Lower abdominal pain 2 days after intercourse


01/8​Why many women experience stomach pain after sex?

WHY MANY WOMEN EXPERIENCE STOMACH PAIN AFTER SEX? Sex is supposed to be an exciting and pleasurable session. However, experiencing discomfort and pain in the stomach right after having sex is not uncommon for women. There could be several reasons for stomach ache after sex, which, if ignored, can turn out to be a complicated issue. So, why does your stomach ache after sex and what can be done to get relieved from this condition? Read on to know.


02/8​Main causes

MAIN CAUSES: According to gynaecologists, there are two main reasons behind this condition. The first reason is experiencing an orgasm. Reaching an orgasm is a pleasurable moment but it also causes uterine contractions, which can lead to stomach ache post-sex. Another reason responsible for this is being in the period of ovulation. Deep penetration can cause pain if there is fluid in the pelvic area, which can be caused due to the release of the egg.


03/8​Reaction to sperm

REACTION TO SPERM: Another reason that can be triggering the pain is the sperm itself. Health experts say that as sperm is an irritant to the uterus, the uterus can react when in contact with sperms. This can result in uterine contractions, which in turn causes stomach pain and cramps.


04/8Tilted Uterus

TILTED UTERUS: About 30 per cent of women have a tilted uterus that means their uterus is lying backwards instead of leaning forward. In medical terms, this condition is known as a retroverted uterus. In this case when the penis puts extra pressure on the uterus during intercourse women may experience cramps. You can experiment with different positions and angles to find the one that doesn’t hurt.


05/8Sexual position

SEXUAL POSITION: Sexual position that allows deeper penetration during vaginal or anal sex could also cause pain. Most women experience pain in their abdomen after trying out sexual positions like missionary or doggy style. Try to avoid deep thrusting and opt for other positions, like on your side and cowgirl. These sexual positions provide you more control over the depth of penetration and are comparatively less painful.


06/8​Bacterial contact

BACTERIAL CONTACT: There is a high possibility that during intercourse, along with sperms, bacteria may also enter the urethra. This can cause irritation and stomach pain.


07/8​How can you get rid of this situation?

HOW CAN YOU GET RID OF THIS SITUATION: When it is about pain due to orgasm, you cannot do much about it. It will automatically get better once your muscles are relaxed. But if the situation persists and you experience severe pain, contact a gynaecologist. To prevent bacteria and relieving your uterus from sperm irritation, take shower after sex. This will wash away any remnants of sperm. Another way you can prevent this discomfort is by urinating. Urinating will help in flushing out bacteria from the urethra.


08/8​What if the pain is severe and persistent?

WHAT IF THE PAIN IS SEVERE AND PERSISTENT? Normally, pain after sex goes away on its own in very less time. But if it doesn’t and you experience discomfort, you need to see a doctor.



Most of the time people talk about the pleasure of sex. Less often they talk about pain related to sex, which can take away a lot of the pleasure.

Cramping is just one type of pain you may experience after sex. But if you’re experiencing it, you’re not alone. What causes this cramping and what can be done about it? Read on to find out.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a type of birth control. It’s a small piece of plastic shaped like a T that’s inserted into the uterus. IUDs prevent unwanted pregnancy by stopping sperm cells from reaching an egg. Some also contain hormones.

A woman may experience cramping up to several weeks after an IUD is inserted, regardless of whether or not she has sex. Once she starts having sex, these cramps may feel more intense. But that shouldn’t always be a cause for alarm.

Sexual intercourse can’t displace an IUD, so there’s no need to worry if you experience cramping during the few weeks after IUD insertion. If it’s been more than a few weeks after insertion and you’re still experiencing cramping, you may want to speak to your doctor about what could be causing the pain.

