How to open a downloaded file on iphone

Download a file

Download files from Google Drive with a computer, Android, or iOS device.

Important: If you try to download a suspicious file, you may get a warning message. Use caution if you download the file.

Download a file to a different app

  1. Open the Google Drive app.
  2. Next to to file you want to download, tap More 
  3. Choose an option:
    • Download the file to your phone: tap Open in 
       Save to Files 
      Choose where you want to save the file 
    • Open the file within another app: tap Open in 
      Choose the app you want to use.

Save a photo or video to your camera roll

  1. Open the Google Drive app.
  2. Next to to file you want to download, tap More 
  3. Tap Send a copy.
  4. Depending on your file, tap Save image or Save video.


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iPhone & iPad AndroidComputer

Open the Files app on your iPhone or iPad, select “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad” from the list, and then open the “Downloads” folder. If you’ve changed where your files are downloaded, check that folder instead. For example, they may be under iCloud Drive in the Files app instead.

If you’ve downloaded files to your iPhone or iPad, accessing them might be confusing compared to a Mac or PC. There’s a special folder where iOS and iPadOS store downloads, and you can find it via the Files app.

First, locate the Files app on your iPhone or iPad. The quickest way to do this is with Spotlight Search. Swipe one finger downward from the middle of the Home screen, and then type “Files.” Tap “Files” in the search results.

RELATED: How to Find an App on Your iPhone or iPad Fast

Select the “Browse” tab at the bottom, and then tap “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad,” depending on which device you’re using.

The list under “Locations” will vary depending on which apps you have installed, but your device will always have an “On My [Device]” listing.

You’ll then see a list of folders that, again, will vary depending on which apps you have installed. Generally, most people save files to the “Downloads” folder, so tap it.

RELATED: How to Download Files Using Safari on Your iPhone or iPad

You’ll see a list of all the files you’ve downloaded. During the download process, you can save a file to a folder other than “Downloads.” If you don’t see the file you’re looking for, tap the Back arrow at the upper left, and then tap another folder.

Once you locate the file you want, you can tap it to preview it, or tap and hold it to open a pop-up menu. Then, you can move, copy, or rename the file, along with other operations.

When you’re done, just exit the Files app. The next time you open Files, the file you’re looking for will be right where you left it.

If you are new to the Apple ecosystem, you might face trouble in finding downloaded files on your iPhone or iPad devices. The iOS and iPadOS create a special folder to store all kinds of downloads, so one can easily get confused in finding them.  

We have created a quick guide to locate and find downloaded files on iPhone and iPad devices. Just follow these steps every time to reach the downloads at your fingertip.

Access downloaded files on iPhone and iPad devices following these steps

1. Go to the Files app on iPhone and iPad. You can quickly locate the app with Spotlight Search. You can access spotlight search by swiping down from the middle of the home screen. Type “Files” in the search bar.

2. Once you open files, Go to the “Browse” tab located at the bottom and select “On My iPhone” for iPhones or “On My iPad” for iPad devices.

3. Tap on “Locations” that will show the apps you have installed with the option – “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad”.

4. The page will show you a list of folders for each app installed on the device. Tap on the Downloads folder.

5. It will direct you to a list of downloaded files. Most times, whenever you are starting a download it asks to select a folder and you can choose it other than “Downloads”. 

6. In case you’ve downloaded a file into a different folder, tap the back arrow to go the step 4. 

7. Find the folder in which you have downloaded the file and tap on it.

8. Once you have the access to the downloaded file, you can open it and perform actions like copy, move, rename, or delete.

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Sachin Deo Verma


Sachin covers technology news at Smartprix and he also has a keen interest in automobile and electric vehicles. He keenly gains knowledge from various sources to be updated with the latest tech trends. He is also a passionate Potterhead who dabbles in literature, and poetry, and loves to travel.


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