How to see another calendar in outlook

This document describes how to view someone else's calendar using Outlook 365 and Outlook.


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Outlook comes in in two varieties: 

  • Outlook 365, which you access over the web
  • Outlook desktop, which is installed directly on your computer

Outlook 365 (Web version) Instructions

  1. Open the calendar inside Outlook 365 (calendar icon, left side of screen)
  2. Click Add Calendar: (left side of the screen)

  3. The Add Calendar screen appears:

  4. Click Add from directory.  The screen changes:

  5. Click Enter a name or email address.
  6. Type or paste the person's name or email address.
  7. Choose People’s Calendars from the Add to dropdown menu.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Close the Add Calendar window.
  10. The calendar you added now appears at the left, selected:

Note: what you see depends on the security authorization the other person has granted you.  You may only be able to see "Busy" with no details.

Outlook Desktop (Installed on your computer) Instructions

  1. Open the calendar inside Outlook (calendar icon, bottom left of screen.
  2. Right-click Shared Calendars. Choose Add Calendar then Open Shared Calendar from the popup menu:

  3. Type or paste the person's name or email address into the Name box.

  4. Click OK/Add.


  • Please email .

If a colleague or manager lets you know that they have given you access to share their Calendar, you can open the shared Calendar and read their schedule. You can also schedule appointments and meetings for your colleague or manager. If you receive a mail message that says you have been given delegate access permission to share a Calendar, you can send and accept meeting requests for your colleague or manager in addition to the activities listed above.

Set sharing permissions for a folder

  1. You need to setup the permissions for your Mailbox and Calendar folder.
  2. If the Folder List is not visible, click the View menu, click Folder List
  3. Firstly, setup the Mailbox folder permission.
    • Right click the folder Mailbox - Your NAME, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
    • Click the Permissions tab.
    • Click Add.
    • In the Type name or select from list box, type or select the name of the person you want to grant sharing permissions to.
    • Click Add, and then click OK.
    • In the Name box, click the name of the person you just added.
    • In the Roles box, click the permissions you want. (Reviewer permission is a minimum requirement for accessing sub-folder like calendar. Setup higher permission only when you need to grant more access rights (e.g. editing) to the user.)
  4. Secondly, setup the Calendar folder permission.
    • Right-click the folder Calendar, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.
    • Click the Permissions tab.
    • Click Add.
    • In the Type name or select from list box, type or select the name of the person you want to grant sharing permissions to.
    • Click Add, and then click OK.
    • In the Name box, click the name of the person you just added.
    • In the Roles box, click the permissions you want.

Tips:To set permissions for all your Outlook folders simultaneously, use the options on the Delegates tab (on the Tools menu, click Options).

View another person's Calendar:

  1. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Other User's Folder.
  2. In the Name box, type the name of the person who granted you delegate access permission or click Name to select from a list.
  3. In the Folder box, click Calendar.


  1. To always have quick access to the Calendars you use often, add shortcuts to other people's Calendars to your Outlook Bar. Right-click the background of the Outlook Bar, and then click Add to Outlook Bar on the shortcut menu. (You must have reviewer permission to gain access to other people's mailboxes, and you must have added their mailboxes to your user profile.)
  2. If you manage the Calendars of several people, you can create a new group on the Outlook Bar and store shortcuts to their Calendars there. Right-click the background of the Outlook Bar, and then click Add New Group on the shortcut menu. Drag the Calendar shortcuts you created into this new group.
  3. You can have Outlook automatically open another person's Calendar (or any Outlook folder) when you start Outlook. Just leave the folder window open when you quit Outlook.
  4. If you have author or editor permission, any items the delegate creates while the shared Calendar is active are stored in the other person's Calendar.



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How do I view another calendar?

See someone else's calendar On your computer, open Google Calendar. On the left click Search for people. Start typing someone's name and choose the person whose calendar you want to see. If their calendar is shared publicly or within your organization, you'll see their events on your calendar.

Why can't I see other people's calendar in Outlook?

Update sharing permissions The owner of the calendar should right-click on the calendar to open the Sharing Permissions (for a shared mailbox, a user with access to manage the mailbox's sharing permissions must open the shared mailbox directly).

How do I view someone's calendar in Outlook 365?

In the To: Type/search and select the recipient whose calendar you would like access to. 3. Click the check box to request their permission to see their calendar.

How do I access my secondary calendar in Outlook?

To open it, follow these steps:.
On the File menu, point to Open, and then select Other User's Folder..
In the Open Other User's Folder dialog box, type the name of the user who shares the calendar with you in the Name box. In the Folder type box, select the type of shared calendar, and then select OK..


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