As long as you don’t have a high-risk pregnancy, it’s safe and healthy to have sex up until your water breaks. You can’t harm your unborn baby by having sex while they’re in your body. However, your doctor may advise against you having sex if you’ve experienced:

  • bleeding
  • abdominal pain or cramps
  • broken water
  • a history of cervical weakness
  • genital herpes
  • a low-lying placenta

Pregnant women often experience cramping after sex. That’s because orgasms can set off contractions in the womb, which lead to cramps. This is especially common when a woman is in her third trimester of pregnancy. Relaxing for a few minutes can allow the cramping to ease.

Many women experience pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Commonly, this pain occurs as cramping in the abdomen. It usually starts one to two days into menstruation, and can last from 12 to 72 hours.

Cramping can also occur during ovulation when a woman’s egg drops from her fallopian tube into her uterus. Pain during the menstrual cycle is caused by contractions in a woman’s uterus.

During sex, period pain may actually be alleviated to some degree. However, the pressure sex puts on the cervix may cause pain afterwards. Ovulating and menstruating women are more likely to experience cramping after sex. Orgasms can also set off contractions that cause cramping in the abdomen.

Cramps after sex can have many causes. Luckily, the causes are usually not a major cause for concern. But that doesn’t make cramping after sex any less painful or unpleasant.

Taking pain-relievers

One effective treatment for cramping after sex is pain-relieving medication. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers can lessen cramping by relaxing the abdominal muscles. These include:

  • ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin IB)
  • naproxen sodium (Aleve)
  • acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Applying heat

Applying heat to your abdomen can also help reduce abdominal cramping. You can do this with:

  • a hot bath
  • heating pad
  • hot water bottle
  • heat patch

Heat works by increasing blood flow or circulation to the cramped area, relieving pain.

Add supplements

You may want to try adding supplements to your diet, such as:

  • vitamin E
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
  • vitamin B-6
  • magnesium

These supplements can help ease tension in the muscles, lessening cramping and pain.

Practice relaxation techniques

Sex is a pleasurable experience, but orgasm can cause tension in the body. If you experience cramping after sex, relaxation techniques can sometimes help ease pain. Stretching, yoga, deep breathing, and meditation can be effective.

Adjust lifestyle

If you experience cramps after sex and you also drink and smoke, you might want to reconsider your habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco can often make cramping worse.

During pregnancy

Frequent sex during pregnancy can sometimes lead to urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially if you’re prone to them. UTIs can cause pregnancy complications if you don’t seek treatment. You may have a UTI if you’ve been experiencing:

  • abdominal cramping
  • a persistent urge to urinate
  • a burning sensation when urinating
  • cloudy urine
  • reddish urine
  • strong-smelling urine

In this case you should seek medical treatment. You can prevent a UTI by emptying your bladder after sex.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Some STIs can cause abdominal cramping, including:

  • chlamydia
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • hepatitis

You may notice this cramping is more severe after sex. Often, STIs are accompanied by other symptoms, and being familiar with those symptoms can help you determine whether or not you have an STI.

During menstruation

Usually cramping after sex during menstruation isn’t a cause for concern. But in some cases, period pain can be a sign of a medical problem. If your menstrual pain begins earlier in your cycle and lasts longer, the cramping may be caused by a reproductive disorder, such as:

  • endometriosis
  • adenomyosis
  • uterine fibroids

See your doctor if you’re experiencing severe or long-lasting menstrual cramps or cramps after sex. They’ll screen you for various medical issues that could be causing them.

Normally, cramping after sex isn’t a cause for concern. And often this pain can be alleviated with a little attention, whether it’s OTC medication or relaxation techniques.

However, if cramping after sex is totally disrupting your love life, or even your everyday life, you should promptly see a doctor. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what’s causing the pain you experience after intercourse.

If you begin experiencing cramping after sex, keep a journal of your symptoms that you can later show to your doctor. Be sure to make note of:

  • the severity of your cramps when they first started
  • the dates of your last two menstrual periods
  • the timing of your pregnancy, if applicable
  • information about any reproductive or sexual problems you’ve had
  • information about any medications or dietary supplements you take


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