Questions to ask on tinder to keep conversation going

No one wants a potential connection to fizzle out just because the conversation is stalling. Luckily, there are tons of ways to rekindle a conversation with any new match.

If you’ve sent a killer first message, but the conversation is slowing down now, take a look at these tips. I’ll show you how to get any dry Tinder conversation back on track with a few easy strategies.

  • What Do You Do When a Tinder Conversation Is Going Nowhere?
    • 1. Change Up Your Messages
    • 2. Send a Funny Joke or Meme
    • 3. Exchange Numbers
    • Why Do Conversations Go Nowhere on Dating Apps?
  • How Do You Start a Conversation Again on Tinder?
  • What Do You Say to Revive a Dead Chat?
  • How Do You Keep a Conversation Going over Text on Tinder?
  • How Do You Keep a Girl Interested on Tinder?
  • Get Personalized Tips for Successful Online Dating Conversations

What Do You Do When a Tinder Conversation Is Going Nowhere?

When a conversation goes south, your first instinct might be to ditch it. But hold off on that until you try some of these tricks to get the conversation flowing again. To save a dying Tinder conversation, try changing up your messages, sending a picture, or exchanging numbers.

You might be able to tell that the conversation above is heading is going nowhere. Both people asked a few questions to get the conversation flowing, but because they were too short and to the point, things went south.

To fix this dull exchange, they should add more detail to their responses and ask better questions:

  • Instead of “Yeah! Yourself?” they should try, “Yeah, I slept really well! I’ve been tired because work is kicking my butt. How about you?”
  • Instead of “Morning, Sleep well?” they should try, “Morning! How was your night last night – did you get up to anything fun?”

Those two could also really benefit from this next tip.

1. Change Up Your Messages

Sometimes all a conversation needs is a change of pace. If you’ve been sending paragraphs of text, try sending short responses with a question. Or, if you’ve been keeping your messages short, try lengthening them to give your match more to work with.

See the difference in length of these two matches? One person is sending blocks of text, and the other is sending one-word answers. If a conversation dies down, try switching things up to make it easier on your match.

Instead of “How was your day?” try, “How was your day? I went for lunch with my friend at the best taco place!”

2. Send a Funny Joke or Meme

A good joke can bring any Tinder convo back from the brink of death. If you’ve been chatting with a match for a while, find a joke based on something you’ve talked about before.

An alternative is to send a funny picture or a meme you think they’ll like. By joking around, your match might feel less pressure to send the perfect response and will find it easier to open up.

3. Exchange Numbers

This tip will work best if you’ve been chatting for longer than a day. One step towards igniting a conversation is to change the platform.

Sometimes a dating app just isn’t the best place to keep chatting. If you’ve been getting along with your match, asking for their number or giving yours can show them you’re still interested.

Try something like: “I’d love to keep chatting over text! My number is _______.”

Why Do Conversations Go Nowhere on Dating Apps?

When a conversation starts to die off, you might wonder if you did something wrong. Don’t worry – the truth is that it’s hard to have a successful conversation on any dating app.

Most likely, a dead conversation isn’t your fault. Sometimes it’s even hard to tell if a Tinder conversation is going well. Unless you sent an offensive message, chances are just that your match got busy or even stressed about responding the right way.

It isn’t easy to keep a texting conversation going, even with a friend. So, it makes sense that a Tinder conversation with someone you barely know doesn’t take top priority.

Instead of looking at it as something you did wrong or the person not being into you, try and reframe it. Give one of my tips a shot, and if the conversation still doesn’t gain traction, it might be time to find a new match.

This Tinder exchange is a great example of a conversation that’s going nowhere. Both people seem uninterested in talking by giving short, boring answers with no personality.

To pick things up, they should try asking more intriguing questions and give some excitement in their answers. Something like: “I’m doing swell – I just had a delish breakfast and am heading to the gym! How did you start your day?” would really get this conversation into gear.

How Do You Start a Conversation Again on Tinder?

Maybe you’ve been chatting with a match for a week or so, but the conversation died out a few days ago. Or, you both got busy and haven’t talked in months. It’s a great idea to try and reignite an old Tinder conversation with someone you liked!

Messaging old tinder matches can be successful if you’re still interested in the person and want to see where things go. It’s not weird to reach back out to someone you were previously getting along with – the worst thing that can happen is you don’t get a response!

