The walking dead x immune reader

“AHH” I screamed, looking back to the Walker tearing into my exposed shoulder. My eyes teared up as I turned and plunged my knife into its skull. I continued taking my frustration out on the other Walkers. I can’t tell the group just now. Alexandria is being overran. “Y/N! ON YOUR LEFT!” (Ha! Anybody get it?) Maggie yelled. I quickly looked to my left as a walker prepared to overpower me. I slammed my knife into its head. After the walkers were taken out, J realised what was getting ready to happen. The group was now camped up, laughing and joking like the attack didn’t just happen. I guess it’s a way to forget. “Guys.” I caught their attention. All the laughter and smiling stopped as everyone looked at me. A tear ran down my face. Their looks of concern turned to horror and pity when I showed my shoulder. “No, no, no, no.” Maggie mumbled, burying her face in her hands. Carl looked at me, a tear ran down his face. Glenn looked horrified, as did Michonne and Abraham. Rick rushed over to me, grabbed my shoulder and inspected it. “Y/n. What happened?” Daryl asked, his voice filled with emotion I had never heard come from him. “I don’t know……It all happened a once.” I sighed, looking down. A stinging in my shoulder caused me to look up again. I screamed. Everyone rushed over. I looked to my shoulder, the bite was gone, no trace of bite except a scar trailing across where the bite used to be. “What was that?” Carol asked, inspecting my scar. Daryl traced a finger over it. “What if the bites don’t work on her?” Carl asked out of the blue. Rick looked at him and nodded. “Why don’t we lock her in her room and check on her later, if she’s running a fever, then we’ll know.” Sasha suggested. Everyone contemplated the idea for a few minuets before agreeing. I spent the rest of the day locked in my room, reading a book that Glenn brought me back from a run. That night, Rick and Daryl came in, guns in hand. Maggie trailed behind them and smiled sympathetically when she saw me on the bed. She placed her hand on my forehead and grinned. “No fever.” She confirmed. “We’ll keep you here for the night just to be safe, Y/n. We’ll definitely know in the morning.” Rick said. The next morning came, nothing had changed. No fever, no bloodshot eyes, no change to my shoulder. “Maybe she’s immune.” Eugene suggested. Everyone looked at me, then nodded.

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#team family #thewalkingdeadimagines #the walking dead imagines #the walking dead

Plot/Request: Anon requested- “Can you do a Daryl x reader where the reader is bit and Daryl just wants to spend time with them before they’re gone so he doesn’t kill them yet. As they wait, the reader realizes nothing’s happening and they discover they’re immune”

Word count: 1680

Warnings: swearing, mentions of death/blood.

Note: honest to god, I fucking love getting messages and questions from you guys.. even if they’re not related to anything in particular. I just love knowing people actually care, uk? 


You walked along the empty street, nothing but a backpack accompanying you.  Even the backpack itself was almost empty, matching your eyes.

A run gone wrong, they would call it. But it was so much more than that. It hadn’t just gone wrong, it had been bitten, beaten and tired down. 

Just like you.

A trail of blood and sweat followed you. You stepped forward, one foot in front of the other. Slowly moving in the direction of Alexandra. Your hands were stranded crimson red, pain radiating from your side. If you didn’t die of the bite, the blood-loss would surely take you down. 

One last turn, you thought to yourself. Then you would be able to get whoever was on guard’s attention. 

You’d rather stay hidden, of course. But you were carrying something important with you. Though the backpack was relatively empty space wise, it had crucial medicine inside. 

So as you made the turn, seeing the large statue of Alexandra’s walls ahead, you screamed as loudly as you could.


The sun was setting, and your harsh yells were the only thing to hear for miles. Until someone from the guard tower screamed back, toward Alexandra.

“Holy shit, it’s (Y/N)!” The voice screamed and you barely recognised it. But Then Rick’s voice sounded, it was tough and urgent. 

“Open the gates!”

At the sound of his words, you ran forward. But your run was more of a jog as you whimpered in pain, clenching your fist around the bag. 

When Rick, walked out of the community, Glenn, Maggie, Carol, Michonne and Daryl joined him. You cringed at the thought of confronting them. You’d called for just Rick on purpose. He would explain it to the others. He always did.
You didn’t know what was about to happen, only that you didn’t have much time left in this world.

Throwing the bag forward, you whimpered slightly, the pain radiating from your left side, where a bite mark was hidden behind clothing and your hand. The bag landed by Rick’s feet. He stopped to pick it up as the others drew closer, worried about you. 

But you raised your hand up, yelling, “Don’t!” They stopped but looked at you confused.

“We got the medicine.” You mumbled softly. Your voice coated in pain. 

“Are you okay? Where are the others?” Glenn asked, hurried. Maggie stood next to him, her eyes snapping from your wound to your paling face. 

You shook your head, “We ran into a herd. Bigger than we’ve ever faced.” 

“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Michonne asked, this time, stepping one step closer. You shook your head. Not really at her question, but at what you were about to say.

“Ethan was in the car, already bleeding out.” You paused, “We didn’t want to lead them back, so he drove off. He’s dead by now.” 

“But are you okay?” Rick asked with a stern tone, walking forward even more. 

“I won’t be for long.” You stepped back more. 

“What do you mean?” 

Blinking away the tears appearing in your eyes, you sniffed softly. You wouldn’t allow the tears departure, not like this. You raised your top, only exposing a small part of the horrid bite. But the teeth marks were obvious enough fro them to fill in the blanks. You didn’t even need to speak.

