Is malpractice and liability insurance the same

A specialized type of professional liability insurance, medical malpractice insurance provides coverage to physicians and other medical professionals for liability arising from disputed services that result in a patient’s injury or death. A majority of American doctors face at least one medical malpractice lawsuit in the course of their career.

Carrying this type of insurance is essential for physicians—and is required by law in most states. Other medical professionals who should consider this type of coverage include dentists, psychologists, pharmacists, optometrists, nurses and physical therapists, among others.

Options for purchasing medical malpractice insurance

Depending on the location and nature of a medical practice, medical malpractice insurance can take several forms, including:

  • An individual or group policy purchased from a traditional private insurer.
  • An individual or group policy obtained through a medical risk retention group (RRG), a mutual organization of medical professionals organized to provide liability insurance.
  • Coverage provided as part of a policy held by an employer, such as a hospital.

Medical professionals employed by federal agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, do not need malpractice coverage since the federal government self-insures against liability claims. State and local governments in some instances may also provide liability protection for medical employees.

Medical professionals should seek insurance coverage for themselves as individuals, as well as for their business entity—e.g., corporation, partnership, limited liability company—and their employees.

What’s covered… and what’s not

Medical malpractice insurance covers a range of expenses associated with defending and settling malpractice suits; it also pays damages if you’re found liable. Covered costs include:

  • Attorneys’ fees and court costs.
  • Arbitration costs.
  • Settlement costs.
  • Punitive and compensatory damages.
  • Medical damages.

Medical malpractice does not cover liability that arises from sexual misconduct, criminal acts, and inappropriate alteration of medical records.

When weighing medical malpractice insurance options, it’s important to recognize that a claim may be filed years after the disputed treatment took place. There are two types of policies you can obtain: A “claims-made” policy will only provide coverage if the policy is in effect both when the treatment took place and when a lawsuit is filed. An “occurrence” policy will cover any claim for an event that took place during the period of coverage—even if the claim itself is filed after the policy lapses. Some claims-made policies will provide a period of “tail” coverage that extends coverage for a set amount of time—e.g., five years—after the policy ends. Medical professionals may want to purchase tail coverage when they change insurance policies, take a new position or retire.

In addition to facing medical liability claims, medical practices also face risks associated with cyber liability and regulatory requirements—such as compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Medical professionals may want to consider purchasing separate cyber liability insurance or seeking a malpractice policy that covers these types of exposures.

This is where professional liability insurance comes in. Professional liability insurance protects your business against lawsuits that claim you made a mistake in your professional services. For example, if you forget to do a job agreed to in a contract with your client and they end up losing money, they can sue your business.


Depending on your business, this business insurance coverage is also known as:


  • Malpractice insurance
  • Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance

It's a good idea to get professional liability insurance if you work directly with customers or offer advice. Be sure to check your state’s rules for professional liability insurance, because some industries have to carry coverage.


Even if you're not required to have coverage, it's still a good idea because it can help cover your legal defense costs, settlements and judgments if a customer sues you for a mistake.


What Is Errors & Omissions Insurance?

Errors and omissions insurance is another name for professional liability insurance. So, you'll still get the same coverage, despite the different names.


Professional Liability vs. Errors and Omissions Insurance

Depending on your business, you may hear the term errors and omissions insurance for professional liability. However, there is no difference in these coverages.


Professional Liability vs. Malpractice Insurance

Malpractice insurance is another name for professional liability insurance for legal or medical professionals.


No matter what it’s called, professional liability policies offer coverage if you make a mistake in your professional service. If a client sues you, these coverages will help pay for your legal defense.


Who Needs Professional Liability Insurance?

For most businesses, professional liability isn’t a legal requirement, but it’s a good investment. Customers can file claims against you in any industry. If they do, professional liability can help protect your business from legal fees and financial loss.


Businesses that buy professional liability coverage often include:


  • Medical providers
  • Attorneys and legal service providers
  • Business consultants
  • Real estate agents & brokers
  • Accountants
  • Financial service professionals
  • General contractors

You’ll especially want to consider this coverage if your business works with:


  • Vendors
  • Suppliers
  • Contractors
  • Customers

As a business owner, it’s important that you work with an insurance company you can trust. At The Hartford, we're backed by more than 200 years of experience and we love helping both large and small businesses get the coverage they need.


Discover and compare more coverages that businesses like yours may need:

  • Business Owners Policy vs. General Liability Insurance
  • General Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance
  • General Liability Insurance vs. Workers' Comp

We can even help you bundle other types of business insurance with your professional liability coverage. This provides you with added protection against bodily injury, personal injury and advertising injury errors and omissions claims examples. To get the coverage you need, contact an insurance agent or get a quote today.


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