How to wrap a present with ribbon

Picking out the perfect presents for friends and loved ones is so fun and rewarding. Who doesn't love to see a smiling face when someone tears into a gift and is elated that it's exactly what they have been wanting all year long? But before they send paper and ribbon flying (to the recycling bin, of course) make sure they are equally as impressed with your professional-looking wrapping job.

To help you learn to wrap a gift like a pro, we tapped Macy's gift-wrapping expert, Belle Wesel, for her expertise, and know-how. Follow Belle's simple steps and you'll be on your way to wrapping anything from small gifts to larger presents in a snap. Because practice makes perfect, don't get discouraged if your first few tries don't have the super crisp corners and clean lines you desire. After a few attempts we know that you'll be a real ace wrapper and that all your friends will be coming to you for gift wrapping tips and tricks (or maybe they will just ask you do to all their wrapping for them—a side hustle in the making!).

So grab your favorite wrapping paper, sharp scissors, good quality ribbon, and double-sided tape, and start practicing your wrapping skills, because it's always someones birthday, baby shower, wedding, bat mitzvah...well, you get the picture.

To add some personality to your package, we suggest getting creative with your ribbon choice. Try wrapping a few layers of ribbon around the box or tying and extra large bow.


It's so much easier to wrap something square or rectangular. Do yourself a favor and pack your gift into a box. Taping it shut is recommended but optional!


The cardinal rule for choosing wrapping paper? The thicker, the better. To facilitate the trimming process, look for a roll with a grid pattern on the back.


Dealing with hand cramps before a big event? A sharp pair of scissors with a comfortable handle is key when you have a pile of gifts to tackle. They not only make cutting the paper a snap but also insure that the ends of your ribbon have clean cuts.

Here's our trick from the pros: Double-sided tape is your secret weapon for a neat seam.


Step 1: Cut Wrapping Paper

Place the box facedown on top of your gift wrap, leaving the paper attached to roll. Use scissors to cut paper along one side, making a wide enough sheet to cover both sides of the box.

While standing on the same side of the table as the roll, pull paper tautly up and over the far end of the box. Adhere with double-sided tape, and crease paper along the box's edge with thumb and forefinger.

Unroll paper and bring it to meet the already wrapped end. Cut paper from roll, leaving an inch of overhang. Fold that inch under and crease along the fold. Adhere using double-sided tape.

Now it's time to tackle one of the open ends of the box. Push sides of paper inward, creating four 45-degree-angle flaps, then crease along the flaps.

Fold down the top flap. Crease sharply along the top of box, then crease again where paper meets the bottom edge of box. Cut paper along that bottom crease. Adhere to the box with double-sided tape.

Step 6: Get Rid of Excess Paper

Fold under any excess paper on the bottom flap so that it lines up perfectly with the top of box. Apply double-sided tape to the bottom flap, then fold it over the top flap and adhere.

Repeat steps four through six on the box's remaining open end. Finish all sides by running your pinched thumb and forefinger along edges to create sharp lines.

Lay the wrapped box facedown on a length of ribbon (about five times as long as box). Pull ends of ribbon up and bring right end over the left. Pull width-wise so they cross.

Turn the box over. You should have two ribbon ends of about the same length. Thread each end under the ribbon already in place, as shown.

Step 10: Make a Double Knot

Double-knot the ribbon, then tie into a simple bow. Use your fingers to shape the loops.

Pinch the ribbon ends lengthwise and cut at a 45-degree angle to create forked ends, as shown. That's it—all wrapped up and ready to gift!

With your first package all finished, the rest should be a breeze. What's more, your loved ones will be impressed with your wrapping skills.

Charlyne Mattox Food and Crafts Director Charlyne Mattox is Food and Crafts Director for Country Living.

It is always a joy to open a present wrapped with beautiful ribbon and the excitement of unravelling the bow is unparalleled. Here are three of the classic and simple methods on how to wrap a ribbon around a box, perfect for gift wrapping: the Tiffany Bow, Diagonal Bow and Horizontal Bow.


How to wrap a present with ribbon

Tiffany Bow

The Tiffany Bow is one of the most timeless and elegant bows used for gift packaging. Commonly associated with the white bows tied around the light blue Tiffany & Co boxes, the Tiffany Bow is versatile and one of the best choices to complete a gift. It is recommended to use a double-sided ribbon for this bow as both sides of the ribbon will be visible when wrapped around the box.

1. Place the ribbon along the middle of the box.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

2. Wrap the long end of the ribbon around the box horizontally.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

3. Fold the long end of the ribbon down.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

4. Wrap the long end of the ribbon around the box vertically.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

5. Tuck the ribbon under the center where the ribbon overlaps and pull it diagonally to the left.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

6. Using the two ends of the ribbon, tie a basic bow with the shoestring method or other bow types.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

Diagonal Bow

If you are looking for a more unique type of bow to add a special finishing touch to your present, the diagonal bow is a great option. With the ribbon lacing over the corners of the box, it ties together the whole present and creates a complete look.

1. Place the ribbon diagonally along the top left corner of your gift box.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

2. Wrap the ribbon diagonally along the opposite top corner of the back side of box.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

3. Continue wrapping the ribbon diagonally along the bottom right corner of the front side of the box.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

4. Wrap the ribbon diagonally along the underside of the opposite bottom corner of the box. The two ends of the ribbon should now meet back at the starting point.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

5. Make a knot and tie a shoestring bow.


How to wrap a present with ribbon

Horizontal Bow

The Horizontal Bow is a simple bow that can be easily used on any type of present. When in a rush, this option is great as a quick last minute gift embellishment. 

1. Wrap the ribbon across the box from the back side to the front side.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

2. Make a knot then create a loop using the left end of the ribbon.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

3. Wrap the right end of the ribbon around the left loop and tuck it under the loop.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

4. Pull the bow tight and cut the ribbon ends to your desired style and length.

How to wrap a present with ribbon

Try these easy methods for your next packaging or gift wrapping. To find the perfect ribbon for your needs, check out our large range, from our premium French ribbon, satin ribbon, grosgrain ribbon, velvet ribbon and cord ribbon. At Cherry Ribbon, we also offer custom ribbon for a personal or branded touch. Whether you're looking for wholesale ribbons or ribbon by the metre, we've got everything you need to get wrapping and packing.

If you are unsure on how to tie the bows, check out our blog on How to make Basic Bows out of Ribbon. 

How do you put ribbon on a wrapped present?

More videos on YouTube.
Wrap the ribbon across the box from the back side to the front side..
Make a knot then create a loop using the left end of the ribbon..
Wrap the right end of the ribbon around the left loop and tuck it under the loop..
Pull the bow tight and cut the ribbon ends to your desired style and length..

How do you wrap Christmas presents with ribbon?

Tie the ribbon into a bow. Fold both ends of the ribbon into loops. Cross the left loop over the right one to make a smaller loop in the middle. Pull the left loop through that smaller loop, then pull to tighten.

How do you wired ribbon a present?

Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to wrap around the present (perpendicular to the ribbon that is already on the gift) plus additional to tie a knot. Wrap the ribbon around the present and tie once, pulling the ends at a 90° angle as shown in the photo. Since the ribbon is wired, you should only need to tie it once.