In fact, no one did for a second. The world was still as they realised you had met your end. It was no longer going to be possible to fight along you. You had finished your battle.

In was the end of your era. 

“Fuck, (Y/N),” Rick whispered first. You smiled sadly as Daryl’s whimpers reached your ears. No longer would you stay in silence. Your feelings could be open now, in you time of death.

Daryl didn’t dare to speak up, only ran to your side as you collapsed. Dizziness overcoming you. The others were quickly behind him, but he held you in his arms and you held back more tears.

It was anything but silent. You could hear your elbows scraping as they rubbed against the concrete. Daryl felt the tears escape his eyes, but he didn’t care at the moment. 

“Wh–What happened?” He mumbled, finally speaking up. 

“You don’t want to know, Daryl.” You coughed, shaking your head at his question.

“Why did this happen, (Y/N)?” He asked again, not caring that you’d declined answer to his earlier question. “Why am I gonna lose you?”

“I fucked up?” You whispered, your voice breaking at the curse word. You sniffled, releasing a tear. The first tear you’ve accepted. “I–I don’t know, Daryl.” Your lip quivered, “I’m sorry. Fuck, I–I’m so fucking sorry.”

He sobbed above you, the salty tears slipping inside your partially open lips.

“God, it hurts.” You mumbled, the fact that you had an audience slipping from your mind.

“Daryl,” Rick called softly. He had tears running down his face, they all did. “She’s in pain.”  

“No fucking shit, Rick!” Daryl screamed, angry you had to go through this. That there was nothing he could do.

“I understand this is hard, it’s hard for us all but it’s better to do it before she turns.” Rick almost pleaded with Daryl. It was obviously they didn’t want you to go through that. They didn’t want to see you as a walker. It annoyed you that they spoke as if you weren’t there, but you understood.

“It’s okay, Daryl.” You smiled sadly. You felt cold as the breeze hit your exposed skin. Was the fever already hitting?

“No, it’s not!” Daryl screamed, pushing Rick, who had started to reach for his gun, back. “I–I,” he stammered, barely getting the first word out. You waited in silence, the pain from your side almost softening. “I can’t lose you.” 

“I’ll always be with you, even if I’m dead.” You mumbled softly, trying your best not to poke the bear holding you. He sniffled, wiping the tears away on his sleeve harshly. You coughed and Daryl snapped,

“Just give us a moment, for fuck’s sake.” He growled at the group of softly crying people. Rick turned to them, ushering them backwards. They followed, unhappily. 

“Daryl,” You whispered, but the hunter could hear you easily. “I need to tell you something–”

“No. Don’t” He interrupted, shaking his head. Not wanting to hear it. He didn’t want to know your last words, because he didn’t want to acknowledge that they were, in fact, your last words. 

“Daryl, please.” You begged. The last thing you wanted in your last moments was to hold back your true feelings. 

With a quivering lip, Daryl whimpered softly. It tore at your heart. Softly, he nodded his head, letting you know he would listen to you. 

With every drop of confidence in your dying body, you spoke softly, confessing one of your largest secrets. 

“I love you. I’m sorry I never told you before, I just–”

You were interrupted as a pair of lips touched your own. Soft and slow. He was being gentle. It was a first and last kiss. It was the last time you would ever feel human intimacy. The last time your heart would ever speed up with joy, love and nervousness all at the same time.

“I can’t lose you. Not after that.” 

His voice became less and less audible. You felt like you were on a boat, but there was no water around you. Yet you felt the waves wash across your body, lulling you to sleep. 

Was this what death was like? Calming?

The waves reached over your head, blocking your view of Daryl. He sobbed, but you couldn’t hear anything anymore. Your eyes fluttered close, and you could no longer open them. You felt a pair of hands roam your body frantically, shaking you harder and harder each time till they left. The waves pulling them back into the water. 

Then the waves left. And your head hurt, but not as much as your side. 

Oh god, did your side hurt.

But your eyes fluttered open again to see a white ceiling. It had crown moulding and you stared at it; confused. 

Had it all been a dream?

You regained feeling in your hands and feet, only to feel a calloused hand wrapped around your own left hand. You wanted to sit up, but couldn’t find the strength too. 

You heard quiet movements to your right. As if someone was sneaking away. You turned your head, looking at Glenn, who was holding a cookie tray. He was loading off the cookies, into a bag on the counter. You sniffled and his eyes snapped up, looking straight into your dazed ones. 

He dropped the cookie tray, running to your side. The sound startled other people. As you looked around the room you saw Michonne, Rick, Glenn and Daryl.

“Guys! Wake up!” Glenn yelled to the others as he towered above you, grabbing your face and inspecting your eyes. 

They were normal. Lively. 

“Holy shit.” He muttered. You tried to raise your hand to move, but your hands were bound. The clanking of the handcuffs hitting the bed rail. 

“Ow.” You muttered, feeling a dull pain in your wrists. 

The others awoke as did you. They all rushed to you, assuming you were dead.

“What the fuck?” You whispered, your voice harsh due to lack of water. 

“You’re alive. Oh my god.” Rick muttered, holding tightly onto Michonne’s shoulder. She had a large smile on her face. Filled with relief. 

“(Y/N)?” Daryl’s voice called and you turned to the left, where he stood beside you. Tears beginning to gather in his baby blues. 

You smiled weakly, looking at him with a similar pair of teary eyes. “Hi.”