How to help low blood pressure home remedies

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is frequently brought on by extended periods of inactivity, dehydration, illnesses, stress, anxiety, pregnancy, or as a side effect of some medications. A blood pressure reading of less than 90/60 mm Hg is considered hypotensive. There are many simple home remedies for low blood pressure that you can try on your own, apart from times when some episodes of hypotension require medical attention. However, be sure to consult your physician first.

Home remedies to raise low blood pressure

You can attempt these at-home treatments if the signs and symptoms of low blood pressure can be controlled:

1. Have more salt in your diet 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), your daily diet must contain a teaspoon of added salt. High sodium (salt) consumption is a fantastic treatment for low blood pressure. Increased salt consumption helps maintain blood pressure when it is lowered because it is closely linked to hypertension. This increased intake, nevertheless, needs to be of average quality.

2. Add coffee to your regimen

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages may momentarily increase your blood pressure. Coffee can be beneficial because it raises heart rate and blood pressure. Despite being momentary, it significantly raises blood pressure.

3. Drink more fluids

Drinking more fluids can increase blood volume, which in turn tends to raise blood pressure. Dehydration, which is the cause of low blood pressure, should also be avoided. Additionally, water contains numerous elements like potassium that assist in rapidly restoring normal blood pressure. However, before beginning the water therapy, be sure that the blood pressure decreased as a result of the fluid loss.

4. Eat more regular meals

Large, carb-heavy meals may cause gastric hypotension, which refers to the sharp drop in blood pressure right after eating. Eating smaller, low-carb meals throughout the day and including healthy snack breaks in between meals is one treatment for low blood pressure.

5. Tulsi leaves 

The best remedy for low blood pressure at home is tulsi leaves. It contains a number of minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which support maintaining healthy blood pressure. Vitamin C-rich tulsi leaves may help to maintain a relatively normal blood pressure.

6. Increase vitamin intake 

The most effective way to control blood pressure could be to consume balanced vitamins. If you eat foods high in vitamin B12 rarely, you may become anaemic, which can lead to the issue of low blood pressure. Therefore, ensure that your food contains a variety of vitamins.

7. Green tea

Due to its high antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral content, green tea can be used to treat low blood pressure. However, the exact mechanism is unknown but thought to inhibit the function of the hormone responsible for keeping your arteries dilated.  Blood pressure increases as the arteries are restricted.

Also Read: 7 Home Remedies for Managing High Blood Pressure

Although these home remedies for high blood pressure are helpful in addition to prescription treatment, they should only be taken under the guidance of a medical professional and should not be used in place of the medicine given by your doctor.

(Disclaimer: The information in this article is based on general information, it does not substitute a medical expert's advice. Zee News does not confirm this.)

Blood pressure numbers are known to fluctuate from time to time without cause for concern.

It’s when blood pressure is consistently high or low that there may be a problem.

While most people hear about high blood pressure (hypertension) more frequently, low blood pressure (hypotension) can also be a serious condition.

If you’re experiencing hypotension that causes symptoms, it’s important to understand what the cause is.

Once you’ve consulted with a healthcare provider, there are several home remedies and lifestyle changes you can try to help bring those numbers up.

What is Low Blood Pressure?

Hypotension occurs when the blood pumped through the arteries flows at a lower than average rate—a blood pressure reading lower than 90/60 mm Hg, to be exact. (To put that into perspective, normal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60 mm Hg and 120/80 mm Hg.) 

Some people have low blood pressure all the time due to genetic factors; for these individuals, it’s usually not a concern.

Other people experience a sudden drop in blood pressure or have low blood pressure that may be linked to a health problem.

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

Hypotension often does not cause any symptoms. If it is not causing any symptoms, it is not considered a problem, and does not need any special treatment. 

When present, symptoms of low blood pressure may include:

  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Blurry vision
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Cold, clammy, pale skin
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Confusion

Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

If you’re experiencing consistently low blood pressure that causes symptoms, there are several home remedies your medical provider may recommend to increase your blood pressure once they have ruled out more serious medical problems. 

Balanced diet

No specific foods have been shown to increase low blood pressure, and if your lower blood pressure is not causing you any symptoms, it does not require any specific treatment. 

But, eating a generally healthy diet with enough calories for your activity level, eating enough salt, and staying well-hydrated, can all help maintain a normal blood pressure if yours runs low.

Smaller meals

In addition to what you eat, when you eat can also have an impact on your blood pressure.

