Us to philippine peso exchange rate today

Convert USD to PHP using our currency converter with live foreign exchange rates

Latest Currency Exchange Rates: 1 US Dollar = 57.3382 Philippine Peso

On this page convert USD to PHP using live currency rates as of 11/11/2022 10:46. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Dollars to Philippine Pesos charts. Invert these currencies?

Currency Converter

Use this currency calulator for live currency conversions as you type.

Countries using this currency: American samoa, British indian ocean territory, Ecuador, El salvador, Guam, Haiti, Marshall islands, Northern mariana islands, Palau, Panama, Puerto rico, Timor-leste, Turks and caicos islands, United states, United states minor outlying islands, Virgin islands (british), Virgin islands (u.s.),

Countries using this currency: Philippines,

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Exchange Rate History For Converting Dollars (USD) to Philippine Pesos (PHP)

The last 14 days currency values...

Thu 10/11/22 10th November 2022 1 USD = 57.2577 PHP
Wed 09/11/22 9th November 2022 1 USD = 58.1273 PHP
Tue 08/11/22 8th November 2022 1 USD = 58.0853 PHP
Mon 07/11/22 7th November 2022 1 USD = 58.2365 PHP
Sun 06/11/22 6th November 2022 1 USD = 58.371 PHP
Sat 05/11/22 5th November 2022 1 USD = 58.3325 PHP
Fri 04/11/22 4th November 2022 1 USD = 58.3806 PHP
Thu 03/11/22 3rd November 2022 1 USD = 58.9388 PHP
Wed 02/11/22 2nd November 2022 1 USD = 58.3461 PHP
Tue 01/11/22 1st November 2022 1 USD = 58.0995 PHP
Mon 31/10/22 31st October 2022 1 USD = 58.1951 PHP
Sun 30/10/22 30th October 2022 1 USD = 58.0809 PHP
Sat 29/10/22 29th October 2022 1 USD = 58.1075 PHP
Fri 28/10/22 28th October 2022 1 USD = 58.1026 PHP

Currency Charts

Exchange Rate Today For Converting Dollars to Philippine Pesos - 1 USD = 80.815 PHP

Convert USD: 1 10 50 100 500 1000
Into PHP: 57.34 573.38 2866.91 5733.82 28669.11 57338.21
Convert USD: 2500 5000 7500 10000 50000 100000
Into PHP: 143345.53 286691.07 430036.6 573382.14 2866910.69 5733821.38

Popular US DollarExchange Rates

  • Today
  • Graph
  • Historical
  • Send Money

1 American Dollar =
57.331 Philippine Peso

updated 10:35:00(GMT) 11/11/2022 Get Rate

Currency Conversion Tables

Best Exchange Rate

Today's Change

1 Day   -0.78▼ (-1.4%)

1 Week   -1.2▼ (-2%)

1 Month   -1.5▼ (-2.6%)

1 Year   6▲ (10.5%)

Range of Change

360 days

180 days

30 days

7 days

Date Exchange Rate
11 Nov 22 1 USD = 57.3780 PHP
10 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.1080 PHP
09 Nov 22 1 USD = 57.9875 PHP
08 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.2560 PHP
07 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.4670 PHP
06 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.3300 PHP
05 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.4950 PHP
04 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.6275 PHP
03 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.6640 PHP
02 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.2195 PHP
01 Nov 22 1 USD = 58.0805 PHP
31 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.0375 PHP
30 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.1050 PHP
29 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.1050 PHP
28 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.1675 PHP
27 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.3775 PHP
26 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.6960 PHP
25 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.8130 PHP
24 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.8770 PHP
23 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.8750 PHP
22 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.6135 PHP
21 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9505 PHP
20 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9930 PHP
19 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.8025 PHP
18 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9810 PHP
17 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9625 PHP
16 Oct 22 1 USD = 59.0105 PHP
15 Oct 22 1 USD = 59.0105 PHP
14 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9170 PHP
13 Oct 22 1 USD = 58.9635 PHP

Currency Conversion Tables

Note: and Enclick Ltd are not authorised to give advice under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. The prices displayed above are our best guidance on the likely exchange rates, and for indicative purposes only. Exchange rates constantly change throughout the day and can change at the time of closing a trade. We keep the prices updated by checking the exchange rate margins and fees for each provider, and then apply them to the currency interbank rate; our best projection of their price to customers. Our Terms & Conditions Apply - You are free to copy and distribute the table under Creative Commons Licence CC-BY 3.0 - please refer to and link back to the table

How much is $1 US to Philippine peso today?

1 USD = 58.062503 PHP Nov 10, 2022 09:35 UTC The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

What is the highest exchange rate for Philippine peso?

Highest: 59.262 PHP on 27 Sep 2022. Average: 56.068 PHP over this period. Lowest: 52.231 PHP on 22 May 2022.

How much is $100 US in Philippine money?

Are you overpaying your bank?.

Is the USD expected to rise?

Bank forecasts for the US Dollar in 2022 According to analysts at ING the US Dollar could continue to rise in the coming year. Exchange rates are typically driven by central bank monetary policy. Analysts at the bank believe the Fed has more reason than most other central banks to raise interest rates in 2022..


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