How to make your boyfriend miss you sexually

How to make him miss you is essential in creating that internal desire or relationship glue that keeps couples together. It’s all about creating those memories that stand the test of time and create that internal never-ending “want.”

Whether you are targeting a guy that you know likes you, you’re in a loving relationship, or you’re trying to get a guy back because he dumped you, making him miss you is your way in.

It’s nice to be wanted and even better to be desired. Understanding how you can create that “miss you” factor means you are heading down the right path of building your union strong. Add to that, knowing how to make him love you more and you are in great shape!

Life is what you make it. Love is what you make it.

Use these practical and clever tips and tricks to make your man miss you and love you more, and you’re going to be a very happy and cherished woman. Exactly what you deserve.

It’s Time To Uncover The Top Secret Strategies On How To Make Him Miss You More

1. Tell Him All About Your Awesome Day

The truth is, your guy wants to be the only thing that makes you smile, according to relationship experts at YouQueen. If you let him know you’re having fun without him, a night with the girls or maybe a hike with friends, then he’s really going to want to be a part of it all.

Guys are genetically programmed to want to be the sole factor in making you smile. However, if you’re smiling when he’s not beside you then you’re going to trigger him to pay attention and increase that internal need to be the one putting a smile on your face.

Super easy when you think about it.

2. Don’t Have Your Phone Attached To Your Hip

When your man texts you, don’t immediately reply. All this is going to do is increase the odds he’s going to start taking you for granted. When he shoots you a question make sure you leave some time before you respond.

This will increase the chase because he will naturally be wondering what you’re up to. A great thing for you.

After an hour or so, give him a response and remind him you are having a great day (without him) and you’ve just triggered him to miss you more.

3. Wow Him In The Bedroom

This one is a win-win but hear me out. When you make a point of wowing him in the bedroom, you are going to always make him miss you to some degree. Boys do tend to think with their smaller head!

Use your bedroom specialty to make sure he remembers and misses you. And if he happens to pull the nonchalant card acting like he doesn’t miss you, play it right back to him. This will drive up his curiosity and make in want you more.

Lovemaking is personal and involves emotions  and if it’s great, you’ve really got him hooked, at least for the moment. Use this to make him miss you.

4. Cease Contact

If a guy’s giving you the cold shoulder or not as much attention as he should, stop all contact for a few days. Be too busy to text or talk and give him the chance to really miss you. This is a tough one to pull off sometimes but well worth it.

Make sure he is the first one to contact you so you’re in the driver’s seat. This is guaranteed to make him miss you more.

5. Look Fabulous When He Sees You

There’s nothing that’s going to make a guy miss you more than looking hot to trot when he does spend time with you. Even if you aren’t with him and know he’s going to see you, like when you’re out at a party, be sure to go all out on looking amazing. Leave him drooling if you can.

Psychology Today says when guys are visually stimulated that’s interconnected with emotion. And we all know emotion and logic don’t mix. Play with his emotions and you’re going to make him really miss you. Whether he gets the prize or not is completely up to you.

6. Give Your Attention To Another Guy

Don’t overdo it here but if you show an interest in another guy and act like you are having fun, even if you aren’t, you’re going to tap into those evolutionary traits men have of dominance. He’ll have no choice but to want you more and put a plan in place to let you know he’s missing you.

Eye candy is great for making him miss you more. Dare you to try it!

7. Show Extra Friendliness

If you aren’t with this particular guy anymore and happen to see him, try and act extra polite. In particularly when he’s with another girl you need to flash those pearly whites and act like you are crazy happy with life. This is going to drive him nuts in a good way.

Trust me, you will be the one on his mind.

Just be sure you don’t stay too long and try and make it awkward. In and out and on you go is the way to play it!

8. Make A Point Of Being Happy Without Him

Sure, when you break up with someone you are sad and miserable. What’s important is that you don’t show this to him. If you seem to be totally happy and content, he is going to miss you terribly. On the flip side, if you are a mess, you’re guaranteeing he’s already forgot about you and moved on.

9. Wear His Favorite Scent

This one may seem weird but scent and emotions can be extremely powerful. If you happen to have a perfume he goes crazy over, make sure you wear it ever chance you get. Put on a little extra, even just to be sure he gets a whiff whenever you walk past.

With the scent, he’s going to remember and he’s going to miss you, that’s a given.

10. Romantic Texts

It’s safe to say that if a guy is really into you, he’s going to be the one shooting off the text messages. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to send him a couple of cute reminders of why he should be missing you. Just don’t go overboard or you’re going to seem desperate.

