If i eat 300 calories a day

Anon or Delete, please.

I weigh just under 15st, I'm female and I'm only 5'4". So yes, I'm desperately overweight, and yes, it is my fault. I used to be skinny (8st) until Age 14, then I started staying in a lot because I was getting bullied in secondary school, and snacked on all this weight over the years. Anyways, I've been thinking consuming up to only 500 calories a day to lose weight.

My questions are:

1. If I keep consistant with this 'diet' - how long will it take me to reach 9st? What's a rough estimate?
2. What are helpful exercises to go along with this? For now, I'm planning on walkin home from college (I go three days per week) every day, which is a good four mile trek, and maybe swimming one hour a week. Along with this, 10 situps a day.

Now, before someone screams "ohmfgawd starvation diet" or "you'll just put it all back on again because your body will cling onto the few calories you do consume and store it as fat". I know that's not strictly true, because it takes two weeks, roughly, for starvation mode to kick in, and when it does kick in, it only lowers your BMR to 30% - 60% but when you're consuming so few calories, it's scientifically impossible to gain weight. As you know, to lose weight you must burn more calories than you're consuming, and if you lay in bed all day, you would naturally burn a good 1000+ calories because your bodily organs needs calories to run, like the heart, brain, etc.

The reason people gain weight back so quickly after a diet or restriction isn't because of starvation mode, but because they binge it all back on. Something I'd be very careful to avoid after I reached my target weight. I do know, due to hunger pangs, it's not possible to constantly consume so little, so obviously I do acknowledge there would be off-days where I'll eat more to fend them off, but then continue. I also plan to incorporate all the nutrition I'll need by eating different stuff, each day.

I'm only really asking this for people to answer my questions, not try to discourage me using scaremongering myths.

If i eat 300 calories a day

P.S. Sorry if this comes across as *****y, I'm just tired of hearing about that. I've did this before and I lost a significant amount of weight in a short time and did not gain it back, so I speak partially from experience.

(Original post by Anonymous)
Anon or Delete, please.

I weigh just under 15st, I'm female and I'm only 5'4". So yes, I'm desperately overweight, and yes, it is my fault. I used to be skinny (8st) until Age 14, then I started staying in a lot because I was getting bullied in secondary school, and snacked on all this weight over the years. Anyways, I've been thinking consuming up to only 500 calories a day to lose weight.

My questions are:

1. If I keep consistant with this 'diet' - how long will it take me to reach 9st? What's a rough estimate?
2. What are helpful exercises to go along with this? For now, I'm planning on walkin home from college (I go three days per week) every day, which is a good four mile trek, and maybe swimming one hour a week. Along with this, 10 situps a day.

Now, before someone screams "ohmfgawd starvation diet" or "you'll just put it all back on again because your body will cling onto the few calories you do consume and store it as fat". I know that's not strictly true, because it takes two weeks, roughly, for starvation mode to kick in, and when it does kick in, it only lowers your BMR to 30% - 60% but when you're consuming so few calories, it's scientifically impossible to gain weight. As you know, to lose weight you must burn more calories than you're consuming, and if you lay in bed all day, you would naturally burn a good 1000+ calories because your bodily organs needs calories to run, like the heart, brain, etc.

The reason people gain weight back so quickly after a diet or restriction isn't because of starvation mode, but because they binge it all back on. Something I'd be very careful to avoid after I reached my target weight. I do know, due to hunger pangs, it's not possible to constantly consume so little, so obviously I do acknowledge there would be off-days where I'll eat more to fend them off, but then continue. I also plan to incorporate all the nutrition I'll need by eating different stuff, each day.

I'm only really asking this for people to answer my questions, not try to discourage me using scaremongering myths.

If i eat 300 calories a day

P.S. Sorry if this comes across as *****y, I'm just tired of hearing about that. I've did this before and I lost a significant amount of weight in a short time and did not gain it back, so I speak partially from experience.

This is not a healthy diet at all. Whether you put weight back on quickly or not will depend on fat content more than calories.

A much healthier diet would be a little under the RDA values, make it very low in fat, and get some exercise in, even walking would do the world of good.

According to http://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php

if you ate 500 cals a day with no exercise (i'm not sure how old you are so i put 18 years old in) you'd weigh 9 stone (126lbs) by Christmas Eve.

