Using birth control to get pregnant pcos

My freshman year of college I missed two weeks of school consecutively due to an unending period. I thank God for my roommate who brought me food because I could not even get out of bed. I finally was able to see a doctor who had some experience with these symptoms and was diagnosed with PCOS. It took until 2015 to find something that worked for me, which ended up being the pill—Kiersten, La Plata, MD

I love my birth control because it keeps my PCOS in check so that I’m not immobilized in bed 7 days out of the month. —JeNeen, Los Angeles, California

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago and prescribed birth control to control my hormone levels so that I can have a higher chance of fertility later in life if I ever wanted to have a child.—Sophia, Washington, DC

Even for those with manageable periods, it’s often the worst time of the month with annoying cramping, bloating, nausea, or diarrhea. For those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a period is worse than annoying, it’s severely painful. In honor of PCOS Awareness Month this September, we look into how taking birth control can help control the symptoms of PCOS.

While we don’t know the exact cause of PCOS, we do know that it’s common hormonal imbalance that causes multiple cysts to develop on the ovaries and can also cause heavy, irregular, or painful periods. Because the ovarian cysts interfere with the normal menstrual cycle, people with PCOS may not ovulate (release an egg) from their ovary each month resulting in irregular cycles, sporadic or extra long periods. Because of the hormone imbalance, people may also experience weight gain, acne, skin tags, thinning hair on their heads, or excess body hair. Of course, not everyone has all of these symptoms, and the severity of them can vary from person to person. But, when left untreated, PCOS leaves people at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes, infertility, high blood pressure, ovarian cancer, and heart disease.

For those who do not want to become pregnant, treating PCOS often involves taking hormonal birth control to manage the symptoms of PCOS, like painful periods, acne, and excess body hair. The pill, the patch, and the ring work by preventing ovulation which reduces the number of cysts on the ovary.

Types of contraception that reduce the overall number of periods for months or even years at a time can reduce period related symptoms of PCOS. Many who use a hormonal IUD stop getting periods all together after one year of use. Similarly, around half of all who use the shot stop getting their periods after one year.

Hormonal IUDs, the implant, the shot, the pill, the patch, and the ring can all make periods lighter because these birth control methods make the lining of the uterus thinner—a thinner uterine lining has less tissue to shed, resulting in lighter periods. All types of hormonal birth control reduce pain better than over-the-counter medication.

Taking the pill is the most common way that those who do not want to become pregnant but have PCOS to manage their non-period related symptoms. In addition to lighter or fewer periods, the hormones in pill can also reduce hair growth and acne breakouts. Most who use the pill to treat their PCOS a combination pill, containing estrogen and progestin, is the best choice. The hormones in this type of pill work to prevent ovulation, decrease ovarian cysts, and decrease the hormone related side effects from PCOS. If someone is unable to take estrogen, progestin-only pills may also improve symptoms of PCOS. 

Because the severity of PCOS can vary from person to person, treatment plans are highly individual, it’s very important to talk to a provider about all the potential treatment options. And while talking to a provider, remember to consider factors such as cost, desire to have children in the future, regular vs. irregular bleeding, effectiveness at preventing pregnancy, and privacy.

Finding “your” method isn’t a one-time decision. As our lives change, the ideal method for us may change too. We encourage you to go on a journey to find a method that works for you right now. We want everyone to love their birth control so much that they shout, “Thanks, birth control!”

Check out our birth control explorer, learn more about the various methods, and find a clinic near you to talk to a provider about which method would work best for your right now. And if you have PCOS or have already been on a journey to find the best form of birth control for you, share your story!

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormone disorder that causes numerous symptoms, including infertility. Hormonal birth control that contains both estrogen and progestin can help rebalance the hormones, alleviating many of the symptoms.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects 1 in 10 people of childbearing age, according to the Office of Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete and regulate hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen.

People with PCOS have a hormonal imbalance that causes unusually high levels of male sex hormones. This imbalance changes the way the ovaries function and can cause them to develop many small cysts.

