Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

CanesOral® is an effective, clinically proven, single-dose oral treatment that can be taken anytime, anywhere. 

The oral capsule contains an effective antifungal agent that works systematically to treat vaginal yeast infections. The treatment is easy to use at home or on the go and irritating symptoms should begin to disappear soon. To feel better fast, CanesOral® is also available in a Combi format, which contains an extra-strength external cream that provides fast relief from itching and burning. 

CanesOral® helps you feel comfortable again so you can get on with your life. 

  • A complete treatment for a vaginal yeast infection and its 6 main symptoms    
  • Effective one-day single-dose oral treatment
  • A convenient oral pill treatment that can be taken anytime, anywhere

How Do I Know It’s a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

6 main symptoms:

  • Itching 

  • Swelling 

  • Redness 

  • Unusual discharge 

  • Burning 

  • Soreness 

A vaginal yeast infection doesn’t usually change the pH level and has no odour, but you might feel pain during sex or urination.

No stress!

It may feel uncomfortable, but there’s no need to be scared. A yeast infection is not an STI and is usually not a serious condition, and in most cases it can be treated easily and effectively. It is also normal and very common — 3 in 4 women suffer from it at least once during their lifetime and it’s not caused by a lack of hygiene.

Trust CanesOral®

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Gets to the root of the infection and relieves symptoms

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Effectiveness proven by science and decades of real world use

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Choose a Canesten® or CanesOral® product that suits your needs. Available in various easy-to-use formats.

Choose Your Treatment

Across the range of Canesten® and CanesOral® vaginal yeast infection products, all treatments work effectively at treating a vaginal yeast infection.
We offer effective solutions to suit different lifestyles and preferences. Choose the option that suits you best:

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Canesten® Combi Pack contains internal treatment and external cream — useful when external symptoms on your vulva stand in your way. CanesOral® Combi Pack contains an oral capsule treatment and external cream — useful when external symptoms on your vulva stand in your way. Choose Canesten® Single Pack (internal treatment only) or CanesOral® Single Pack (oral treatment only) when you have minimal or no external itching or burning annoying you.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Different dosages to suit your preference: 1-day Canesten® or CanesOral® treatments are convenient and effective and continue working several days until the infection is cured, 3-day Canesten® treatments allow you to feel the product take effect during treatment, and our 6-day Canesten® treatment is recommended for those who prefer to treat for longer.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Choose from vaginal or oral administration: Canesten® vaginal tablet, Canesten® soothing vaginal cream or CanesOral® oral capsule.

How to Use CanesOral® Single Capsule

The pack contains a single-dose oral capsule.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

The capsule is to treat a vaginal yeast infection and should be taken by mouth as a one-time-only dose, with or without food.

Please refer to the package insert for complete instructions on how to use this medication.

Vaginal Yeast Infection: What Are the Risk Factors?

Yeast and bacteria are naturally present in your vagina. A vaginal yeast infection occurs when the level of Candida albicans increases. There are times when you're more prone to a vaginal yeast infection:

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

In pregnancy, especially during the third trimester

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

When you have a weakened immune system

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

When you're on your period

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

When taking certain medications

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

With medical conditions such as diabetes or HIV and when undergoing chemotherapy

Vaginal Yeast Infection: How Can I Prevent It?

If you're worried that a vaginal yeast infection will come back or you suffer from recurring symptoms, there are a few things you can try:

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Wear cotton underwear and change regularly, especially after exercise.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Change your tampons or pads frequently

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Avoid indulging in very hot bubble baths

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Avoid stress and maintain a healthy diet free of high-sugar food.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Avoid heavily perfumed products in and around your intimate area.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Wipe from front to back after going to the toilet

Don't Let a Vaginal Yeast Infection Hold You Back.

Take control of vaginal yeast infection symptoms to relieve your discomfort so you can focus on what matters.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Don’t miss a thing — get relief with CanesOral® and go back to enjoying all the quality time life brings.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

For over 25 years, Canesten® has been trusted by millions of Canadian women.

Canesten® helps Canadian women understand, prevent and treat common intimate conditions so that they feel comfortable again.

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection

Frequently Asked Questions about Vaginal Yeast Infections

How long does it take for CanesOral® to work?

Symptom relief usually begins in 24 hours.

What does CanesOral® contain?

The oral capsule contains fluconazole, an antifungal agent that fights fungal infections such as yeast infections.

When should you talk to a doctor or pharmacist about a yeast infection?