Perhaps before you hop into bed at night, you can shoot him a message reminding him you are thinking of him, but only if you are in a relationship. That one is guaranteed to make him miss you. If you can’t think of anything sweet to say over text, check out these examples of romantic text messages.

11. Relax And Chill

You want to be the woman no guy can imagine being without. Start by chill-axing and being yourself. Make sure you are happy with yourself and know what direction you’re heading in life. Keep things fun and inviting, light might be a better word for it.

Newsflash – Guys are programmed to think all women are hard work. You want to be the girl that lights up his life and every room you walk into. Do this and you’re going to have him missing you as soon as you’re out of his sight.

12. Be A Teaser

Guys think with their eyes first and without a doubt they do appreciate outer beauty. This doesn’t mean they only like you for your boobs and butt. However, if you are willing to throw in some sexy dress treats, that’s what is going to pop into his head when he doesn’t have you beside him.

The best is when you suddenly out of nowhere show up in a super hot dress that leaves all jaws dropping, with eyes only for your guy.

Definitely this one will get you high marks in the “miss you” department.

13. Show Him You’re His Rock

Sure, guys are supposed to be the strength in a relationship, the fixers and the doers. It’s also important you show him you can listen and take action too. Men are problem solvers and don’t want to talk till the cows come home, which they never do.

When your man has an issue, listen to what he has to say and remind him that you believe he will figure it out. Another piece of the puzzle of making your guy miss you like crazy.

14. Play Hard To Get

Whether you’ve been with your man a few days to years it’s VIP that you play hard to get. No doubt men are hunters and love figuring out how to get around the bases. This will excite them and make them want you more.

This means, don’t be a slave to your phone or text messages, be busy some nights when he’s like to spend time with you, and make sure you always find time to do your own things without him.

Independence is sexy and a tool that will always keep him on his toes. You don’t need him per say but you do want him. Only a crazy wouldn’t miss that!

15. Show Him You’re Adventurous

Men’s Health reports if you want a guy to miss you, it’s important for you to slip into adventure because that’s where men shine. Stop talking about his feelings and take action in life. Guys want to rule the jungle. They want to climb higher and ride further. With you right beside him cheering him on.

Make him feel like the king of the world. That’s your golden ticket to make him miss you.

How To Make Him Love You More

Cosmopolitan relationship experts understand there is a science behind relationship and falling in love. Knowing the theories behind love will give you an advantage on the guy front.

Sure there’s the laws of attraction to loosely base your thoughts on. But it’s the gals that dig a little deeper beneath the surface of love and relationships that have the ultimate power to make him love you more.

Body Language

Actions do speak louder than words and when it comes to communication with your man, up to 85% comes from your body language. It’s normally the physical draw that gets the conversation going. When it comes to the chemistry, it’s the pheromones that certain people are drawn to. Researchers believe this is what makes people want more after the first signs of physical attraction.

Use your open body language to make him want you more. Signal to him that you are attune only to him and open for business. Lean towards him, touch his arm, sneak a kiss in here and there, show him you are physically into him with your body language and he will love you more.

Mirror Movements

It’s true, we are naturally attracted to people like ourselves. The more you have in common the better but even more important, you should show him your interest by mirroring him. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve got to wear the same clothes as he does. However you should copy his actions. If he takes a sip of his drink you should do the same. Use the same words he does later in the conversation, and if he holds his hands a certain way you should do the same.

Show interest in the things he likes. Perhaps he loves hockey and you hate it. That doesn’t mean you can’t watch a few games with him.

Master this and he’s gonna love you more.

Get Close To Him

Psychologist scream loud and clear the closer you are to a guy, the more familiar you’ll get with each other, and the more likely are to fall truly, madly, deeply in love. Maybe not quite like that but you get the picture. The more you are with someone, the more attracted you’ll become.

When you are in a relationship, your love will only grow the closer you are to each other. Make the time to get near each other often and it will happen, because the scientist said so!

Open Up

This is a toughie for many people but the more emotional information you share with your man, the more he’s going to love you. The American Sociological Association found people that shared their secrets more often created that deep connection in a relationship. It’s a part of intimacy that heightens the act of love as a whole.

The deeper the meaning behind your revelations the deeper the love connection.

Just be careful you don’t go overboard and show him you’re a complete emotional wreck. That’s not going to help you any.

