Looking forward to continuing working with you examples


  • English (US)
  • Spanish (Mexico)

  • English (US)

Question about English (US)

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  • what is correct? Where are you study? Or Where do you study? Thank you.
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  • If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one. Does this sentence sound nat...
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  • In an open are, there are a lot of men of different appearances, such as some wearing a hat, some...
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  • In an open are, there are a lot of men of different appearances, such as some wearing a hat, some...
  • Could you please proofread my writing and tell me if it sounds natural? I would appreciate it if...

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How do you say I look forward to continuing to work with you?

RE: look forward to continue/continuing "We look forward to working with you" is correct and so is "We look forward to continue working with you." I believe that "We look forward to continuing to work with you" is passive voice, which is often considered boring and poor style.

How do you say looking forward to you professionally?

Formal Ways of Saying “I Look Forward to Hearing From You”.
I'm eagerly awaiting your response..
I hope to hear from you soon..
Your prompt response would be appreciated..
Keep me informed of any updates..
Thank you in advance for your response..
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me..

How do you say professionally excited to work with you?

I'm [Your Name] and I'm the new [job title] here. Since I know we'll be working together on quite a few different projects, I wanted to reach out and briefly introduce myself. I'm super excited to work with you all and am looking forward to meeting you personally during our upcoming meeting on [date].

What can I say instead of looking forward to it?

look for..
watch (for).
hope (for).


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