But it's an extremely unhealthy method and eating right and exercising would be much more benefical. You want to look stong and healthy not tired and weak.

It would be very difficult to give even a rough estimate of how long it would take you to reach nine stone from your current value. Weight loss and gain are incredibly variable between different people, hence making predictions for others is often not a sensible method of motivating them responsibly in their dieting.

I realise that this is unlikely to be the response that you wanted, but you would do far better not to concern yourself quite so much with calories and instead implement quite a structured plan of meals and exercise for yourself. Leaving out the debate about the safety of a 500 calories a day diet for the moment, I do not view suddenly making that change as being very sustainable or even remotely healthy. A more gradual path (say, over the course of a week) into a new healthy eating and exercising regime would ultimately be far more motivational and show you some very good results.


"I've did this before and I lost a significant amount of weight in a short time and did not gain it back"

Given that you were 8stone and now 15stone, im guessing you did gain back the weight you lost, unless you weighed more than 15 stone before you tried this diet.

Done this and nearly ended up in hospital due to it being part of an eating disorder. Would not advise it at all. Your skin and nails would look bad, you'll have 0 energy to actually exercise and you'd probably feel like c*ap most of the time.

It's just not at all healthy, physically or mentally. It is a starvation diet and your condition will probably plummet like a stone. Putting yourself under intense physical stress like this is a very dangerous idea. You will be physically exhausted, your body will start to shut down, your mental health is likely to deteriorate. This is beyond stupid given that there are other methods that are safer and more reliable.

If you have the self-discipline for such a horrifyingly dramatic diet, why not just balance your calorie intake at a healthier level and exercise more?

Why are you stop-start dieting anyway? Just eat healthily, don't over-eat and exercise.

There is no chance you can eat 300-500 calories per day and exercise. Forget about that, seriously. The simple truth is that there is no easy, simple or magical solution to losing weight. You will have to eat like a normal person and exercise a lot, and be mentally strong enough to be content with slow progress. There's no other way around it unless you go for liposuction or gaining the weight again in a few months.

I did it and it worked, but when you do a diet that extreme you can easily get into a routine and develop a distorted body image and eating disorder. I ended up losing a lot more weight than I needed to because I was sure I was a fatass all the time. Just be cautious.

(Original post by triloko)
There is no chance you can eat 300-500 calories per day and exercise. Forget about that, seriously.

There is, I did it.

I'm sorry but there really is no way that eating that little can possibly be healthy for you! You will not have any energy to do any of this exercise! Eating a healthy balanced diet, and maybe going to the gym a few times a week would give by far better results, but what you are trying to do is essentially starve yourself. Yes it might work, but think about what you will actually be doing to your body! You will be starving yourself of basic nutrients that you need, that the stored fat could never replace! Loosing weight should not be quick or easy, but it will be better in the end, you just have to treat your body kindly!

I meant to say it is incredibly unhealthy, and I would never recommend it. You can get seriously ill trying to pull out that kinda stuff.

stop being lazy and exercise/eat properly

Aside from the sensible arguments you feel you've countered in your post, I think it's important to point out another issue: diets are to improve your body, not to punish it. Perhaps now's the time to start eating healthily, to improve your fitness, to love your appearance again, instead of trying to 'undo' the 'bad' eating which caused you to put on weight.

I just don't think that you need to live off 500 calories and feel miserable. I don't think that's a positive or constructive way to diet, even if we rule out all of the health issues from not taking in enough calories, vitamins and minerals.

Well, it is possible, occasionally I eat 500 calories a day, unintentionally, purely because I make myself busy. If your constantly thinking about losing weight and worrying about cracking, then it WILL happen.
Keep yourself occupied and exercise regularly, also try eating 1000 calories and using cardio workouts such as treadmill exercise to burn the calories, sit-ups to strengthen the abs, and circuit training if you haven't got time to go to the gym.
Of course swimming is an all-round healthy way of losing weight, but don't expect it to drop off once you've done a weeks worth. It takes motivation, determination and a lot of support, so maybe try and get someone to join in with you when you exercise.

