How to unlock steering wheel honda civic without key


Well what I did was take off all the covers around the steering wheel, and then on the opposite side where the key goes.....there is the actual ignition switch. A few screws to pop it off, stick a key or a screw driver in and turn the positions just as if the key was in. The only thing was I had to break the steering wheel lock. Theres a brass colored disk looking thing underneath the ignition ( or on top) don't remember. Drilled that with a 1 in drill bit. Using a 3/4 spade bit would probably work better but. Once drilled, inside that cylinder is a spring with a washer/disk. Once a made the hole big enough for the spring to pop out, then i stuck a flat head in and popped the brass colored disk out. In which falls out the washer/disk and unlocks the Wheel lock permanently. **CAUTION** ONLY DO THIS IF YOU INTED TO NOT CARE IF YOUR WHEEL LOCK IS GONE, WHICH WILL MAKE YOUR CAR EASIER TO STEAL. YOU WILL HAVE TO BUY A WHOLE NEW IGNITION CYLINDER, WHICH YOU WOULD HAVE TO DO IN THIS CASE, OR CALL A LOCK SMITH TO TRY AND MAKE YOU A KEY. THIS WASNT THE STOCK IGNITION THAT CAME WITH THE CAR. SO THE VIN NUMBERS DIDN'T MATCH. IT HAD BEEN REPLACED ALREADY ONCE BEFORE

Locking steering wheels are one of those features that can save a life in some very specific situations, but for many drivers, the feature ends up being a nuisance. If your Honda steering wheel is locked, this advice from our experts at Jeffrey Honda on how to unlock a steering wheel should help. And if the problem persists, you can always contact us directly. We’re happy to help with any and all car needs!

Why is the Wheel Locking Unintentionally?

The steering wheel locking mechanism is meant as an extra precaution when you’re parked on an incline—just one of many safety features. In theory, if your brakes fail, the wheel lock should stop your car from rolling downhill into Lake St. Clair. Still, why does the steering wheel sometimes lock unintentionally? If you’ve ever grabbed your wheel for support while entering or exiting your vehicle while running errands in St. Clair Shores, you probably activated the lock by accident. Hopefully, our instructions below can save you a few minutes of random fiddling!

Unlocking Your Steering Wheel

Thankfully, it’s easy to unlock your steering wheel. You’ve probably done it by accident already without even realizing it. To unlock the wheel on your Honda:

  • Pull down in the same direction you yanked the wheel when you initially locked it.
  • If you’re not sure which direction to go, try both directions. You’ll know the correct direction when you feel the wheel move a bit.
  • While holding your wheel in the correct direction, put your key into the ignition and start your car. If the wheel remains locked, your car doesn’t start, or both, try turning the wheel the other direction and repeating this step. One or the other has to work.
  • Voilà: you now have an unlocked steering wheel!

And remember, yanking down on the wheel while getting in or out of your car is what’s causing the Honda steering lock to engage. If you can avoid using the wheel for leverage, you should do so.

How to Lock a Steering Wheel Intentionally

If you know you’ll be away from your vehicle in an unfamiliar location for an extended amount of time, you’ll also want to know how to lock your steering wheel on purpose. This can make it more of a struggle for anyone trying to access your vehicle. Not only will this give you peace of mind, but also it’s an easy task do to before you lock your vehicle:

  • Simply turn off your vehicle and remove the keys from the ignition.
  • Turn your wheel to either side until you hear a click.
  • Then, your wheel will be locked until you return with your keys and start your vehicle.

Stop By Jeffrey Honda With Any Other Questions

A steering wheel system is one of the important components of any vehicle as it primarily controls direction. It translates the rotational gestures of the driver into a real live movement of the vehicle wheels. However, it is not immune to malfunctions and damages like all other vehicle components.

You know how troubling it can be to have a stuck steering wheel that you can’t turn. This post will discuss factors that could cause a steering wheel to lock and break down how to unlock the steering wheel without a key.

