If you have your associates degree are you an undergraduate

Maybe you earned an associate’s degree years ago or maybe you’re in school for it now. No matter the timeline, turning an associate’s into a bachelor’s degree can propel your career and qualifications to the next level. And it’s not as tricky as you may think, especially if you follow the tips below.

An associate’s degree is a two-year degree, typically offered at a community college. Associate’s degree programs tend to focus on general studies with an employment-based standard of measure. They can help you meet qualifications for specific jobs, provide training for some technical fields and establish a base of education to build on if you so choose!

What is a bachelor’s degree?

A bachelor’s degree is a four-year degree, typically offered at a four-year college or university. Bachelor’s degree programs tend to focus on preparing students for success in a variety of fields with higher education standards of measure. For example, you might pursue a bachelor’s to work in fields like management and leadership, teaching, accounting, nursing, engineering or healthcare administration.

go from an associate’s to a bachelor’s?

Studies show that bachelor’s degree holders earn an average of $20,000 more annually than those with associate’s degrees. That’s more than $800,000 more in lifetime earnings.

Beyond the potential for increased income, bachelor’s degrees can open up new career opportunities. Many employers screen job applicants based on education level; a bachelor’s degree can help you land interview opportunities you wouldn’t otherwise have been considered for. It’s a highly marketable qualification, implying critical thinking and reasoning skills, a working understanding of history and science, and writing and communication excellence.

It also opens up professions that require a bachelor’s degree – like teaching, engineering and accounting – and jobs that require graduate-level degrees – like pharmacy, medicine, social work, counseling, physical therapy and veterinary medicine.

How to Turn an Associate’s Degree Into a Bachelor’s

  1. Find a school that matches your goals.

    It’s common to start your search by exploring universities that offer the specific program you’re after. But you’ll also want to consider other factors that will impact your experience and success in the program. Think about what kind of format you want – fully online, hybrid, in-person, accelerated, self-paced, etc. Is attending a local university important to you? Or a large school? Do you want to learn alongside a group of peers or independently? These are important factors to consider as you begin your research.

  2. Start the admissions process at the college you want to get your bachelor’s degree from.

    Once you’ve selected a school that matches your goals, get in contact with their admissions team. You can request information or reach out to a specific individual if contact information is listed.

  3. Find out what prerequisites are needed or what you’re already bringing in.

    Once you’re in contact with the admissions team, they’ll look at your transcripts and identify what credits are transferable. In fact, some schools offer a free transcript evaluation as part of the admissions process, so you know exactly what to expect. Ask the admissions team what courses you should be sure to take to transfer as seamlessly as possible into the new institution.

  4. Choose when to start the program.

    Your admissions counselor will work with you to determine the earliest date you can enroll in the program – but ultimately, the decision is up to you. Some people prefer the momentum of transferring straight into a bachelor’s degree program after earning an associate’s. Others may take some time to work, then join a degree completion program later on. Whatever your path, you’ll have the best success when you’re fully committed to finishing your degree.

  5. Apply for financial aid.

    Don’t skip this step! Almost every student who can demonstrate financial need is eligible for federal and/or state funds to help cover the cost of tuition. Some schools offer additional awards as well. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can search and apply for external scholarships, which can help further close the gap.

Gabriel Edwards

George Fox University graduate

The clearer you can be with yourself about what you want to do in life and how a particular college/program can help you get there, the more effective the experience will be.

Tips from Admissions Counselors

  • Start working with your desired bachelor’s degree program before you finish your associate’s.

    If you are getting your associate’s degree with plans to pursue a bachelor’s next, it’s a good idea to get in touch with the admissions team at your school of choice two or three semesters before you complete your associate’s degree, to make sure you are maximizing your transferable credits to meet the bachelor’s degree program requirements. They’ll help you find gaps in your transcript and advise how you can fill those in your final terms of your associate’s degree program to save you time and money down the road.

  • Choose courses that will transfer well.

    Typically, classes that are 100 level or higher are transferable to four-year institutions. For the best chance of transferring, select general education courses as opposed to vocational or technical credits and make sure the college is regionally accredited.

  • Get a free transcript evaluation.

    Many institutions offer free transcript evaluations to help you determine how many credits you would need to complete your bachelor’s degree. This can be helpful to get an initial idea of time and financial investment.

  • Believe in your success.

    Taking the leap to pursue a bachelor’s degree can feel daunting and out of reach. As you explore your options, remember that if earning your degree is a priority for you, you can do it. Just take it one step at a time.


Contact Leah Gomes, adult degree program admissions counselor at George Fox University.

Common Questions

  • What’s the difference between an associate’s and a bachelor’s degree?

    The difference is usually about two years of study. Typically an associate’s degree is earned at a community college, and a bachelor’s degree is granted by a four-year college or university. Some accelerated programs allow associate’s degree holders to complete their bachelor’s in less time, while some part-time programs might take longer to complete.

  • How many credits do you need for an associate’s degree? A bachelor’s degree?

    An associate’s degree usually requires 60 to 90 quarter credits. A bachelor’s degree is typically 120 semester credits or 180 quarter credits. (Two-year institutions generally work on the quarter system, whereas four-year institutions are on the semester system. Credits earned in the quarter system are worth two-thirds of credits earned in the semester system.)

  • Do you have to earn an associate’s degree before earning a bachelor’s?

    You do not need an associate’s degree to get a bachelor’s. For example, traditional undergraduate students don’t earn an associate’s on their way to their bachelor’s. However, associate’s degrees are often associated with job requirements and can open up career opportunities with fewer years in school, which can be an advantage of earning an associate’s before transferring to a bachelor’s program.

  • Can you transfer college credit into a bachelor’s degree program without an associate’s degree?

    Yes! Typically any credits that were earned at a regionally accredited institution and are 100 level or above can be transferred to a four-year institution.

  • Can an associate’s degree be applied toward a bachelor’s degree?

    Yes, any credits from your associate’s that meet requirements in the bachelor’s degree program will apply. In Oregon, there’s a special degree designed to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program, called the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) degree. Typically an AAOT transfers best to Oregon schools, but it will likely transfer as elective credit to Washington and California schools as well.

    The one exception is an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. An AAS is designed for workforce application and is often more difficult to apply toward a bachelor’s degree.

  • What is an articulation agreement?

    An articulation or transfer agreement is a formal understanding between two institutions that outlines how credits will transfer from a two-year institution to a four-year institution. It creates a clear path from associate’s to bachelor’s degree and is common between state schools and community colleges.

  • Is it worth it to earn a bachelor’s?

    Yes, especially if you are pursuing a career in a field that requires a four-year degree or graduate-level education. Even if it’s not a job requirement, a bachelor’s degree will often increase your chances in the interview process and make you a highly marketable candidate for any job. Additionally, reports like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show that bachelor’s degree holders earn $20,000 more on average than associate’s degree holders.

    Going from an associate’s degree to a bachelor’s degree can open new possibilities for your career, your family and further study. It’s a big decision and requires an investment of time and finances, but has the potential to significantly increase your income and advance your career.

in completing your bachelor’s degree?

Learn more about fully online adult degree programs at George Fox University.


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