I did this type of diet for 2 weeks last summer, I consumed around 500 calories a day and as little fat as possible. I drank 2 litres of water and ran 3 miles a day.
I went from a small size 14 to a medium size 10. Noticed no difference in myself with regards to my skin and hair, felt a little more tired, but that didn't really matter as it was the holidays.
I don't know if it'd work for you so I won't recommend it, just telling you honestly what my personal experience was.

p.s. Also took a multivitamin tablet everyday.

You think that you'll be able to control your binging now but it's not as easy as you think. If you think you can go from this to healthy eating once you're your desired weight then go ahead but I wouldnt recommend it, having tried this myself and ending up weighing more than I started with (was an 8 before, went down to a 6 and now I'm a 10 - i'm short btw).

(Original post by Anonymous)
Anon or Delete, please.

I weigh just under 15st, I'm female and I'm only 5'4". So yes, I'm desperately overweight, and yes, it is my fault. I used to be skinny (8st) until Age 14, then I started staying in a lot because I was getting bullied in secondary school, and snacked on all this weight over the years. Anyways, I've been thinking consuming up to only 500 calories a day to lose weight.

My questions are:

1. If I keep consistant with this 'diet' - how long will it take me to reach 9st? What's a rough estimate?
2. What are helpful exercises to go along with this? For now, I'm planning on walkin home from college (I go three days per week) every day, which is a good four mile trek, and maybe swimming one hour a week. Along with this, 10 situps a day.

Now, before someone screams "ohmfgawd starvation diet" or "you'll just put it all back on again because your body will cling onto the few calories you do consume and store it as fat". I know that's not strictly true, because it takes two weeks, roughly, for starvation mode to kick in, and when it does kick in, it only lowers your BMR to 30% - 60% but when you're consuming so few calories, it's scientifically impossible to gain weight. As you know, to lose weight you must burn more calories than you're consuming, and if you lay in bed all day, you would naturally burn a good 1000+ calories because your bodily organs needs calories to run, like the heart, brain, etc.

The reason people gain weight back so quickly after a diet or restriction isn't because of starvation mode, but because they binge it all back on. Something I'd be very careful to avoid after I reached my target weight. I do know, due to hunger pangs, it's not possible to constantly consume so little, so obviously I do acknowledge there would be off-days where I'll eat more to fend them off, but then continue. I also plan to incorporate all the nutrition I'll need by eating different stuff, each day.

I'm only really asking this for people to answer my questions, not try to discourage me using scaremongering myths.

If i eat 300 calories a day

P.S. Sorry if this comes across as *****y, I'm just tired of hearing about that. I've did this before and I lost a significant amount of weight in a short time and did not gain it back, so I speak partially from experience.

I run on the tredmill for 30mins 3x a week. That burns 439 calories per run. Its not an easy run, so if you're not used to running I suggest you start off at 15mins and work your way up.

Try eating healthy and do something like that if you want to maintain a healthy body weight. Eating 500 calories per day is very unhealthy, and I urge you to re-consider your diet plan.

In the 1960's a man weighing 50+ stones, only drank water with mineral tablets in and his energy demands were met by burning his enormous fat reserves, by the end after over 400 days he was able to lead a normal life, so it does work but obviously you don't a diet quite as extreme, but it does work in extreme cases. So there.

You'll probably lose weight pretty quickly, sadly by the time you do your hair will have fallen out and your main organs will have started to be eaten away at, so you're probably just best to stick to 1200-1500 a day and lose it properly.

Is 300 calories a day enough to lose weight?

A 300-calorie deficit will result in weight loss but at a slow enough pace that you can maintain your muscle mass and look strong and lean. You'd most likely lose around 0.5 to 1% of your body weight per week.

Is 300 calories good to eat?

Most people require at least 1200 calories in order for their body to perform basic functions like breathing, so eating only 300 calories in a day would be considered very unhealthy and even dangerous to your health.

What happens if I eat less than 500 calories a day?

In general, if you cut about 500 calories a day from your usual diet, you may lose about ½ to 1 pound a week. But this can vary depending on your body, how much weight you want to lose, your gender and activity level.

Can you live on 500 calories a day?

Danger of deficiencies The greatest dangers associated with a 500-calorie diet relate to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to many health problems. In fact, most people cannot meet their vitamin and mineral requirements if they eat less than 1200 calories per day.