How to give someone access to your instagram account

If you want someone else to be able to access your Instagram account, you will need to give them your username and password. You can do this by going to your profile page and clicking on the “Settings” button in the top right corner. From here, you will be able to select “Account Settings” and then “Password.” You can then type in your username and password for your Instagram account, and click on the “Save Changes” button.

Can anyone have access to my Instagram account?

Yes, anyone with an Instagram account can view your account.

How do I get access to my Instagram account back?

If you have an Instagram account and have forgotten your password, there is a process you can follow to reset it. First, try using the email address associated with your account. If that doesn’t work, try using the phone number associated with your account. If that doesn’t work, you can visit and enter your username and password to have them emailed to you.

How can I recover my Instagram account without email and phone number 2021?

If you forgot your password, you can try resetting it by going to // and entering your email address and password. If that doesn’t work, you can try calling (866) 622-6841 and providing your email address and password.

Can you have multiple users on one Instagram account?

Yes, you can have multiple users on one Instagram account. However, each user will have their own profile page and will not be able to see the posts or photos of the other users.

Can you be on an Instagram account on two phones at the same time?

Yes, you can be on an Instagram account on two phones at the same time. However, you will not be able to see all of your posts on both devices simultaneously. You will see the most recent post from each device.

Will my boyfriend know if I log into his Instagram?

There is no way for your boyfriend to know if you log into his Instagram unless he has the app installed on his phone and logs in to it.

What are the dangers of Instagram?

Instagram is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, but there are some dangers to be aware of. For example, if you post pictures of yourself without your clothes on, then other users could see those pictures. Additionally, if you post pictures of yourself that are inappropriate or offensive, then other users could see those pictures too. Finally, if you post pictures of yourself that are copyrighted or protected by law, then other users could not share those pictures.

Is Instagram a safe app?

Instagram is a safe app, but like any other app, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and use common sense when using it.

How long does Instagram disable your account?

Instagram does not disable accounts for any specific length of time. However, if you do not comply with their terms of service, your account may be disabled.

How do I recover my Instagram account without email?

There are a few ways to recover your Instagram account without email. The easiest way is to sign in to your account and go to the Settings page. On this page, you can select “Log out” and then click “Sign out.” This will log you out of your account and delete all of your posts and photos. You can also try resetting your password if you have forgotten it.

Why can’t I log into my Instagram account?

Instagram may have removed your account for a variety of reasons, including if you haven’t used it in a while, if it’s been hacked, or if it’s in violation of Instagram’s terms of service. If you think your account has been removed wrongly, you can try contacting Instagram support.

Should my Instagram be private?

No. Instagram is a public platform.

Which is better Instagram or Facebook?

It really depends on what you are looking for. Instagram is great for capturing candid moments and sharing with friends, while Facebook is better for staying connected with family and friends and sharing news and events.

Why should I delete Instagram?

Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with friends, but it can also be a source of anxiety and stress. If you’re not happy with the app, there’s no reason to keep it around.

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to share access to your company's Instagram account with your digital marketing agency.

  1. You want your agency to run ads for your business on Instagram.
  2. You'd like your agency to boost some of your Instagram posts to achieve specific marketing objectives.
  3. You want your agency to create content and post directly to your feed.

Instagram advertising is handled through Facebook Ads. So, you can achieve the first two objectives by sharing access through Facebook Business Manager. In the third case, you will need to share your company's Instagram account password with your agency or else give them access through a third-party tool like Hootsuite or Buffer.


We've put together this blog post to walk through the steps in each scenario and provided screenshots to make it easy to follow. So, if you are ready to begin sharing Instagram access with your agency, but haven't known how to get started, you've found the right resource. 

Link with Your Facebook Page

First, you need to link your business Instagram account with a Facebook Page that you manage - presumably the Page for the same business that the Instagram account represents. You can do this from the Instagram app on your phone, as described in this Instagram help article. Here's how I linked the Megalytic Instagram account to our Page.


Configure Your Facebook Business Manager to Share Instagram

You use Facebook Business Manager to authorize your agency to advertise with your Instagram account. This includes running ads that use your Instagram account to represent your business and also boosting posts in your Instagram feed.

To start off, the Facebook Page that you have linked with your company Instagram account needs to be added to your Facebook Business Manager account. Check under Business Settings > Accounts > Pages. Here is how the Megalytic Page appears in our Facebook Business Manager:



Next, you need to add your agency as a Partner in Facebook Business Manager. To do that, your agency needs to give you their Facebook Business Manager ID. They can find that ID in their Facebook Business Manager account under Business Settings > Business Info.