People with PCOS may also not ovulate or do so infrequently. PCOS is a leading cause of infertility.

PCOS is a common hormonal condition that affects between 5–15% of people with uteruses.

This condition causes polycystic ovaries, irregular menstruation, and causes the body to release more androgens than usual.

Research published in 2019 suggests that people with a risk of developing PCOS through genetics have a higher risk factor if they also have obesity or experience significant weight gain.

People with PCOS are more likely to also have the following conditions:

  • obesity
  • metabolic syndrome
  • infertility
  • depression
  • changes in glucose tolerance
  • type 2 diabetes
  • increase in cardiovascular risk
  • obstructive sleep apnea
  • nonalcoholic fatty liver
  • endometrial cancer

On average it takes around 1 year to receive a diagnosis for this condition. Additionally, it can take several visits to different healthcare professionals to find one who is able to diagnose PCOS.

With treatment, the symptoms can be managed and may disappear.

Hormonal birth control is considered to be combination birth control when it contains two hormones. These hormones are usually estrogen and a synthetic form of progesterone called progestin.

Learn more about hormonal birth control here.

These combination pills can also regulate some hormonal imbalances by increasing a person’s estrogen levels and decreasing the amount of testosterone their body produces.

Due to combination birth control pills containing two hormones that can adjust hormone issues, they are the preferred choice for many prescribing doctors.

However, not all people can safely take combination pills. Hormonal birth control pills are safe, but they do present some risks including:

  • A greater risk of diabetes: This is a consideration for people with PCOS who are already at risk of diabetes.
  • A risk of cardiovascular issues: This includes dangerous blood clots in the legs. Those with PCOS who have obesity may have an elevated risk. If they smoke, the risk rises.
  • Weight gain: Some evidence suggests that birth control pills can cause weight gain, but other studies disagree. People who already have obesity may be reluctant to take birth control pills. Weight gain can worsen PCOS symptoms.

For some people, a pill known as the minipill may be a better choice. Minipills contain just one hormone, progestin. They are less likely to cause side effects than combination pills. However, when they do cause side effects, these can be the same.

Combination birth control pills stop the ovaries from releasing an egg, which prevents pregnancy. They also thicken the mucus of the cervix. If the ovaries were to release an egg, this thickened mucus could prevent pregnancy.

The same hormones that prevent ovulation can also keep male hormone levels low and raise female hormone levels. Combination pills for PCOS include:

  • Alesse
  • April
  • Aranelle
  • Aviane
  • Enpresse
  • Estrostep
  • Lessina
  • Levlen
  • Levlite
  • Levora
  • Loestrin
  • Mircette
  • Natazia
  • Nordette
  • Lo/Ovral
  • Ortho-Novum
  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen
  • Yasmin
  • Yaz

Some pills, such as Loestrin, have lower estrogen levels. These low estrogen levels can reduce the severity of some side effects but may also be less effective against symptoms of PCOS.

Someone with PCOS should talk with a doctor about the right amount of estrogen based on their symptoms and other risk factors.

Learn more about the best places to buy birth control online here.

Pills for painful periods

People who get some relief from combination pills but who continue to experience painful or heavy periods may wish to switch to a pill that reduces the frequency of their period.

The following pills can make people have less frequent periods:

  • Lybrel
  • Seasonique
  • Seasonale


People who develop unpleasant side effects from taking a combination pill may wish to switch to a minipill. In some cases, doctors recommend that people try a minipill first.

Those who smoke, who have a history of cardiovascular problems, who are very overweight, or who have diabetes may have fewer side effects with a progestin-only pill.

Combination and progestin-only pills are highly effective at preventing pregnancy. At typical usage rates, which factors in both correct and incorrect use, they are about 91% effective.

Birth control pills are not right for everyone, as some people find it inconvenient to take a pill every day. Non-pill combination options that blend progestin with estrogen tend to be the most effective. Progestin-only options may pose fewer risks and side effects.