To chat with an old Tinder match, try making a joke, asking them what’s new, or being honest (maybe not as honest as the person in the conversation above). Here are some examples of how to restart a conversation:

  • How has life been since we last chatted? I remember you were really busy with work – has it calmed down?
  • Just stopping by to say hello! I’m sorry I couldn’t get our conversation moving before, but I’d like to try again.
  • It’s been a while! You look like you haven’t aged a day 😉

Learn the dos and don’ts for messaging old Tinder matches.

What Do You Say to Revive a Dead Chat?

If your conversation just started to die out, there are a few ways you can revive it. One thing I always recommend to clients of my dating app services is to ask questions.

It’s the best way to get to know someone, and people are much more likely to feel interested if they know you’re a good conversationalist and care about what they have to say.

Other than asking questions, here are a few ideas for how you can revive a dead Tinder conversation:

1. Give an Update on Something Interesting that Happened Since You Last Spoke

Try something like:

  • You’re not going to believe what happened to me at work yesterday!
  • I finally got around to starting Game of Thrones! You were right – it’s awesome.
  • I just went to the best bar, you’d love it! Have you been to that new place downtown?

2. Find Something New on Their Profile to Talk About

Take another peek at their profile to see if you can find something new. It’s always a good idea to revert back to finding a connection, so look for something that interests you. Hopefully, they have something to work with, unlike the person in this conversation:

3. Ask Them on a Facetime Date (or an In-Person Date!)

If you really want to get to know a person, a phone call, facetime, or IRL date is the best way to do so. It’s also an excellent opportunity to send another message and move things forward!

  • It would be great to know you more off Tinder. Are you free for a phone call this week?
  • I’d love to take you on a date this weekend! I’m free Friday or Saturday, we could go to that bar downtown?

Learn my top 8 tips for meeting a girl from Tinder.

How Do You Keep a Conversation Going over Text on Tinder?

If you have a great Tinder bio and sent an amazing first message, the easiest ways to keep a conversation going are to ask questions and share about yourself. Just like on an in-person date, you want to leave the conversation feeling like you got to know each other.

Another way is to play a game like 21 Questions, Two Truths and a Lie, or Trivia about something you both like. If your conversation is getting a little dull, suggest one of these games for a casual and entertaining way to keep things going!

How Do You Keep a Girl Interested on Tinder?

If you want to know how to keep a conversation going on Tinder with a girl, it isn’t as intimidating as it sounds. Girls want the same thing as guys – to connect with someone and have a fun conversation. But, you can make it easier by trying these tinder conversation examples:

Give Them a Compliment:

  • I love your style. Where is that t-shirt from in your second pic?
  • You’ve got a gorgeous smile!
  • Wow, you’re beautiful. Are you that gorgeous on a normal day?

Ask Some Questions:

  • I see you’re a travel bug! What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever traveled to?
  • Have you seen the new Marvel movie?
  • Mimosas or breakfast in bed on a Saturday?

Just keep it real, be yourself, and show her you bring something special to the table.

Get Personalized Tips for Successful Online Dating Conversations

Are you struggling to start Tinder conversations and get replies? I can help. I have proven methods for getting you more matches, replies, and dates. As a dating profile ghostwriter, I can also make your profile more attractive for potential matches.

Get in contact with me to learn more about my dating approaches and maximize your online dating success.

What do I say to keep a conversation going on Tinder?

How to Save a Dying Tinder Conversation.
Signs You Can Salvage a Tinder Conversation..
Tell an interesting story..
Ask an open-ended question..
Talk about a common interest..
Give them a sincere compliment..
Chat about your pets..
Send a funny gif..
Share some pictures..

What are good Tinder questions?

Perfect Questions to Ask On Tinder:.
If your 15-year-old self could see you today, what would they think? ... .
What would it take for someone to take you off this app? ... .
Tea, coffee, or tequila? ... .
What's something you would never tell anyone but a total stranger you'll never meet again? ... .
What's your go-to shower song?.

What type of questions keep the conversation going?

Use these tips to keep the conversation flowing..
What's the last thing that made you laugh out loud? ... .
What was your first car? ... .
What person in your life brings you the most joy? ... .
Do you have any tattoos? ... .
Do you have any pets? ... .
What were you obsessed with when you were a child? ... .
What's your most controversial opinion?.

How do you spice up a boring Tinder conversation?

You can still dig for commonalities in your conversation. Asking “When we meet up, are you taking me to a brewery or a cocktail bar?” or saying “I need to know: Dog person or cat person?” can instantly reveal more about your match's interests, giving you the opportunity to find common ground. Get playful with GIFs.


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