When you eat a large meal, it takes your body a lot more energy to digest it, which can cause a significant drop in blood pressure.

Changing your eating habits by consuming smaller meals or snacks more frequently throughout the day can help you maintain a normal blood pressure. 

Avoid alcohol 

While alcohol can raise blood pressure, it can also dehydrate you, which lowers your blood pressure by reducing your blood volume.

If you have low blood pressure that causes symptoms, you should avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

Stay hydrated

Drinking more water can help increase blood volume and prevent dehydration, both of which will combat hypotension.

Every person will require a different amount based on their size and activity level. 

You can tell you are hydrated enough if your urine is straw colored or clear and you are able to go every 4-6 hours. 

Eat more salt

We’re often told to lower our sodium intake, but increasing your sodium intake moderately can help raise blood pressure.

Good sources of salt include olives, cottage cheese, and canned soup or tuna, as well as snacks like chips or pretzels.

Another option is to add table salt or sea salt to your meals, or drink an electrolyte or sports drink in addition to plain water.

Compression stockings

Compression stockings are elastic stockings commonly used to relieve the pain and swelling due to standing for long periods, varicose veins, pregnancy, and other conditions, but they can also help reduce the pooling of blood in your legs, forcing the blood from your extremities back up through your body. 

This improved blood return from the lower extremities improves low blood pressures for some. 


Depending on the cause of your hypotension, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication.

The most common medications used to treat the condition include:

  • Fludrocortisone (Florinef): to increase blood volume (more volume decreases blood pressure)
  • Midodrine (ProAmatine and Orvaten): to increase blood pressure

Managing Low Blood Pressure

Lower than normal blood pressure in a healthy person that does not cause any symptoms often does not require treatment. In other cases, treatment depends on the symptoms and the underlying cause of hypotension. 

Causes of low blood pressure

A variety of factors, from certain medications to medical conditions, can cause short- and long-term drops in blood pressure. 

Medicines and substances that can cause low blood pressure include:

  • Diuretics
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Medication for high blood pressure, such as beta blockers and alpha blockers
  • Erectile dysfunction medication 
  • Alcohol

Conditions that can cause low blood pressure include:

  • Aging 
  • Dehydration
  • Pregnancy
  • Hypothyroidism 
  • Heart problems
  • Diabetes that has caused blood vessel damage
  • Peripheral vascular disease

Conditions that can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure include:

  • Loss of blood from bleeding
  • Hypothermia
  • Septic shock (a severe blood infection)
  • Severe dehydration from vomiting, diarrhea, or fever
  • A reaction to medication or alcohol
  • Anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction)

What to avoid with hypotension

If you are living with hypotension, actions like sitting up or standing up too quickly can cause a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, or potential fainting in people with low blood pressure.

You should transition slowly when changing positions to avoid fainting or falling. 

In addition, you should also avoid external factors mentioned in this article including:

  • Taking medications known to cause a decrease in blood pressureEating large meals
  • Drinking alcohol

When to See a Medical Provider

See a healthcare provider if you experience symptoms of low blood pressure such as frequent, unexplained fainting or dizziness.

You should also contact a medical professional if you have:

  • Black or maroon stools
  • Chest pain
  • Fever higher than 101°F (38.3°C)
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath

Your provider will most likely take your blood pressure reading and may perform blood, urine, or imaging tests based on your other symptoms and your exam.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should we eat when BP is low?

If your low blood pressure is not causing symptoms, you do not need any specific treatment. If you have low blood pressure that is not due to a medication or medical condition, staying very well-hydrated, and getting enough salt in your diet can help. Eating frequent, smaller snacks and meals and avoiding large meals can also help.

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

What should we eat if blood pressure is low?

Salty foods can increase blood pressure. Try eating canned soup, smoked fish, cottage cheese, pickled items, and olives. Caffeine. Coffee and caffeinated tea may temporarily spike blood pressure by stimulating the cardiovascular system and boosting your heart rate.

How can you raise low blood pressure naturally?

There are plenty of natural ways and lifestyle changes to raise low blood pressure, including the following lifestyle changes..
Eat more salt. ... .
Avoid alcoholic beverages. ... .
Discuss medications with a doctor. ... .
Cross legs while sitting. ... .
Drink water. ... .
Eat small meals frequently. ... .
Wear compression stockings. ... .
Avoid sudden position changes..


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