Juice that makes you cum really hard

  • 1. Watermelon
  • 2. Spinach and Other Leafy Greens
  • 3. Coffee
  • 4. Dark Chocolate
  • 5. Salmon
  • 6. Pistachios
  • 7. Almonds, Walnuts, and Other Nuts
  • 8. Oranges and Blueberries
  • 9. Spicy, Hot Foods

Is it possible that foods can help you stay erect when having erectile dysfunction?

According to recent statistics, approximately one-third of all men experience erectile dysfunction (ED), making it the most common sexual dysfunction in men. While there are several medications on the market intended to improve erections, there are also several foods that may help men attain and sustain stronger erections.

Food can help improve erections because the processes involved in the swelling of the penis are both psychological and physical. Specifically, when a man gets an erection, his mind and body go through the following steps:

  1. He experiences mental and sensory stimulation, which causes the brain to send messages to the nerves in and around the penis.
  2. The nerve messages cause the muscles in the corpora cavernosa to relax. The corpora cavernosa includes the muscles around the shaft and head of the penis. When they’re relaxed, it’s easier for blood to flow in.
  3. Blood then fills up the spaces inside the penis, causing it to expand and grow erect.
  4. A membrane around the corpora cavernosa called the tunica albuginea traps the blood inside the penis. This helps the penis stay erect.

Even though the relaxation of the smooth muscles in the penis begins with messages sent through the nerves, nitric oxide plays a key role. Nitric oxide regulates the flow of blood and the tone of smooth muscle, including that which is in the penis.

Therefore, the foods on this list all have at least one of the following benefits:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Contain nitric oxide
  • Contain arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide

Here are some foods that can help you stay erect and support a medically sound erectile dysfunction treatment.

1. Watermelon

Watermelon contains citrulline, another precursor to nitric acid. It is a food for a good erection because it dilates and relaxes the blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow into the penis.

Watermelon’s citrulline content makes it similar to other foods for penis health, such as cucumber, bitter melons, and gourds.

2. Spinach and Other Leafy Greens

Spinach is high in nitric oxide and therefore, like other hard erection foods, helps arteries expand and fill up with blood.

A study found that spinach, when served in a soup with onions, low-sodium chicken broth, and black pepper, significantly improved the nitrate levels of participants while only adding an extra 94 calories to their diet.

The nitrates in spinach and other green, leafy foods for erection, like kale and arugula, serve not just as foods for penis health but for your entire vascular system.

3. Coffee

Another food that helps for penis growth is coffee. It has less than five calories—at least until you add sugar and cream—so it’s one of the lightest foods that help with erectile dysfunction.

A study found that men who sipped between 170 and 375 milligrams (mg) of caffeine each day, or 2-3 cups approximately, had lower rates of erectile dysfunction. Caffeine is an effective penis food because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis, paving the way for blood to fill it up.

4. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a top food for strong erection because it is packed with flavanols, which make it easier for blood to flow through the body. However, because dark chocolate is often high in sugar and fat, eating too much can make you gain weight.

An ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories and nine grams of fat, so it may not be the healthiest choice among important foods to help an erection.

5. Salmon

Salmon is one of the best foods to help get erect because it is rich in vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight is responsible for around 80% of vitamin D, so if you’re not able to go outside as much as you’d like, some salmon can help you get what you need. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent endothelial dysfunction, which is when your arteries, blood vessels, and organs aren’t able to properly circulate blood.

Vitamin D supplementation may be especially important in areas that experience a lot of cloudy days or longer winters. In England and its U.K. neighbors, vitamin D levels in residents are 50% higher at the end of the summer than at the end of the winter. Eating salmon in these kinds of climates may give your body what it needs to get and keep a strong erection.

6. Pistachios

Pistachios are packed with arginine, which makes them excellent for those seeking food help for penis growth. The arginine encourages the production of nitric oxide, which, in turn, helps regulate blood flow to the penis and other parts of the body.

7. Almonds, Walnuts, and Other Nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and many other varieties of nuts are rich in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), otherwise known as “good cholesterol.” Good cholesterol absorbs bad cholesterol and carries it back to the liver.

When bad cholesterol gets stuck in your arteries and blood vessels, it blocks the flow of blood to your organs, including the penis. Eating walnuts, almonds, and other nuts gives your body what it needs to get bad cholesterol to your liver where it can be broken down and discarded as waste.

8. Oranges and Blueberries

Although oranges and blueberries seem to have little in common with dark chocolate, they share one important trait: They’re packed with flavonoids. This makes them one of the best foods for erectile dysfunction. Flavonoids encourage the flow of blood, which allows the penis to become engorged after it’s been stimulated.

A study by the Oxford University found that the effect of flavonoid-rich foods reduced the chances of erectile dysfunction by between 9-11%.

9. Spicy, Hot Foods

Thanks to the capsaicin found in hot peppers, a little hot sauce or a habanero on the side may help with getting an erection. Researchers in France found that men who ate more hot foods had higher levels of testosterone.

Other studies have also found a direct correlation between low testosterone symptoms in men and how easy it is to get and maintain an erection.

If you have ED, you may want to load up on the foods above. They can make it easier for your body to get blood to your penis when you’ve been stimulated. Additionally, they may benefit the rest of your circulatory system and organs, and lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.

If you’re having issues and would like to learn more about erectile dysfunction treatment in Cincinnati, call the team at Proactive Men’s Medical Center now to schedule an appointment to have a consultation with their experienced and specially trained medical staff. We are a leading men’s clinic providing ED therapy, PE therapy, hormone therapy, and much more.

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Get enough exercise and sleep. ... .
Quit smoking. ... .
Avoid excessive alcohol and drug use. ... .
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Get enough vitamin D. ... .
Take ashwagandha. ... .
Eat more antioxidant-rich foods..

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