Why Does Your Steering Wheel Lock Up?

Coming out to find locked steering can be quite irritating, especially when you have no recollection of any warning signs. Although it could be caused by standard safety features such as the auto-lock system, you may need to look out for an underlying cause.


Safety is one reason why steering wheels are designed to lock up. When you cut the power off, the steering wheel locks up so that vehicle doesn’t move on its own. This way, you can ensure that your car will stay safe and in place. 

Steering Auto-Lock Feature

Modern steering systems are generally fitted with an auto-lock feature that is activated by turning the wheel after turning the ignition off. This is a theft-deterrent that makes it more tasking for a thief to get in and drive the vehicle away. 

Running Out of Power Steering Fluid

The power steering system augments your steering effort and makes it easier for you to turn the wheels. However, this system needs power steering fluid to function as it should. If your steering locks while you’re in motion, you may be running low on power steering fluid.

Materials Needed

Locked steering may need professional service, but this is not to say you can’t have a go at fixing the problem yourself. For instance, if a steering wheel gets stuck from dirt or debris, that’s more straightforward to fix.

On the other hand, steering problems from battery failure are not easy to fix unless you can charge a dead battery

You’ll need some materials and tools, however.

  • WD40
  • Screwdrivers
  • Canned Air

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There are three ways to free the locked steering wheels without the key. Let’s explore these different methods.

1. Unlocking It By Yourself

There’s always a possibility that you can fix locked steering wheels by yourself. If there’s no major underlying damage, some of the things you can try include:

Insert The Key

In most instances, a stuck steering wheel can be unlocked by simply inserting and turning the key inside the ignition. Try to rotate the wheel in the same direction you did prior to it getting stuck. If you’re unable to recall which direction, turn it both ways. This should be done simultaneously with the key turning.

You may need to intensify your turning effort, but don’t apply excessive pressure to prevent causing further damage.

Use Another Key

When you slot the key in and it fails to unlock a locked wheel, there might be something wrong with the key. Long-term usage and battery failure are some things that could cause the master key to fail. 

For instance, the previous owner of a used car might not have maintained the car well enough, and the key could somehow be damaged. The wheel remains locked when such a key doesn’t fit your lock cylinder entirely. 

Nonetheless, if you’ve got another key, you can put it in, turn it, and steer simultaneously. The downside to this method is that not all vehicle manufacturers provide second keys, especially for newer vehicle models.

Spray WD40

If all other remedies don’t work, try spraying some WD40 inside the ignition key. WD40 is a popular multi-purpose used to lubricate, displace moisture, prevent rust, loosen stuck parts, etc. A steering wheel can get locked when dust and dirt gather in lock tumblers. 


Apply a decent quantity of the product and put the key in. Turn it in both directions while turning your steering. If any contaminant is lodged inside, this solution should loosen it up and get rid of the problem.

2. Replacing Ignition Set

When the steps discussed above don’t unlock a stuck steering wheel, you may have to take a somewhat technical approach. We must admit that not all vehicle owners are skilled enough or comfortable with a DIY approach. As such, we recommend getting professional help when the method above doesn’t work and push comes to shove.

Disassemble The Column Panels

Firstly, you’ll have to separate the column covers from the steering wheel. To do this:

  • Loosen the screws on either side of the steering column, starting with the downside.
  • Press the tabs on the panel cover while adjusting the wheel to release the panel.
  • Repeat the same process to separate the column cover on the upper part. 

Clear The Lock Cylinder

Your lock cylinder should become visible once you’ve removed the panels. Put in your key, locate the release tab, and activate it by pressing down on it. Turn the key while you press the tab and wait for the cylinder to start moving before pulling it out.

Fix The Replacement Ignition-Lock System

Now you can put in the replacement ignition-lock system. Slide the cylinder back into the same position before you remove it. Make sure your lock tab is well set inside the cylinder before putting it in. The next step is reinstalling the column, but you have to check if the key turns fully before that.

