Toshiba fire tv remote not working only power button works

toshiba fire tv remote not working

If you own a Fire TV, one of the many electronics from the Japanese company Toshiba, you should be acquainted with the Fire Stick, its remote-control gadget.

The stick has recently become highly known amongst users’ communities all over the internet mainly for its practicality, which made it one of the best gadgets to access and watch a number of channels on Toshiba’s streaming devices.

Troubleshooting Toshiba Fire TV Remote Not Working

While the topic surrounding the issues related to the use of the Fire Stick with the Toshiba Fire TV has been receiving comments almost daily, they are mostly complaints from users that are not being able to use the device.

This is either for some of the functionalities or even stopping being able to use it at all. Most issues have been accompanied of comments of users who feel quite disappointed for not being able to use the gadget and not having pleasant streaming experiences.

Since the number of complaints and comments has become fairly high, thus showing a common problem amongst Toshiba Fire Stick users, we came up with a list of procedures for you to check what may be wrong with your Fire Stick.

We will also walk you through simple and easy fixes for any sort of problems you may be facing while trying to use the device with your Toshiba Fire TV.

If you’re facing problems with using the Fire Stick with your Toshiba Fire TV, here’s what you should do:

  1. Check If The Batteries Are Good For Use

Like any electronic device or gadget, the Fire Stick runs on electricity and, since it is a cordless – or ‘no cable’ device, it gets the energy it needs through batteries. And as we know, batteries do not usually last as long as we wish, especially if we have our devices or gadgets turned on for long periods of time.

If that’s the case, you might want to check if your Fire Stick batteries have run out of juice, because should that happen, they will definitely stop working. Another factor that may hinder the batteries to last longer is the exposure of the Fire Stick to high temperatures, which may cause the batteries’ components to stop working properly.

After this, the batteries themselves should stop working as well. Finally, batteries need use to keep their juices flowing, so having your Fire Stick sitting on a shelf may also reduce the lifespan of the batteries.

Fortunately, the fix for this situation is quite simple. Just look for the cover of the batteries on your Fire Stick, which should be on the back of the device. Then, slide it down gently to uncover the batteries and remove them carefully, so as not to break the metal coil.

If it’s too hard to remove them with your fingers, try using a non-metal small object, like a match, to remove the batteries. After that, just replace the used batteries with new ones and gently close the battery cover by sliding it up. That should fix your problem.

  1. Try Resetting The Fire Stick To Factory Settings

One solution, if the issues are a bit mysterious, is to Factory Reset your Fire Stick. This is usually one of the last resorts, with users reporting to have tried pretty much everything before finding that this easy fix was the solution they needed all along.

So, let’s try save you some time. First of all, it’s important to understand that a Factory Reset means all the data and info stored by any users in the Fire Stick will be erased as the device is restored to its original settings.

So, forget about any auto-complete or suggestions your device could offer. They’ll be gone. But don’t worry too much about those because the re-usage of the Fire Stick will bring back all its former memories over time, and you’ll be able to resume enjoying all the practicality it used to give you.

In order to easily reset your Fire Stick to its Factory settings, all you have to do is press and hold the left DPAD (the left button on the central shiny circle), the back button (the one with the arrow making a 180° turn to the left) and the menu button for about ten seconds.

Bear in mind that for the procedure to work properly, all three buttons must be pressed and held at the same time, for a period of ten seconds.

  1. Redo The Connection With The TV And The Remote

Another issue mentioned by users in the internet forums, and one that is very easy to fix as well, is the Fire Stick not working due to a loss of connectivity with the TV set. It is quite common for devices that demand wireless connections to eventually require such connections to be restored, and the Fire Stick is no exception.

So be ready to redo the pairing, the procedure that connects the Fire Stick and the TV set to which it will serve as a remote control, with these easy steps.

To redo the pairing process all you have to do is press down and hold the Home key (the button that has a little house drawn on it) for about ten seconds. That alone should already start the automatic pairing procedure with your Fire TV.

But should that not be the case, and the procedure has not automatically started, turning the TV and the remote off and turning both back on after a moment should cause the fix to work as it is supposed to. So, after the TV and the Fire Stick were turned off and on, just retry the procedure and it should work.

  1. You Can Always Call Support

If none of the fixes so far helped you solve your issue, maybe a more specialized and professional opinion has a good chance to work in your favour here.

Apart from knowing their devices from head to toe, customer support professionals are very used to dealing with the most common issues with both the Fire Stick and the Fire TV, or even with any sort of connection between those two.

Look for the number for the customer support on your system, on your user’s guide, or even on the internet and have them give you the steps to fix any issue you may be experiencing.

  1. Get a New Remote

Finally, after trying all the fixes above, if you still couldn’t find a solution to your issue, then maybe it’s time to consider getting a new Fire Stick. It is not uncommon for electronic devices to have a lifespan, and depending on use, that period can be severely shortened.

This can happen by either by occasional wastage of the parts or in the event of falls. The same applies with exposure to too high or too low temperatures, amongst a number of factors.

Users have reported in their online communities that in most cases their malfunctioning Fire Sticks were beyond the point of repair, so the best option for them was to actually get a new one.

For not being an expensive option and since you can find new Fire Sticks for sale in pretty much any electronic stores or even have it delivered to your address from an online shop, this should be the best fix if your remote is not working properly or stopped working at all.

Found Your Fix?

We hope this troubleshooting guide covered your issue and that it was easy for you to find and perform the solution to whatever problem you may be facing with your Fire Stick.

Nevertheless, should you experience any sort of problems we did not list in this article, we kindly ask you to tell us all about it in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to find an easy fix for your problem and write about it.

Why is only the power button working on my Firestick remote?

The buttons usually do not work when the remote hasn't properly paired with your FireStick device. Hold down the Home button on the remote for at least 10 seconds to pair it again.

How do I reset my Toshiba Fire TV remote?

Press and hold the Left button, Menu button, and Back button at the same time. Hold them for 12 seconds. Release the buttons and wait 5 seconds.

Why is my Toshiba Fire TV remote not working?

If your Toshiba Fire TV remote not working, take off the back panel, remove the batteries, and hold down the power button on the remote for 30 seconds. Add the batteries again to see if it works. Alternatively, a soft reset on your Fire TV remote is a sure fix.


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