Operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems pdf

Sanitary sewer collection systems are critical parts of the wastewater treatment process. Collection systems represent major capital investments for communities. Sewer pipes and pumping stations deteriorate through normal use and age. Proper operation, maintenance, inspection and rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer collection system are necessary to prevent backups and overflows of wastewater. A comprehensive operation and maintenance program for the collection system promotes cost-effective performance of the wastewater treatment system over its design life.

Capacity, Management, Operations and Maintenance (CMOM) Program Self Assessment Checklist
Prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, October 2003

This 25-page checklist is a screening level tool that can help utilities evaluate their operation and maintenance program to identify general areas of strengths and weaknesses. Completing the self-assessment checklist will allow the utility to flag program areas that need improvement and establish priorities for additional or more detailed assessments.

Guide for Evaluating Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance (CMOM) Programs at Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
Prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January 2005. EPA 305-B-05-002

This guide identifies some of the criteria used by EPA to evaluate a collection system's management, operation and maintenance program activities. Collection system owners or operators can review their own systems by following the checklist in Chapter 3 to reduce the occurrence of sewer overflows and improve or maintain compliance.

Basic Wastewater Collection Systems
Prepared for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 1995

This manual is used by the state of Minnesota to train wastewater treatment operators on various collections system operation and maintenance methods. A comprehensive view of collection system operation and maintenance presented in an easy-to-read format. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 651-296-8868

Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems, Volume I
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento

This manual was prepared to train operators on safety procedures for construction, inspections, and testing of sewers; inspection of manholes; and underground construction and repair. Detailed instructions are included for using closed-circuit television, clearing stoppages, cleaning sewers, and controlling roots, grease, odors and corrosion in collection systems.

Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems, Volume II
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento

This manual was prepared to train operators on how to safely operate and maintain a variety of types of motors, supervisory controls, pumps, valves, and other equipment; examine the condition of a sewer system; set up a sewer rehabilitation program; and safely use various methods to replace or repair damaged sewers.

Collection Systems: Methods for Evaluating and Improving Performance
Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento

This manual contains procedures for evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of existing operation and maintenance programs through the use of critical performance indicators. Information is included on how to establish an effective collection system operation and maintenance program that will maintain the functional and structural integrity of the collection system.

Collection System Operation and Maintenance Training Videos
Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento

This video course is designed to train operators in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater collection systems, emphasizing safe practices and procedures. Information is presented on inspection and testing of sewers, inspection of manholes, and underground repair. Detailed instructions are included for using closed-circuit television, clearing stoppages, cleaning sewers, and controlling roots, grease, odors, and corrosion in collection systems. Operators learn to operate and maintain lift stations and a variety of types of motors, supervisory controls, pumps, valves, and other equipment. This course focuses on the knowledge and skills operators need to identify actual collection system problems and select appropriate methods to solve them. This video course was developed to complement the current two-volume set of operation and maintenance training manuals.

Wastewater Collection Systems Management, Manual of Practice (MOP) 7, 6th Edition, 2009
Water Environment Federation

A comprehensive reference addressing procedures, practices and guidelines for effectively operating, maintaining and establishing or re-establishing wastewater collection systems as dependable public utilities.

How does a wastewater collection system work?

The wastewater collection system conveys the wastewater and solids to a treatment plant where the pollutants are removed before the water is discharged to a body of water. In most cases the wastewater collection system conveys wastewater by gravity utilizing the natural slope of the land.

What are some types of wastewater collection systems?

We also learn about the three types of waste collections systems: Sanitary Sewer Systems, Storm Water Systems, and Combined Systems.

What is wastewater collection and treatment?

Wastewater collection operators work on storage and storm sewer systems, specifically piping, pumping, and lift stations, whereas wastewater treatment operators work in treatment plants, treating and disposing municipal wastewater.

What are the three major components of a wastewater system?

The system consists of three basic elements: collection chambers, sewer network and a vacuum station. Any type of (low-)flush toilet (including pour-flush) can be used.