Steve jobs stanford commencement speech rhetorical analysis


  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech

    Harmon 1 A Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech for Stanford University's Graduating Class of 2005: Jobs titled his speech "You've got to find what you love." Steve Jobs is best known as an American entrepreneur, inventor and industrial designer. He was the cofounder, chairman and CEO of Apple Inc. and founder, CEO and chairman of Pixar Animation Studios. Jobs and cofounder of Apple Inc. Steve Wozniak are wildly recognized as pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s

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  • Steve Jobs Commencement Speech Rhetorical Analysis

    The Great storyteller – Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech Lu Jia As one of the greatest presenters of his time, Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford was also a huge success. It was regarded highly both by his direct audience – the graduating class at Stanford, as evidenced by their repeated cheers and applauses; and by the mass media - a Forbes article praised his commencement speech as “still inspirational after 10 years”. Video of the speech attracted 22 million views

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  • Steve Jobs Speech Rhetorical Analysis

    Steve Jobs, who is known as one of the greatest innovators of our time, had given a speech in 2005 to new graduates from Stanford. As many would find this ironic since he never graduated from college, but by the end of the speech they have realized why he was there to give the speech. He successfully gives the speech by using multiple rhetorical devices such as repetition of life experiences as well as common emotion that everyone consists of. By using those, his goals are to have the new graduates

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    Steve Jobs speech is to inform and entertain the public audience. He’s giving a lesson on life. Steve Jobs uses his life in his speech to give all audiences a word of encouragement. He tells the story of birth, death, and rebirth. The historical background of the commencement speech is based on Jobs actual real life background. Job was set up for adoption way before he was born. He then grew up to go to college but not find the value so he became a drop out. He went through many trials but never

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, addressed a speech at the Commencement at Stanford University. “You’ve got to find what you love,” he said to point out the main reason for his speech. Jobs was addressing to the students at Stanford, but he is really addressing to students at every colleges and universities. He point out three different stories to engage the listeners/readers. The three stories are the major points of his life. He was addressing them to show his

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    and never gave up on his technological passion. Some of the brightest students in the world eagerly stared up at Mr. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and Pixar Animation. Little did anyone foresee that this fifteen minute speech would later become viral and motivate millions around the world. The speech entitled “How to Live Before you Die,” delivered in 2005 by Steven Paul Jobs, successfully conveyed an inspirational message through his usage of pathos by narrating sorrowful and arduous steps of

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    many inspirational speeches have been remembered, because of how they connect with the audience. Steve Job’s speech during the Stanford’s graduation was inspiring to many of the college graduates. Many people think in order to be successful a college degree is mandatory. Even if they do not like what they are doing. People should love what they do, and should not follow dogma. With his speech, Steve Job’s convinced the multicultural population at Stanford University to be prominent and to pursue

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  • A Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    Steve Jobs, Creator of Apple, NEXT, and Pixar says, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.” Steve Jobs gives the Stanford commencement speech on June 12, 2005. In three stories, Jobs tells the graduates to believe in themselves, take harder challenges, and to never doubt themselves. He leaves them with, “Stay Hungry. Stay foolish,” meaning to always look for more opportunities and to never settle on staying with something average, go big and beyond. Throughout this speech

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    roadblocks during the course of his life. Some of the brightest students in the world were anxiously staring up at Mr. Steve Jobs, the notable founder of Apple and Pixar Animation. Little did anyone know that this fifteen minute speech would build on Steve Jobs’s legacy and be heard by millions world-wide. The speech entitled “How to Live Before you Die,” written in 2005 by Steven Paul Jobs, successfully conveys an inspirational message of encouragement through Job’s utilization of pathos by narrating

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  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Speech

    Steve jobs the founder of apple was put up for adoption when he was born. Unexpected right, he goes into this on his Commencement Address at Stanford University. How he wrote his speech was very simple, emotional, and very straight to the point. He uses different styles that keep his audience from being bored. He uses humor to draw in the audience’s attention. As he goes on enters stages of more serious topics that at the root are more up lifting and encouraging. He also uses appeals throughout he

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What is the main message of Steve Jobs commencement speech?

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose,” he told graduates. “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life … Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.”

What techniques does Steve Jobs use in his speech?

Steve jobs presentation style consisted of following key ideas..
Concise Headings and Theme. Theme meant a lot to Jobs. ... .
Interesting stories. Jobs always did that. ... .
His style Was Fewer Words. No matter how long the topic was. ... .
Give The Remember-able Statistics. ... .
Images. ... .
Fewer Text. ... .
Smiles. ... .
Put on a show..

How does Steve Jobs use repetition in his commencement speech?

Jobs powerfully concludes his speech by repeating the phrase, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish” (Jobs). This repetition sufficiently summarizes the ideas behind the speech and asserts Page 7 Ivanov 7 his overall argument to the graduates.

How does Steve Jobs use ethos in his commencement speech?

📌 What is the ethos in Steve Jobs's commencement speech? Steve Jobs' ethos, i.e., the ethical appeal and credibility of the speaker, comes from his experience as a graduate who achieved undeniable success in his field. Besides, he could talk about death on the ground of the dangerous disease he faced.


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