Pump Up The Adrenaline

If you want him to fall more head over heels in love with you then you’ve got to get his excitement going. When you are both tapping into your adrenaline store, the emotional connection tightens. For instance, studies show a guy is more sexually aroused with women when they’re up high someone like on a bridge, rather than at home in the bedroom.

Cuddling Intensifies Love

When you first fall for a guy, it’s all about lust. A massive release of endorphins and dopamine, a chemical reaction, that makes you want each other more. By snuggling with your man, you can create that same intrinsic need that makes him want you and love you more. You will be programmed into his brain and that’s going to make him miss you and love you more. So snuggle up and make it happen!

Get Happy Yourself

When a woman is happy with herself and her life, that’s attractive to a man. When you are in love with a man and show him your happy side, that makes him love you more. He will want to be around you more by choice. You will be more interesting to him because you are happy with yourself.

Let’s say you love dancing. If you do this when you are around him, you’re going to make him love it too and love you more. Just by being you and doing the things you love, you are going to snatch his heart a little more. That’s pretty awesome if you ask me.


When you show a guy that you are a giver and self-less person, he’s going to love you more. Taking the time to help others, says a lot about you. When you volunteer your time at the local hospital, to help collect donations for cancer, or to feed the homeless at Christmas time, you’re showing your guy what a great catch you are. He can’t help but love you more for this.

Giving is a great trait to have. Something that’s definitely worth loving.

Eyes Only For Him

Guys are really insecure when it comes to other guys. If you make a point of showing him you only have eyes for him, he’s going to want and love you more. Men like to be reminded they are the only guy and when you do this in public, it’s truly empowering for them.

Make sure he knows you are focused only on him and he’s sure to love you forever.

Don’t Blame

The last thing you want to do is start questioning your man and blaming him. You can tell him how you feel but don’t point the finger or blame. If he forgot about your date, you can tell him how you feel, just don’t lay into him. When he sees this, he will love you more.

Don’t Preach

If your man asks you for your thoughts, that’s one thing. However, if you start preaching to him, it will get old fast. Don’t tell him how he should feel or what he should say. Let him talk and save your advice for when it’s asked and he will love you more.

Random Specific Acts Of Kindness

If you want your man to love you more, you should make a point of showing him daily with random acts of kindness, just make sure they are specific. So if he loves grilled cheese sandwiches, make sure you cook that up for lunch. Perhaps he’s a movie buff so grab him a few passes to the theater. If he always has dry lips, make sure he’s got Chapstick in his pockets when he needs it. And if he loves to have the boys over for hockey, you should make plans on the hockey nights and let him know he should invite them over to hang out.

When you are constantly showing your guy that you are missing him in small but personal ways, he’s got no choice but to love you more.

Check out our other article: Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend.


When you master how to make him miss you and how to make him love you more, your connection can only strengthen. And if you aren’t a couple yet, and you know how to make him miss you, the door will open for becoming the special girl in his life.

Relationships are tough, a lot of hard work but for the right guy it’s all worth it.

When you have the magic to make a guy think about you then you have the power. This means you’ve got that chemistry connection, that’s the fuel to build that burning fire of love. Depending on what sort of relationship you have, these fairly simple tips will help you intensify the need and want, which of course is all good for you.

Take these concepts and figure out which ones work for you. Don’t expect to be perfect out of the starting gates because this is a trial and error process. But you never know unless you try.

How can I be more sexually attractive to my boyfriend?

Here are some simple ways to be more attractive to the man in your life:.
Be knowledgeable. Nobody likes a dimwit! ... .
Take initiative. Remember the time when you two were flirtatious? ... .
Take care of yourself. ... .
Give him some space. ... .
Compliment him. ... .
Be more expressive. ... .
Show interest in his interests. ... .
Be spontaneous..

How do I make him miss me deeply?

Simply be courteous and keep some physical distance between you two whenever you meet. Let him have his space but do let him know you miss him once in a while. Remind him of the fun things you did together before but not anymore. Communicate instead of giving the cold shoulder, hoping to send a message.

How do you make your boyfriend miss you like crazy?

12 Ways to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy over Text (with Examples).
1 Give him a sweet compliment..
2 Thank him for something he's done..
3 Send him a flirty text..
4 Ask for his advice..
5 Remind him of your memories together..
6 Mention how much you miss him..
7 Share a cute pic..
8 Set up a time to get together..

How do you make a man miss you in bed?

Tease him when you are in bed and give him an idea of the positions you want to try. He would just go crazy wanting more. This also works if you're trying to figure out how to make your man miss you.


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