How to remove water marks from stainless steel appliances

January 24 in Cleaning Tips by maidswpAdmin | Comments Off on How to Prevent Water Spots on Stainless Steel Sink – How do you keep water spots off stainless steel sink?

If you have a stainless-steel sink or appliance, chances are you’ve experienced stains or water spots a time or two. These water spots or stains can really make your sinks and appliances look dull and grimy.  But you don’t have to worry anymore if you know a few tips on how to prevent water spots on stainless steel sink.

How to Prevent Water Spots on Stainless Steel Sink

How to Prevent Water Spots on Stainless Steel Sink

A great way of keeping your house clean in making sure the kitchen sink remains spotless. In this post, we’ll point out a few tips on how to prevent and get rid of water spots on your stainless steel sink and appliances. The methods outlined are easy and you probably already have the items needed in your pantry.

Water spots are primarily caused by hard mineral-rich water and getting rid of them can be a bit of a hassle. But with the right technique, you can have your sinks and appliances fresh and shiny in no time. The most important factor to bear in mind is that dealing with water spots is not a one-off cleaning project. You need to keep up with the removal process to ensure your sink and appliances stay clean and shiny.

Removing and Preventing Water Spots from Stainless Steel Sinks


  • White distilled vinegar or lemon juice 
  • Baking soda


  • Start by cleaning and rinsing the sink. Be sure to clean around the outer sides as well as the handles
  • Pour some white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle then spray it all over the sink. Give the vinegar for about five minutes to work its magic and get rid of those stubborn water spots.
  • Next, sprinkle some baking soda all over the sink. You can expect it to fizz a little.
  • Start removing the water spots by scrubbing the sink with a soft sponge or cloth
  • Repeat the process as needed until you’ve removed all the water spots.

Note: if you’ve carried out some major buildup, say around the handles or anywhere else, just cover the area or wrap around the handles with a damp cloth, and pour some vinegar on top, then let it sit for about 15-20 minutes. This will help to break down any build-up. You can repeat the process until you’ve removed all the residue.

Removing Water Spots from Stainless Steel Appliances

This method is quite efficient, just make sure to buff the appliance really well once you’re done, to prevent the oil from causing a build-up over time.


  • Microfiber cloth
  • Soft paper towel
  • Olive oil


How to Prevent Water Spots on Stainless Steel Sink

  • Fold your paper towel into half then apply a small amount of olive oil onto it – about a nickel to a quart-sized amount. Make sure it soaks in all over the paper towel by squishing it around. 
  • Start with the top of the appliance and move with the grain
  • Wipe away any excess oil using the paper towel or grab a new one for this
  • Then remove any oil buildup by buffing your appliance really well with a microfiber cloth.

Bottom Line

Cleaning a messy house can be exhausting but the steps above will help ease your stress. The step-by-step methods mentioned above show you a few tips on how to prevent water spots on stainless steel sink as well as appliances. Stay up on cleaning these stainless-steel surfaces often, to help eliminate water spots as much as you can. Even if you have soft water, water spots can still occur over time, so you need to be proactive. For more information about keeping your stainless steel appliances spotless and your home clean and tidy, our experts here at Maids and Moore can assist you. 

How do you remove hard water stains from stainless steel dishwasher?

Solution: Run Dishwasher Empty with Vinegar White vinegar is the best way to defeat hard water on a case-by-case basis. The acid in the vinegar breaks down the chalky scale and makes it possible for hot water to wash it all away. To clean the entire inside of your dishwasher, you don't have to crouch and scrub.

Does vinegar damage stainless steel?

Vinegar is safe to use on stainless steel and helps remove oil and grime. Fill a reusable spray bottle with a combination of 1:1 white vinegar and water. Spritz it on, and wipe it off — no need to rinse!

How do you remove water spots from a stainless steel sink?

Pour some white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle then spray it all over the sink. Give the vinegar for about five minutes to work its magic and get rid of those stubborn water spots.


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