The non-pill alternatives to birth control for PCOS include:

  • Birth control injection: This injects the hormone progestin into the body every three months. At typical usage rates, it is 94% effective at preventing pregnancy with typical use.
  • Birth control patch: This is applied to the skin and releases both estrogen and progestin into the bloodstream. With typical usage, it is about 91% effective at preventing pregnancy with typical use. In those at or over 90 kg (198 lb), it may be less effective.
  • Birth control ring: This is worn inside the vagina, where it releases progestin and estrogen. It is 91% effective with typical use.
  • Birth control implant: This is a small rod that a doctor inserts under the skin. It releases progestin only and can prevent pregnancy for three years or longer. At typical usage, it is more than 99 percent effective with typical use.
  • Intrauterine device (IUD): This device is inserted into the uterus by a doctor and releases the hormone progestin. It is more than 99 % effective with typical use. Another IUD contains copper only and does not release hormones or help with symptoms of PCOS.

Nonhormonal birth control options, such as condoms, natural family planning, or diaphragms, will not help with symptoms of PCOS.

Learn more about different types of birth control here.

When choosing birth control, people may consider:

  • Side effects: All medications can come with side effects. Common side effects of birth control, for example, can include changes in period length and heaviness, breast tenderness, and potential weight gain.
  • Lifestyle: It is important for a person to find a form of birth control that they find convenient and well tolerated. Some people may prefer using a method that does not require taking a pill every day.
  • Combination or singular hormone: Different hormones can have different effects on PCOS symptoms. People should discuss the best form of birth control with a healthcare professional. It is also important that people discuss their symptoms and ask for a different form of birth control if they do not tolerate the ones a doctor suggests.

Here we answer some common questions about birth control.

Can birth control help PCOS weight loss?

Hormonal contraceptives can cause weight gain. However, scientists do not understand the mechanism behind this.

Combining hormonal birth control with metformin can help reduce body weight. People should contact a healthcare professional to discuss whether this combination of medication, alongside a nutritious and balanced diet, is suitable for their weight loss goals.

Can birth control worsen PCOS symptoms?

A 2019 study found that birth control may increase the risk of developing conditions that scientists associate with PCOS, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

If a person believes birth control is worsening their PCOS symptoms, they should contact a doctor as soon as possible to discuss other treatments.

Does birth control actually help PCOS?

Combination birth control is one of the most effective medications to help ease PCOS symptoms.

However, people should discuss their options with a healthcare professional to determine which treatment method is the best for their circumstances.

Hormonal birth control can help with PCOS symptoms, but it is not the only option. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a moderate weight and regular exercise, may help.

Some people may also try supplements or special diets. Certain drugs, such as Metformin, may help when birth control does not work.

For those trying to become pregnant, the medication Clomid can encourage the body to ovulate.

People with PCOS should talk with their healthcare team about their symptoms and their treatment goals to create a comprehensive treatment strategy. They can also ask a doctor to refer them to a specialist for further advice.

Birth control can be a part of a treatment approach for PCOS, but it does not have to be the only option.

What is the easiest way to get pregnant with PCOS?

For women with PCOS who are overweight or obese, a modest weight loss sometimes results in more regular ovulation, which increases the chance of pregnancy. For those who know they ovulate, having sex during the “fertile window” (the five days leading up to and including ovulation) boosts the chance of conception.

How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant with PCOS?

Getting Pregnant With PCOS: Four Things To Increase Your Chances.
Diet. Women with PCOS are often found to have higher than normal insulin levels. ... .
Exercise. Regular exercise has been shown to improve fertility in women with PCOS. ... .
Medication. The primary fertility problem with PCOS is the lack of ovulation. ... .
Don't Wait..

How long did it take you to get pregnant with PCOS?

If you have PCOS, you can still expect to conceive within a year (or even less) as long as you are ovulating normally and have no other risk factors for infertility. If you do, it may take longer or require the input of a fertility specialist.


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