Talk to a doctor or pharmacist before using CanesOral® if you:

  • Are at increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. HIV-AIDS)
  • have multiple sexual partners
  • change partners often.
  • Have diabetes.
  • Have heart disease
  • Have frequent vaginal infections or if your yeast infection returns in less than 2 months.
  • Have never had a yeast infection before.
  • Are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Have any of the following symptoms which may be signs of a serious condition:
    • abdominal, back or shoulder pain.
    • fever or chills.
    • nausea, diarrhoea,  or vomiting.
    • vaginal haemorrhaging or foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Stop using CanesOral® and ask a doctor if

  • there is no improvement in 3 days or if symptoms have not disappeared within 7 days
  • you have abdominal pain, fever, foul-smelling discharge during use of this medication
  • skin rash or new irritation occurs

How do I treat a vaginal yeast infection?

You can easily and effectively treat a vaginal yeast infection at home with CanesOral® reatments, available without a prescription. You can also try a combination treatment to cure the internal infection and relieve the external symptoms.

What is a combination treatment for vaginal yeast infection?

Combination treatments are a 2-in-1 complete treatment for a VYI. All combination treatments include either a Canesten® internal treatment (vaginal tablet or vaginal cream) or a CanesOral® oral  treatment, plus an external treatment (a tube of cream). Combination treatments treat both the cause and the symptoms of a yeast infection for complete relief.

Do I need a prescription for CanesOral® treatments?

No. CanesOral® treatments for a vaginal yeast infection are conveniently available in your local pharmacy or grocery store pharmacy.

Is there any food or drink, like alcohol, that I need to avoid while using CanesOral® yeast infection treatments?

No, you can eat and drink normally while using CanesOral® treatments.

What should I do if my symptoms don’t go away after treatment?

If there was no improvement in your symptoms in 3 days or if they did not disappear within 7 days, you might not have a vaginal yeast infection. Discontinue further treatment and consult your doctor.

Discover Canesten® Products

Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Combi 1 Day ComforTAB® + External Cream

Two-step treatment for a vaginal yeast infection: Convenient single-dose ComforTAB® plus external cream


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Combi 3 Day ComforTAB® + External Cream

Three-day, two-step treatment for a vaginal yeast infection


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Combi 1 Day

Two-step treatment for a vaginal yeast infection: single dose oral pill plus external cream.


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Single Capsule

One-day, single-dose oral treatment for a vaginal yeast infection


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Combi 1 Day Internal + External Creams

Two step-treatment for a vaginal yeast infection: single-dose internal cream plus external cream.


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


1 Day Internal Cream 10% Vaginal Treatment

Single-dose treatment for a vaginal yeast infection


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


3 Day Internal Cream 2% Vaginal Treatments

Three-day treatment for a vaginal yeast infection


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


6 Day Internal Cream 1% Vaginal Treatments

Six-day treatment for a vaginal yeast infection


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


External Cream 1% 

Effective soothing relief from external VYI symptoms like itching and burning


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Extra Strength External Cream 2%

Fast and effective soothing relief from external vaginal yeast infection symptoms


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Treat & Prevent 10s

Easy-to-use, single pre-filled tube applicators to effectively treat and prevent the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis


Over the counter oral medication for yeast infection


Treatment 7s

Easy-to-use, single pre-filled tube applicators to effectively treat the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis



Do not use if you 

  • are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or nursing 
  • are allergic to fluconazole, related azoles (e.g., clotrimazole/miconazole) or other ingredients in the product; taking allergy drugs (e.g., astemizole†/terfenadine†), or cisapride†, quinidine, erythromycin, pimozide or amiodarone.

†Not marketed in Canada.

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you 

  • are at increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS) 
  • have multiple sexual partners or change partners often 
  • have diabetes 
  • have never had a yeast infection before 
  • have heart disease 
  • have frequent vaginal infections 
  • have any of the following symptoms, which may be signs of a serious condition: abdominal pain, shoulder or lower back pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or foul-smelling discharge.

When using this product 

  • There have been reports of spontaneous abortion or birth defects. If you could become pregnant while taking CanesOral®, you should consider using a reliable means of contraception for approximately one week after the dose. If you become pregnant while taking this medicine, contact your doctor 

Stop use and ask a doctor if 

  • there is no improvement in three days or if symptoms have not disappeared within seven days 
  • symptoms recur within two months 
  • you have abdominal pain, fever or foul-smelling discharge during use of this medication

Keep safely out of reach of children. In case of overdose, contact a poison control center or get medical help right away.