Solve for an angle in right triangles khan academy answers

How do you solve for an angle in a right triangle?

How to find the angle of a right triangle.
sin(α) = a / c so α = arcsin(a / c) (inverse sine).
cos(α) = b / c so α = arccos(b / c) (inverse cosine).
tan(α) = a / b so α = arctan(a / b) (inverse tangent).
cot(α) = b / a so α = arccot(b / a) (inverse cotangent).

Can you solve a right triangle with two angles?

If the triangle is a right triangle, then one of the angles is 90°. Therefore, you can solve the right triangle if you are given the measures of two of the three sides or if you are given the measure of one side and one of the other two angles.