Kuii coconut milk drink good for you

Each week a nutritionist from the University of Maryland Medical Center provides a guest post to The Baltimore Sun's health blog Picture of Health (baltimoresun.com/pictureofhealth), which is printed here. This week, Amy Reed weighs in on coconut drinks.

Coconut products, such as coconut water and coconut cream, are among the hot new items hitting grocery store shelves. Are these drinks beneficial for your health?


Coconut water is the liquid inside a young coconut. One cup of coconut water contains about 50 calories and no protein or fat. Coconut water is low in calories, although the amount varies depending on added ingredients such as sugar or juice. It also contains a high amount of potassium, which is good for your heart, and other electrolytes, such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which aid in hydration.

You may have seen coconut water advertised as a hydration option after a workout. As mentioned in a recent National Public Radio story ("Is the coconut water craze all it's cracked up to be?"), most people do not work out hard enough or long enough to need an electrolyte- replacement beverage. Water is sufficient. Moreover, coconut water is high in potassium although relatively low in sodium, which is the most important mineral that needs to be replenished after a hard workout. In other words, coconut water is a good source of potassium but may not be the best choice for rehydrating. You can also get the same amount of potassium by eating bananas, potatoes and dried beans.


Coconut milk and cream are made by combining the flesh of the coconut with water. The ratio of coconut to water varies, depending on whether it is light, regular or cream. Calories and fat also vary depending on this ratio. For example, one cup of light coconut milk contains about 150 calories and 14 grams of fat (21 percent of recommended daily fat intake); regular has an estimated 350 calories and 30 grams of fat (49 percent of daily fat); and cream has about 1,000 calories and 40 grams of fat (64 percent of daily fat). All of these contain 0-1 grams of protein. Most of the fat in coconut is saturated, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. There have been conflicting studies evaluating the specific fat properties in coconut.

Coconut milk beverages consist of coconut milk or cream plus water and other additives. These beverages are similar to the light coconut milk and are typically lower in calories and fat compared to regular coconut milk. So Delicious Dairy Free Unsweetened Coconut Milk contains 50 calories, 5 grams of fat (8 percent of daily fat intake) and 1 gram of protein in 1 cup. These beverages contain many of the same vitamins and minerals as regular coconut milk and are often fortified with more. They are generally found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store and advertised as milk substitutes.

Coconut drinks are not miracle beverages and should be consumed in moderation. To conserve calories, choose light or unsweetened coconut milk or beverages. Keep track of the amount of coconut water you drink, even 50 calories a serving can add up.

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Nata de coco is a Spanish term that refers to the chewy tapioca-like product of coconut milk and water. Nata de coco is hydrating and can help give the body the boost in hydration needed to pick your health up and energize you. Not only does nata de coco have these properties, but so does coconut water. In fact, according to the US Department of Agriculture's National Nutrient Database, a cup of coconut water has about 600 milligrams of potassium. For reference, a banana has less than 500 milligrams and coconut water can also be served in a drink packed with amazing natural flavors and vitamin C.

We love Kuii Power Drink’s natural Sparkling Coconut Water and Coconut Milk Drinks with nata de coco to provide two unique options that provide all these health benefits and great taste. Each line comes with unique flavors and give you alternative options that make taking in potassium and Vitamin C easy.

Take your health to the next step and try incorporating coconut water or coconut milk with nata de coco into your diet. What is even better about coconut water is that it is low in acidity and easy on people with sensitive stomachs. These drinks can be served in smoothies, mixed in with fruit, or even in a frozen smoothie bowl with fruit and honey. Not to mention that this can be a secret weapon and a quick hangover cure.

What are the chunks in KUII coconut milk drink?

It is a blend of Coconut Milk and Coconut Water, with tiny cubes of coconut jelly. The perfect blend of Coconut Milk and Coconut Water gives a smooth and creamy texture, without being heavy or filling.

Is it OK to drink coconut milk everyday?

In moderation, coconut milk can have health benefits, but consuming too much can have some undesirable effects. Coconut milk contains high levels of calories and fats. Combining a high intake of coconut milk with a carbohydrate-rich diet can result in weight gain.

Is coconut milk drink with nata de coco good for you?

Nata de coco is low in calories and contains vitamins (vitamins B, B1, B2, C) which will assist to boost immunity of children. Additionally, Nata de coco, by itself, is suitable for diabetes patients' consumption in moderation. Let's try including Nata de coco to your dessert or into to your kids' diet!

Does KUII have milk in it?

While there is no dairy in Kuii Drinks, they do contain sodium caseinate, a derivative of milk. Are Kuii Drinks gluten free? Yes, Kuii Drinks are gluten free.


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