Liz lovely cookies where to buy

In 2003, there weren’t good vegan cookies around. So, Liz Scott decided to create her own, Liz Lovely Cookies. After pitching it to Whole Foods and finding success, she and her husband at the time, Dan, landed an episode of Shark Tank. Even though they did not walk out with a deal, Liz was determined to keep working. So, what’s become of the business now? Find out below.

Where are Liz Lovely Cookies now?

1) Liz Lovely Cookies were pitched to the sharks as all-natural, artisan crafted cookies. They were gluten-free and vegan. Fun flavors like ginger molasses and triple chocolate were just a couple options they had. Liz’s unique recipe was so popular amongst her friends and family at home, she just had to take it further. That’s how the business was born.

Credit: Line 17

2) Their Whole Foods store locations grew, and they were picked up by United Natural Foods, according to the Burlington Free Press. National distribution meant major sales. At the time, they even had to move into bigger production spaces to keep up with demand!

3) They went in asking for $200,000 for 10%, but after more sharks bowed out, they reconsidered. When the “gluten free mogul” Mark Cuban was left and asked them to come back with an offer, they said the 200 for 20%. But, Mark didn’t take that deal. So, Liz and Dan left without one.

4) Sadly, Liz and Dan divorced in 2014. In 2018, she filed for bankruptcy with Liz Lovely Cookies. While it’s still mentioned on Liz’s website, there’s no place you can purchase them anymore.

5) Speaking of the website, still exists. It’s just not for cookies anymore. Liz turned her mind to another business venture: chat lines. The matchmaking service has been steady, and is still active today. You can read more about it here.

Watch Shark Tank Fridays at 8 PM ET on ABC to see more business journeys.


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Liz Lovely Cookies on Shark Tank

Gourmet Cookies Season 4 Episode 403 – 9-29-2012 Update

Dan and Liz Holtz on the Shark Tank Show

  Dan and Liz Holtz are the owners of the Liz Lovely Cookies seen on the Shark Tank earlier in season 4 when they were seeking a $200,000.00 investment for a 10% stake in the gourmet cookie business. All the cookies are gluten free and vegan made only with the freshest ingredients. They use none of the traditional ingredients such as eggs, milk, butter and wheat flour.

After an entertaining presentation Kevin O’Leary asks “what are they made out of, sand”? Dan rightly so seems to take offense to his comment and replies “they are made out of a blend of rice flour and some starches but don’t let that fool you”. All the Sharks seem to really like this rather interesting way of making cookies
especially when they reveal having already
 sold over a million dollars worth of Liz Lovely Cookies.
That is with the exception of good Ole Mr. Wonderful who says “I wouldn’t eat these unless I had too”. If there is one thing you can always count of O’Leary is he will say xactly what’s on his mind and doesn’t seem to care who it offends in the process. This was no exception.

Out of the million dollars in sales last year they had a profit margin of only 10% because of the high overhead getting to this level. The profit margin could be raised significantly with an investment from the Shark Tank. It cost $1 to make and package two Liz Lovely Cookies and retails for $3.99-$4.99. Apparently $2 is the average price for a gluten free cookie so this product is right in line with the competitions.

Dan and Liz were three days away from opening up the first retail location when Hurricane Irene completely wiped out the entire operation and they had to rebuild from the ground up. With all the obstacles the Holtz’s have gone through to get to this point, they are more determined than ever to succeed.

They have the orders coming pouring in and all the Sharks think Dan is a terrific salesman for this product but think the 2 million dollar valuation is still way too high at this point. The Sharks all proceed to go out with the exception of Mark Cuban.

Mark ends up doing something he has never done on the Shark Tank and reverses his usual strategy. He gives them one chance to come back with a better offer if they want his money and him as a business partner. After returning to the Shark Tank, Dan and Liz offers Mark double the equity or 20% of the cookie business. This was not the number Cuban was looking for and proceeds to go out. He did happen to mention after the Holtz’s left the Tank that he would of done the deal for 33% of the business. Unfortunately had Mark done what he normally does and gives the terms he might be interested in, they very well may of accepted his one third ownership.

Liz Lovely Cookies after the Shark Tank Update

Dan and Liz are still determined to get the Liz Lovely Cookies in all the Health Food Store across the country. They ended up trying the Kickstarter route a few months later to get the much needed capital to expand their operation. Unfortunately this also did not meet their rather ambitious goal of $50,000.00 within a month’s time.

After studying several successful Kickstarter campaigns it’s possible they could of changed a few things and possibly got the Liz Lovely Cookies funded. For starters the minimum to invest in the campaign and actually get their main product “cookies” would have cost you $50. The cheapest you could help this crowdfunding campaign was a $10 donation for a shout out. To tell you the truth the more I look at the pledges, the more it confuses me. Are they selling cookies or are they selling T-shirts and aprons sporting their Brand? If they put a more realistic goal with more (smaller) pledges for the cookies, they very easily could run a “successful campaign”.

This set back again has not stopped Dan and Liz from making the Liz Lovely Cookies a household name. Just a few weeks ago they announced they made a deal with Safeway to carry their brand in all 1400 stores across the country which will drastically increase the bottom line.

Yes I do believe Major Success is just around the corner for the Holtz Family and proving once again that nothing can stop you once you are determined to succeed!

Visit Liz Lovely Cookies
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About The Author

John Poole

John has been a long-time Shark Tank fan. He loves the show because he's an entrepreneur at heart. To help viewers of the show find out more information about the products and services that were on the show, John created

Is Liz Lovely cookies out of business?

In 2014, Liz and Dan Holtz were divorced and Dan no longer works for or is involved in the Liz Lovely business. On April 19, 2018, Liz Scott (formerly Liz Holtz) filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Indiana, detailing a total of $636,024 in unpaid debts. As of 2018, the company website does not exist.

What happened to the Liz Lovely cookies on Shark Tank?

Liz Lovely cookies went dark without notice Shark Tank Success revealed that owners Liz Scott and Dan Holtz tried unsuccessfully to launch a Kickstarter campaign for new equipment. "We had Wegmans and some of the Whole Foods," Scott told Burlington Free Press about one year after Liz Lovely's demise. "We had Safeway.

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