Reinstall The Columns

Once you’ve ensured that the key turns entirely in the cylinder, reinstall the lower and upper column panels. All clips should properly lock like they were before disassembly, and the screws should be tightly fixed.

3. Using Loosening Sticky Locks

Spray Electrical Cleaner Into The Keyhole

You’ll have to lubricate and clean the keyhole with an electrical cleaner for this remedy. Spray some in the keyhole, taking care not to apply too much. Next, get the cleaner distributed evenly by repeatedly inserting and removing the key.

Apply Canned Air Into The Ignition

Dirt or any other contaminant lodged into the keyhole could prevent the key from turning. If that’s the case, canned air can help. Fit the can nozzle inside the keyhole and spray the air in to loosen and remove whatever contaminant might be stuck in.

Slide The Key Gently Inside And Out Several Times

At this point, you want to insert and remove the key several times. Sometimes, dirt may get caught in between the pins of your ignition cylinder. Sliding the key gently in will dislodge any such dirt or debris. 

Make Sure The Key Is Not Damaged

In certain instances, diagnosing the problem could be as simple as closely examining the key. A bent or damaged key cannot reach the depths where it would engage the pins necessary to spin the ignition. 

If you discover any bend or chipped teeth on your car key, you have to replace the key entirely. You may consider making a replacement of the key. However, you cannot make a functional copy from an original that’s already deformed.

Extra Advice

Some of these processes we’ve discussed only apply to select car models. If you’re not cautious or don’t know exactly what you’re doing, you might complicate the problem. It’s recommended that you consult a professional if you’re not confident in your ability to fix a stuck steering wheel.

Furthermore, you should check the power steering fluid level and condition when you start experiencing steering wheel issues. When you run low on this fluid, that could cause or even aggravate your steering problems.

When using a DIY approach, you may want to check your vehicle’s guide manual for information regarding ignition set replacement.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if the car’s steering wheel locks up while you’re driving?

Don’t panic! The first thing to do is alert other road users by putting on the hazard light and your headlamps if possible. Apply brakes slowly, bring the vehicle to a stop, and call for an auto repair service after that.

What does it cost to unlock a stuck steering wheel?

The cost depends largely on what the cause is and whether or not you involve a professional. If you’re able to fix the locked steering wheel yourself, the cost can be quite negligible. Overall, it could cost $100 – $400 to unlock a steering wheel, considering the cause, supplies needed, and the service fee.


Hopefully, you now know how to unlock steering wheel without key if it ever gets stuck. 

It could be as straightforward as sliding your vehicle key inside and out or spraying WD40 into the ignition to remove dirt. There are other relatively complicated remedies to try out, depending on the severity of the problem. Don’t fail to seek professional help when necessary.

Author Bio:

I’m Tim Miller, an automotive mechanic, and blogger from Denver, Colorado. I’m the founder of gmundcars and angf35eis. My fan page is I’ve had over 15 years’ experience in car repair and using OBD scanners. My reviews and articles about car repair and maintenance can be found on my own websites.

How do you unlock the steering wheel on a Honda Civic?

To unlock the wheel on your Honda:.
Pull down in the same direction you yanked the wheel when you initially locked it..
If you're not sure which direction to go, try both directions. ... .
While holding your wheel in the correct direction, put your key into the ignition and start your car..

How do you get a steering wheel lock off without the key?

You can try depressing the brake and press the push start button once while moderately shaking the steering wheel back and forth. You can take off your leg from the brake pedal and double press the start button while wiggling the steering wheel as well. Both options will turn on the ignition as well.

How do you manually unlock the steering wheel?

The steering wheel lock is directly connected to the ignition cylinder. To unlock your steering wheel, use your left hand to wiggle the steering wheel left and right with significant force. At the same time, use your right hand to turn the ignition key from the LOCK position to the ACC (accessory) or START position.


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