In this post, we are going to use an agency named Rare Karma as our example. Here's how Rare Karma looked up their Business Manager ID so that they could share it with Megalytic.



Once Megalytic received the ID, they added Rare Karma as a partner from Business Settings > Partners.



Once you have set up your agency as a Partner in this manner, you go to Business Settings > Accounts > Pages and grant access to the Facebook Page that you have linked with your Instagram account. The image below shows us granting the "Page admin" role with full access, but you can choose a different role depending on what tasks you want your agency to perform on your behalf. The "Page advertiser" role is sufficient for advertising with your Instagram account and boosting posts.



Assign the Instagram Account and an Advertising Account to Your Agency

Continuing to work within Facebook Business Manager, you will now "assign assets" to your agency. The two assets that you need to assign are the Instagram account and a Facebook ad account. That will allow your agency to run Instagram ads using your ad account.

Open Business Settings > Users > Partners. Select the Partner (agency) that you just added. In our example, that is Rare Karma. Then, select Instagram Accounts and click Assign Assets.



You will get a dialog box for selecting Asset Types. Pick Instagram Accounts, and select the account you want to share with your agency. In our example that is the Megalytic Instagram account.



Next, you need to assign your Ad Account to your agency using a similar process. Under Business Settings > Users > Partners, select your agency. Then under Assign Assets, select Ad Accounts and click Assign Assets.



You will then be presented with a list of the Ad Accounts in your Facebook Business Manager. Select the one that you want your agency to use for the Instagram ads and boosted posts.



How Your Agency Runs Ads for Your Instagram

At this point, you have shared both an advertising account and your Instagram account with your agency. Now, your agency needs to take some action. In order to run ads, your agency needs to link up your Facebook ad account with your Instagram account on their end. To do that, they log in to their Facebook Business Manager and open Business Settings > Accounts > Instagram Accounts. Then, they select your Instagram account and click Assign Ad Accounts.



Then they pick the ad account to use. Here, Megalytic's agency (Rare Karma) is adding the Megalytic Advertising account to our Instagram account within Rare Karma's Facebook Business Manager.



Next, the agency needs to assign one of their employees to have access to your ad account. Here, you can see that Rare Karma has added "Jason Javastern" to Megalytic Advertising with the role "Ad account advertiser".



Now, when Jason logs in to the Rare Karma Facebook Business Manager, he can go to Ads Manager, select the Megalytic Advertising account, and create a new campaign to run one or more ads using the Megalytic Instagram account.



How Your Agency Can Boost Your Instagram Posts

To boost your Instagram posts, your agency needs to grant at least one of its employees access to the Facebook Page that is linked with the Instagram account. To do that, the agency would open Business Settings > Accounts > Pages and select your Facebook Page. Then, they would click Add People and select one of their users. Here, you can see that Rare Karma has granted Jason the "Page editor" role. Note that "Page advertiser" privileges are sufficient.



Jason can now log in to Facebook, go to the Megalytic Page, and he will be able to boost Megalytic's Instagram posts.



How Your Agency can Post to Your Instagram

In order to enable them to post with the Instagram app, you will need to share the password to your Instagram account with your agency. Some folks are reluctant to do that, but the only alternative is to use a third-party tool like Hootsuite or Buffer.

Assuming that you have shared the password with your agency, an agency employee ("Jason Javastern" in our example) can add your Instagram account to the Instagram app on his device. First, he opens Instagram and clicks on the gear icon to open settings.



Next, he scrolls to the bottom and clicks on "Add Account".



Lastly, he enters the username and password for your business Instagram account (which you will need to share with your agency).



That's pretty much it! Jason (on behalf of your agency) can now post to your Instagram feed.


Instagram was designed as a single-user app. As it has moved into the business world, and become a staple of digital marketing, features have been added to make it easier for teams to work together on accounts. Since Facebook owns Instagram, they have made the decision to implement these team features using Facebook Business Manager and Facebook Pages. Team collaborations have been added first to the advertising features. Recently, Hootsuite and Buffer have taken advantage of new features in the Instagram API to enable multiple users to post to a single Instagram feed without having to share passwords. The Instagram app itself is not there yet. But, we expect that team collaboration features will be added to the core Instagram app at some point in the not too distant future.


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