Sharp stabbing pain in lower left side of back reddit

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Looking to get some information on my back pain. Ive gone to a physio, doctor and chiropractor and none of them have been able to tell me what is wrong.

I get this stabbing like feeling in my lower left back when i go to bend down or when im sitting and i try to stand up. I usually tend to put all my weight on my right leg when bending or trying to stand as it seems to take the pressure off it a bit.The exact spot where the pain is, is it feels like its inside my hip bone but at the back obviously.

I cant feel where the pain is with my hand because it feels like its behind the bone if that makes sense. It doesnt feel like a muscle injury and ive had this for maybe 5 years now and it has slowly got worse.

Its not a constant pain. I can walk around and run and turn without any pain and im quite fit. The only time i get this feeling is the times i explained.

I would really appreciate any advice as to what this could be as its starting to get frustrating at this stage not knowing what it is.

Edit: im a 26 year old male.

Here is about where it is:

I was literally just sitting down normally in my chair when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in that area that pretty quickly turned into a duller pain. I can’t bend or twist as much as I usually can it seems. The pain isn’t that bad, but I feel like something is stopping me from being able to move around normally. Ive never had something like this happen before, especially not from just sitting down at my desk and not doing anything physically stressful. Any ideas/suggestions?

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Sharp stabbing pain in lower left side of back reddit

Tweaked my back a couple months ago working out and didn’t think much of it. Continued working out and actually hurt it…. Ended up having to take some time off and it eventually healed. Not sure what I did exactly but tweaked it yesterday and it’s way worse this time. I don’t have pain If I arch but it feels like someone is stabbing me when I bend over. The pain doesn’t shoot anywhere. It’s just super painful in a concentrated spot. It feels as if it’s either the muscle to the right of my spine or right behind that muscle. Anyone have any clue what it could be and how to treat it other than a break from the weights?

I worked at a moving company in college, and as you can imagine, my back paid the price.

I have "thrown out" my back in several ways, including taking a shit, picking up a 15 lb duffel bag, golfing, tying my shoes, and every other way you can imagine.

I have had the most luck preventing it by doing hyperextensions, 3 x 15 with a 45lb plate, and stretching the hell out of my hamstrings. Anytime my legs get tight, my back pays, and ditto if I slack on the hypers.

Sharp stabbing pain in lower left side of back reddit

Hi I am male 35, a week ago I had a stabbing electricity current like pain in my left side of lower back , close to s.i joint , been to Ortho did my spine and left hip x-ray, the orthopedic didn't tell me much but gave me 5 NSAID a day for 6weeks along with spine straightening belt to wear for 6 weeks , asked me not to bend at all , I never felt this electrifying pain, I don't know how to describe it was like jolt of electricity every 30 mins , I always wanted to avoid medicines but this time I am into some trouble , anyone experience jolting electric pain in their lower left side of the back ? Having poor posture ? Will this pain go away ? What do I have to do need advice from those facing all this and managed it .