]622502472How can a such demanding game be so comfy bros ? Also Project zomboid thread [View]622511546Terraria: Is the game nowadays as good as when it first came out or did the updates ruined the game …[View]622515170Bros that started playing Death Stranding: How far are you into the game? I'm really taking my …[View]622501125ITT Prove you're not just a contrarian asshole but a living human with real opinions.[View]622513163This game is too scary.[View]622400745Signalis thread Am i playing as the replika of Isa's mother? and what's the deal with her …[View]6225146972B is getting an anime?: 5 years after the game?[View]622513758>GTX 1660 Super[View]622498706Will FromSoft ever make another Souls game? I give 0 fucks about Armored Core.[View]622501559So what makes this little dude special? The original Hollow Knight couldn't fight off the infec…[View]622511251Nioh 2: >elixirs are limited in supplies early game so you can't trial and error your way wi…[View]622513434Good morning! Have a great day today. Don't forget to exercise at some point today too.[View]622511012All right, here is a limmerick: Anon Anon what a prick[View]622507053pc gaming: Hello everyone so I have a question. I do not generally know about pc's. Been lookin…[View]622509790what a shame you can't tonguepunch their shitpipes[View]622511218Post this sex I know you want to[View]622513521Vidya Übermensch: Only GIGACHAD characters on this thread.[View]

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Answer: There is no such thing as a Robux Generator. If a person, website, or experience tries to tell you there is one, this is a scam and should be reported via our Report Abuse system. Question: Can I earn Free Robux?

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Clicking on a user's name in the player list (upper-right section of the game view). Selecting the Inspect option in the Avatar Context Menu, an opt-in feature which provides additional user-to-user social interaction.

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There are ways to do it involving Roblox' Groups systems, but, there are no games that can give you Robux for simply logging on. If you're still having doubts, let me explain why that is simply impossible. In order to obtain Robux, you need to either be granted them or to redeem/buy them.


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