Temperature in playa del carmen in january

The weather in Playa del Carmen in the month of january comes from statistical datas on the past years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also navigating through the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Playa del Carmen in january

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Playa del Carmen in january.

The climate of Playa del Carmen in january is good

The weather in january in Playa del Carmen is relatively dry (with 121mm of rainfall over 7 days). This is better than the previous month since in december it receives an average of 116mm of rainfall over 6 days.

The climate enjoyable in this city the month of january. The thermometer averaged maximum of 27°C. In the morning the temperature drops to 23°C. Thus, the mean temperature average on this month of january in Playa del Carmen is 25°C. These temperatures are far removed from those records observed in Playa del Carmen in january with a maximum record of 31°C in 2017 and a minimum record of 16°C in 2020.

In january in Playa del Carmen, the days on average last 11:00. Sunrise is at 07:28 and sets at 18:28.

With a good weather, this month is a good time to go in this city in Mexico.

Seasonal average climate and temperature of Playa del Carmen in january

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are set from the weather statements of the last years of the month of january.

December January February
Outside temperature
Average temperature 26°C 25°C 25°C
Highest temperature 28°C 27°C 27°C
Lowest temperature 24°C 23°C 23°C
Highest record temperature 30°C
Lowest record temperature 16°C
Number of days at +30°C 2 day(s)
1 day(s)
0 day(s)
Number of days at +18°C 31 day(s)
31 day(s)
28 day(s)
Sea temperature
Average sea temperature 26.4°C 25.6°C 25.7°C
Lowest sea temperature 25.6°C 24.4°C 24.6°C
Highest sea temperature 27.2°C 26.8°C 26.7°C
Wind speed 18km/h 18km/h 19km/h
Wind temperature 24°C 23°C 23°C
Precipitation (rainfall)
Rainfall 116mm 121mm 63mm
Number of days with rainfall 6 day(s)
7 day(s)
4 day(s)
Record daily rainfall 64.5mm
Other climate data
Humidity 83% 83% 82%
Visibility 9.62km 9.58km 9.74km
Cloud cover 36% 38% 33%
UV index 7 7 7
Daily sunshine hours 11 10 11
Sunrise and sunset
Time of sunrise 07:17 07:28 07:18
Time of sunset 18:10 18:28 18:47
Length of day 10:53 11:00 11:29
Our opinion about the weather in january
Our opinion at whereandwhen.net good good good

How was the weather last january?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Playa del Carmen in january 2022:


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

24°C to 28°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

24°C to 28°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 24°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 24°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

23°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

21°C to 26°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

23°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

25°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 24°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

21°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

21°C to 24°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

19°C to 26°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

17°C to 23°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

19°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

20°C to 23°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

14°C to 23°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

16°C to 24°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

20°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

21°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 26°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 26°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

20°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

19°C to 25°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

24°C to 28°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

21°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

22°C to 27°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

20°C to 21°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

16°C to 22°C


Temperature in playa del carmen in january

18°C to 23°C

Map: other cities in Mexico in january

Cities near Playa del Carmen:

Riviera Maya in january good weather
Puerto Aventuras in january good weather
Cozumel in january good weather
Puerto Morelos in january good weather
Akumal in january good weather
Playa Paraiso (Quintana Roo) in january good weather
Tulum in january good weather
Cancun in january good weather
Isla Mujeres in january good weather
Isla Blanca in january good weather
Chiquilá in january good weather
Isla Contoy in january good weather
Mexico in january: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in january.


Temperature in playa del carmen in january
Playa del Carmen
Temperature in playa del carmen in january
perfect weather
Temperature in playa del carmen in january
Temperature in playa del carmen in january
Temperature in playa del carmen in january
Temperature in playa del carmen in january
very bad

Weather data for Playa del Carmen in january:

Weather data for Playa del Carmen for january are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Playa del Carmen. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Playa del Carmen can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Playa del Carmen.

Weather in december in Playa del Carmen

Weather in february in Playa del Carmen

How hot is Playa del Carmen in January?

January Weather in Playa del Carmen Mexico. Daily high temperatures are around 82°F, rarely falling below 76°F or exceeding 87°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 81°F on January 13. Daily low temperatures are around 65°F, rarely falling below 56°F or exceeding 71°F.

Can you swim in Playa del Carmen in January?

December-January, temperatures cool down and on cloudless days swimming is just beautiful [mild temperature]. At this time of the year you get the least amount of daylight, which is something to consider, but Playa lights up at night so it's not really an issue. Humidity and rain are lowest during this period.

What is the coldest month in Playa del Carmen?

The cool season lasts for 2.5 months, from November 28 to February 13, with an average daily high temperature below 83°F. The coldest month of the year in Playa del Carmen is January, with an average low of 65°F and high of 82°F.

What is the best time of year to go to Playa del Carmen?

The best time to visit Playa del Carmen is between April and May, when there are fewer people along the shore. Day temperatures hover between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, dropping slightly in the evenings. From October to March, the climate is generally dry and slightly warm.