How to regain smell and taste after cold

Published on: 14 July 2021, 10:00 am IST

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Most people who had Covid-19 experienced loss of taste and smell. Some got it back after recovering but there are a few people who are still struggling with these two senses. In fact, some people report that their sense of taste and smell hasn’t returned to normal even after months of having recovered from the disease.

The good news is that you can take the help of some home remedies to get your smell and taste back on track!

Here are six home remedies to ensure that your sense of taste and smell return to normal after Covid-19

1. Castor oil

“Put one drop of warm castor oil in each nostril. It is necessary to do it twice a day for the best results. This practice is beneficial in eliminating inflammation,” says Dr Ankita Gupta, Ayurvedic expert from Birla Ayurveda.

Castor oil to the rescue! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Garlic

Add 2 to 3 chopped garlic pods to a cup of water. Boil the ingredients in a saucepan. Once the mixture cools down, strain it completely and drink it. The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic compounds can help treat a stuffy nose.

3. Lemon

Add lemon and honey to a glass of water. You can drink this mixture immediately. This beverage has a strong citrusy smell. The properties of these two ingredients can help with the return of taste and smell.

4. Ginger

“Take a piece of peeled ginger and chew it slowly. Start chewing the ginger piece at regular intervals. If you can’t chew the ginger piece directly, consume ginger tea. Do this every day. The aroma of ginger is strong and can enhance your sense of smell and taste,” recommends Dr Gupta.

Ginger can do the magic trick. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Peppermint

Take ten peppermint leaves and add them to a cup of water. Boil the ingredients in a saucepan. Strain the solution once it cools down and add some honey to it. Drink it immediately. The main constituent of peppermint leaves is menthol. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial in nature which can alter your sense of smell and taste.

6. Drink enough water

Drinking plenty of water helps in clearing unwanted cough. Water keeps the body hydrated. This can help avoid problems of smell and taste.

“With the help of hot steam, nasal congestion and nose blockage will be cured. That will give your nose an open gate to breathe,” suggests Dr Gupta.

Just stay hydrated! Image courtesy: ShutterstockThe last words

“You can choose any of these home remedies to get your taste and smell back, but make sure you practice it every day. The best time to put these home remedies to practise is in the morning,” suggests Dr Gupta. 

Naturally, regaining the sense of smell and taste is essential. While there is no demonstrated solution to do so after recovering from Coronavirus, you can always rely on diet changes and home remedies which may assist you to recuperate quicker.

Published on: 9 September 2022, 15:43 pm IST

  • 171

The Covid-19 pandemic reminded people what loss of smell or anosmia feels like. Ask those who’ve been through it, and you will know how frustrating it can get. It has undoubtedly been one of the most confusing yet common Covid-19 symptoms. If it is something you are going through, come let’s get some expert recommendation on how to regain sense of smell naturally.

Health Shots reached out to Dr Piyush Goel, Consultant Pulmonology, Manipal Hospitals, Gurugram, to know how to bring back the sense of smell.

The expert says, “Our lives can be significantly impacted by loss of taste and smell. This frequently results in poor nutrition and a loss of appetite. Loss of smell and taste may also lead you to season your meal with too much salt or sugar to improve its flavour. Although, anosmia can be treated medically, there are some powerful home remedies that can help you cure anosmia or regain sense of smell and taste at home.”

Tips to regain sense of smell

1. Carom seeds

Ajwain or carom seeds are regarded as a reliable treatment for allergies and colds. It is an Indian spice that is bitter in taste, but it also helps in increasing one’s sense of smell and at the same time helps in clearing up congestion. One can try this hack as it can help in bringing back the sense of smell and taste post recovering from Covid-19 or normal flu. An individual can also wrap a teaspoon of seeds in a towel or napkin and inhale the smell while taking a deep breath. This can be done several times in a day.

Ajwain has a strong smell. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Garlic

Garlic is known as a strong anti-viral and immunity-boosting home-treatment. According to Ayurveda, the pungent garlic may also have characteristics that reduce edema and inflammation surrounding the nasal tube, facilitate breathing, and ultimately can help in the recovery of the senses of taste and smell. For better results, one can chew crushed garlic cloves and have it along with a glass of hot water to regain their sense of smell. For added advantages, a squeezed lemon can also be added in the glass of water.

3. Ginger

Ginger is useful in smell training because of its distinctive, strong fragrance. It is widely known to be a powerful antioxidant and is used as a flavoring agent. Ginger can be consumed either raw, powdered or in the form of ginger tea as it acts as a natural medicine. Ginger tea reduces excess mucus that obstructs nasal passages and impairs smell, as well as inflammation of the nasal airways.

4. Castor oil

Castor oil is useful to regain sense of smell because it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. These are used for treating allergies and chronic sinusitis pain to slow down the formation of nasal polyps. It also helps in restoring the sense of smell and relieve the symptoms of a cough and cold. It also aids in reducing nasal passage swelling and irritation brought on by colds and allergies. Wondering how to use it? Trust the good ol’ Ayurveda method of putting one drop of warm castor oil in each nostril.

Also read: Vitamin A could help in restoring sense of smell post Covid-19, says new study

Use oil in the nose or practice saline irrigation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Saline irrigation

A saltwater wash could be beneficial if a person has some allergies or sinus congestion. Sinus congestion leads to loss of the sense of smell. This treatment clears the nasal cavity of mucus and allergies. One can buy ready-made sterile saline solution, or one can even make their own. It can be prepared by adding a half teaspoon of salt and baking soda to the water. Then add this solution to the nostril. One should repeat this process several times to regain smell naturally.

What can I do to restore my sense of smell and taste?

Here's how it works:.
Line up four essential oils of your choosing. For example: oregano, lemon, eucalyptus and rosemary. ... .
Starting with the first scent, take gentle whiffs of it for 25 seconds. ... .
Give your brain one minute to process that scent. ... .
Do this exercise twice a day, morning and night, for three months..

Will I regain my sense of smell after cold?

“Usually when people have a cold, they have congestion and a runny nose, and they can't breathe through their nose,” he says. “At the base level that usually causes a temporary reduction in smell. However, once the congestion resolves, in patients with viral induced smell loss, their smell does not recover.”

How can I regain my sense of smell and taste in Covid?

Olfactory retraining is the process of retraining your nose to smell. It involves smelling strong scents (citrus, cloves, eucalyptus) every day while thinking about what they smell like to try to help reform normal responses to your nose and brain. Research has shown it can improve parosmia in long COVID patients.

How long after losing smell and taste do you get it back?

COVID-19 and your senses For many patients, COVID-19 symptoms like loss of smell and taste improve within 4 weeks of the virus clearing the body. A recent study shows that in 75-80% of cases, senses are restored after 2 months, with 95% of patients regaining senses of taste and smell after 6 months.


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